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bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jun 13 2014 13:21. Posts 8648

  On June 13 2014 09:15 Santafairy wrote:
Show nested quote +

there isn't really such a thing as a meme arrow

it's common punctuation used for quoting/indirect speech

you may have encountered it before if you ever replied to an email for instance

nope never seen it used like that before

Truck-Crash Life 

TalentedTom    Canada. Jun 13 2014 17:56. Posts 20070

perhaps what you need is to meet people either similar to yourself or on the complete opposite of the spectrum (super confident / genuinely don't give a fuck about anything). Normal people are likely to be intimidated or scared of someone in your situation, you need someone who will either empathize with you or someone who won't think too much of it. Sounds like you are constantly interacting with regular folk and disappointing with the results. You may need to narrow your vision and be more selective with whom you select to become your friend(s). There are a lot of fake confident people (who easily fold to pressure) out there, it may be easier to find and connect with more vulnerable people since they are typically more sincere

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

uiCk   Canada. Jun 13 2014 18:52. Posts 3521

Most likely you are not an extrovert, and more people around you will drain you of the energy you need to work on yourself.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

GoldRush   United States. Jun 13 2014 23:03. Posts 1025

dude just relax, its one girl, u have to be willing to open ur heart to many and open to understanding that it will be smashed many times most likely b4 you find the right girl.

she prob has a bf or met someone by the sounds of it.

take ur time, go out more, have more fun, talk to a plethora of girls, then 1 cant get u down, at least not in the short term, if u go with her long term, then u leave urself more vulnerable.

finding new friends isn't so easy, but go to where you're intrests are,you will find like minded ppl from there, im sure you're deceased friends would want you happy.

i kinda know how u feel, things get better sir.....although your story is sickkkk

traxamillion   United States. Jun 14 2014 02:56. Posts 10468

And like someone said before don't spill your heart out to a girl or even a potential friend as much as you might want to. Once you make a real close friend if you can see.they will handle it go ahead. But to the opposite sex there is really no point to make yourself look bad. people might act like they don't care but they just can't help from making a judgement and potentially seeing you in a different light.

What's a secret. By definition it is something you have a reason to conceal from other people. Usually this reason is something embarrassing or bad or makes you look bad. Girls all the time will want to know your secrets and try to play games to find them out. But really what is the benefit of telling some girl you spent time in an institution, or that you cheated on a girl in the past, or that you committed a crime, or that you had problems with drugs. She won't be able to help but wonder if any of those things are going to happen again if she invests herself into you. The further removed from those things she is herself the more she is going to be disappointed and to some degree begin to look down on you. Doesn't matter how much you have changed or are working to change or how great of.a person you might really be you will be tarnished in her eyes.

So keep it to yourself lol

2primenumbers   United States. Jun 15 2014 09:38. Posts 199

go forth
meditate and quantify your selves

  On June 13 2014 07:00 bigredhoss wrote:
why do you put a 'greater than' sign before all your lines of text

because he's greater than his problems! - All of your commentated gaming entertainment.Last edit: 15/06/2014 09:39

Gnarly   United States. Jun 18 2014 17:03. Posts 1723

It's not about a romantic relationship. It's about me being able to form any sort of relationship with anyone. The last time anyone has ever hit me up to ever do something besides the one time this year that my friend who know acts like he doesn't know who I am, was years ago. Literally, fucking YEARS ago.

Diversify or fossilize! 

Gnarly   United States. Jun 18 2014 18:04. Posts 1723

turns out I'm bipolar.

Diversify or fossilize! 


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