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mnj   United States. Oct 12 2013 14:10. Posts 3848
I think maybe around a year ago, there was a fashion thread for nerds/geeks to dress more maturely. It covered everything from suits, to shirts, to shoes.

After reading over that forum, it lead into a small obsession and I started to read everything I could on fashion. Anyway, after a year of collecting/buying clothes I figured I'd show what kind of classic styles I find to be more accessible for people like me who has no need to wear a suit every day.

Honestly the best thing about having a "complete" closet is that I never have to worry about looking like a moron/manchild when I go out for socials.

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Mortensen8   Chad. Oct 12 2013 14:19. Posts 1841

I would look like a fake businessman wearing any type of suit attire. Just think it sticks out too much unless you're 30+

Rear naked woke 

nerdonpoker   . Oct 12 2013 14:39. Posts 414

Ill stick to my jeans and star wars t-shirts

Gnarly   United States. Oct 12 2013 14:43. Posts 1723

You live in the US and you say "go out for socials"?

Diversify or fossilize! 

TheHuHu3   United States. Oct 12 2013 14:59. Posts 5544

Looks like you just want to wear blazers with denim all day. I started being into fashion about four or five years ago and I've upgraded my wardrobe a lot since then. I actually have those suede bucks in the sixth picture but I rarely wear them as I have better footwear that fits my style nowadays.

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

devon06atX   Canada. Oct 12 2013 15:03. Posts 5459

I only really like the first one

 Last edit: 12/10/2013 15:19

2c0ntent   Egypt. Oct 12 2013 15:30. Posts 1387

My fashion is minimal but I too have removed the t-shirt from the vast majority of outtings.

Leaning on polos and button ups with rolled up sleeves which work well with the still-standard denim


Highcard   Canada. Oct 12 2013 15:33. Posts 5428

i used to wear polos and rolled up sleeves, then I said fuck it

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

dnagardi   Hungary. Oct 12 2013 15:38. Posts 1776

well it depends on what kind of a job u have

if you are a poker player well... just stick to tshirts and jeans

ktp   United States. Oct 12 2013 15:45. Posts 48

You may not look likle a moron man child wearing a suit like that but your personality will still be that of a moron manchild!

mnj   United States. Oct 12 2013 15:56. Posts 3848

  On October 12 2013 13:59 TheHuHu3 wrote:
Looks like you just want to wear blazers with denim all day. I started being into fashion about four or five years ago and I've upgraded my wardrobe a lot since then. I actually have those suede bucks in the sixth picture but I rarely wear them as I have better footwear that fits my style nowadays.

pretty much. i think it's a classic feel, and as a grad student, i don't really stick out. i guess if i was undergrad, than it would def be overdressing xD

mnj   United States. Oct 12 2013 16:16. Posts 3848

  On October 12 2013 13:43 Gnarly wrote:
You live in the US and you say "go out for socials"?

haha, i used to wera jeans + starwars HOODIE for the longest time..

TheHuHu3   United States. Oct 12 2013 16:52. Posts 5544

Yeah, wear what you are comfortable in. I always think that if you look good, you will feel good and aside from going to the gym and working out, clothes will fill that role.

I don't think wearing a blazer is over dressing at all. It is a little bit more formal than other garments but it can still be worn casually. The look of denim or chinos with a blazer isn't "sticking out" IMO. But you will be better dressed than probably 90% of your peers.

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

Smuft   Canada. Oct 12 2013 17:59. Posts 633

Is wearing a tie to "socials" not over dressing?

When did this whole shortened pants thing start? When will it go away?

phoenix1   . Oct 12 2013 18:18. Posts 8

--- Nuked ---

ban baal 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Oct 12 2013 18:29. Posts 1387

The whole is the only important detail in fashion

+-Last edit: 12/10/2013 18:29

julep   Australia. Oct 12 2013 20:46. Posts 1274

  On October 12 2013 14:56 mnj wrote:
Show nested quote +

pretty much. i think it's a classic feel, and as a grad student, i don't really stick out. i guess if i was undergrad, than it would def be overdressing xD

this sentence is so lol

TalentedTom    Canada. Oct 12 2013 21:27. Posts 20070

  On October 12 2013 16:59 Smuft wrote:
Is wearing a tie to "socials" not over dressing?

When did this whole shortened pants thing start? When will it go away?

Not soon enough I fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

Moist Dartsman   Portugal. Oct 13 2013 03:53. Posts 114

I saw a guy with blue shirt and pink pijamas on fashion TV. BRB I have to buy some of that shit or I won't be trendy *zombie mode*

HotChip   Iceland. Oct 13 2013 07:14. Posts 146

These looks are solid, although I would personally add a tie-bar to the ties. The jacket on the second photo is too much as well imo and the last look suits men in their forties+. Also not that fond of the pocket square in the third look (ecpecially how it's placed, pops out too much).

Where do you seek most of your knowledge on fashion (magazines, blogs etc) ?

All war is based on deception - Sun Tzu 


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