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3.50 180s 1k - Page 2

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GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:14. Posts 1025

asking for a stake that isn't like 110% needed but would make things really good and can make some other ppl some good $$

thats all i am looking to do here, make $ and make others $$

I have a google spreadsheet made out right now that I fill out every single day.

If this keeps selling %'s, I will make a page on there.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:14. Posts 1025

My friend "May" want to buy a large % I will talk w/ him about it via skype soon.

napoleono   Romania. Dec 13 2013 05:14. Posts 771

  On December 13 2013 03:59 GoldRush wrote:
ne one that wants %'s keep posting %'s here, if someone wants 100% though, the 10%'s will be trumped immediately for anyone that can just cover this at 100%.

I can put a % in, and I know ppl that will buy large %'s, but the point is me not risking any $ til this is over, so lets hope for the 100% before a bunch of 10%'s

Not sure about the bolded part. Why its diff a bunch of 10% than a single 100%?

Also will you just play these games for 2 weeks? Not sure about the accountability. How can we check on you and stuff. Guess playing audit is good, but if u will play a bunch of other games, it will be hard to sort it out.

 Last edit: 13/12/2013 05:17

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:23. Posts 1025

there is nothing different but i would rather have 1 person handle the stake than a bunch of people, but the more i think of it, a bunch of investors is just as good. nothing should be in bold or not bold, i have to leave the option for someone to buy the 100% though, to be fair to the people in the staking community that do this for a living. but selling out on lp at %'s would be great. its 100$ / 10% - x10 gets to 1k.

i just need to make sure i get my 50% and i'm not putting 500$ down to get 50%, so if you guys invest 100 for 10%, you will essentially be 5%, because I will be taking my 50% of the profit. investments + 5% will be returned in all actuality.

I want to make this 100% clear, since I am not going to buy shares here, since if I did, I would be able to buy like 360 shares, which is 36%, i wouldn't ever do this for 36% and leave myself nothing, when I can play even safer games like nl10 zoom and 45 man sng's.

so understand that these investments are good invesments, everyday i will ask if you guys want me in any other tournaments other than 3.5 180s (ie 3 rebuy 20ks etc) - but yes, I need to make sure everyone understands that 10% is really 5%, since you are covering my 50%, which is the main reason I was/am looking for someone to just handle this at 100%. It makes this a little easier.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:27. Posts 1025

I think/hope that makes sense.

If I wanted to sell it at like 1.2/1 I could put my 360 in with the 1.2/1 and have enough for 50/50, but i am looking for a normal "bap - buy a piece" or just someone to do a full stake for 3.5 180s for me for 2 weeks. in a "bap" - the 10% goes as 5%.

If someone covers it 100% at 1k its a great investment and a little easier and a little less headaches but i really don't care either way. just get this kid rollin in the right games for the right profit, i'll make the LP some skrilla just as long as the card gods allow it!

I think its good bud, I think its good.

napoleono   Romania. Dec 13 2013 05:28. Posts 771

Its stakeback first and 50/50 after that. So if you make 1.2k total, then its 1k back to investors and 100 bucks for you and 100 bucks to investors and not 600/600.

Daut    United States. Dec 13 2013 05:30. Posts 8955

you need to work on your math if you think youre gonna make 800 a day playing 3.50s

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

napoleono   Romania. Dec 13 2013 05:32. Posts 771

  On December 13 2013 04:30 Daut wrote:
you need to work on your math if you think youre gonna make 800 a day playing 3.50s

Yeah, its a huge overstatement, but he is big +EV in those games and probably will make quite a decent profit.

Daut    United States. Dec 13 2013 05:37. Posts 8955

i have trouble believing anyone thats bipolar in an obviously manic state is going to be +EV in anything. i urge you to not put any money towards backing neilly until he can write logical and coherent sentences. good for both neilly and the investors.

neilly you have a really destructive lifestyle for your mental issues. this obsessive 24/7 playing you go through just isnt going to help you cope with your issues. to be honest i dont know what is cause ive never gone through stuff you have but maybe you should talk to other people who have similar issues and see what helps them. i dont know much about bipolar disorder, but i know that if the manic is this absurd then the depression is probably pretty destructive as well. get through the issues, calm down, start grinding again like you were before

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 13/12/2013 05:43

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:46. Posts 1025

nap - u are 100% correct if u mean this - if I Start with 1k and end with 1.2k, then I would get 100 and the investors would get 100 + 10 each if there were 10 investors.

i may not make 800 a day, I was looking at my ROI and calculating running 100 a day.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:47. Posts 1025

Daut im just stoned.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:48. Posts 1025

Daut i haven't played by choice in like 3 days...

