A pirate is born - Page 4 |
NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 18 2014 20:40. Posts 4946 | | |
I guess I'm not making my points very well because your responses to me make no sense. The only thing I can discretely answer for you is this whole "what am I stealing?" question you have problem understanding. You are stealing the 8 months of time 1000 individuals dedicated to produce your movie. If you only place value on tangible objects, then you should have told them that, and they would have said "well then wtf am I doing this for, I could be outside building a house, something someone has to pay me for if they want to get the keys". Now they are at a loss. How are they supposed to pay their bills and put food on the table if you just stiffed them and said "sorry sir, your movie is just an idea that I am duplicating"?
| This is another problem. You think ideas are someone's properties. Regardless of the fact that the engineer is on a contract and is legally to be paid, you seem to misconstrue it as that you can enslave someone. |
No I didnt say ideas are someones property, I said the labor required to produce the idea is, and that is what you have stolen. They had the idea, you did not. You could never have had their idea. They are smarter than you, and that is why you are paying them for their idea, because they can do something you cant. Without them the idea never happens. Whether or not someone is under contract is irrelevant (and ironic since you're already breaking the law, who cares if a manager does it then?). I dont even know what you're getting at with the "enslave someone" comment.
| but the consumer is a mass |
And there's no ad hominem in my last statement. You earlier said that it doesnt matter if you steal a movie because the director got paid, as if his payment is the end of the supply chain when it comes to producing films. You fail to trace back the person who paid him, and the person before that, etc. |
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Gnarly   United States. Apr 18 2014 22:23. Posts 1723 | | |
This is the thing I don't get with your argument... Are you saying that I, as the consumer, or I, as the employer?
>you could never have had their idea
There you go, being a control freak. Sorry to burst your bubble, but people can come up with the same ideas and not realize others have come up with it before. There's no law of physics preventing that. |
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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 18 2014 23:01. Posts 4946 | | |
Could you have built the large hadron collider? Some people can do things that you can't. That's why you pay them for their time. What if I'm an amateur filmmaker, who produces his own work and then sells it to put food on the table. I am going to film some nature video of bears in their natural habitat. I purchase a backpack, food, training, camera equipment, plane rental, and spend 1 month in the wildnerness. I come back to sell the footage, and you just "digitally duplicate" it and thank me for my time. How the fuck am I supposed to eat now? How am I supposed to recover the costs involved with producing that video that you duplicated? How am I supposed to recover the money I spent from the 30 days that I now have gone without pay? How can you not possibly see this as stealing from me? |
bye now | Last edit: 18/04/2014 23:01 |
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Gnarly   United States. Apr 22 2014 01:03. Posts 1723 | | |
So, are you implying that I'm in some sort of... social contract and am financially obligated to house and feed each and every producer that produced something that entertained me?
If you can't sell your shit as an amateur, it's not my fault. You obviously know that people like your shit, so it's UP TO YOU TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO PROFIT OFF OF IT. It's almost like you want a government quota on how many people are to buy x movie and y movie and z game and shit. It's NOT my fault you took the risk without getting a fucking contract or some sort of leverage in the first place. Please tell me you're trolling with that ideology. |
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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 24 2014 23:37. Posts 4946 | | |
Each and every producer? What? No, I'm saying you are obligated to pay ME for watching MY shit. If you dont want to PAY, then dont watch. Do you sign a contract each time you enter the grocery store not to open a bag of Doritos and eat them in the aisle without paying? No, the contract is implied. Thats why there's a law against stealing. You cant just take someones shit and then say "show me the contract" to get out of paying.
I did figure out how to profit off of it, I put a fucking price tag on it and said "pay me 5 bucks to watch this sweet nature video I made". |
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Gnarly   United States. Apr 25 2014 00:40. Posts 1723 | | |
You can't ever compare with physical inventory. If I'm going in there and physically taking their inventory, then they have less inventory. When it's digital, they literally have unlimited.
What if I were to watch a friends movie? Should I still pay then? Kinda like how they want to with the xbone? Unless they are already doing that. Do you REALLY think everyone must pay when they watch information?
