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Today's job hunt

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Gnarly   United States. Dec 19 2013 17:31. Posts 1723
Out of about ten places today, three were online, the rest were paper. One of the places I went into, the second I asked for an application, I was laughed at by the staff and told no. No reason, just no.

The last place I went to, I got berated. I have a jacket on, ya know, cause it's fucking WINTER, and I'm in the wrong for wearing a jacket. I told the lady that I can't afford a tuxedo to ask for a fucking application, and she said that I'm way too under dressed, that if I dressed up properly, I'd get a job, even though she's just a fucking cashier. Mind you, this is a low volume restaurant. When I was walking out, she kept calling me back, and I was wondering what the fuck for... Guess what? She felt such pity for me that she actually gave me money to wash my clothes, even though they were clean.

That was after I went to olive garden and actually had some success there with three of the managers, wearing the same thing.

For the job that I was supposedly supposed to get, I called them again and they want an "extra interview" with me "when they call me" after telling me that I was hired two weeks ago.

Still getting yelled at at home for applying online instead of going into stores like wal mart and home depot, asking for the manager, shaking his hand, and demanding a job right then and there... Cause ya know... that's how people get jobs nowadays.

I tried to play some online poker for a stress relief and there's almost no traffic left. Might just be the holidays, unless there's some new site taking all american players.

Fuck life.

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Diversify or fossilize! 

djforever   Canada. Dec 19 2013 18:25. Posts 1510

I'm going to assume you're pretty young even though I have no idea one way or another. I'm also going to assume you'll take just about any job you're offered. Who cares if 9 people say no to you, if one says yes then you're fine. It's a numbers game, just throw your resume in everywhere.

Also you aren't "hired" until you sign the paperwork. Until then nobody has any obligation to stick to their word.

Gnarly   United States. Dec 19 2013 19:21. Posts 1723

>just a numbers game

Been throwing my resume out there for two fucking years. It's not a fucking numbers game, IT'S LIFE.

Diversify or fossilize! 

2c0ntent   Egypt. Dec 19 2013 19:43. Posts 1387

You obviously are trying instead of doing, whoever gave you that advice at home (along with a ton of people who would give it on LP too) is correct that it is the best way to get yourself a job. I've gotten jobs that way.

If you need a more recent reference get a friend or family member who will take a call for you and say that ya you worked for their company. Worked for my family.

Transform your vocabulary to change your life.

I'm looking at this from a perspective that was similar to yours on at least some levels (we do both, after all, find ourselves posting at LP) and there's really no magic bullet except for your own decision to start acting differently. Better. Doing that will filter into your mindset. Stop jerking off and use your balljuice to soak your anxiety in while you just walk up to some storefronts and learn what its like to ask for a manager, ask for work, etc. Or to stop using certain words that aren't helping you, change your grammar syntax, learn how to plan and set goals.. There is a ton of stuff you can just do. And then you're off!

+-Last edit: 19/12/2013 19:51

f1shcake   United States. Dec 19 2013 19:54. Posts 287

-When you walk into a place and ask for a job application, how do you ask? what's your body language like?

-What kind of jacket are you wearing and what is the rest of your outfit going to these places? You should be at least wearing business casual, button down white shirt,slacks,and dress shoes.

k4ir0s   Canada. Dec 19 2013 20:38. Posts 3478

omg that cashier

I'd want to murder her. What a passive aggressive bitch. Thank god for poker, no need to deal with assholes like that.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 19/12/2013 20:42

djforever   Canada. Dec 19 2013 21:05. Posts 1510

  On December 19 2013 18:21 Gnarly wrote:
>just a numbers game

Been throwing my resume out there for two fucking years. It's not a fucking numbers game, IT'S LIFE.

If you've been 'throwing your resume out there for two years" there's a bigger problem here...

 Last edit: 19/12/2013 21:05

jvilla777   Australia. Dec 19 2013 21:14. Posts 1348

When you do walk in applications, I would suggest you ask for the manager first and then ask the manager if they are looking to hire. This would give the manager a chance to see the kind of person you are in the brief conversation you have.

Don't just ask for an application form then take home and fill it out, because most of the time this piece of paper never reaches the manager.

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

SolarM   Germany. Dec 19 2013 21:20. Posts 533

Am I the only one who thinks that he is trolling?

Trav94   Canada. Dec 19 2013 21:41. Posts 1787

  On December 19 2013 20:20 SolarM wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks that he is trolling?

Wow, I'm not the only one.

goose58   United States. Dec 19 2013 22:32. Posts 871

Why not go to community college? Financial aid pays for it all it you don't make much money.

 Last edit: 19/12/2013 22:32

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 19 2013 22:47. Posts 4946

Dont take a job that hands out applications at the front desk (walmart, McDonalds, etc). Find a job that is actually advertising itself online through a job forum, then submit your application with your resume. Tailor your resume for the job if necessary.

bye nowLast edit: 19/12/2013 22:49

Gnarly   United States. Dec 20 2013 01:16. Posts 1723

Financial aid? 150 a semester. I've tried scholarships, but all that I see are just a couple hundred bucks, most of which I can't apply for, and the ones I did apply for, nope.jpg.

I usually dress with either black or blue jeans, because that's all I have, and either a white t-shirt or a button down shirt. I've gotten jobs with this attire before, it can happen again. Not like the places I'm applying to are anything special, I have no prospects. Other than that, I don't know how I look. I don't know if I'm puffing out my chest or with a slouch. I try to keep my hands open and my palms visible, smile and maintain eye contact. (eye contact is really hard for me, probably autistic or some shit) I don't speak well at all, and I think I have a lisp. I used to have to take a lot of speech therapy when I was younger.

