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euthanasia poll - Page 2

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Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 07:30. Posts 20967

  On September 15 2013 20:18 2c0ntent wrote:
[paraphrasing] Life is great when you believe in falsehoods and hypnotize yourself through prayer.

"Honest was Sodom! your theology is a slime-pit of gibberish become ethics. In your world, where ignorance and deceit constitute felicity, everything ends miserably-besmirched with fratricidal blood.

Seekers of salvation? Salvation of your sick digestion; crippled beliefs: Convalescent desires.Your borrowed precepts and prayers-a stench unto all good nostrils!"

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 07:37

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 07:53. Posts 20967

  On September 15 2013 01:38 JosephCalgary wrote:
I hate christians.

+1, if they are the fundamentalist type who oppose the right to die. It's hard to find someone more contemptible than that.

"They tell us that suicide is the greatest act of cowardice... that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person."

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 07:57

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 10:32. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:57

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 11:55. Posts 20967

I can't use my own words? Coming from you, really? You use quotes and add your cryptic, delusional commentary to it, it's not any better. I'm not here to be someone's teacher, unlike you; I went straight to the point and saved myself some time by using quotes by more intelligent people than me and ended it there. I don't have to write essays that make me look like I'm trying to convince myself more than I am trying to inform others. What you do is completely masturbatory and you're completely oblivious to it. Another thing is that you delete your posts all the time. How much credibility do you think that lends you? And you want to be condescending and tell me that you're in the grown-up area while I'm not? Start by being a bit more consistent and leaving your posts up, it makes you look like a wreck. The guy's suicidal and you think yourself to be in a position to start lecturing him on how he should hang on to life and how to live his life and the books he should read? You're mad. You barged in here with your toys and made a lot of noise, that's all.

Your 'philosophy' is shit; nothing other than borrowed precepts and the same hollow new age-y stuff that you hear everywhere. You couldn't kill God, only replace him with one of the current popular narratives for the gullible. Only an idiot would put Brian Traci's name next to Nietzsche as if they were somehow comparable. You have no common sense and no ability to think objectively. Not only that, the Buddha actually warned against exactly what you are doing, yet you think yourself so enlightened by engaging in a tirade against me.

P.S. the Schopenhauer video wasn't for you. That's why you weren't the person that was quoted above the video. I was not asking nor expecting you to listen to it, I am not an imbecile who directs people to things they can't process.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 12:01

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 12:00. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:57

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 12:08. Posts 20967

  On September 16 2013 11:00 2c0ntent wrote:

I just relayed some information and an interpretation for my contemporaries, meanwhile you give nothing of value. I am no perfect man and experience has not yet convinced me that I should let those who are asking for help remain ignorant due to the chance-circumstances of their life and of what so many people have laid down before them. The one I hurt by being here and taking these deeply considered ideas out into the arena is my own self because of the time I lose in having to recoup my wits and get back to my work elsewhere.

If we interacted in person this would be a completely different thing. The ancients did not have any experience with this new type of person, such as yourself, and myself, who has spent an enormous amount of their development time on the internet with text-based communication.

The topic was euthanasia/the right to die. You paid no attention to the subject, instead you came in here making a lot of noise and as far as I can see, your first topic of discussion was to encourage this depressed man to drink his own urine and fast, and then you wrote an essay on your own personal, self-serving beliefs. What'd you expect?

You say I gave nothing of value. I posted something (a video), on topic, which I believe is valuable, and which a lot of intelligent people throughout the late 19th, 20th and 21st century have found of value. Something you didn't do.

About your obsession with the ancients, read the first quote a friend of mine has put up on his channel:

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 12:18

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 12:17. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:57

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 12:19. Posts 20967

  On September 16 2013 11:17 2c0ntent wrote:
For you to perceive the basic merit of mechanistic techniques for self-improvement as supported by legions of successful men and women's testimony.

But you'd rather think you're a superhuman who can come in and pervert a conversation toward your own selfish gain because, well, this is a very appropriate statement by Seneca

Show nested quote +


"Hot-tempered people should avoid . . . all that exacerbates our failing; equally we must take care to prevent physical exhaustion; for this destroys all that is mild and peaceful in us, and promotes bitterness. . . . the mind is weighed down by the body when it is worn and weak; certainly it is for the same reason that those robbed of strength by ill-health or old age are more hot-tempered than others. Hunger, too, and thirst should be avoided for the same reasons; they irritate and inflame the mind. It is an old saying that 'a tired man looks for a quarrel'; but equally so does a man who is hungry, or thirsty, or any man who is vexed by some ailment."—Seneca, On Anger

I am hungry, you are vexed.

Success is subjective. What is the model of a successful life for you may be a form of failure for me. In fact, it almost surely is. A person with worldly ambitions has, in my eyes, not lived a life worth living.

