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A pirate is born - Page 2

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Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 14 2014 01:38. Posts 4742

Starcraft came out... Then you didn't need any other games, but for some reason, you kept buying a new cd every couple of month lol

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 14 2014 01:38. Posts 4742

"When I was young, blablabla...."

TianYuan    Korea (South). Apr 14 2014 01:51. Posts 6817

  On April 13 2014 06:04 Baalim wrote:
Steam proved that piracy is a problem of service.

Since Steam came out ive never pirated a game again, however I will continue to pirate the shit out of movies, tv shows etc until they provide a good product with a good service.

Yep. Pay for all my games via steam or other such services.
Had a spotify subscription since it was available pretty much.... Bought a ton of songs from them for downloading until they stopped providing downloads, which means I'm back to downloading music (rarely tho) or, more frequently, buying stuff from Bandcamp (love bandcamp).

Not found anything for movies yet... netflix not available in Korea.

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

devon06atX   Canada. Apr 14 2014 02:11. Posts 5459

I bought a bunch of shit off itunes. Tried to transfer the songs to another device once I'm retiring this laptop, no go. Fuck that. FU itunes.

It would have been easier and faster to pirate anyway. I'm a fucking pirate from now on.

Anyone that whines that it hurts the industry is a fucking frog. While you're at it, stop driving a car that consumes oil you fucktards.

Tensai176   Canada. Apr 14 2014 02:57. Posts 1018

Pirated Total War ROME;

Wanted Mods so I bought Total War ROME for liek $20.

Medieval II Came out, Straight bought that, + Kingdoms for like $75.

Lost my disc, bought it again no steam for like $30.

Empire:Total War came out. Insta-bought that. $75.

Got fucking disappointed. Napolean came out bought that. $75.

Told myself never to trust Total war again. Dled Shogun II was okay.

BOUGHT ROME TOTAL WAR II $75. Wanted to kill myself. Fucking garbage piece of shit I should've pirated.

In this personal experience, Creative Assembly made $300+ from a pirated game.

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 14 2014 03:04. Posts 34261

  On April 14 2014 00:51 TianYuan wrote:
Show nested quote +

Yep. Pay for all my games via steam or other such services.
Had a spotify subscription since it was available pretty much.... Bought a ton of songs from them for downloading until they stopped providing downloads, which means I'm back to downloading music (rarely tho) or, more frequently, buying stuff from Bandcamp (love bandcamp).

Not found anything for movies yet... netflix not available in Korea.

They are dying dinosaurs clinging to their olds ways trying to stay alive through litigation and harassment of newer technologies, trying to send Kim Dotcom to jail for 50 years for being a pioneer in cloud storage. The good news is they will soon die, just like blockbuster died, network TV will die and hollywood distribution sistem through cinema will die too, and thats good.

They even dare to have different world releases for TV shows, oh you dont live in US/Europe? guess what, wait a week for the release episode... why? cuz fuck you thats why... wtf, so people pirate and then they whine their shows are being pirated, well no shit.

I release my movies in theaters only and you will have to wait 4 months for it if you dont feel like going to the movie theater... well fuck you ill pirate it then.

Want to rent an online movie? pay $16 to watch it fucking once... want to buy it? pay $45... yeah thats the same price as if we had to produce a DVD, burn it, pack it, send it to a distribution center, selling it a retail store and paying everybody remotely involved in that whole process.... except that with digital selling we dont have to do or pay for ANY of that shit... but you will still have to pay the same price, well guess what... fuck you ill pirate it.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Apr 14 2014 03:06. Posts 8918

The film industry should make a ton of effort to offer good alternatives to pirating, but instead they make you jump through hoops to pay for something that you can get much easier for free, not to mention sometimes shit just isn't available when you're outside of the US, so fuck em.

Nazgul    Netherlands. Apr 14 2014 08:11. Posts 7080

  On April 14 2014 02:04 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

They are dying dinosaurs clinging to their olds ways trying to stay alive through litigation and harassment of newer technologies, trying to send Kim Dotcom to jail for 50 years for being a pioneer in cloud storage. The good news is they will soon die, just like blockbuster died, network TV will die and hollywood distribution sistem through cinema will die too, and thats good.

They even dare to have different world releases for TV shows, oh you dont live in US/Europe? guess what, wait a week for the release episode... why? cuz fuck you thats why... wtf, so people pirate and then they whine their shows are being pirated, well no shit.

