Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 02 2016 11:00. Posts 9634
Santafairy you're trying to diminish her arguments through sarcasm as if Trump isn't a complete idiot on the topic she mentions, obviously, her reaction isn't any good either.
I wonder how Trump supporters that voted for him in hope for a change feel now that he's appointed an ex-Goldman Sachs partner for the minister of finances. Don't really know much about the guy, though, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy that will restrict Wallstreet in any way.
soberstone I get why the system is as it is. I get that it's meant to protect smaller states. What I don't get is the majority system implemented on a state level where majority receives ALL of the votes. That's how you destroy the concept of opposition, which is bad. No opposition means no real discussion which means slower progress if any at all. The only countries with a common system as yours as a concept in the developed world are the UK . All others are nondeveloped African countries.
For the idiots who are convinced that Climate Change is an existential threat FOR SURE. Not saying it is or isn't, the only thing I know is the biased liberal media who must drive hysteria to stay afloat has more influence over public opinion than actual climate scientists. There are a bunch of the top climate scientists who think man-caused effects are probably negligible and the 97 percent statistic is bogus.
Just in case: this pleb is quoting a UK based TABLOID
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 02/12/2016 17:29
whamm!   Albania. Dec 03 2016 02:52. Posts 11625
Trump has been doing well so far, is that an accurate assessment?
The guy is pretty consistent, things he said back in 2006. Bush was still president btw
He hasn't done shit except make more retarded tweets.
Are you talking about paying 7mil to a company to (temporarily) salvage ~ 1000 jobs?
Quite the achievement.
Obama walks into a recession and is basically blamed for it (mostly it's effects), walks out of his 8 year presidency with a 4.6% unemployment rate and Trump is on track of getting credit for that.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 03/12/2016 20:13
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 03 2016 22:03. Posts 9634
Obama walks out looking 30 years older than what he looked like walking in.
Trump still aint the president though btw.
Also laughed quite a bit on the tabloid source, didn't even notice that. Hurr durr liberal media, look at this post in the daily mail , why are u not reporting this. I can't even take him seriously anymore
Last edit: 03/12/2016 22:05
YoMeR   United States. Dec 03 2016 22:33. Posts 12438
i'm not a fan of either candidate this election but you know something is terribly wrong when extremist radical groups like the KKK start to act up in a flurry of activity in support of the new president elect ; (
eZ Life.
YoMeR   United States. Dec 03 2016 22:34. Posts 12438
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
America is great again.
eZ Life.
Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 03 2016 23:06. Posts 2235
On December 03 2016 19:09 uiCk wrote:
He hasn't done shit except make more retarded tweets.
Are you talking about paying 7mil to a company to (temporarily) salvage ~ 1000 jobs?
Quite the achievement.
Obama walks into a recession and is basically blamed for it (mostly it's effects), walks out of his 8 year presidency with a 4.6% unemployment rate and Trump is on track of getting credit for that.
it's not paying $7 million to anybody
it's a tax break worth $7 million over the course of 10 years. or as they taught us at arithmetic school, $700k per year, for ~1k jobs, so about $700 per year per job. income taxes alone exceed that. go back to the economic stimulus and compare the cost of job creation when the government was literally investing hundreds of billions directly to spur job growth, it was much less efficient than this deal
this is a good thing including when you realize he's not even inaugurated yet, it shouldn't even be a big issue except that obama and others were teasing him the whole campaign with inevitability/laziness excuses. the good old "there's nothing you can do. what can you do? you can't just say you're going to do something. you have to be able to do something, and I don't know what that is so it must therefore be impossible. the jobs are gone, it's inevitable, capitalism has ordained it." this is also the president's attitude in other fields, not just markets, but foreign policy. "droned another one, I can't think of anything else for today, that's a wrap everybody, I've got to hand out a presidential medal of freedom to Ellen. after all, it's better to give than to receive. *dangles nobel peace prize*"
this really exposes a failure of imagination, failure of leadership of the outgoing president, who it seems fooled himself as much as he did the rest of us
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Dec 03 2016 23:20. Posts 5121
On December 03 2016 19:09 uiCk wrote:
He hasn't done shit except make more retarded tweets.
Are you talking about paying 7mil to a company to (temporarily) salvage ~ 1000 jobs?
Quite the achievement.
Obama walks into a recession and is basically blamed for it (mostly it's effects), walks out of his 8 year presidency with a 4.6% unemployment rate and Trump is on track of getting credit for that.
it's not paying $7 million to anybody
it's a tax break worth $7 million over the course of 10 years. or as they taught us at arithmetic school, $700k per year, for ~1k jobs, so about $700 per year per job. income taxes alone exceed that. go back to the economic stimulus and compare the cost of job creation when the government was literally investing hundreds of billions directly to spur job growth, it was much less efficient than this deal
this is a good thing including when you realize he's not even inaugurated yet, it shouldn't even be a big issue except that obama and others were teasing him the whole campaign with inevitability/laziness excuses. the good old "there's nothing you can do. what can you do? you can't just say you're going to do something. you have to be able to do something, and I don't know what that is so it must therefore be impossible. the jobs are gone, it's inevitable, capitalism has ordained it." this is also the president's attitude in other fields, not just markets, but foreign policy. "droned another one, I can't think of anything else for today, that's a wrap everybody, I've got to hand out a presidential medal of freedom to Ellen. after all, it's better to give than to receive. *dangles nobel peace prize*"
this really exposes a failure of imagination, failure of leadership of the outgoing president, who it seems fooled himself as much as he did the rest of us
Lol please, you are smart enough to realize that this was pure PR spot, helped by fact pence is Gov of the state, thus "making it happen" as in this would of not happened in any other state for obvious reasons.