I've practiced Stoicism for years. They are the philosophers I know best and I have a natural disposition for it. If you think I am a hot-tempered person, you couldn't be more wrong. You're mistaking sharp rational statements for erratic emotionalism.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 12:26

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 12:26. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:58

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 12:33. Posts 20967

I don't believe that I have engaged in a debate here. I leveled some criticisms, because what else could I do after reading that? I don't actually believe in debate either... it only makes it more likely for you to resemble your adversary in the end.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 12:42. Posts 20967

It's a poll and you didn't explain why a person doesn't have a right over their own life. You didn't explain why the state is justified making it a crime when a person seeks help because he is physically incapable of committing the one act that would end his misery. You didn't explain why your beliefs should dictate the fate of someone who is in almost permanent agony, why you know better than he does about the value of his existence and its continuance. You didn't explain why, having had no choice in being brought into the world, we should also have no choice over our exiting from this world. You should see what Seneca thought on that also.

I won't "discover upon review" that I've been wrong about anything I've said here. Many of your statements, however, were assumptions about my beliefs and personality which were false and had nothing to do with what was said. Assumptions are never wise.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 12:51

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 12:47. Posts 20967

Seneca, Letter 70. "On the Proper Time to Slip the Cable"

14. "You can find men who have gone so far as to profess wisdom and yet maintain that one should not offer violence to one's own life, and hold it accursed for a man to be the means of his own destruction; we should wait, say they, for the end decreed by nature. But one who says this does not see that he is shutting off the path to freedom. The best thing which eternal law ever ordained was that it allowed to us one entrance into life, but many exits. 15. Must I await the cruelty either of disease or of man, when I can depart through the midst of torture, and shake off my troubles? This is the one reason why we cannot complain of life; it keeps no one against his will. Humanity is well situated, because no man is unhappy except by his own fault. Live, if you so desire; if not, you may return to the place whence you came. 16. You have often been cupped in order to relieve headaches.[10] You have had veins cut for the purpose of reducing your weight. If you would pierce your heart, a gaping wound is not necessary – a lancet will open the way to that great freedom, and tranquillity can be purchased at the cost of a pin-prick."

Next time you might want to fully know the views of the person you're cherry-picking quotes from. Be sure that you're also discussing with someone who is more clueless than you about his writings.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 12:47

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 13:07. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:58

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 13:16. Posts 20967

  On September 16 2013 12:07 2c0ntent wrote:
You continue misrepresenting my statements. I never made any statement that a person doesn't have the right to kill themself, only that there are ways to live that you will not be able to discover if you make this terminal decision, and I offered some techniques of self discovery with testimony of others and myself.

Stop projecting your mystical interpretation onto what other people are speaking. You cannot read my mind. Didn't someone just say you shouldn't assume too much... ? That is exactly what you are doing in your little continuing example of psychological projection.

I'm really not assuming much here. You've indicated that you have a really tough time following a thread, or even just understanding the poll you are voting on. I'm not sure how you can exhibit such deficiencies with easy tasks like this. Simple: It. Wasn't. The. Topic. The topic, and the poll that you voted 'no' on, isn't about whether or not you can improve your life, or ways to do so. It's about the legality of euthanasia. You can read the title for yourself, it hasn't changed. You voting 'no' means that in under no circumstances you support that someone willfully exits this world painlessly. Did I have to read your mind to figure this much out? I simply had to read a sentence.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 13:22

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 13:23. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 17/09/2013 06:58

Loco   Canada. Sep 16 2013 13:34. Posts 20967

  On September 16 2013 12:23 2c0ntent wrote:
Do you agree that something being legal or not indicates whether or not you have the right to it?

Are you saying a man has a right to kill himself but that it shouldn't be made legal to do so? Do you realize how insane that is? You can't euthanize yourself; the drugs to kill yourself painlessly are not readily accessible, and to make it as smooth as possible you require help from an assisted suicide clinic. If you can't physically do it and it's a family member or friend of yours who kills you, they're going to be punished by the law. So basically you're telling me that if you met this guy below you'd tell him he has a right to take his life but you don't want him to be able to get help to do it legally? You'd rather he risks fucking it up, went through enormous anguish and/or ruining the life of the person who will help him illegally in the process?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 16/09/2013 13:46

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 13:47. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:58

JosephCalgary   Canada. Sep 16 2013 15:51. Posts 285

Economically the world would improve drastically. Many poor people who work in factories who do not have the courage to kill themselves would then kill themselves. Making wages for work in factory increase because of how many people rather kill themselves than stay in that line of work. Many people in poor countries who work in factories take decades to build the courage to kill themselves. AND THOSE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE THE COURAGE TO MAKE THE TERRORFYING JUMP OFF THE BUILDING. THERE ARE SO MANY MORE THAT CANT DO IT. ALL THESE PEOPLE WOULD HAVE THE PAINLESS FEARLESS OPTION TO DIE. economically this would change the world because hard jobs with shit pay would not continue to exist. Rich people would have to pay poor people more money because death is so readily available for all that want it. JUST FUCKING GO TO YAHOO ANSWERS AND U WILL SEE SO MANY PEOPLE WANT TO DIE BUT CANT DO IT. SO MANY PEOPLE HATE LIFE BUT CANT KILL THEMSELVES. I JUST SAYING THE TRAP THE NATURAL WORLD HAS BUILT IS FUCKING HELL. we are robots programmed to avoid pain, fear and death. Give the fucking robots the power to end their own lives.

What is the crime for apostasy?! 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Sep 16 2013 16:00. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 16/09/2013 16:58

JosephCalgary   Canada. Sep 16 2013 16:29. Posts 285

What advised techniques?

What is the crime for apostasy?! 


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