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GoldRush   United States. Apr 16 2014 16:32. Posts 1025

[ ] get 12k back.
[ ] send to NeillyAA for wsop me.

[x] waiting.

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Apr 16 2014 17:05. Posts 8648

  On April 16 2014 15:32 GoldRush wrote:
[ ] get 12k back.
[ ] send to NeillyAA for wsop me.

[x] waiting.

Truck-Crash Life 

Sanity   United States. Apr 16 2014 23:51. Posts 1076

  On April 16 2014 12:21 Gnarly wrote: I wish I could find more games, but the only 1/2 in town is the only one that runs regularly.

Theres actually a lot of 1/2 and 1/3 games around, I've found them pretty quick. Have a game in midtown, one in SugarLand, and a 1/2 around Katy. The 1/3 game in midtown plays SUPER deep though.

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Apr 17 2014 00:35. Posts 6374

tits or gtfo

ban baal 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 17 2014 02:41. Posts 1723

idk where the fuck midtown is at. I think I'm on the complete other side of town from you, over on the pasadena side. the farthest I go is barely in pearland.

Diversify or fossilize! 

fira   United States. Apr 17 2014 15:56. Posts 6345

Pearland ^_^

Sanity   United States. Apr 17 2014 20:23. Posts 1076

  On April 17 2014 01:41 Gnarly wrote:
idk where the fuck midtown is at. I think I'm on the complete other side of town from you, over on the pasadena side. the farthest I go is barely in pearland.

midtown as in central houston

Gnarly   United States. Apr 17 2014 21:11. Posts 1723

never heard downtown called midtown before

Diversify or fossilize! 

hiems   United States. Apr 17 2014 21:35. Posts 2979

I have a prop bet in mind where someone coaches Gnarly to get his shit together.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 17 2014 22:56. Posts 4946

You live in Houston? I lived in Houston. Home poker games are EVERYWHERE. There's like 50 a night. It's legal there as long as there's no rake. I havent played in years and I think I still have some poker contacts.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 18 2014 09:25. Posts 1723

>get my shit together

Let me have a job, where I'll actually get paid for all the hours I worked, not just a portion, and actually get paid more than minimum wage, and that might be able to happen. Or, give me a job where I'm not ridiculed, spit on, and forcibly moved by a racist piece of shit who can't get fired because he's the cousin of the boss, and I might be able to get a new car. Or, give me a job where the manager actually does her fucking job and informs her boss that I put in my two weeks, and I won't get replaced at the other store without that boss confirming with not only the boss of the other location, but with the manager as well. Or, give me a job where I can actually talk to my supervisors instead of having to rely on only one girl in the ENTIRE warehouse of a couple hundred people who can speak english and spanish, and I won't get fired for having to go to the emergency room. Or, give me a job where I won't have my checks halved by other people fucking up.

I need a fucking job.

Also, my mom is missing. Literally.

>as long as there's no rake

There isn't a single non-raked game I've been to. The only ones that do actually have decent rake host a game once or twice a month, even then, they are the small games. The game I go to, the guy gets bitched at often by his friends for over raking the pots. The other games I know... I mean cmon... You can't add money to a fucking tournament and end up having the prize pool be less than your guarantee. Even then, I know there are some mechanics working/playing at these games, which I've been burned by one. (who has been outed as a mechanic and no longer deals for anyone ever again)

There's only one place that doesn't rake, and that's a bar. Even then, people cheat there, too. Grabbing your mucked cards, signaling with other players, straight up hiding their cards under the table, chip grabbing, etc..

Diversify or fossilize! 

casinocasino   Canada. Apr 18 2014 13:17. Posts 3343

You need a better plan, and better goal-setting skills. Clean it up, be courteous to others, respect your image. Take time off and write your thoughts down, and share them with a mentor who inspires you.

 Last edit: 18/04/2014 13:17

Gnarly   United States. Apr 18 2014 14:12. Posts 1723

I do have a plan. I've been working on it for a couple months now, but I'm hoping I can get it started up within a year or two. However, what my sister did actually threw the biggest fucking wrench in my plans, because I had my dads financial backing for when things got ready to go.

