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Self Improvement Blog - Page 2

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Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 25 2015 07:14. Posts 2233

yeah nobody is saying don't improve yourself

everybody's nutritional needs are different, we do have different genes, but what's right for you may not be pure veganism, which is arbitrary as shit

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

GoTuNk   Chile. Nov 26 2015 16:41. Posts 2860

what kind of retardedness is this?

Humans aren't evolved to eat meat? WUT?
If you are in it for ethical reasons, props to you. If you think it's healthy to not eat meat, you are just dumb.

Great to focus on self improvement.
I would say you should start lifting weights (Squats, deadlift, bench, pull ups, etc).
Strongerr joints and muscle mass that last for life is the best way to have a healthy old age, where you can still do stuff.


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