On November 18 2016 20:43 JonnyCosMo wrote:
On the bright side, hes going to build a wall and make Baalim pay for it
I think the media made the terrible mistake in only sensationalizing that thing yet not pushing him to elaborate how was he going to make Mexico pay for it, when a journalist just probed a bit Trump hinted the possibility of declaring war to Mexico which is ridiculous.
If any journalist really doesnt let him off avoid the question and forces an answer he was going to fuck up big but in general liberal media was focusing so much on just the reaction to what he said that ironically they left him off spit all the ridiculous bullshit he waned.
Also I dont know if people are aware but there is already a wall, there isnt a wall in the most absurd parts to cross like in huge deserts and the biggest sections of the river but people cannot just walk into the states, they already use ladders, tunnels and wander the desert, It baffles me that people think making the wall longer and taller would stop a single immigrant, let alone significantly impact the migration problem.
that Dilbert comic guy (Scott Adams?) actually talked about this at length in one of his vlogs and said it was a business technique of 'selling past the sale'. Basically, Trump added 'and Mexico will pay for it!' because it subconsciously put into the mind of the public that the wall was already going to happen, and instead they focus on the 2nd part.
regarding Trump's idea on 'how they will pay for it', iirc his official website originally said what he meant by 'Mexico will pay for it' was that he wanted to put a 30% tax/fee on all cash sent via Western Union directly to Mexico and use 100% of the proceeds to fund a wall. someone can correct me if I'm wrong, it appears he took all the wall stuff off his official website.
online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 27 2016 00:47. Posts 2235
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
nolan   Ireland. Nov 28 2016 02:34. Posts 6205
Donald Trump's twitter is fucking hilarious. I can't believe it's real life.
Snipet from article not worth mentioning, as it's just quoting a certain person who brings up a valid observation.
Before long, we’re going to have an extended debate on a serious policy issue, like the Republicans’ plan to cut taxes for the wealthy or privatize Medicare. When we do, there’s little doubt that Trump will throw up a cloud of falsehoods around it — and Republicans will reinforce them all. As political theorist Jacob Levy pointed out, transmitting obvious lies shows Trump who is truly loyal by forcing his subordinates and allies to publicly proclaim that two plus two equals five. And once they do, they’re complicit in his lies and thus even more dependent on him.
Although there are alot of gaslighting everywhere in lofe, Trump takes it to a whole new level.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 29/11/2016 01:18
soberstone   United States. Nov 30 2016 00:40. Posts 2662
For the idiots who are convinced that Climate Change is an existential threat FOR SURE. Not saying it is or isn't, the only thing I know is the biased liberal media who must drive hysteria to stay afloat has more influence over public opinion than actual climate scientists. There are a bunch of the top climate scientists who think man-caused effects are probably negligible and the 97 percent statistic is bogus.
Last edit: 30/11/2016 00:41
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Nov 30 2016 01:31. Posts 3096
I'm far from sure that climate change is an existential threat, but the fact that it is possibly an existential threat makes it just about the most important issue, because aside from nuclear war there aren't that many other existential threats. And even if it's not an existential threat, rather just something that causes the displacement of millions, then it's also a very significant issue.
Also, temperature can be both fluctuating and rising at the same time.
whamm!   Albania. Nov 30 2016 01:35. Posts 11625
Didn't realize memes would turn Politics into the garbage that it is. Good work internet!
Humans are dirty, disgusting creatures, why not just clean the air and seas just because we dump all our shit there thinking it's one huge toilet bowl
Baalim   Mexico. Nov 30 2016 03:24. Posts 34269
On November 30 2016 00:31 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm far from sure that climate change is an existential threat, but the fact that it is possibly an existential threat makes it just about the most important issue, because aside from nuclear war there aren't that many other existential threats. And even if it's not an existential threat, rather just something that causes the displacement of millions, then it's also a very significant issue.
Also, temperature can be both fluctuating and rising at the same time.
Agreed, I am also far from sure but it seems that the current scientific consensus is that it is man made, if new evidence comes and start proving otherwise then even better, but so far, what we should do is put all of our focus and efforts in what we know and if its a potential existential threat we should address it.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
whamm!   Albania. Dec 01 2016 09:15. Posts 11625
Trump so far so good? Cenk hates him so bad so it was weird watching this. TRUMP TRUMP
Last edit: 01/12/2016 09:16
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 01 2016 09:54. Posts 34269
TYT is trash but that was pretty decent by Cenk, now I want to watch Kasparian say that lol
On November 28 2016 21:37 Spitfiree wrote:
Am i a hypocrite for believing in free speech, but feeling like the guy from the video above should be publicly executed for stupidity ?
