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Today's job hunt - Page 2

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ggplz   Sweden. Dec 20 2013 20:48. Posts 16784

  On December 20 2013 13:08 2c0ntent wrote:
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Up front, this is just my perspective from my own self. Best of luck and, anyhow, you really already have everything you need.

With words and vocabulary it is very simple: Cut out all negative phraseology which you have adopted over the years. That means don't use put-downs in your speech. I have a feeling that you are one of those people who has a lot of internal dialog. This is included as your speech. At the same time, add words which empower. As an example, you'd stop saying, "I also have ADHD which means I can't sit still no matter how hard I try" outloud. Just eject it from your vocabulary. If you find yourself saying hurtful things internally -- and here's where it gets dicey for people-- even if you're projecting onto another object such as "that person sucks" or "this computer is a slow piece of shit", it is as bad as saying it about yourself. It does the commensurate harm.

I've got an itch to speak a bit more about anxiety. The following will bring you more clarity.

An interesting thing about human beings is that we tend to forget. We forget to do the dishes, we forget to do our homework, we forget to get out of bed in the morning.. We forget words. Knowing fewer words is very harmful because an essential element in the structure of your thought is formed of the words in your vocabulary. You need to build a house and may have traveled all of the way to the jobsite to find that three fourths of your tools fell out of your trailer on the way there. Pick up some new tools and materials, learn some new words.

This reminds us not to forget that there is more than just words at play here. Your thoughts are also composed of images, smells, and other sensations. When it comes to thinking thoughts, Insert good ones, useful ones, and let the negative ones be left alone, to be forgotten, don't feed the negative things more of your time and energy. Eject "try" from your vocabulary.

At the external, physical level, words are sound waves, at the internal, physical level, they are electrical currents*. At the personal, practical level, words are an important tool of communication between people and within yourself. So use the right words by default.

(typed transformation vocabulary into youtube and came across this guy, lots of good short videos on his channel!)

Take ownership of your labels, your strengths, your weaknesses, your successes and your failures.

Your labels: ADHD? Schizotypal? Keep it on the down-low; these are your secret thought weapons.

Your strengths: Your growing understanding of the importance of vocabulary? Keep it on the down-low and realize that it is rubbing off on people anyway; a wise philosopher once opined that a man loses those intricate, not-yet-fulfilled designs which he discloses to others (Tom Hopkins put it this way, "Tell the world what you intend to do, but only after you've done it.".

and so on..

Oh yeah, one tip about grammar syntax: Use the present tense for thinking and witness how things begin to move forward again, even if it is in creaks and squeaks.

*how cool is it that human beings can alter such things as electrical flows with their mind's whim. (flex a muscle u nancy)

good post

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 20 2013 21:50. Posts 4946

Yeah peoples attitudes tend to rub off on their life. Negative people live shitty lives, happy people live happy lives, even if it's somewhat of a front, if you project a positive attitude you set yourself up for positive encounters.

Anyway if you cant scrape together $100 for a total outfit, can you do like $30 for a pair of khaki's and a button down long sleeved shirt? As Morgan Freeman said, "how often do you look at a man's shoes?". You can get by without the shoes if you are dressed more casually. Any belt will do, grab something for $5 off the rack. Grab a generic button down shirt. If it's brand new it will still look flat and crisp.

You have a diploma, thats plenty to get you started. I have a diploma. I went to college for 2 years but dropped out. I dont even mention it on my resume anymore since employers were assuming I had an associates degree and then thinking I mislead them when I didnt. I make 60k/year now. I've been working professionally for the last 10 years, and started at 30k. Granted I have some certifications in my field (computer technician) but those only cost like 1k each and were acquired after I was hired throughout the years.

So you want to get into food, I guess you mean like restaurant management, or even ownership possibly? Or like becoming a chef? Either way I think you can get your foot in the door by becoming a waiter, and probably make some decent cash too. Lots of waiters actually do pretty well for themselves. It's considered a low end job so you can probably walk in and apply without it being awkward, and you can probably do so wearing your $30 "suit" which will consist of nothing more than nice pants and nice shirt from the rack at wal-mart. Wear the same thing for your interview. Nobody wears a suit to a job like that so you'll probably actually look quite good, like someone who is trying to get the job, and not just another idiot wearing flip flops and board shorts.

While waiting tables might not seem to open any doors, you'll at least be in an industry you like, and that will make you happy. Get yourself some roomates so you're only paying like $300/month rent and $50 utilities. You could easily afford this working at Waffle House (do not work at Waffle house). But try for something like Outback steak house, or Carraba's or something. Nothing too high that you arent qualified for, but not too low that you're with the scum of the earth. You might find you really like it. You can even make a legit career out of it. Valentines day I take my girl out to a fancy dinner downtown and leave a $40 tip. My waiter served like 50 people during that time. Thats mad bank. These waiters are smart, they actually DO wear ties and shit to work, and know the menu inside and out. Very respectable, skilled work, and killer pay.

Obviously forget poker, you cant afford to be wasting money on that. If you were a winner then we wouldnt be having this conversation. Not until you have $1000/month disposable income can you ever play poker again.

You also mentioned you're into delivery, have you ever considered working for something like UPS/FedEx? If thats a little too much grunt work, there's always shit like limo driver where you can feel like a sir. If you mack on ladies all day then you might have "the look" to drive a high end vehicle like that. That job probably wont go anywhere but if it at least makes you happy for awhile and pays the bills, why not?

bye nowLast edit: 20/12/2013 21:56

chris   United States. Dec 21 2013 11:26. Posts 5503

you know you look like a bum (regardless of what you are saying) when a CASHIER is giving you money to wash your clothes, even though they are clean. seriously man, get yourself presentable and be polite, patient and friendly. apply for jobs you are dressed for. even restaurants hiring people for the kitchen want to see someone presentable.

i really hope you are trolling.

i have pretty bad depression and i have to put in hard work every to minimize its impact on my life. it is tough to deal with but in the end it is not going to be a legit excuse to waste your life and wallow in your own misery or social disfunction.

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

NighTLesS15   United States. Dec 24 2013 01:06. Posts 241

Bottom line people want to hire people who are willing to work and can sell the product that they are pimping. If you're struggling with getting a job chances are you really are being lazy and don't want to work or you're going about it all wrong. If you want retail job wear jeans and a button up. If you want a restaurant job go to a thrift store, buy a pair of 10$ slacks throw on the button up with a tie. Hit every place you can get to whether it says hiring or not. Ask to speak to a manager and inquire about a job. You say your willing to bus, willing to work any shift. The words "I just need one opportunity to prove to you that I am a worker" will never fail when speaking with any manager if they are at all hiring. HAVE A RESUME even if its crappy work history 95% of people refuse to make one for those type of jobs because they all assume you just need to fill out application and a resume shows you are serious. Ask for application from the manager only and then fill it out and give them your resume. You call back every resume & application you dropped off 2 days later and inquire about how the process is going. People want you to show effort and desire. Who would you hire? the guy who asks for application and drops it off? or the one who requests for a meet with the manager then fills out application on site and drops off a resume with it, and then calls back a couple days later inquiring about that job. Back to the beginning it shows you want to work and are willing to do whatever it takes. Thats the guy people want to hire. If you go about that process every day and hit 20-30 stores/restaurants in the next 3 days you will probably have 5 interviews by the 5th of january.

Frinkx: 1k on mario cart? PoorUser: Snap call  


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