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I'm actually thinking of quitting

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Gnarly   United States. Oct 26 2013 04:21. Posts 1723
Besides the bullshit trolling I do on here, especially with my 4nl hands, I've been regularly playing live for about half a year now and have been doing alright. (50-200nl) However, lately, my paranoia is getting to me. I swear, getting the SAME hand at least 20 times each night for weeks? Then, EVERY FUCKING MONSTER gets busted. Aces have all been busted this month, kings, queens, jacks, all ace high flushes, every boat, every set, fucking everything. I'm down only a buy in for this month, but I'm fucking buckling under my paranoia. I can't decide if the dealer is fixing the cards, I can't decide if I should fold aces pre flop and just start only pure bluffing, since it seems I never get called when I make moves, or if I should just quit at least for half a year or so.

I honestly feel a lot safer pure bluffing than having the stone cold nuts. I would be up so much this month and it eats me alive when I see everyone else getting paid off on their monsters. I don't know if I'll be able to stay away, which I need to since I'm sure I'll be on tilt even before I get to the game, but I got to.

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Diversify or fossilize! 

longple    Sweden. Oct 26 2013 04:35. Posts 4472

bad variance live can feel like ur getting punished harder then u are, when u actually are just on a 10k hand downswing

u can run terrible online over 400k hands with lower winrates, so 10, 20, 30k hands of really bad variance live with a higher winrate can obviously happen.

Bullshit   Canada. Oct 26 2013 05:02. Posts 738

no dont quit never give up

ktp   United States. Oct 26 2013 05:10. Posts 48

you INTJ?

Achoo   Canada. Oct 26 2013 05:27. Posts 1454

The funny part is live is way slower then online (duh), meaning it can last for months, welcome to variance...

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 26 2013 06:02. Posts 1723

  On October 26 2013 04:10 ktp wrote:
you INTJ?


I forget where I found this, but you take what you get from the human metrics site and put in that for this yellow site.

The thing about losing with premiums/monsters so many times is the other players start to play back at you and start raising you all in when you try to isolate them. They even do it as a joke with 72o. Like, busting your balls.

Diversify or fossilize!Last edit: 26/10/2013 06:08

K40Cheddar   United States. Oct 26 2013 09:16. Posts 2202

I don't know if poker is for you man. Seems to be killing you emotionally.


SPEWTARD   Peru. Oct 26 2013 11:25. Posts 4306

  On October 26 2013 04:10 ktp wrote:
you INTJ?


Rise and Shine 

drone666   Brasil. Oct 26 2013 12:05. Posts 1825

  On October 26 2013 03:35 longple wrote:
bad variance live can feel like ur getting punished harder then u are, when u actually are just on a 10k hand downswing

u can run terrible online over 400k hands with lower winrates, so 10, 20, 30k hands of really bad variance live with a higher winrate can obviously happen.

10k hands live, like 20 years downswinging ?

Dont listen to anything I sayLast edit: 26/10/2013 12:05

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 26 2013 12:41. Posts 13097

Rekrul is a newb 

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 26 2013 13:04. Posts 4946

You simply underestimate how variance heavy this game is. I used to always have this self-righteous expectation of winning whenever I was a favorite. AA vs KK allin preflop you say? Why thats 80% to win, might as well be 100%. WHAT THE FUCK HOW DID I LOSE?

You need to really lower your expectations and recognize just how long haul this game really is. Take someone you respect, and look at their graph's. Even if at a glance it looks like a mountain to the top, focus on the downward spikes. You will often see 10k hands or more where they basically lost everything they had earned and were right back to where they were a week ago, or even a month ago. Now imagine you were that person, and how it would feel to grind up 20k and then be all the way back to 5k in profit after 3 weeks, right where you started at on day 5. There's one telltale characteristic of it all though, it always goes back up.

