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TianYuan    Korea (South). Dec 12 2013 11:34. Posts 6817

Hm, I don't think I could mentally handle your life... I very honestly think I would die of stress.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

iop   Sweden. Dec 12 2013 12:53. Posts 4951

I'm not sure if you're serious, or if you're trolling.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

mnj   United States. Dec 12 2013 16:44. Posts 3848

  On December 12 2013 11:53 iop wrote:
I'm not sure if you're serious, or if you're trolling.

yes u fuckign do.

RiKD    United States. Dec 12 2013 21:17. Posts 8881

I wrote some things out and then I was like hmmmm....

I realized I just don't have a lot to say or don't know what to say at this point in time.

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Dec 12 2013 21:54. Posts 8648

  On December 12 2013 20:17 RiKD wrote:
I wrote some things out and then I was like hmmmm....

I realized I just don't have a lot to say or don't know what to say at this point in time.

man i fking hate when that shit happens

Truck-Crash Life 

Jamie217   Canada. Dec 12 2013 22:32. Posts 4351

  On December 12 2013 20:17 RiKD wrote:
I wrote some things out and then I was like hmmmm....

I realized I just don't have a lot to say or don't know what to say at this point in time.

Lol yeah, I keep coming back to this ready to write a long post and then don't even know where I would begin and decide against it

GoldRush   United States. Dec 12 2013 23:52. Posts 1025


I came up..made 45k...paid off 20k in debts...

We restarted the stake, I didn't win a penny...I lost like 28k

I got off the stake, it was go home to USA or make rent and use security deposit for January rent to buy myself time til Feb 14th to make as much as possible.

I do have backup backers if i "need" them.

I really do not want backed.

I pray to god every night that I have a sufficient bankroll by the time I leave to be playing ~nl50-nl200 and all the tournaments in Jersey then. Who knows if i'll be playing 200 or 100 or 500 or only MTT's though, we'll see, I'm just working hard to get solid hourly...

This is a post of me being down, because most my posts are about me being up and bumpin songs etc.

Lemon, most mtters are staked, the VAST majority, I only know a couple that are not staked and they are superusers! deeppockets*

I believe I will never need a stake again, I beat poker last year without a stake in the states on ACR, I believe myself to be a stronger player now, even though its only 30bi at NL10 zoom or w/e (36) - its enough to build to the roof. I am going to have to mix in cheap 3 rebuys, 2 rebuys, $3 45 mans, stuff like that too, to help my hourly and get my bankroll to a point where I can leave with dignitity and not my tail between my legs.

Nevertheless, the trips been a half success atleast, paying off so many people was one of the most gratifying feelings I have ever had in my life. I may get greedy "in game" while I'm playing, but nobody can say I horde $ !

GL to everyone and I hope all goes well for everyone,
Whoosel great blog, GJ hittin that 1M Mark man, god you inspire me.

GL everyone,
Hope to be back on my A+ game or atleast running in god mode sooN (game seems to be finaly coming back together........been taking a lot of time off this week, and in turn have noticed I am not rushing any decisions....I was in a manic tilted state and should have taken a break like a month ago.

Pokers poker, swings are swings, I'm alive, I'm kinda semi happy right now, I believe in myself, I wanted to like die or something during that downswing, but after its all said and done and took some time off, the downswing taught me a few really good lessons about the very long term of online MTT's, it also showed me that I am a pretty damn good cashgame player although I do make mistakes that good regs would just not make sometimes. My leaks are dif than most ppls lol..

I have no idea where my life/poker job/anything is going from here.

Wherever god takes me -NPH (H&K)

(hopefully at least to 30k b4 i go..)!


GoldRush   United States. Dec 12 2013 23:55. Posts 1025

I am gonna get a solid 60-120 hours in a week til I go though to give myself the best chance at a big br possible! my local buddies wanna put me in the mil weekly too, so many of those left, a deep run can really help there eh!

Endo   United States. Dec 13 2013 00:12. Posts 953

Cyclical economics at its best

MTT fund Cash games into broke into stake into grind MTT super hard into get some money into cash games again

iop   Sweden. Dec 13 2013 12:45. Posts 4951

  On December 12 2013 21:32 Jamie217 wrote:
Show nested quote +

Lol yeah, I keep coming back to this ready to write a long post and then don't even know where I would begin and decide against it

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

proph y   United States. Dec 13 2013 19:20. Posts 15

I think I may have a thought:


One of the things I was gonna say is you are def a hard worker but need to work smarter. Quit the busy fool bullshit.

Part II:

I feel like part of the problem is you play for legend, hero type status or even just attention. I feel as if you never blogged it would probably be better for you. The thing is there is a positive in that it lets you vent and get out your thoughts, blazeh blah.

You are in montreal no?

Have you ever considered blowing off some steam with some breasts in your face and some women in your lap?

Blog to them.

I will even ship a hundo bankroll to be used for women blankets in return for a % of winnings up to feb 14.

In that current context women blanket does not sound good but it is.

It could be anything from an attractive stripper giving you attention and inspiration and some great lap dances and a beej to cuddling up to a quality shoulder to lean on, a yin for your yang, the prototype.

Just something to cozy up to, snuggle up with, feel all warm and good and everything in the world is gonna be alright.


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