The great thing about free speech is it allows you to determine is truly stupid
Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 01 2016 16:26. Posts 1845
Oh god don't mention that semen demon on day 4 here
Rear naked woke
Highcard   Canada. Dec 01 2016 21:39. Posts 5428
who is she and why is she doing this
I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time
Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 01 2016 21:55. Posts 2235
ana kasparian is better than you, better than all of us, deal with it
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Last edit: 01/12/2016 22:00
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 01 2016 22:41. Posts 9634
As if making sarcastic comments diminishes her arguments. Does not matter if he did and showed all of those things during his campaign on purpose or not, it does not make his actions any less disgraceful, to say the least.
What she fails to mention however is that Hilary was part of the most famous affair ever known, apart from Eleanor Roosevelt's at the time ( I guess ), yet she decided to stay with her husband on the basis of political empowerment, which is just as pathetic.
If you have to weight the two things, however, one is a personal choice in a personal life, while the other is a public statement and deed and it shows a lack of basic human morals. Or should we all males start grabbing women by the pussy and act as if we're better cause we have a dick ? Sorry, but those sarcastic comments are super shallow.
Gladly, a presidential election is not based on a single topic and this chick's arguments are dumb. Is Trump's view on women better than that of a monkey? Probably not . Are there many other things that make him the preferable candidate ? Most likely yes.
Also, she calls the majority of people in the country dumb when almost 2 million people more voted for Clinton... which makes her argument kinda fully invalid as well. If you wanna protest something there, it's not the people's vote, but the electoral system. I do get where her passionate hate comes from though and it does make a lot of sense. You, however, don't get to make sarcastic comments about this as if you have the moral high ground because you don't. Makes you look just as bad as her.
Last edit: 01/12/2016 22:42
Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 01 2016 23:16. Posts 2235
the edgelord who wants to publicly execute people for stupidity has a problem with me laughing off ana kasparian, explain, why exactly? because it's the same as an ardent progressive feminist calling women that don't do what she wants them to do fucking dumb idiots? you're over there granting that she looks bad, okay, now what did i do, quote her? i haven't got a clue what you're saying except that you're living in everything is morally equivalent land
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
soberstone   United States. Dec 01 2016 23:50. Posts 2662
On December 01 2016 21:41 Spitfiree wrote:
As if making sarcastic comments diminishes her arguments. Does not matter if he did and showed all of those things during his campaign on purpose or not, it does not make his actions any less disgraceful, to say the least.
What she fails to mention however is that Hilary was part of the most famous affair ever known, apart from Eleanor Roosevelt's at the time ( I guess ), yet she decided to stay with her husband on the basis of political empowerment, which is just as pathetic.
If you have to weight the two things, however, one is a personal choice in a personal life, while the other is a public statement and deed and it shows a lack of basic human morals. Or should we all males start grabbing women by the pussy and act as if we're better cause we have a dick ? Sorry, but those sarcastic comments are super shallow.
Gladly, a presidential election is not based on a single topic and this chick's arguments are dumb. Is Trump's view on women better than that of a monkey? Probably not . Are there many other things that make him the preferable candidate ? Most likely yes.
Also, she calls the majority of people in the country dumb when almost 2 million people more voted for Clinton... which makes her argument kinda fully invalid as well. If you wanna protest something there, it's not the people's vote, but the electoral system. I do get where her passionate hate comes from though and it does make a lot of sense. You, however, don't get to make sarcastic comments about this as if you have the moral high ground because you don't. Makes you look just as bad as her.
Authoritarian much?
As far as the electoral college, it's a brilliant system, and moron's will never understand why, and that's OK, because it's never going to change. We don't need urban population centers intentionally flooded with in-assimilated dependent and indoctrinated immigrants (legal or illegal) making decisions for the other states. Because we are a union of states, in which the decentralized states rights are inherently meant to trample the centralized federal power and interests, and this election is the perfect example of that happening. That's what the founders intelligently intended. Thank God.