I take breaks a lot..

Sometimes I do get obsessed and play too much.

I feel great.

You may call me skype via video message if you'd like, I'm 100% focused, happy and doing very well.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:49. Posts 1025

Daut for you to say for ppl to not invest in me because I have bipolar (which I AM on medication for) - is a very very messed up thing to say.

Honestly, You've always been a douche to me, but this is the biggest douche thing you've ever done coming into my blog and posting stuff like this.

napoleono   Romania. Dec 13 2013 05:50. Posts 771

Daut - its worth the gamble for me, it has a decent chance of being a succes and if it's not, its only 100 bucks.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:50. Posts 1025

I'm not manic right now, yet I did admit to being manic at one point in one stake at one point in my life, oooh, way to throw it in my face weeks later.gj bud. i'm taking my time and making very good decisions.

hiems   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:51. Posts 2979

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 13/12/2013 06:01

hiems   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:57. Posts 2979

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 13/12/2013 06:01

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 05:58. Posts 1025

  On December 13 2013 04:37 Daut wrote:
i have trouble believing anyone thats bipolar in an obviously manic state is going to be +EV in anything. i urge you to not put any money towards backing neilly until he can write logical and coherent sentences. good for both neilly and the investors.

neilly you have a really destructive lifestyle for your mental issues. this obsessive 24/7 playing you go through just isnt going to help you cope with your issues. to be honest i dont know what is cause ive never gone through stuff you have but maybe you should talk to other people who have similar issues and see what helps them. i dont know much about bipolar disorder, but i know that if the manic is this absurd then the depression is probably pretty destructive as well. get through the issues, calm down, start grinding again like you were before

So I just read this to a friend via skype, he was at my house a few hours ago.

I asked him what he has to say about Dauts post.

My boy doylleee (Adam) says, "Daut is fuckin Looney for this post, he has no idea what hes talking about"

I asked adam, hows my mental state? do I seem crazy at all? - Your normal man.

I asked him - Am I obsessed, do I play too much? He acknowledged all the days off that I took off when I didn't have my medication (14 straight) and that I haven't really played in the last 48 hours, because well, who wants to play micros.

I am not an addict, I only play games I am +ev in, you know only what you read on this blog about me Daut, so I'd just appreciate it if you kept your nose out of my business. Esp since you have been trolling me for years..

I never write too coherantly when I'm stoned. You know that. This Canadian shits like moonshine

I have nothing against you, but its a pretty assholish thing to do, to post to not stake one of the best mtters around when he has 8 weeks left, he just took a week off and is feeling great and ready. you have no idea, you just make ur hypothesis from a post i made yesterday, about stuff i did a week ago.

you are smart, but not that smart, im 110% there right now and more focused than I have been in a long time.

FvL   Netherlands. Dec 13 2013 06:01. Posts 28

  On December 13 2013 04:48 GoldRush wrote:
Daut i haven't played by choice in like 3 days...

Saying it like that really makes me think u lost your last $300 in CG or w/e.
Hope I'm wrong though.

Are you willing to exclude yourself from playing CG during these 2 weeks?


GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:04. Posts 1025

Daut I paid off 20k in debt and hit a downswing and thats that, i have rebounded and only won a lil bit and have been doing well. Is this what the good guy gets in poker, pay off ur debts and thrown under a bus if you hit a downswing, learning still apparently.

i'll be fine if i get a stake or not , and yeah the stakeback is 110% fine and i am 100% fine for a stake and will play great guys, don't worry about Dauts cynicism, idk if hes ever said anything in a positive nature about/to me on this forum or ever.


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