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Arrogant people - Page 2

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Mariuslol   Norway. Oct 23 2013 00:44. Posts 4742

I'm pretty bad arguing online, I just give up, or change topic, or try to humor myself. In real life I'm ferocious and I seem to never feel I "lose" or get out of loss, words just pop in. I feel confident arguing if I feel I'm right, I tend to comment on our body language, how loud/low we're talking, clues like that.

I ask a question, and he drags on one or a few of the first words he says, then seem to get annoyed, then raises his voice a little and then talks all confidently, it's already over then lol.

goose58   United States. Oct 23 2013 03:24. Posts 871

Well the answer is to argue with pure logic, but that won't work on illogical people.

Also: The Backfire Effect

Achoo   Canada. Oct 23 2013 06:31. Posts 1454

The matter is simple: he attacks you personally, i.e. he openly said you were a liar.

1- Make things clear: ask him if he says you are a liar. He'll either push forward or retreat.
2- If he pushes forward, the mistake is to get into defensive mode and try to bring justifications, instead come back at him on something related to being a liar/credence/something he bragged about and you know is not true.
3- The attack should be proportionate to the argument he made and if you can also embed your own argument within humor, the better.

To sum it up, be as douchy as he is, no more, no less, and don't defend but attack. The key is to win the support of third parties listeners by making them laugh or agree with you, if you can make them laugh you won't even need the latest.

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Luna_Bluffgood   Germany. Oct 23 2013 09:30. Posts 1220

  On October 22 2013 19:06 GameOverNoob wrote:
How do you reason with loud, arrogant people who bend the truth and twist words to give themselves justification for what they're saying?

My advice: Get rid off your Fox News anchor friends.

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 23 2013 10:10. Posts 15163

  who bend the truth and twist words to give themselves justification for what they're saying?

everyone does this, that's how the brain works and processes vast amount of incomplete information. read Stumbling on Happiness for some research references.

Best way to deal with them is to agree with them and get on their side, even when you disagree, try to see their point first. if you made them angry, if they get loud/you are in an argument, apologise tell them they were right and compliment them on their points even if you know you 100% believe they are bullshitting.

when you are on the same side, try to positively get your point across.

The sales' feel felt found method works pretty well:
I understand how you feel about this, others (I, most people) felt the same way, and what many(or I) have later found is that ________

you can get away with so much and persuade people like you wouldn't believe when you put your ego aside

93% Sure! Last edit: 23/10/2013 10:30

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 23 2013 10:19. Posts 15163

If you want to know how to deal with this stuff read "how to win friends and influence people", and as long as you can control your natural reactions you can deal with pretty much anybody.

if that's what you want that is, if you want to argue for the sake of arguing which I am guilty of a ton (all I do on forums pretty much- it's fun :D) and think all humans need some drama then try to use "logic" and stick rigidly to your interpretation and use a counter argument to their every argument, but beware that "A Man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" - some dead yankee dude said that

93% Sure! Last edit: 23/10/2013 10:32

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 23 2013 13:14. Posts 15163

  On October 22 2013 19:17 GameOverNoob wrote:
I'm soft spoken but with a booming voice, or so im told. When i debate with someone who's being rash, lying, or incorrect, the truth hurts their ego and the conversation becomes heated resulting in shouting, then i get nervous and my ability to communicate lessens, and i just end up listening to verbal vomit, and some times just ending the conversation by agreeing with something that's obviously wrong.

You should always START the conversation by agreeing with them nomatter how wrong they are, and then start trying to get your point across. Never tell anyone diretly they are wrong either even if you believe it to be the thruth, just persuade them towards alternatives. I read studies during my research that proved that people that take a position no matter how ridiculous it is will always try to defend it the more you try to attack it and try to use confirmation bias, telling them the "thruth" that you believe in that's against their position will not lead to an agreement, quite the opposite.

