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Passion - Page 2

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GoldRush   United States. May 21 2014 14:29. Posts 1025

that video is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee thanks didnt know it existed

GoldRush   United States. May 21 2014 14:35. Posts 1025

boy froz was a wicked master, i was sooooo jealous of that lol.

requiem chit - where the hell did he come from? lol , 32 mins in

Sliggy   Australia. May 21 2014 17:10. Posts 742

  On May 21 2014 09:55 dnagardi wrote:
sliggy i cant believe you are like that 24/7/365

there are just so many ups and downs in life. Also the boring everyday routines, where u dont feel happy nor sad, you are just there and doing stuff.
There cant be constant happiness, unless you are on drugs 24/7

Where is that written? Reality is subjective. There is no "right" way to view the world.

Challenges, stressful events, even sadness itself I'm at peace with. Sadness doesn't make me happy, but I'm not happy 24/7. I am however, at peace 24/7, and that's pretty much the same thing.

Seriously though my diet is like wat.
And I've been training my mind in the art of gratitude just to exist in the first place and positivity for a long time.


Sliggy   Australia. May 21 2014 17:13. Posts 742

Loving boring everyday routines is touched on in the Bhagavad Gita and in Steven Pressfield's The War of Art as well as 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

It's called loving the process and being entitled to your labour, not the fruits of it. It's a pretty universal concept amongst most successful people in history knowingly or not, and it allows me to accomplish all sorts of shit without inner resistance.


whamm!   Albania. May 21 2014 19:12. Posts 11625

had the same problem 3 years ago. switched to podcasts like JRE and found that there are unlimited things in the real world to be passionate about.
we all got used to just exclusively sitting in front of the computer that we forget that. now i try and just use the internet to enhance stuff that im interested in now which is what i shouldve been doing in the first place.

ggplz   Sweden. May 21 2014 23:41. Posts 16784

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

InSideOut   Canada. May 22 2014 03:23. Posts 854

k4ir0s, you are pretty damn charismatic. That video brought back good memories for me. Watched the first 20 minutes and was smiling through every minute of it!

 Last edit: 22/05/2014 03:25

longple    Sweden. May 22 2014 03:26. Posts 4472

clear your mind

+ Show Spoiler +

Target-x17   Canada. May 22 2014 16:36. Posts 1027

na i got no drive bros but that video is awsome

f u bw rockLast edit: 22/05/2014 16:37

2primenumbers   United States. May 23 2014 06:27. Posts 199

Yep the passion requires willful direction though - All of your commentated gaming entertainment. 


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