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Eastern Europe - Page 2

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MARSHALL28   United States. Apr 09 2014 03:21. Posts 1897

  On April 09 2014 01:24 Joe wrote:
If you are looking to avoid western culture, then eastern Europe isnt good enough.

yes but asian girls just dont do it for me, so i have to settle.

skorc   Slovenia. Apr 09 2014 03:30. Posts 200

I say Belgrade is the best option by far... Good location, Romania and Bulgaria to the east and Croatia to the west. Women there are A+ and English is not a problem.
StealCity was living there for a while and loved it. Night life is awsome and it's not expensive.

Flamer   Romania. Apr 09 2014 03:45. Posts 36

Good choice .. 5 good live poker places (usually low stakes cash but from time to time even 5€10 and 20-100€ tournaments) .. Sick night life compared to most big cities in and very beautiful hookers.. still if you're cool you can get plenty of free girls from the town every night .

Sure there are some bad parts like ppl trying to scam you a bit after seeing you're a foreigner and stuff like this related to money as most ppl think about americans as being rich , but that would not be so severe as dropping some extra 2-3$ here and there would not hurt you and going out at night is pretty safe.

Hope you enjoy your stay!

Pm if you wanna know more . I live here and my life is mostly gym,live poker and clubbing(I have a gf tho) .
Getting girls in clubs is very easy..they love foreigners..85-90% of them speak decent english).

MARSHALL28   United States. Apr 09 2014 03:58. Posts 1897

Really appreciate the info you guys are giving me. If anybody would be willing to take an afternoon and show me around any of these cities I would be very grateful as I know few people in this part of the world.

traxamillion   United States. Apr 09 2014 04:25. Posts 10468

Burnt out on San Diego? PB will do that to you eventually, did to me for sure

traxamillion   United States. Apr 09 2014 04:27. Posts 10468

And BTW I suspect LA and to a lesser degree San Diego are the epitome of what you are trying to get away from basically anywhere else even in the states is not so bad.

traxamillion   United States. Apr 09 2014 04:28. Posts 10468

Maybe not so bad is the wrong phrase, not AS bad as LA/SD

dnagardi   Hungary. Apr 09 2014 04:53. Posts 1776


SpasticInk   Sweden. Apr 09 2014 05:11. Posts 6298

I really liked Belgrade when I was there for a weekend. Friendly and open people, food was fine, and the town itself was beautiful and ugly in one. And it is cheap, and not as touristic as other eastern places like Prague or Budapest. Would definitely check it out.

longple    Sweden. Apr 09 2014 05:12. Posts 4472

montenegro seems pretty nice

morph1   Sierra Leone. Apr 09 2014 07:16. Posts 2352

For sure visit Serbia (Belgrade, Novi Sad (if you are in time on Exit fest) and while you are there give me a call I can help you around.
I helped Donald (SteelCity) few years ago and since then we are good friends.. I'll contact you on facebook. I also chatted with some other guy that wanted to visit it from lp

Beside that .. I would recommend Budapest (Hungaria), Croatia's sea region ( Dubrovnik, Zadar, Split, Rovinj... ) and maybe Budva (Montenegro)

I'll msg you on facebook if you are interested

Always Look On The Bright Side of LifeLast edit: 09/04/2014 07:16

napoleono   Romania. Apr 09 2014 08:02. Posts 771

Im staying in bucharest. Lemme know whatever u want to know.

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 09 2014 08:12. Posts 4742

If Switzerland qualify, you might like it there, just been there once, for 3 weeks or so, but was pretty beautiful, I think I have pictures somewhere on my pc from it as well. Oh, and they had poker, where we were, just 1 - 2 tables running, from the evening through the night, 10-20 + some tournaments, but the ppl playing seemed rich, and whale like, some of them at least lol.

Beautiful surroundings though

HotChip   Iceland. Apr 09 2014 08:59. Posts 146

I would recommend Prague and Krakow in Eastern Europe...but on your way across the Atlantic Ocean you should make a pitstop in Iceland for a few weeks

Sauce visited in '08 and look where he is now

All war is based on deception - Sun TzuLast edit: 09/04/2014 08:59

n1ck   Bulgaria. Apr 09 2014 09:57. Posts 308

Mariuslol clearly doesn't understand what OP means by Eastern Europe

NOT Southern France, NOT Switzerland, NOT Sweden

and it's spelled Bulgaria, not Bulgary

On topic: I don't think I've been to a cheaper country for going out, nightlife and restaurants than Bulgaria. And I've been to 20+ countries including Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia (sure, I may of stumbled on a couple of tourist traps but these places were supposed to be dirty cheap and they weren't).

Almost everybody <30 speaks decent English, people love foreigners, rent is cheap, internet is cheap and reliable.

I live in Sofia but I'm not really the show-you-around type. I would love to grab something to eat or have a couple of drink tho. PM me if interested.

The cruelest dream, reality.Last edit: 09/04/2014 10:00

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 09 2014 10:05. Posts 9634

Yeah, I'd, depending on what you're looking for you, chose to come Plovdiv, Bulgaria if i were you. City s great for all kinds of stuff. My fellow countrymen are a bit over-exaggerating when they say most young people speak english, which is not true. I'd say not more than 20% of people my age posses english skills good enough for you to have a normal conversation with.

Apart from that Plovdiv s great, there are things to see, I think clubbing wise there arent many places to see as the music in the clubs is a bulgarian piece of shit. Probably Bulgaria's architectural and cultural capital tho, there are definitely loads of places to visit. I'd be more than willing to take you on a tour if im in the city.

p.s. sry im masstabling probably many sentances dont make the perfect sense

 Last edit: 09/04/2014 10:09

blueyes   . Apr 09 2014 11:35. Posts 214

Definitely Prague is going to be the best option imo.

But if you ever come to Kraków, let us know Doors are open anytime.

GL in deciding.

Hoolz_1907   United Kingdom. Apr 09 2014 12:24. Posts 2791

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet but I would definitely check out Slovenia. It's more central europe I suppose but it's beautiful and very green.

(It's not mine but it describes a few highlights of the country pretty well). The population under 40 generally speaks English very well.

Look at his hand and equities, what do you expect him to have here, uno cards? - TianYuan 

cariadon   Estonia. Apr 09 2014 12:28. Posts 4019

I think it would help us if you were more elaborate voicing your expectations.

Couchsurfing should be looked into. Surely staying in a hotel isn't a problem but staying with people who have travelled themselves and hosted numerous times before are better at the whole gig. The downside and at the same time the upside is they are random people. I mean the average poker player might take you to the wildest party with various intoxicating opportunities but some dork from couchsurfing might take you to museums. That's why i feel you need to be more precise in expressing your expectations and activities that interest you, or the type of people you enjoy being around. Hipsters, artists, sportsmen, politicians, gangsters, etc. Maybe you are deliberately fishing to see what surfaces and then taking it from there. Looks like a promising endeavor you are planning to undertake.

cariadon   Estonia. Apr 09 2014 12:33. Posts 4019

Also, prepare for the SAUNA. I feel like it should be a mandatory item in your bucket list.


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