The jobs will disappear no matter what, as will all manufacturing jobs unless you want the USA to becoming a developing nation building air conditioning units for the Chinese?
Also basically threatened or offered special relationship with federal government with its parent company, UT
We are driving further away from "free markets" and micro controller of business entities, if this is a preview of his governing "style"; making "deals" or whatever he calls it.
I stand by statement that he hasn't done shit outside of PR stunts, hiering a bunch of rich fuckers who have high personal interest in controlling policy.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 03/12/2016 23:33
Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 03 2016 23:50. Posts 2235
yes, it has the effect of being a PR stunt because it's magnified by people who waste so much time harping on it and spamming the airwaves
are you aware he hasn't been inaugurated yet? or are you blocking that out? barack obama is still the president, where exactly do you think the bar is, he's still fucking building a cabinet.
and you're right, it's not a coincidence that pence is from a state in the rust belt. when his entire message for a year has been to help the rust belt and blue collar people, who coincidentally populate the rust belt. and it already happened in KY also with the lincoln assembly line. he chose pence as his running mate well after building this core message. if you believe some deluded conspiracy like he chose mike pence to be his running mate just to do this one deal before inauguration if he got elected and then golf for four years then I think you should get a position at NASA and teach them about whatever you used to get to another planet. should be glad he checked this off so fast.
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Part of the reason he hasn't done shit is exactly because he's not even in office, yet you have trump sheep's already going "he's doing such a terrific job!"
The media is making it a big deal? Not the fact he tweets about and then has a "thank me tour" talking about his deal?
Trump has the stupid media by the balls right now, he can say whatever and half the US is signing his lies with him.
So fucking obsessed with proving me (someone) wrong you make up shit of me as you go and defending some 70 year old billionaire who gives a fuck about one thing, his interest and the interest of his buddies or buddies to be.
Same shit, different color. This one is just on a whole other level.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
And there is no conspiracy possibilities with Trump, he's proven to be unpredictable and seems to like to improvise. He might have some grander plan or direction, but he definitely doesn't micro manage his schemes imo.
The only conspiracy is that outside forces have become increasingly better at interfering with western politics and are multiplying efforts to weaken the western powers political cohesions.
A few years ago when I went on CIA wiki inception , I stumbled upon a inside division, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Activities_Division
More specifically the
Political Action Group (PAG) is responsible for covert activities related to political influence, psychological operations and economic warfare.
Western division will be China's gain and moment of truth to 'shine"
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 04/12/2016 00:13
Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 04 2016 00:10. Posts 2235
i haven't made up anything, not least because i don't need to. now cut out all the bullshit about people's reactions and your reaction to their reactions and your perception of what random groups of people are thinking or saying and all the posturing and drawing of battle lines. look at the result, tax break of $700 per year per job kept, and show me the problem, tell me what the issue is
he's going on a victory tour to thank the people for electing him. it's not a Carrier Deal Tour.
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
No problem, it's negligible and is purely a PR stunt for Trump's memers to "hail trump"
Cut all the bullshit and my response to whamm's "two thumbs up for trump assessment" is that he hasn't done shit up, blew up some smoke on a negligible business "deal" and bunch tweeting. And you came in trying to argue some tax shenanigans.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 04 2016 00:41. Posts 2235
earlier i thought were were in the clear but now calling arithmetic "shenanigans" has me doubt you've gotten it
we're talking about tax breaks valued over the course of 10 years. when you say someone is "paying $7m" it suggests they're actually paying a sum of money, in this case $7m, that's what the words pay and $7m mean together. like wiring money. now that might sound plausible to someone who's not paying attention or can't tell the difference but it's not the reality here. a tax break is when the government says you don't have to pay money to the government that you would otherwise be obligated to. it's $6m of those and $1m in conditional grants for training labor. over 10 years. http://www.indystar.com/story/news/po...r-live-updates-indianapolis/94689946/
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Shenanigans as in I'm not interested in talking about said "deal" as it's negligible and temporary.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 04 2016 06:41. Posts 34270
On December 03 2016 22:56 uiCk wrote:
who gives a fuck about one thing, his interest and the interest of his buddies or buddies to be.
And you think Hillary Clinton gives a fuck about anyone else besides her and her buddies? lol
Human nature my friend.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 04 2016 07:14. Posts 34270
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
yet I havent seen any hate crime commited against muslims in the US after Trump election yet one muslim went stabby at a university.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Dec 04 2016 15:42. Posts 3096
As opposed as I am to the guy, I think there's one area where Trump might really yield positive results ; in showcasing what is 'politically possible'. Sadly, I think he's going to showcase this through enacting policies I am opposed to, but I think politicians from all aisles are going to be more willing to abandon the 'market forces and transnational NGO's tie our hands in this regard there's nothing we can really do' line of thinking. Like, people have been happy with politics just taking a band-aid role, 'fix the most egregious societal problems but mostly leave it be' rather than 'let's make society move in this particular direction'. Trump changes this.