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NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 04 2013 15:37. Posts 4946

I'm not really concerned for him because he seems stable. He's not out sucking dick for crack on the streets or living in an underground homeless tent city. Even if he is forever a loser, he knows how to handle his business. He's almost like a loss mitigator, someone who's job is to operate from within a negative margin and just slightly improve himself to less of a negative margin. He manages to get stakes, people loan him money, he wins a decent tourney every 10,000 times, etc. Even if he was a professional scammer (which I dont think he is), the point is he knows how to work the system. He knows how to put food on the table, even if that food isnt directly coming from poker profits, it's coming from his manipulation of finances to make sure he doesnt starve. He's smart enough to stay alive on his own. There are investors who's net worth are -1,000,000 dollars, yet they still live in a mansion and drive a luxury import car. How is this possible? Because they know how to fuck with finances in such a manner that they sustain themselves.

Neilly seems to be enjoying life somewhat, at least I hope he is. As long as he has a roof over his head, isnt up at night staring at the ceiling from his bed, or isnt outright stealing money from people, I dont think it matters what he does.

bye nowLast edit: 04/12/2013 15:37

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Dec 04 2013 16:05. Posts 8648

  On December 04 2013 14:37 NewbSaibot wrote:
he seems stable.

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Truck-Crash Life 

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 04 2013 16:29. Posts 4946

Mentally stable. He's not suffering, or hurting anyone else around him. There's an epic thread on 2p2 where some guy takes his 2k liferoll and chooses to live completely homeless for like 4 months while he grinds. Sleeps in his car, sleeps in the sand under a boardwalk at the beach, eats ketchup packets for dinner, etc. People were like "EEK GOD YOUNG MAN! GET IT TOGETHER!" and he always very nonchalantly said he actually enjoys living like this, to him it was fun, like camping in the wilderness. He found a certain thrill and solace in the idea of living out of his car. I dont know what happened to him, I think he get sponsored to write poker articles or something since he was a good writer and someone staked him for a high dollar donkament which he won. Point is he wasnt hurting anybody, not even himself.

bye now 

YoMeR   United States. Dec 04 2013 16:31. Posts 12438

Newb gonna newb...anyone who deludes themselves to this point is not mentally stable.

This dood needs help.

eZ Life. 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Dec 04 2013 16:47. Posts 8648

  On December 04 2013 15:29 NewbSaibot wrote:
Mentally stable. He's not suffering, or hurting anyone else around him. There's an epic thread on 2p2 where some guy takes his 2k liferoll and chooses to live completely homeless for like 4 months while he grinds. Sleeps in his car, sleeps in the sand under a boardwalk at the beach, eats ketchup packets for dinner, etc. People were like "EEK GOD YOUNG MAN! GET IT TOGETHER!" and he always very nonchalantly said he actually enjoys living like this, to him it was fun, like camping in the wilderness. He found a certain thrill and solace in the idea of living out of his car. I dont know what happened to him, I think he get sponsored to write poker articles or something since he was a good writer and someone staked him for a high dollar donkament which he won. Point is he wasnt hurting anybody, not even himself.

wtf at mentally stable, for every "positive" (delusional) blogpost he makes like this, he makes another one that's bi-polar, depressive, and barely comprehensible. whether he's suffering or hurting people around him are pretty personal issues, i don't know him well enough to know if he is or not.

i don't know what 2p2 thread that was, but i don't think it has much to do with Neilly's situation based on your description. also Neilly is not getting writing coaching afaik.

Truck-Crash Life 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 04 2013 16:51. Posts 1723

  On December 04 2013 14:29 NewbSaibot wrote:
Well I think the simple fact is Ryan probably doesnt have any skills outside of poker at this point. I dunno if he has a degree or not, but after investing so much time playing poker he's basically pot committed. Too much time has elapsed for him to enter the working world and break even on his poker endeavors. The time:investment ratio to earn his way up the corporate ladder would be better spent honing his poker skills, at least in his mind. He could either spend the next 5 years earning salary increases to the point that he's making what an NL200 grinder makes, or spend those 5 years learning to beat NL200 and then be solidified as a real life grinder. I'd probably be in the same boat as him if it werent for the fact that I was already making the same hourly as a grinder working a real life job. I never wanted to play anything higher than NL200 because I felt NL200 was a good goal and all I was ever cut out to play, so when I bust my bankroll taking shots it doesnt matter because my life EV is still zero sum.

I think Ryan hides his graphs and purges hand histories, and there is probably a lot more than meets the eye about his results. It's easy to fall back into the trap of "maybe THIS time I can beat the game". It's not necessarily an addiction per se, just delusion. I still deposit money online here and there or play a live game once per month because I always remember those times I won and not the times I lost. So the way I see it, if I one once before, why cant I win again? I didnt win by dumb luck, I won through skill, so harness that skill and pwn! Will I ever make it? I dunno and I dont care. I'm exactly where I want to be in my life right now. I have the wife, the sports car, a brand new house, money to go on vacations out of country 1-2x per year, and a rewarding job. Would I like more? Yeah, but not enough to jeopardize what I already have. And thats the difference; Ryan doesnt have much at risk here. He lives alone, bounces around the country, doesnt have a girlfriend or any particular long term prospects he's interfering with right now. Why shouldnt he put it all on the line? There's no guarantee telling him to "stick it out" in the "real world" will ever actually get him the things he wants either. Not everyone is happy with a full-time job, car, house, and girlfriend. If I was miserable with my job and hating my possessions, I'd probably invest more in poker too to get out.

I have always been scared of security, stability, of being happy.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Xervean   United States. Dec 04 2013 18:46. Posts 682

  On December 04 2013 02:41 devon06atX wrote:

I saw you post less than a couple weeks ago about how you still consistently make between 30-50k a month. That's so fucking delusional. Just to let you know, there's probably literally only one person on this site who actually believes that (Xervean). I honestly don't know why you even say stupid shit like that to tell you the truth, it only makes you look like an idiot.

For the record I do not believe he makes anywhere close to 30-50k a month. I looked up his total winnings for the year on OPR (official poker rankings) and posted that. I also said in my post that he isn't taking into account entree fees when posting his winnings, and there is no way to determine his ROI because he hasn't opted in. I also said that I respected the fact he openly admitted to losing 25k last month. For some reason people seem to have misread what I wrote?

ugly   . Dec 04 2013 22:05. Posts 162

ppl see what they wanna see
perception is reality

 Last edit: 04/12/2013 22:07

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 06 2013 16:30. Posts 4946

Long live Neilly

bye nowLast edit: 06/12/2013 16:30


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