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right to die - Page 2

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traxamillion   United States. Apr 06 2014 03:35. Posts 10468

  On April 05 2014 22:45 GoldRush wrote:
Life is all a series of moments, if you want to die during all those moments, its worth the risk hands down to feel normal and good.

What do you mean? What is worth the risk? Death or doing drugs?

Suicide wouldn't make u feel normal. It would make you feel nothing obviously

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 06 2014 04:19. Posts 34261

If you wanted to die you would be googling and not making retarded attention whoring threads.

You are just fishing for attention and compassion, I dont know if you will or will not kill yourself, but regardless of what you decide, get your shit together.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

JohnnyToronto   Canada. Apr 06 2014 04:45. Posts 1

  On April 05 2014 20:10 JosephCalgary wrote:
IM NOT A SAMURAI. I CANT KILL MYSELF ON HONOR. IM WEAK. very weak. nembutal is my only hope of death. Ive tried so many ways.
i hope you get schizophrenia. so you too beg for death and then Try and FAIL and try and FAIL and try and FAIL and try and FAIL and find nembutal and finally succeed.

Why do you keep making these blogs? Are you planning to show the poll results to your family, and be like "Look, over 70% of LiquidPoker voters think I should have the right to die", and hope they will change their minds?

I'm genuinely sorry for the suffering you are experiencing, but you seem like a fucking idiot.

 Last edit: 06/04/2014 04:48

R.Hood   Poland. Apr 06 2014 05:04. Posts 13

Look at the bright side - at least your are not a nigger.

Loco   Canada. Apr 06 2014 05:14. Posts 20967

  On April 05 2014 19:53 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Yeah sure you seem to be a worthless person and what's even worse, you're a Candian...

But I always found it weird for people to want to kill themselves - life is such a great resource who has the right to decide when to end it? Certainly not worthless scumbags that want to kill themselves in the first place like this here Joseph, no they don't Sir.

So how about you consider your life as you know it to be over already, and instead dedicate every single remaining minute to invent the best ways to help other people, make them feel better and change their lives when your's is already over?

People have no right over their own life and person? You are one dumb and sadistic motherfucker, no doubt about it. People already couldn't consent to have been given the life that they have and on top of that you want to bar the exit door and coerce people into living it when they're suffering enormously and just want out? Who do you think you are to impose your judgment of your life on that of others? You are nobody. You're a sheltered, blinkered uneducated dullard and what people choose to do with their own lives is their business, not yours. What next, you think abortion is wrong? Just how anti-freedom are you exactly?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 06/04/2014 05:33

Loco   Canada. Apr 06 2014 05:26. Posts 20967

By the way, relevant to this topic, this just came out yesterday:

  'I'm absolutely all for it (euthanasia). I'm pro-choice in everything. I believe you're the master of your own body and you should be allowed to die with dignity and say when you've had enough,' said Ricky Gervais

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 06 2014 05:54. Posts 15163

  On April 06 2014 04:14 Loco wrote:
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People have no right over their own life and person? You are one dumb and sadistic motherfucker, no doubt about it. People already couldn't consent to have been given the life that they have and on top of that you want to bar the exit door and coerce people into living it when they're suffering enormously and just want out? Who do you think you are to impose your judgment of your life on that of others? You are nobody. You're a sheltered, blinkered uneducated dullard and what people choose to do with their own lives is their business, not yours. What next, you think abortion is wrong? Just how anti-freedom are you exactly?

People like Joseph certainly should not have the right
isn't that obvious?
that's like saying teenagers going through the hell of puberty that get suicidal have the right
people are not capable of seeing the problems they have realistically and put them into perspective
they have most of their lives infront of them
they are way WAY off the point of no help. In fact, they could be a great contribution as people that achieved great things went through hopeless times.

I am not talking about someone terminally ill who had a long live is connected to machines is burden to family and has no chance of getting better I'll let you be the judge

But people like Joseph? No sir. And he should be glad for people around him taking the right from him.

93% Sure! Last edit: 06/04/2014 05:56

k4ir0s   Canada. Apr 06 2014 06:19. Posts 3478

  On April 06 2014 04:54 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
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People like Joseph certainly should not have the right
isn't that obvious?
that's like saying teenagers going through the hell of puberty that get suicidal have the right
people are not capable of seeing the problems they have realistically and put them into perspective
they have most of their lives infront of them
they are way WAY off the point of no help. In fact, they could be a great contribution as people that achieved great things went through hopeless times.

I am not talking about someone terminally ill who had a long live is connected to machines is burden to family and has no chance of getting better I'll let you be the judge

But people like Joseph? No sir. And he should be glad for people around him taking the right from him.


It seems as if you've never encountered real emotional pain in your life.., or you're just living in ignorance? you have no business telling him he should feel grateful that people are taking away his will to die. Why should he continue suffering? Why not just end it right now? You must be assuming there's something wrong with death.. there's nothing wrong with it... life itself is a terminal illness, we wouldn't know life, without death.

it's ridiculous that you'd compare someone in his situation, with a teenager going through puberty. It's likely Joseph's mental illness will go on for the rest of his life.

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -OlyLast edit: 06/04/2014 07:12

k4ir0s   Canada. Apr 06 2014 07:49. Posts 3478

Just realized that you're woodbrave and rofl @ your last blog post.

I thought you had gotten better after having a spiritual experience in south america. What happened?!

I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly 

dnagardi   Hungary. Apr 06 2014 08:11. Posts 1776

the comments are shocking in this thread

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 06 2014 09:46. Posts 15163

  On April 06 2014 05:19 k4ir0s wrote:
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It seems as if you've never encountered real emotional pain in your life.., or you're just living in ignorance? you have no business telling him he should feel grateful that people are taking away his will to die. Why should he continue suffering? Why not just end it right now? You must be assuming there's something wrong with death.. there's nothing wrong with it... life itself is a terminal illness, we wouldn't know life, without death.

it's ridiculous that you'd compare someone in his situation, with a teenager going through puberty. It's likely Joseph's mental illness will go on for the rest of his life.