So imagine this cheesy illustration:
Using logical counter arguments - like standing with arms infront of your body, pushing against his arms - both put up a lot of energy for little movement.
Completely agreeing with his position and then changing it from HIS starting point - like standing next to him with your arm around his back, a lot easier to move him towards your direction as he isn't pushing against you.

93% Sure! Last edit: 23/10/2013 13:23

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 23 2013 14:44. Posts 961

  On October 23 2013 09:10 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Show nested quote +

everyone does this, that's how the brain works and processes vast amount of incomplete information. read Stumbling on Happiness for some research references.

Best way to deal with them is to agree with them and get on their side, even when you disagree, try to see their point first. if you made them angry, if they get loud/you are in an argument, apologise tell them they were right and compliment them on their points even if you know you 100% believe they are bullshitting.

when you are on the same side, try to positively get your point across.

The sales' feel felt found method works pretty well:
I understand how you feel about this, others (I, most people) felt the same way, and what many(or I) have later found is that ________

you can get away with so much and persuade people like you wouldn't believe when you put your ego aside

This is a good example of using power effectively and what I was looking for.


thewh00sel    United States. Oct 23 2013 17:25. Posts 2734

How to Win Friends and Influence People by David Carnegie

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 23 2013 17:29. Posts 15163

  On October 23 2013 16:25 thewh00sel wrote:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by David Carnegie

I was first bitch
But yeah it's the oldest, but the best book on dealing with people, I worked in sales for more than a year and read many books and listened to few hundred hours of audio but that book has the fastest impact because of the story based structure - and it's not boring

93% Sure! Last edit: 23/10/2013 17:35

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Oct 23 2013 17:42. Posts 9634

Depends on what you re seeking as a result, if you want to manipulate them just acknowledge them as they are only seeking attention and lack confidence and show em you respect them in which case they become easy to manipulate
If they re just annoying you troll them hard and amuse yourself

ah just noticed lemon's posts ... well pretty much what he said yeah except acknowledging them doesnt necessarily mean you agree with them, as you obviously cant agree with them in this topic cause it would go like :
" why are you not succesful then"
" yeah you got me i lied "
" wow you re an awful lying guy ktnxbye"

and you re left with the same progress as shouting

 Last edit: 23/10/2013 17:47

YoMeR   United States. Oct 24 2013 06:58. Posts 12438

First I ask myself is this person dumb?

if the answer is yes then I stop right there...arguing with a dumb person is - life EV

if the answer is no then I ask myself the question...Do I care enough?

If the answer is no then I also stop right there...generally in my off time when I'm socializing I try to relax and enjoy the time...not go on pointless arguments ...that's also - life EV

If i answer no then yes to the 2 questions above then I'd likely try to engage in a logical and "agree to disagree" type of discussion. If the other person is again, incapable of doing that then I don't bother.

Pretty simple imo. And if the person still insist on filling the air with useless noise and jibber jabber then I'd likely look for alternative company/friends.

eZ Life.Last edit: 24/10/2013 07:00

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 24 2013 08:13. Posts 5328

Ok, from reading the wiki summary, that book is good for creating a superficial friendship and inducing desire in people. Not good for creating a real friendship or helping someone learn. You shouldn't really trust someone or think that someone is nice if they are not criticizing you.

Like in my previous example, Aj Ayer didn't go up to Mike Tyson and praise him for his rapist behavior. He made a reasonable critique, and Mike Tyson was willing to learn.

This isn't about creating dominance over another person either, or making a superficial relationship. it's about helping them. Just only use reason and give up if they continue with their fanaticism.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 24/10/2013 08:20

Moist Dartsman   Portugal. Oct 24 2013 13:54. Posts 114

smile at him like he is a puppy and tell him "you know that you always bend the facts to fit your arguments and you know that I know it so who exactly do you fool?"


fart in his face

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 24 2013 20:08. Posts 961

Stroggoz, u shipped it this thread.



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