What if no one paid you five bucks to watch your video because I can watch similar quality if not better videos for free on youtube? |
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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 25 2014 01:12. Posts 4946 | | |
| On April 24 2014 23:40 Gnarly wrote:
You can't ever compare with physical inventory. If I'm going in there and physically taking their inventory, then they have less inventory. When it's digital, they literally have unlimited. |
I did use physical inventory. I had to eat food and buy physical things to make the video for you. That is part of what you are paying for. How does that not count? Plus there is the time I spent making it, you are paying for my time.
| What if I were to watch a friends movie? Should I still pay then? Kinda like how they want to with the xbone? Unless they are already doing that. Do you REALLY think everyone must pay when they watch information? |
What if you had 10 million friends. Should any of them have to pay? Or should a movie studio spend $200,000,000 on the sequel to Avatar and just sell 1 ticket for $12 and let everyone's friend come watch it with him?
| What if no one paid you five bucks to watch your video because I can watch similar quality if not better videos for free on youtube? |
Then I make a video that's worth paying for. Thats my fault if nobody wants to see it. But if you do, then you must pay. |
bye now | Last edit: 25/04/2014 01:17 |
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Gnarly   United States. Apr 25 2014 12:33. Posts 1723 | | |
You're not making the video for me. You're making the video because A: it's your passion. I'm not asking for the video to be made. I can't be stealing your time, either. One, you're not enslaved to me. Two, you chose to make what you made on your own free will.
If I had 10 million friends wanting to watch a movie at my house, I'd need a building large enough for that to happen. I'd charge for them to get in, charge for food and drinks, and then probably charge for parking, too.
If the studio knew that people don't go to the studios as often, why the fuck would they target the theaters? They'd be better off targeting internet streaming. If they can't adapt, they deserve to go under.
I could always just watch your video that someone else bought, record it there, and then have it for my own personal use. Is that stealing? Pirating is very convenient for the quality, but there are other ways of getting what I want without paying. You're not going to be able to force me to pay for information. You're taking the risk to profit off of it, so it's up to you to find out where the best route is for profit. Why not try to monetize off of me simply watching the video on my computer on a website like youtube?
You can even monetize your fame on 4chan. Top kek. |
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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 25 2014 16:02. Posts 4946 | | |
| On April 25 2014 11:33 Gnarly wrote:
You're not making the video for me. You're making the video because A: it's your passion. I'm not asking for the video to be made. I can't be stealing your time, either. One, you're not enslaved to me. Two, you chose to make what you made on your own free will. |
Nobody made that jug of milk in the grocery store for you either. They just made it and put it out there for anyone who is willing to pay for it. You seem to think you dont owe anyone money unless you request the product, at which point then the product is created. 2000 years ago thats how business worked. We also rode animals to town and cities consisted of about a dozen people since you couldnt supply anything without receiving payment up front to cover the costs.
| If I had 10 million friends wanting to watch a movie at my house, I'd need a building large enough for that to happen. I'd charge for them to get in, charge for food and drinks, and then probably charge for parking, too. |
So you would own a movie theater. Funny, thats exactly how movies are distributed. Yet you come along, make a copy of it, and act like it's nothing. How about you go buy that big building and parking lot with drinks to serve, then all 10 million people just watch your movie without paying and say "I didnt steal any physical goods".
| If the studio knew that people don't go to the studios as often, why the fuck would they target the theaters? They'd be better off targeting internet streaming. If they can't adapt, they deserve to go under. |
People stealing your shit isnt a failure to adapt, thats just people being assholes. How about I just punch you in the face and take your wallet and then blame you for letting it happen?
| I could always just watch your video that someone else bought, record it there, and then have it for my own personal use. Is that stealing? Pirating is very convenient for the quality, but there are other ways of getting what I want without paying. You're not going to be able to force me to pay for information. You're taking the risk to profit off of it, so it's up to you to find out where the best route is for profit. Why not try to monetize off of me simply watching the video on my computer on a website like youtube? |
Well I would, but you're acting like if you can find a way to watch it without paying then you should be allowed to do so. People like you are the reason we have these draconian anti-piracy technologies in the first place. You're the reason I have to go through all the bullshit just to get my movie to the point that I'm now driven towards piracy because it's so goddamn inconvenient because studios know you'll do anything to watch it for free.
| You can even monetize your fame on 4chan. Top kek. |
Dont say that. |
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Gnarly   United States. Apr 26 2014 08:51. Posts 1723 | | |
>few dozen people
Do you even Rome? I'm wondering if I should even keep reading at this point.
The thing about my example is that I would be charging them to park or to enter, not to watch the film. See the difference? So, if they came into my parking lot without paying, they would be cutting out someone who could be paying, as in there's a physical limit. I would want that person who wants to be able to watch the film to be able to watch the film.
People stealing your shit is adapting. By having people steal your shit, you're being too stubborn to look into why they would consider stealing it over actually paying for it.
I would say that if you hit me in the face, I did let it happen. I mean, I didn't do anything to stop it, did I? I could always become defensive at the sight of a certain type of person... Though, I'm not sure what that has to deal with piracy other than you simply venting your personal anger at me.
If you can't beat them, join them. Though, if studios know that I'd rather watch for free, they should try to monetize off of my traffic. It's their product, it's their risk, it's their worry about how to profit. Not mine.
I should be allowed to do something for free like watching a movie at a friends house. Do you think that should be illegal?
