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I love job hunting - Page 2

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Chewits   United Kingdom. Dec 11 2013 16:53. Posts 2539

I work in entertainment industry as an engineer. Im freelance and work for load of companies, but when I started out I got a FT job with a big company just working in the low level. I literally walked in and started talking to people. I had a CV with me, but they didnt even look at it. I just explained my situation. And they were looking people. I got my foot in and made my way up.

Seriously amazes me people that say they cant get a job. I am sorry but you just not trying hard enough. People think getting a job is simply sending in CVs (resumes in america) or filling in forms. That will rarely get u far. If anything its all about how you present yourself within the first 20 seconds can make or break it.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice.Last edit: 11/12/2013 16:55

2c0ntent   Egypt. Dec 11 2013 17:01. Posts 1387

Gnarly what has your gold life been like since we were discussing gold earlier this year?

+-Last edit: 11/12/2013 17:01

Gnarly   United States. Dec 11 2013 17:58. Posts 1723

I don't hold any gold, though it is my inheritance.

Diversify or fossilize! 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Dec 11 2013 18:26. Posts 1387

I guess you didn't find any short positions to take? I made money but not a lot when it dipped.

I'm not holding anymore significant positions on gold and don't have any opinion on it anymore cuz idk what's going on.

+-Last edit: 11/12/2013 18:29

Gnarly   United States. Dec 11 2013 19:13. Posts 1723

I had my money in the us market and forex before taking it out to play some live poker. If you still have shorts from 1800, I'd keep them if I could stand having the positions for a couple of years, add on around 1600 if the bull trap hasn't already come by. If you can't hold out, get out. When it doubt, get out.

And no, I couldn't short gold even if I wanted. I don't have the capital for that. Don't you need like 6 figures to apply for a futures margin account? Or are you shorting gold/usd?

Diversify or fossilize! 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 12 2013 04:55. Posts 2232

  On December 11 2013 15:53 Chewits wrote:
Seriously amazes me people that say they cant get a job. I am sorry but you just not trying hard enough. People think getting a job is simply sending in CVs (resumes in america) or filling in forms. That will rarely get u far. If anything its all about how you present yourself within the first 20 seconds can make or break it.,17803/

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 12 2013 11:52. Posts 1723

Bullshit article. Automation is why people are losing their jobs, then you have a saturated market, which means an algorithmic resume scanner.

>into the trash it goes

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 12 2013 15:54. Posts 1723

There's a "glitch" in the program, meaning I can't get the paper work until it's fixed. Sigh.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 13 2013 04:57. Posts 2232

"Onion Article Proves Bullshit"

What a great scoop you have there, Greenwald. You might want to sell this one to the Daily Mail.

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Gnarly   United States. Dec 13 2013 14:26. Posts 1723

If you honestly think that the reason unemployment is high is because of people botching interviews, please, play in traffic.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 13 2013 14:39. Posts 2232

It's The Onion you fucking idiot.

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Pooley567   United Kingdom. Dec 14 2013 20:10. Posts 4

why are all you guys looking for jobs?
Seriously, times are changing. I make money through online marketing so I can then play poker at the same time from home.
Traditional jobs are in the past, use one to pay the bills but build on something in your spare time, innovate like me and make money an easier way. I can work from anywhere via a laptop.
If your willing to invest in yourself to learn a new way to work as little as 3 hours a day, then I want to talk with you.
Really hope I can help some of you, dont settle for a dead end job guys.

If you want to watch a free bootcamp, just click the link above, fill in your email like I did 5 months ago, my life has never been the same since thanks to the Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy.

 Last edit: 14/12/2013 20:16

Gnarly   United States. Dec 15 2013 19:27. Posts 1723

I remember a few years back, my parents saved up to get me a car, after having not had one for two years, which meant that I couldn't get a job for those two years. Also, they didn't want to get me a car because of my sister wrecking five previous car. I live in an area, where during those years, people were being killed up to three times per week just in my little part of town. There was always a new poster of someone that recently went missing, and my dad expects me to go work for a fucking corner store? I don't speak fucking spanish, and I'm an easy target being a short skinny white kid.

When I got this car, the first thing I did was go out of town with some friends. It was one of the greatest days I had in such a long time. My best friend at the time and I were just cruising around empty roads smoking blunts. I actually remember laughing, and everyone told me that they were surprised to see me smile. Things were looking up for me cause then I could look for a job, actually go somewhere without having to worry about getting picked up or some shit.

Then, when we were trying to find a friends house to stay at, a piece of fucking shit drunk kid who should've been dead just from the alcohol destroys my car. I didn't have this car for 24 hours. Just gone. Trunk was up in the front seat. I was going to kill the kid but he took off. Ended up getting caught, but only did a couple years of probation. No jail time for evading arrest or anything like that. That would've been "too harsh" according to my insurance company. The one day that was supposed to be really fucking good turned into one of the worst days I've had, and I've had too many of those.

With this fucking bitch telling me that i would be expecting paperwork WITHIN THE FUCKING HOUR, I thought to myself, hey, I got it. I finally got a job. Fuck yaeh! Go me! Of course, I always had a little voice in the back of my head telling me not to get my hopes up, but I ignored that. I started looking into how much I could expect a month, what I should do with that, how early I could move out, the food I could finally afford to eat, the trips I could make out of town, the drinks i can have with friends. It's been almost a week now, and still no email. I've been told a couple different reasons why, which makes me believe that I'm just not getting hired.

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I think that good things can actually happen and stay around for me? I should know better than that, I only deserve shit.

I just have no idea what to do anymore. Prison is starting to sound okay, cause at least I'll have three meals and a roof over my head, and maybe I'll get a job farming talapia fish for two cents an hour. Lords knows that would be more money than I'm making right now. I'm lying on my resume about when the last time I was unemployed because it's been almost two fucking years now.

I want to apply for welfare or something, but because my parents make 6 figures a year, I can't apply for almost anything. Whatever assistance I can get comes directly out of my parents pockets regardless, so my dad doesn't want me doing that.

Then there's suicide.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Rinny   United States. Dec 15 2013 21:52. Posts 600

  On December 11 2013 15:53 Chewits wrote:
I work in entertainment industry as an engineer. Im freelance and work for load of companies, but when I started out I got a FT job with a big company just working in the low level. I literally walked in and started talking to people. I had a CV with me, but they didnt even look at it. I just explained my situation. And they were looking people. I got my foot in and made my way up.

Seriously amazes me people that say they cant get a job. I am sorry but you just not trying hard enough. People think getting a job is simply sending in CVs (resumes in america) or filling in forms. That will rarely get u far. If anything its all about how you present yourself within the first 20 seconds can make or break it.

Rinny   United States. Dec 15 2013 21:56. Posts 600

Here's a number if you need someone to talk to gnarly 1-800-273-8255

 Last edit: 15/12/2013 21:59

Gnarly   United States. Dec 16 2013 02:40. Posts 1723

I don't see what you're trying to say, rinny. What external factors could be the cause? Is there always something that happened to the manager that made him/her have a bad day? I like to think that I'm pretty good at putting myself in other peoples shoes.

And for the number, thanks, but I've only had bad experiences when it comes to that.

Diversify or fossilize! 


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