I don't know what words are helping me and which ones aren't helping me. I don't know what grammar syntax I should use or which one I shouldn't use. To me, those are a bunch of variables that change with the person. I also have ADHD which means I can't sit still no matter how hard I try, and I would rather just let it go rather than suppress it because I feel that would be distracting to both me and the person interviewing me.

I really have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to looking for a job. I don't like people and can't trust them and this comes from past experiences which I was trying to get help for, but ya know, people who took eight years of schooling to do their jobs don't know shit about it. (what my parents think) I was to take a test on my last visit, which I never went, which would've diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia personality trait, different forms of PTSD, some hallucinogenic shit, and a couple other disorders. I'm also told by everyone I've ever talked to about my life and that they are a professional in that field that I should never go into the military, and that even if I wanted to, I would fail their mental evaluations. My dad keeps railing on me to go to the military, but I don't want to be rejected. I don't want to go, but I don't want to be rejected, either.

I'm a neurotic mess. I'm sure everyone can tell. Also being heavily depressed doesn't help, but I don't think that's going away in my life.

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 20 2013 01:57. Posts 4946

You're not going to be rejected by the military, they take anyone. Just make sure you join the air force if you dont want to be completely miserable. What is your educational background? Highest level completed, special classes taken, languages, computer science, anything outside of the normal "general ed" coursework. What was the best job you ever had? What was the worst? What was your last job? What do you want to do? Lastly, can you save up enough money to buy one cheap suit from like the Target clothing aisle or something. Pants, shirt, jacket, tie, belt, and shoes. You could probably put together an entire outfit for like $100 that would pass at first glance as quality. You definitely cant be showing up to interviews in jeans and shit unless you're applying to be a warehouse worker or something.

Just trying to build a profile here to make recommendations of where you should aim and how to get there.

bye nowLast edit: 20/12/2013 02:00

Gnarly   United States. Dec 20 2013 02:24. Posts 1723

I took spanish in HS, but my first spanish teacher spoke south american spanish, which is different than mexican spanish, second teacher couldn't teach worth a shit as he couldn't speak english, then the last one just gave us test scores to keep his job. That's pretty much how my entire education went. No college or anything. I actually laughed at the $100 deal. I mean, shit, my license is expired, my inspection is expired, my registration is expired, i have a phone bill to pay for, then I have food and gas to worry about. I was able to make a little profit with live poker and selling weed, but those days are over. I'm glad my parents will help me out, but they can't afford to help me out any more since my sister had to move back in with her baby.

Though, I MIGHT have some shoes and a tie. When I say I have no prospects, I mean it, all I have is a diploma. They built a modern high school recently just down the street from the high school I went to, which was built only seven years ago.

Best job I had was delivery, cause I'm a fast driver, I dress with style, and having a baby face like mine, I could weasel a 20 out of any woman. Some nights, I made 30/hr. Worst job I had was a sweat shop for redplum. 12-14 hour shifts, not allowed to use the restroom except for lunch time, alllllllll of my coworkers spoke only spanish except for about three or four, and none of my supervisors spoke any english. I had to pay to get my money, pay to see how much money I had, pay to take money out, and pay to keep an account, so I got less than minimum wage.

I'd like to go into food, work my way up, get managerial skills, maybe even own my own place one day and expand from there.

As for the military not rejecting anyone, I know quite a few people who were rejected. Actually, I think I know more people who were rejected/dishonorably discharged than I do that actually went at least 4 years.

Diversify or fossilize! 

mnj   United States. Dec 20 2013 02:30. Posts 3848

  On December 19 2013 20:05 djforever wrote:
Show nested quote +

If you've been 'throwing your resume out there for two years" there's a bigger problem here...

this is pretty obvious

TheTrees   United States. Dec 20 2013 07:49. Posts 1592

  On December 20 2013 00:57 NewbSaibot wrote:
You're not going to be rejected by the military, they take anyone. Just make sure you join the air force if you dont want to be completely miserable. What is your educational background? Highest level completed, special classes taken, languages, computer science, anything outside of the normal "general ed" coursework. What was the best job you ever had? What was the worst? What was your last job? What do you want to do? Lastly, can you save up enough money to buy one cheap suit from like the Target clothing aisle or something. Pants, shirt, jacket, tie, belt, and shoes. You could probably put together an entire outfit for like $100 that would pass at first glance as quality. You definitely cant be showing up to interviews in jeans and shit unless you're applying to be a warehouse worker or something.

Just trying to build a profile here to make recommendations of where you should aim and how to get there.

Military will reject him IF he discloses his mental health issues. If he doesn't and they find out, he's fucked.

Anyways, OP, you need to get your shit together man. Life is rough. We all have our issues. Sit down and reflect on your job search and really try and think about why you have been unsuccessful and figure out the areas you need to improve. If it's clothes, try and gather up some money like Saibot said and get some new treads to wear walking around. It could also be your lack of follow up. Most minimum wage jobs are going to hire the person that keeps stopping by and calling. Be persistent.

Chewits   United Kingdom. Dec 20 2013 09:04. Posts 2539

Personal appearance and presentation is really important. As I said in previous blog, first 20 seconds are most important on how you present yourself. People subconsciously will have decided on a person with 20 seconds just by all the little small things that consciously you don't even realise. How you stand, walk, placement of arms, hands, your hair, your clothes, your tone, your language, your pace of speech. All this your brain picks up and you decide if you can like this person or not very quickly. Of course your mind can be changed, but for a prospective employer they dont have time to change their mind.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

Etherone   Canada. Dec 20 2013 12:52. Posts 753

you clearly dont want these jobs.
man up and learn some humility.

or don't and keep doing what you're doing

2c0ntent   Egypt. Dec 20 2013 14:08. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 22/12/2013 18:27


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