>don't say that
Look at Boxxy. Have you seen her very recent video? It's quite amazing the transformation she's done.
>don't say that
>don't do this
>don't think these things
>dont agree with this
>don't disagree with that
>don't watch this movie from across the hall even though we're living in the same house
>that's stealing |
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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 26 2014 17:14. Posts 4946 | | |
So when you charge people to see a movie in your movie theater, you arent charging them to actually see the movie, you are just charging them a fee for parking in your parking lot? So if you're able to charge for a tandem event that has nothing to do with actually viewing the content, why cant I charge you for the time and expenses I put forth in filming my movie? I'm not charging you for the movie, I'm charging you for what it cost for me to present you the movie, same as you charging for parking instead of the actual movie. How would you feel if I bought 1 ticket to your movie, put a camera up in your theater, and then live streamed the movie to the internet so nobody else had to come pay for your parking?
As for hitting you in the face, as fun as that would be, it actually had nothing to do with my anger towards you. It was merely an example of me doing something to you that you couldnt stop. You pirate a movie and then blame the studio for failing to protect their assets. But obviously they are trying to protect them. They encrypt them, try to put them behind a paywall, etc. You just found a way to circumvent that. Well maybe if I try to hit you you might actually defend yourself, but just because you try doesnt mean you will succeed. Is it still your fault if I'm bigger and stronger than you cand you cant defend yourself?
If the studios really wanted to make sure that each and every person who wants to watch their movie had to pay, then they could have movies only be available in theaters. No rentals, no bluray, no online streaming, just go the theater model only route. Is that what you would prefer? Does that make anyone's life better? It obviously would put a big dent in piracy. But the reason they dont is because they can make even more money by releasing it in a more user friendly format and just trust that the general populace arent a bunch of scumbag thieves and will still pay for it. The people like you are basically "the cost of doing business". You're basically a nuisance that they have come to live with. Give yourself a pat on the back for being a bottom feeder of society, I have a feeling this extends beyond your piracy and you're probably an overall douchebag in all walks of life. It's just your mentality that shines through as evidence of that.
As for "public performance" such as letting your family all watch a single movie together in the living room (or across the hall), if the studios had a magic wand and could somehow make your 6 yr old sister and 70 yr old grandma all have to pay to watch the same movie in the living room, people would simply not watch the movie. The studios know this, so they understand it is worth it to let someone rent 1 movie and share it with their family because some money is better than no money. But this isnt you. You are guaranteed a "no money viewer" every single time. It doesnt matter what they do you are just out to get it for free so it doesnt really matter how difficult they make piracy, you are never going to pay. |
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NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 26 2014 17:17. Posts 4946 | | |
And no I havent seen boxxy. Why the fuck would I? I know who/what she is because I saw someone link to a video of her like 5 years ago but thats about it. The fact that you keep up to date with something like that is part of what's wrong with you. You need to let that shit go man, it's childish. |
bye now | Last edit: 26/04/2014 17:18 |
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Gnarly   United States. Apr 27 2014 21:05. Posts 1723 | | |
You can charge me, but good luck getting me to actually pay. Why not make a deal with me, so you can hedge against your risk? Become a studio and give me exclusive films, and I'll give you guaranteed traffic space.
Though, if you put up a camera, I could have security kick you out. Then again, I'd probably make sure you wouldn't be getting in in the first place, you trouble maker, you.
>try to encrypt them
Guess what? Those studios have to pay someone to do that.
Guess what? Studios gotta pay for that.
There's something in common there, hopefully you can see it.
If I could be bigger and stronger than you, and I know it, and I choose not to, then as well as not learning how to defend myself, yet able to learn, then it would be my fault. You can probably see where I can go with that.
>only in theaters
>100% everyone paying
They would kill their consumer base, they would never do that.
>scumbag thieves
I'm actually laughing. I don't think you like the real world very much.
>ad homs, bottom feeder, douchebag
That's also pretty funny. I can't take you serious with that pretentious attitude.
>so they understand and let someone rent 1 movie to get some money
>cause if they charge anyone caught in the room while the movie was playing and got charged, they wouldn't watch the movie
Couldn't you apply the very same logic to the price of a dvd? Why not let some people buy the movie and then let them pirate it, cause hey, that's some money which is better than less money?
Because she had a recent video come out apparently she's become quite sophisticated and the network she seems to have been able to build based off of her 4chan fame is quite impressive.
>its childish
I don't have like a calendar of memes or some shit, I mostly browse boards like /vg/ or /g/ or /ck/ or the other artsy boards, cause ya know, I do enjoy muh art and I cook and I listen to music and like to broaden my library. You dismissing social media as childish is childish in itself. That's like saying people who still watch cat videos on youtube are childish.
You have such a narrow mind. |
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