>respect my image

The first impressions people get of me is that either I'm still in middle/high school or that I'm a girl.

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 18 2014 20:24. Posts 4946

  On April 18 2014 13:12 Gnarly wrote:
>respect my image

The first impressions people get of me is that either I'm still in middle/high school or that I'm a girl.

This probably has a lot to do with how you carry yourself. I've kinda been wanting to say something about it because I get this overall impression of who you are based on the things you write about and how you write them. It's kinda like you're a living internet cliche. You use words like "toppest wow" and "kek" and quote yourself in the 3rd person like an anon 4chan poster. Even though this is just a forum and the internet, dont become a walking meme. Kinda like the old adage "dress for the position you want, not the position you have". Well this is true. It works in all walks of life. I'm not saying to be fake and not be yourself, but most losers are not really "themselves", they've just given up pursuing what they want. They have fond solace in the losers around them because it's easier not to do anything to better yourself. I dont know who you talk to or what other forums you frequent, but I have a feeling they're all filled with dipshits and losers. If you in any way carry your real life persona like you do on here then this is probably 90% of your problem. Seriously, stop the faggy internet syntax and linguistics. Just talk/write fucking normal, and in time you will probably start to act normal and good things will follow.

bye nowLast edit: 18/04/2014 20:31

Gnarly   United States. Apr 18 2014 22:18. Posts 1723

I do post on 4chan, but I only post internet stuff on the internet. I don't say memes out loud, I keep that stuff to the web.

I personally view you as a very controlling person.

I got cat called today. I have short hair, wear guy clothing, and stick out my chest a little when I need to make an impression and stuff like that. Always give a firm handshake. I used to make 1,500 a month part time doing delivery. Then again, that was mostly because I would get 20s from women. When I say that people think of me as still being in school, I mean as in my physical make up. I can pass as a thirteen year old, I'm not kidding you. It's a double-edged sword.

>start to act normal and good things will follow

This is the internet, dude. Not fucking serious business, lol.

Diversify or fossilize! 

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 18 2014 23:13. Posts 4946

  On April 18 2014 21:18 Gnarly wrote:
This is the internet, dude. Not fucking serious business, lol.

Yeah but your words still represent a portion of your stream of consciousness. You might act differently in real life, but a portion of you exists in both places at the same time, because it's in you, it's part of who you are. You can't separate that. Any opportunity you have to distance yourself from idiots should be taken. I met this really annoying guy at work one day and after a few conversations he talked about how he lives on 4chan. I immediately thought "ah well that explains a lot". It's like that inner part of him that has to express himself in the way someone on that site might was also part of his real life persona whether he knew it or not. The internet was just a vice to get it out, but it's still there.

I dont know what you do for a living but it sounds like your work history is pretty low end, like deliveries and flipping burgers type shit. Aim higher. It's nice to have some dream where you want to own your own business and stuff but that's an entirely different animal. There's nothing about entrepreneurship that is better than working a white collar job. I mean a doctor can easily make more money than a business owner. You need to aim for like middle ground for now. Get a cushy desk job, in a cubicle or something. Something where you can make $20/hr to start, which will enable you to rent a decent apartment and buy a nice used car. Have money to take women to dinner and a pad nice enough to fuck them back at home. During this phase of your life you will learn responsibility and the dignity of not having a shit job. Once you are accustomed to having money then you can start to aim for the big boys and start a business.

bye now 

Gnarly   United States. Apr 22 2014 00:55. Posts 1723

I've got a viable under the tables type of thing I can start up by next month. At this point, if I can start making a little money doing that faster than I can get another job, then I don't see why I shouldn't do it.

What I am is not who I am, and who I am is not what I am. It's all sorts of upside down.

Diversify or fossilize! 

whamm!   Albania. Apr 22 2014 19:51. Posts 11625

pics of thieving sister or mom?


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