This is preposterous, he has enough food to put in his mouth, has access to internet and the luxury of having time to post on forums this will be very close to a teenager in puberty, how can a person like this have issues that can't be overcome with hard work.

I guess from the perspective of mankind it'd be actually beneficial if he did indeed kill himself in terms of future overpopulation issues etc. I guess if you take this perspective suicide should be indeed encouraged and people with e.g. migraine should have the right, suicide booths should be the way forward, for freedom!

93% Sure!  

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 06 2014 11:28. Posts 8648

  On April 06 2014 08:46 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
This is preposterous, he has enough food to put in his mouth, has access to internet and the luxury of having time to post on forums this will be very close to a teenager in puberty, how can a person like this have issues that can't be overcome with hard work.


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Truck-Crash Life 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 06 2014 12:26. Posts 1723

lemon toppest of keks to you

Diversify or fossilize! 

Daut    United States. Apr 06 2014 12:54. Posts 8955

some people's brains dont work like others. having the necessities covered doesnt make them happy or bring them joy.

i remember a post a few years back, probably from loco, which basically said that once you reach the point where you can no longer laugh or find any joy in the world(for an extended period of time maybe you should kill yourself because then the world has nothing to offer you and the pain is likely too great to bear. you seem to still have fun and enjoy things. also you have a family who cares about you. and yea this does seem like some form of attention whoring and a cry for help. i cant begin to understand your pain, but i think its clear you are not ready to make a permanent decision and i think your family made the right choice.

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, DautLast edit: 06/04/2014 13:06

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 06 2014 13:21. Posts 15163

  On April 06 2014 10:28 bigredhoss wrote:
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+ Show Spoiler +

Thank you! Finally someone gets it!

So many pussies really so far here, you were given a gift just by being born in a country you were born in a time you wee born in if you can get those things, time to put that into perspective with e.g. many African countries where mental illness is the least of people's issues. Or people born into communism that were prosecuted for nothing like my family or German Jews in 40s. We live in one of the best time to ever live in, you have freedom to do what you want I guess killing yourself should be part of it but that's really like throwing away the gift you were given. I say let's be more grateful.

And if he really can do those things and has the security when there were so many people that overcame 100x more difficulty and hopelessness and ended up living good lives or doing great things what makes him so special that his situation should be so bad that he'd have to kill himself?

93% Sure! Last edit: 06/04/2014 13:26

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 06 2014 13:26. Posts 8648

  On April 06 2014 12:21 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
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Thank you! Finally someone gets it!

So many pussies really so far here, you were given a gift just by being born in a country you were born in if you can get those things, time to put that into perspective with e.g. many African countries where mental illness is the least of people's issues.

And if he really can do those things and do has the security when there were so many people that overcame 100x more difficulty and hopelessness and ended up living good lives or doing great things what makes him so special that his situation should be so bad that he'd have to kill himself?

i think i just got re-trolled

Truck-Crash Life 

blackjacki2   United States. Apr 06 2014 16:12. Posts 2582

I know LemOn has never contemplated suicide. He has all the microwaved burritos and internet porn a guy could ask for. He's living the dream, baby. Who would throw away such a gift? There are people in Africa that will never get to experience the sheer joy of a Philly Steak and Cheese Hot Pocket or a subscription to BangBus, so you should realize how great you have it and stop bitching.

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 06 2014 16:32. Posts 34261

  On April 06 2014 12:26 bigredhoss wrote:
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i think i just got re-trolled

nah, he is just that stupid

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 06 2014 18:07. Posts 15163

  On April 06 2014 15:12 blackjacki2 wrote:
I know LemOn has never contemplated suicide. He has all the microwaved burritos and internet porn a guy could ask for. He's living the dream, baby. Who would throw away such a gift? There are people in Africa that will never get to experience the sheer joy of a Philly Steak and Cheese Hot Pocket or a subscription to BangBus, so you should realize how great you have it and stop bitching.

Yes I have, many times in my childhood. Only I was regretting at the time is that I didn't have the will to do it. It was so stupid, recently I was doing this hypnosis thing when I was asked to imagine that I'm recalling a bad memory on an old grey TV screen, I step into the picture and give the former me the encouragement he needs - I'd tell him that that stuff I wanted to end my life over is petty and even tho it still does have impact now in the end It will eventually be all right.

The thing about this is that when you are in the situation it seems more hopeless than it really is, and you are unable to put things into perspective and think rationally.

My parents couldn't travel, the old regime took away everything from my family put my grandfather in jail for listening to Western radio, everyone was forced to do menial jobs to "meet the quota" without choice. It's not that much in the past when every day was a fight for survival life expectancy was 35 a flu meant you are dead and getting more than one meal per day was a luxury.

Maybe I have read into one too many stories of people bouncing back from completely fucked up situations and doing something great (Terry Fox for example. Or countless artists who were whackos often mentally ill too but created greatness) but I really don't get this pessimism people are just being spoiled pussies. Hitler gassed schizophrenics for example without asking them - I guess our era is really bad and we don't have anything to be grateful for and my man Joseph would rather live in those times?

93% Sure! Last edit: 06/04/2014 18:11

Gnarly   United States. Apr 06 2014 18:25. Posts 1723

being "grateful" isn't a reason to live top kek
you can't sit there and constantly compare your life to other times or other lives
who really wants to live 80 years eating microwaved burritos and fapping all day?
nor can you really be grateful for things you've always had

Diversify or fossilize! 


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