I release my movies in theaters only and you will have to wait 4 months for it if you dont feel like going to the movie theater... well fuck you ill pirate it then.

Want to rent an online movie? pay $16 to watch it fucking once... want to buy it? pay $45... yeah thats the same price as if we had to produce a DVD, burn it, pack it, send it to a distribution center, selling it a retail store and paying everybody remotely involved in that whole process.... except that with digital selling we dont have to do or pay for ANY of that shit... but you will still have to pay the same price, well guess what... fuck you ill pirate it.

We're all stealing for our own convenience when we download movies and series that's just the reality.

I agree with your arguments that surely we would spend some money if better service existed but I don't see how you turn that into a justification of stealing at your own convenience. Bottom line is that the main driving factor for downloading is that we don't want to wait for delays on releases, and don't want to spend the time, effort, and money on the actual product. It's entirely self-serving.

"Oh the product that is ideal for me doesn't exist? Well, let me just steal instead that will teach them."

You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmoLast edit: 14/04/2014 08:16

Gnarly   United States. Apr 14 2014 10:18. Posts 1723


Remind me how copying digital information is stealing? I mean, the original is STILL there, no?

Diversify or fossilize! 

iop   Sweden. Apr 14 2014 10:20. Posts 4951

  On April 14 2014 00:51 TianYuan wrote:
Show nested quote +

Yep. Pay for all my games via steam or other such services.
Had a spotify subscription since it was available pretty much.... Bought a ton of songs from them for downloading until they stopped providing downloads, which means I'm back to downloading music (rarely tho) or, more frequently, buying stuff from Bandcamp (love bandcamp).

Not found anything for movies yet... netflix not available in Korea.

Neither is Spotify, in Korea

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

iop   Sweden. Apr 14 2014 10:21. Posts 4951

  On April 14 2014 07:11 Nazgul wrote:
Show nested quote +

We're all stealing for our own convenience when we download movies and series that's just the reality.

I agree with your arguments that surely we would spend some money if better service existed but I don't see how you turn that into a justification of stealing at your own convenience. Bottom line is that the main driving factor for downloading is that we don't want to wait for delays on releases, and don't want to spend the time, effort, and money on the actual product. It's entirely self-serving.

"Oh the product that is ideal for me doesn't exist? Well, let me just steal instead that will teach them."


Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 14 2014 13:15. Posts 4946

  On April 14 2014 09:18 Gnarly wrote:

Remind me how copying digital information is stealing? I mean, the original is STILL there, no?

Please dont start up with that shit. You arent paying for the information, you are paying for the labor it took to create it. But Baal put it best recognizing that Steam proved piracy was a matter of service, not money. During the Steam christmas sale I bought 5 games and havent even installed them yet, just because I know they are a button click away. If Steam didnt exist, would I have purchased them from Gamestop? No, because it wouldnt be worth my time to even bother, so whether I pirated them or not no transaction was lost, they were never getting my money anyway. The only dilemma for me is that these are movies that I actually would spend money to see if God peaked his bearded head through the clouds and made all piracy impossible. So now I am taking something that I could and would pay for, and not paying for it. So instead I'll don my Robin Hood hat and claim I'm doing it to enact change. I'm making a personal moral sacrifice so that one day future generations will be able to consume content without the pain of a 2 ft long arching veiny horse penis penetrating to their sternum.

It's just unbelievable how studio execs dont recognize that they are likely making less money with their current distro model. They honestly think hardcoded sales in the form of a disc, something that you physically touch, is the only way to certifiably sell something, as if it were a loaf of bread or something. They just cant wrap their minds around this whole idea of digital content and sales. It's like it's such a scary concept to them, "it's just 1's and 0's?! How are we supposed to make money off that? I cant feel that. I cant hold that. It doesnt exist!" If they just took new release movies, like stuff that's about to come out that Friday and put it out for $20 a pop with a 48 hour viewing period people would eat that shit up. I dont even go to the theater anymore. I would rather have beer and pizza at home on my nice couch and watch on a 60" screen than drive somewhere and sit in an uncomfortable seat at a weird angle with noisy people around. There's millions of people who skip on theaters all together. But I'd snap pay premium money to see Transcendence this Friday at home.

bye nowLast edit: 14/04/2014 13:18

Gnarly   United States. Apr 14 2014 14:06. Posts 1723

>paying for the labor

That's a loaded kek. That's like saying you're paying for the labor for a football game, which is entirely untrue.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Nazgul    Netherlands. Apr 14 2014 15:37. Posts 7080

I don't think it is very productive to argue the semantics of the word stealing. I'm fine with it not being called stealing I don't see why it matters how you name it.

