RiKD   United States. Nov 27 2015 21:53. Posts 9151
I did not spend much time looking but I did not see a BJJ thread. It always struck me that there were a lot of practitioners on here. I'm noob and was looking for suggestions. I finally signed up for a 3 class trial run. What would you tell noob you?
Last edit: 27/11/2015 21:53
Rapoza   Brasil. Nov 27 2015 22:58. Posts 1612
--- Nuked ---
Pouncer Style 4 the win
Last edit: 27/11/2015 23:14
k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 27 2015 23:55. Posts 3478
I'm also a noob. but one thing that I learned is don't try to compensate for your lack of technique by overpowering your training partner. Relax and focus on getting the technique right, using brute force will wear you out in 10min
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
flounder44   United States. Nov 28 2015 00:09. Posts 916
few tips: eat right/exercise run when you don't attend class. And work on the warmups nail them down when you're not in class (hip escape, front hip escape, arm drags etc.)
CamilaPunt   Brasil. Nov 28 2015 01:53. Posts 2422
On November 27 2015 22:55 k4ir0s wrote:
I'm also a noob. but one thing that I learned is don't try to compensate for your lack of technique by overpowering your training partner. Relax and focus on getting the technique right, using brute force will wear you out in 1min
dogmeat   Czech Republic. Nov 28 2015 01:58. Posts 6374
could someone explain to me all the fuzz about bjj? there are more practical options, esp for videogame nerds starting with martial arts
ban baal
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Nov 28 2015 02:59. Posts 3096
nothing that lets you experience the same degree of sweaty man on man intimacy
TianYuan   Korea (South). Nov 28 2015 03:03. Posts 6817
On November 28 2015 00:58 dogmeat wrote:
could someone explain to me all the fuzz about bjj? there are more practical options, esp for videogame nerds starting with martial arts
uhh I would say that out of the practically useful arts it's by far the easiest to get into for the "video game nerd" demographic.
Very technical, pretty slow paced, and not that painful or physical compared to wrestling/judo/boxing.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
longple   Sweden. Nov 28 2015 13:07. Posts 4472
Defenetely try to relax and dont go full musclemode, its something every1 does in the start when not really knowing what to do ur body kinda goes into survival/panicmode and just tenses up and thats when u run a bit higher risk to hurt yourself doing some crazy explosion out of an armbar or something. (not saying you shouldnt use your strenght tho but be smart about it)
Tap, tap tap alot, ask questions and dont come with anoying excuses
Dont feel discouraged for feeling like a complete retard in your own body in the start, expect nothing else we've all been there. bjj like learning any other sick skill just takes alot of time and ull probably for the first year question if ur actually learning anything cuz ur getting so smashed by everyone as they are getting better aswell. Then one day a new whitebelt walks in and u actually can see how much uve learned, prepare to feel lost many times tho "I have no idea what im doing.jpg"
Some good ranting in these short videos, especially in part 3
Last edit: 28/11/2015 14:07
TianYuan   Korea (South). Nov 28 2015 13:59. Posts 6817
Defenetely try to relax and dont go full musclemode, its something every1 does in the start when not really knowing what to do ur body kinda goes into survival/panicmode and just tenses up and thats when u run a bit higher risk to hurt yourself doing some crazy explosion out of an armbar or something. (not saying you shouldnt use your strenght tho but be smart about it)
As a corollary to this, don't try to go fast when you're in someones guard. That's another thing I notice from new people, they will like off-balance themselves constantly by moving way too fast. Better to take it slow and focus on your base and keeping your arms together whether inside or outside.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
Last edit: 28/11/2015 14:00
morph1   Sierra Leone. Nov 28 2015 14:08. Posts 2352
The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
Book by Joshua Waitzkin
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
k4ir0s   Canada. Nov 28 2015 20:51. Posts 3478
On November 28 2015 13:08 morph1 wrote:
The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
Book by Joshua Waitzkin
I just bought the book yesterday!
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
RiKD   United States. Nov 29 2015 05:46. Posts 9151
Bigbobm   United States. Dec 01 2015 03:26. Posts 5512
Daut is one of my heroes. I picked up BJJ after reading one of this blogs and was instantly hooked. Would be pretty psyched to see another BJJ blog update.
As for advice, lot of good stuff in here. Probably reiterating a point made a number of times already, but check your ego at the door and don't be afraid to tap. Helps you avoid a lot of injuries and creates an opportunity for you to ask the person you're rolling with what happened. Aside from that, focus more on technique, less on strength and try to keep a clear head while rolling.
Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket
Daut   United States. Dec 01 2015 07:45. Posts 8955
I have been inactive in BJJ for about a year now . Been rock climbing/bouldering instead, worked a bit better with the DFS schedule. Need to get back in soon, I miss it
NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut
RiKD   United States. Dec 02 2015 05:05. Posts 9151
Some questions:
How often do people train?
How often would people like to train realistically? As in like, what is realistic for a 30 something guy whose main goal is to just be better when I leave the mats each time?