So be honest with yourself and make sure you dont simply suck at the game. If you truly think you are a winning player, or at least have the potential to be, keep grinding and recognize that IT IS A GRIIIIIINNNNNDDD. I see live players at my table who just never change, NEVER. They still call raises with Q8o like they did 3 years ago. Literally nothing whatsoever has changed about their game. Try not to be like them.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 26 2013 14:14. Posts 1723

I complain and bitch a little here and there in the game to have them think I'm on tilt, but I actually tilted last night. Mostly because my body was heating up to kill bacteria or whatever. I try not to think of whether or not I'm a good player cause I think that feeds into my paranoia. But yeah, the game is a fucking grind. Some of the players I play with the some are retired high stakes players and they tell me some of the times they went through red weeks/months like crazy.

I also don't have that feeling that I should win, even though statistically, I should win, which is why I make the play. I have a feeling I should lose, lol. I always expect it. Does anyone else get that? When you're far ahead, but they can still come back, and you can't keep calm until the river's been dealt, but when you're bluffing, you're cool as ice? I mean, if you're bluffing, push them all-in, and it's not a snap call, it's smooth sailing.

Still, though, they have years of experience on me, years of experience variance. This is my first time experiencing variance live for a couple weeks straight. Eventually, I'll have only calluses and won't be able to feel the burn, just like them.

Diversify or fossilize! 

ktp   United States. Oct 26 2013 15:35. Posts 48

This is the nature of poker. What you are describing IS the "game". Yea your fingers are just clicking buttons but the game goes on in your head, and if you can't conquer your own feelings and thoughts then you lose the mental game. The best poker players experience what you experience but don't give a shit and laugh and carry on making the most EV decisions.

Jamie217   Canada. Oct 26 2013 17:15. Posts 4351

  On October 26 2013 08:16 K40Cheddar wrote:
I don't know if poker is for you man. Seems to be killing you emotionally.

Judging from your posts it seems you would be far better off doing something else... Either that or learn to deal with the variance like everyone else does

GameOverNoob   Canada. Oct 26 2013 17:42. Posts 961

Stop and evaluate


NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 26 2013 18:20. Posts 4946

  On October 26 2013 13:14 Gnarly wrote:
I also don't have that feeling that I should win, even though statistically, I should win, which is why I make the play. I have a feeling I should lose, lol. I always expect it. Does anyone else get that? When you're far ahead, but they can still come back, and you can't keep calm until the river's been dealt, but when you're bluffing, you're cool as ice? I mean, if you're bluffing, push them all-in, and it's not a snap call, it's smooth sailing.

Still, though, they have years of experience on me, years of experience variance. This is my first time experiencing variance live for a couple weeks straight. Eventually, I'll have only calluses and won't be able to feel the burn, just like them.

Everyone has been there. I still remember a quote from daniel negreanu where by simply says "if you start asking yourself every hand how am I going to lose this time?" then it's time to take a break. Take one for as long as it takes. The mental state this puts you will be subpar no matter how strictly you play.

Do you have a stoploss? If so, what is it?

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Oct 26 2013 19:33. Posts 1723

Two buy ins no matter what. It's all I take with me. I was nicely up the first few days then I just kept busting out to bigger boats or flushes or whatever. I analyze all the big pots the day after and it's usually variance.

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 26 2013 23:47. Posts 4946

Ok well thats a good stoploss for a habitual tilt monkey. How long do you wait between sessions? Are you playing every single day? Do you ever take breaks when you lose badly?

bye now 

casinocasino   Canada. Oct 27 2013 04:25. Posts 3343

I haven't read the responses but I will just say that if you are not absolutely crushing the game your playing, then the variance is unbearable. The good news is that their is a lot to improve on, blaming any results on luck while grinding nl4 is just ludicrous because no matter how much bad luck you face, your skill should overcome even the worst of runs.

Gnarly   United States. Oct 27 2013 05:04. Posts 1723

  On October 26 2013 22:47 NewbSaibot wrote:
Ok well thats a good stoploss for a habitual tilt monkey. How long do you wait between sessions? Are you playing every single day? Do you ever take breaks when you lose badly?

>habit. tilt monkey

Only because I misguide you. I either player every day of the week or I'll take a day between sessions. If I lose badly, I usually take a break and analyze some of the big pots, go over some stuff I've written out and make sure that if I played the way I want to play, chop it up to variance. If I play bad, I recognize it and look at the player and myself and all the different variables. Not only that, but if the player is decent enough to remember busting me, use that as a trap.

Diversify or fossilize! 


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