You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmo 

cariadon   Estonia. Apr 14 2014 18:50. Posts 4019

There's already smartTV available for Estonians. It allows you to record any show on any channel you have and then watch it. Also you can rent movies for 48 hours. Calendar with your favourite shows and notifications. And you can re-watch whatever has been shown on tv in the last 2 weeks. Pretty neat.

Apple TV will bring change. Streaming is becoming increasingly popular. I don't believe everything will be gathered under one umbrella just yet. There will be a couple of big service providers and i think it benefits the end user most. I believe the wheels for a better service are in motion, just have to give it time.

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 14 2014 19:40. Posts 4946

  On April 14 2014 13:06 Gnarly wrote:
>paying for the labor

That's a loaded kek. That's like saying you're paying for the labor for a football game, which is entirely untrue.

Ok so what are you paying for when you watch a football game? Can you refuse to pay me for building your house because you bought the materials yourself and thus havent stolen anything from me? When you pirate a movie you arent just stealing the data required to put that movie into a digital format. You are stealing the gasoline it cost for the trucks that hauled around all the camera equipment to make the movie. You are stealing the food that was used to feed the crew who produced the movie. What you are paying for is the time the actor took out of his day to entertain you, when he could have been doing something else instead. You are paying for all the people who spent the last 8 months slaving away in art rooms and computer terminals rendering the special fx so you could have something to watch.

I make no mistake about what I am doing when I pirate a film that I intended to originally pay money for. But they screwed me, so I'm screwing them back. My favorite show right now is Game of Thrones. I do not have HBO, so I download it online. If HBO figured out a way to stop this, I would not suddenly go pay for Comcast/HBO subscription to watch it, I would just abandon the show completely and go on about my life. So my downloading of their show does not cost them any money, because they were never getting any money from me in the first place. Their net profit from my actions will always be exactly 0. However I just downloaded Enders Game too, which was originally in my rent queue. They were going to get my money to pay for all those things I mentioned, but now they're not, because they fucked me.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 14 2014 20:32. Posts 1723

The paying the stadium for the privilege to spectate the sport. Expensive tickets = high salaries for athletes. The reason tickets are expensive is because of seats filled. !!

I would've stolen your time with the promise that I would pay you. Developers, artists, and directors get paid before sales, after. I would've already paid you for the house, however, because I'm simply someone seeking a room, it would be like making an exact copy of the house you built, without you actually building it or someone funding the materials, and me placing it in another location. You already got paid.

>stealing gasoline

omk (oh my kek)

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 14 2014 21:56. Posts 4946

Your football players are paid before their performance. They get paid whether the arena is sold out or empty. But what do you think is going to happen to the next game if the last one was empty? They wont play. The gasoline argument is meant to demonstrate the resources that are used to produce your entertainment that you dont seem to realize exists. You're still stuck in this 3rd grader mentality of simply looking at the direct product, an mpeg file stored on your harddrive. But thats not what you paid for. You didnt pay for the 1's and 0's you replicated thus leaving the original intact. You paid for the resources required to align those 1's and 0's, and those resources arent replenishable, like the food and water required by the people to create the content. THATS what you are paying for. You are paying for their time, not their idea. Just like if I design your house on paper and you run out the door with the schematics, the idea is still in my head and I could write it down again, but you're still stealing. Or if I come to your house to hammer the nails into the wood and then you tell me to fuck off after I'm finished, that "i havent lost anything, I'm still here, you didnt take any nails from me you created your own" nonsense.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 14 2014 22:21. Posts 1723

If I stole the blueprints to your house, I literally stole physical property. Your argument would have me take a picture of your blueprints, or copying them in a copying machine or something.

  Or if I come to your house to hammer the nails into the wood and then you tell me to fuck off after I'm finished, that "i havent lost anything, I'm still here, you didnt take any nails from me you created your own" nonsense.

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 14 2014 23:08. Posts 4946

Ok, so you copy them in a copying machine using paper and toner you purchased, hooked up to a portable generator you brought with you so you dont use any of my electricity in the process. I spent the last 3 months designing your house. This isnt stealing in your view?

bye now 


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