I find myself quite sore the day after. A little bit weirdly sore that I understand why I am sore in that way from what I did but it still is different. Not horrible I can't do anything sore but like an ugh I wish I was not as sore as I am and I probably shouldn't roll today sore. so:
Any recovery tips?
Does anyone do any specific strength and conditioning stuff?
Flexibility/mobility stuff?
TianYuan   Korea (South). Dec 02 2015 06:15. Posts 6817
Used to train like 6x a week multiple hours each time, took a break for a few months this year trying to hit SNE. Got back into a couple of months ago and now I try to train 5x a week, plus some lifting and running... Which is also about how often I want to train
Used to be incredibly sore but it goes away after a few weeks/months once your body gets used to it (or even faster depending on how good of a shape you are in I guess). I think still training when sore makes it go away way faster (I know I'll be twice as sore 2 days after if I skipped one in between).
I'm about as mobile as a fridge (tightest hips ever from a life of computer use) and while I'm working on it I dont think I can offer any solid advice here.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
Last edit: 02/12/2015 06:17
longple   Sweden. Dec 02 2015 11:41. Posts 4472
The all around body soreness is like Tian says gonna go away after a few weeks u just gotta muscle thru it but like I told u on skype RiKD training jiu jitsu just hurts and the big one is kinda realiseing that ur body can handle more then u think and that its fine, but defenetely work on your neck. The more u can work offjitz on strenghtening your neck the better and it just takes time. Stretch after every training for 15+ work on your hips especially, wich also takes time and is just a never ending process almost for computerpeople like us, but it gets better Fingers are gonna get sore and bloody too but ur skin will get harder and it will be fine aswell.
Our laazy pussybrain is most of the time like with anything in life gonna try to talk you out of showing up cuz of this pain, that pain or this reason but the more u fight that and go u will quickly realise that u can handle so much more and its almost always better to train, unless u have a broken shoulder and a fever or something ofc.
I try to think of it and Ive noticed that for myself a minimum of atleast 3 times a week keeps me moveing forward and keeps my body on track. 4-5 times a sweetspot where ur active most of the week and your learning faster then your buddies (atleast here in sweden most people train maybe 2-3 times except for the serious guys who trains for tournaments and stuff) but anything less then 3 times feels like im slacking of too much, both with learning and also with my body. The sick thing is missing 1-2 weeks ur gonna have to almost go through all the pain and soreness again to come back in shape When Ive been traveling and training ive in periods trained 7 days a week and those months have been the best ones as u get into a flow of learning/getting stronger mentally and physically.
Best tip summed up is, just go and roll sore, ur always gonna be sore.
A quote:
" It's those workouts that you really don't want to do that are the most satisfying when they're done. If I didn't get after it today it would have fucked with me for the rest of the day. A couple nights with little sleep and a couple drinks last night and it's real easy to go out like a bitch and skip my workout. It's a constant struggle and it never goes away. I used to think that one day going to the gym would always be effortless and automatic instead of the daily struggle between comfort and discipline, but that day never came. Some days are easier than others but there's almost always that little whisper of laziness creeping into my brain. The key is to never let that lazy bitch of a whisper win the argument. I won the battle today, so now I can enjoy the fights without that nagging disappointment lingering in the background. "
Last edit: 02/12/2015 11:48
TianYuan   Korea (South). Dec 02 2015 15:29. Posts 6817
Who's that quote from? It's pretty good, applies really well to poker too....
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
longple   Sweden. Dec 02 2015 16:40. Posts 4472
On December 02 2015 14:29 TianYuan wrote:
Who's that quote from? It's pretty good, applies really well to poker too....
Joe Rogan
RiKD   United States. Dec 04 2015 01:54. Posts 9151
Where do people like going for rash guards and shorts?
TianYuan   Korea (South). Dec 04 2015 04:42. Posts 6817
Underarmour. I haven't used a ton of different brands (basically just underarmour and isami), but I had a pair of underarmour compression pants (basically spats) that lasted >2 years of hard use (they are still technically in one piece tho one knee is getting worn out).
Highly, highly recommended.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
morph1   Sierra Leone. Dec 05 2015 16:25. Posts 2352
I used to train for 6-8 months before I moved up to different town
I still have my manto shorts, love it... it's very good and high quality
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
RiKD   United States. Dec 10 2015 04:27. Posts 9151
Any suggestions for tight hips?
Or, some general flexibility + mobility stuff?
TianYuan   Korea (South). Dec 10 2015 08:42. Posts 6817
The quadruped rocking thing I just started doing recently and it feels helpful already. Also got another one that I like but can't find the video for it right now, but it helped me get to a point where I could squat/deadlift with properish form at least, a couple of years back =P Will edit this if I find it, nothing especially fancy.
Also my hips always feel fucking awesome after deadlifting.
Speaking of flexibility, I've got the worlds least mobile right ankle (I think it might be from having hurt it a couple of times tho it was many many years ago at this point), if anyone has a suggestion for ways to improve it I'm all ears.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
dogmeat   Czech Republic. Dec 10 2015 23:12. Posts 6374
On December 10 2015 03:27 RiKD wrote:
Any suggestions for tight hips?
