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proph y   United States. Sep 23 2013 21:04. Posts 15


everyone in the world stop doing weak sauce shit and start spending time with better, understanding friends, ENGAGING in long lasting, enriching activities, and freeing oneself from honestly reflected unneeded vices and controlling forces.

easier written than acted upon.

proph y   United States. Sep 23 2013 21:26. Posts 15

So, what are honestly reflected unneeded vices and controlling forces?

Is there a fine line between materialism and actual function and human inspiration?

What about a lamp that not only provides the right amount of light for your environment but also happens to make you feel superhuman at times?

What about a sexy pair of boots that provide ample protection and comfort for your feet but are just fucking it?

Was I scammed by admen and corporations in buying my bed even if it is a daily staple of comfort and satisfaction in my life?

Are all these emotions manufactured? fake? bullshit?

Is it more an issue of personal taste and the relative utility value of money?

Does the never ending sadness and void of wanting to be accepted and loved and understood effect ones' taste?

What if the tribes' delegated cool, rockstar, god of taste and his/her followers deem something tasteful/distasteful? What is the truth? Can the idea be overcome? Just find another tribe?

LP is a hungry bunch, just trying to serve up some hearty food for thought.

Carthac   United States. Sep 25 2013 02:02. Posts 1343

Speaking in riddles and metaphors doesn't make you thought provoking or insightful, it make you look like a dumb hippie.

Chewits   United Kingdom. Sep 25 2013 04:04. Posts 2539

LP continues it success in bringing out some of the weirdest of people. GJ "props y"

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

proph y   United States. Sep 25 2013 06:59. Posts 15

Dumb hippies need dumb hippie existential discussion just as fat girls need lovin' #floofjuice

Let's get weird LP.

k4ir0s   Canada. Sep 25 2013 17:52. Posts 3478

I like this one

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 26 2013 15:53. Posts 961

...and that's why children shouldn't have cell phones. lol


GameOverNoob   Canada. Sep 26 2013 17:08. Posts 961



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