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3.50 180s 1k - Page 3

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GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:05. Posts 1025

FvL i can exclude myself, i have a br lol if u want i can sit at tables

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:06. Posts 1025

Daut - I was an addict in Poker from 2003 - 2010.

I went pro in 2009, I was addicted to MTT's for like a year, after that I have not been addicted, at all.

I'm addicted to weed. (and I can quit that in 2-3 days as anyone can cold turkey easy!)

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:12. Posts 1025

people are so cynical and with the past and how I got to where I am I can understand, I expected a lot of cynism, but I also know that this is a great stake and we should just get this going. I'm gonna continue taking time off til tomorrow night to see if this sells out 100%, my friend wants to buy 20-50% he will let me know tomorrow (its my poker student, he was at my house today). (his dad may invest as well)

ok GL im gonna check this thread in a couple hours, still didn't watch that movie!

napoleono   Romania. Dec 13 2013 06:14. Posts 771

The more vehemently u try to prove ur point, the worse it makes you look. Just saying.

Daut    United States. Dec 13 2013 06:16. Posts 8955

never said you werent trustworthy with paying off debts. i think youve proven yourself more trustworthy than just about anyone in that regard. you never know someone's true character until they have nothing. youve had nothing, been in debt and paid people back. you definitely have character and heart.

its your mind thats the trouble. someone doesnt get this aggro and fiendish when they are 100% clear minded.

besides, if you are 100% clear minded and have no expenses with a ~300 bankroll you can probably do better on your own playing 4.50 180 man non rebuys and small zoom

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 13/12/2013 06:17

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:22. Posts 1025

when i say 800 a day i just took 8% roi which isn't that high x100 mtts a day, i didn't do the extra math lol, ya its still close to 500 a day, and as the br grows, i will ask lp if they want me in other mtts.

i'd gladly be in all the 3rs, 5rs, 52r1as, all those good tournies that pay thousands.

i need 100bi for any game i play though, so that would be hopefully day 2 or day 5 or whatever of the stake when i am rollin good.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:23. Posts 1025

meh maybe i should just do the 4.5 180s and zoom daut u are prolly right, i just want a bigger br to work with to play 3.5 180s, they are my bread n butter n pay for so long n pay really well

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:28. Posts 1025

i'd make more in 2 weeks doing those + some other mtts than zoom and 4.5s most likely but not sure since i can bink a nice mtt at 100% - meh, i'll still leave this up - but ya im more confident about doing this on my own now, i was kinda feelin like i needed a br boost or Something after paying rent food and all that fun stuff.

lookin at a few bills online after lookin at thousands online everyday was pretty demoralizing. I can flip that around and use it as motivation though.

thx daut,
you made me realize i don't need it and i was maybe rushin / bein a lil greedy - but its still a great investment, and its still a winning investment. i stand pat there. and if ne one wants to stake i'll take the stake for 2 weeks under those conditions.

24% sold i guess, or im on my own, or we can find a 100% backer, and my friend Adam said he will buy 20-50% tomorrow, so thats 44-74% sold.

I'll make a spreadsheet, we will still do this because and only because 3.5 180 mans are my bread and butter and I will make more itlr doing things this way than building 300 up which is like the worst......i've done it a bunch of times and its just stressful and sux and i don't wanna do it if i don't have to, since the only other $ i can get now is like a loan which i just got done clearing most of my debts, i don't want to be adding to them.

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:29. Posts 1025

buy %'s daut!

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:31. Posts 1025

or like if u want, you could be super generous this xmas season and give one special blog # 1097214 , 5% of your pca winnings, HoHOHoHO jk

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:33. Posts 1025

24% sold i guess, or im on my own, or we can find a 100% backer, and my friend Adam said he will buy 20-50% tomorrow, so thats 44-74% sold.

I'll make a spreadsheet, we will still do this because and only because 3.5 180 mans are my bread and butter and I will make more itlr doing things this way than building 300 up which is like the worst......i've done it a bunch of times and its just stressful and sux and i don't wanna do it if i don't have to, since the only other $ i can get now is like a loan which i just got done clearing most of my debts, i don't want to be adding to them.

k im off to watch my movie and grind or sleep if im tired, hopefully just sells this out - 26-56% left - adam confirmed hes buying at least 20%

 Last edit: 13/12/2013 06:34

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:42. Posts 1025

I can see how it may seem quite aggro, I just want to get this started asap btw. every minute wasted is a minute that i could be otg, i just want this going by saturday if it gets going which i believe it truly should.

 Last edit: 13/12/2013 06:42

GoldRush   United States. Dec 13 2013 06:43. Posts 1025

and thx for explaining stakeback correctly there bud~

SolarM   Germany. Dec 13 2013 07:42. Posts 533

You begin to repeat yourself in Here. Relax man :D
I take 10%

k4ir0s   Canada. Dec 13 2013 09:11. Posts 3478

weren't you playing 200nl 1-2 weeks ago?

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

sir_   Estonia. Dec 13 2013 09:24. Posts 128

  On December 13 2013 08:11 k4ir0s wrote:
weren't you playing 200nl 1-2 weeks ago?

dont ask stupid questions

chicken salad out of chicken shit  

Stat.Quo   Somalia. Dec 13 2013 11:34. Posts 1227

  On December 13 2013 04:09 hiems wrote:

yo i checked this site out lol

does that nigga look like he's 22 years old lol

player999   Brasil. Dec 13 2013 11:45. Posts 7978

  On December 13 2013 05:22 GoldRush wrote:
when i say 800 a day i just took 8% roi which isn't that high x100 mtts a day, i didn't do the extra math lol, ya its still close to 500 a day, and as the br grows, i will ask lp if they want me in other mtts.

i'd gladly be in all the 3rs, 5rs, 52r1as, all those good tournies that pay thousands.

i need 100bi for any game i play though, so that would be hopefully day 2 or day 5 or whatever of the stake when i am rollin good.

8% ROI x 100 = $800?
only if its $100 buy in

~$10 * 8% * 100 = $80/day

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - KapolLast edit: 13/12/2013 11:47

iop   Sweden. Dec 13 2013 12:49. Posts 4951

I'm speechless.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

redrain0125   Canada. Dec 13 2013 14:22. Posts 5455

  On December 13 2013 08:24 sir_ wrote:
Show nested quote +

dont ask stupid questions

no its not a stupid question at all.


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