Or, some general flexibility + mobility stuff?
couch stretch, deep body bodyweight squat, pigeon stretch etc
thou tightness in quads and hamstrings, limited extrenal/internal rotation might be connected to weak core, in that case you can stretch all you want and never see an improvement. a lot of hip problems might also be connected to tight ankles
ban baal
longple   Sweden. Feb 09 2016 20:57. Posts 4472
tears in eyes!
TianYuan   Korea (South). Feb 15 2016 16:17. Posts 6817
On February 09 2016 19:57 longple wrote:
tears in eyes!
Ah awesome, I've been really rekindling my love for pure grappling (as opposed to grappling in MMA) lately, this is perfectly timed. Thanks for sharing.
On topic:ish: anyone used this? Looks cool.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
Last edit: 15/02/2016 16:19
TianYuan   Korea (South). Feb 19 2016 07:01. Posts 6817
I trained with a 360~lbs (like 160+ kg) Korean ssireum wrestler a few weeks ago. This is roughly what drilling mount escapes felt like. Plus he could like 1 arm bench press me anytime I tried to pass his guard :D
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
longple   Sweden. Feb 22 2016 09:03. Posts 4472
lol reminds me of my competition this weekend, weighed in at 87kg and fought in 94+
Havent done much flying webguard no that day!
RiKD   United States. Jan 18 2018 01:45. Posts 9151
So, I am looking to hit the mats again. I was a 3 stripe white belt but I lost my belt. I trained for 9 or 10 or 11 months and then didn't train for a year and 3 months. What is the etiquette here? I talked to someone at the gym and I don't think they understood me when I said I lost my belt because they just said to wear your belt. I guess there isn't even a question here I just show up on gi day and say I lost my belt and see what they say.
It will be interesting training at a new place. It is much smaller but there are less people. 2 black belt instructors.
longple, have you heard of Checkmat? The head instructor is in Sweden right now at a Checkmat gym. I know you get around to different places. What is your experience with training in different gyms?
If a black belt loses his belt he isn't white belt :D so you're still 3 stripe white belt unless your instructor demoted you or something like that, you can buy a new belt and put the stripes yourself. You can also show up with your gi, without a belt and say you're 3 stripe white belt but you lost it and you didn't train for a year, they will borrow you a belt or you will train belt less it doesn't matter much.
Etiquette in most places is really friendly, you can initially show up with t-shirt and shorts and say you're starting out and I would be suprised if anyone had a problem with that.
Besides it feels like you're overthinking Just go on the mats and surrender to the training.
RiKD   United States. Jan 18 2018 14:11. Posts 9151
Yeah, I am overthinking a bit, I was just curious and felt like posting.
It may take some time to get back into the swing of things. The biggest challenge will be when I am in that zone where I am not quite advanced but not quite beginner. I mean I thought I was bad ass at the time for having 3 stripes but in reality I am still a white belt beginner. I think the ego likes raping people fresh off the streets. Anyways, I had difficulty with some of the movements in the warmups in the intermediate class and I was just getting my ass handed to me by blue belts. I was likely improving tremendously over this time especially when battling 4 stripe white belts and earlier blue belts but I think it was a lot of volume to handle and getting my ass kicked was dejecting. If I upped training I was just getting my ass kicked more even if I was doing better. I still remember this one battle with a sick blue belt he got me in an arm bar, I quickly did the walk out escape... right into a triangle. So fucking owned. I was like damn... this is jiu jitsu.
It will just be nice to get on the mats again. I miss the flujo.
RiKD   United States. Jan 19 2018 02:57. Posts 9151
The struggle is real. At my last gym I never even did live sparring or should I say I rarely did. I never did it officially for rounds I just did it here and there after class but I just jumped in today to a pretty intense hour and 30 min class with 30 min of intense sparring. I was so fucking gassed it was unbelievable. It was almost embarrassing and I don't want to dread doing it again but I kind of do. I almost got a sick triangle in just straight out of instinct but I wasn't fast enough or precise enough to finish it. My standup is horrible. Anyways, I think I need some training and probably some privates to get me back up to speed.
Montrachet   Canada. Jan 19 2018 04:48. Posts 120
You will get used to sparring easily. It's about using your gas tank for the whole session. Sometime when I get the back with body lock I chill there a bit before moving on, just to rest
Im kind of in the same situation. I did bjj for like 6 months at 3 different places as I was moving very often and then stopped for a year. I started again at a new gym since I moved again. This gym is the headquarter of the last one I did before which is good.
It must be a weird situation for the coach as I was used to go to open mat mostly rolling with purple + getting destroyed. Now I get to the gym and I do very well against blue. But when my coach ask me to do an armbar, I am not very comfortable to do the traditional setup as it's not in my ''rolling'' game. So Im a good white belt in rolls, but a bad white belt in technique out of my game lol