soberstone   United States. Dec 04 2016 19:53. Posts 2662
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
America is great again.
you are what they call a useful idiot.
You actually read and quote tabloids, you are what they call an idiot.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 04/12/2016 20:04
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 04 2016 20:33. Posts 9634
Am I the only one genuinely concerned about the potential geopolitical changes Trump's leadership could bring?
I mean fuck the USA, its not like he can do something mind blowing and wreck the country, but 4 years in the international sector is a huge deal when you re running the country that dictates shit.
It's not so much his stated views, but the unpredictability he brings. Interviews I've seen with him give me hope he might actually listen to people like Brzezinski and Chomsky though
Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 04 2016 21:23. Posts 1845
Brzezinski author of the grand chessboard? I'm genuinely puzzled by leftists at this point.
Rear naked woke
soberstone   United States. Dec 04 2016 21:43. Posts 2662
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
America is great again.
you are what they call a useful idiot.
You actually read and quote tabloids, you are what they call an idiot.
I do? Can you perhaps demonstrate one instance of that and I'll gladly call myself and idiot.
Muslims are dying to get to America, and you feel bad for them? Because of some media-driven ghost of Islamophobia? Yah, k bud.
Phobia implies irrational fear. My fear of a religion in which over half of it's adherents on the planet believe in Sharia Law and many of those Jihad is quite rational. You worry about Islamaphobia when hate crimes on Muslims is negligible.
How can you blame me of reading tabloids when you sound like a CNN puppet.
Let me guess in 4 years Jim Crow will be re-imposed and Trump is just in it for money and deporting Mexicans.
Indoctrination at its finest - you are in deep.
Last edit: 04/12/2016 21:46
soberstone   United States. Dec 04 2016 21:47. Posts 2662
On December 04 2016 19:33 Spitfiree wrote:
Am I the only one genuinely concerned about the potential geopolitical changes Trump's leadership could bring?
I mean fuck the USA, its not like he can do something mind blowing and wreck the country, but 4 years in the international sector is a huge deal when you re running the country that dictates shit.
It's not so much his stated views, but the unpredictability he brings. Interviews I've seen with him give me hope he might actually listen to people like Brzezinski and Chomsky though
You obviously don't have a clue whats happened to the world under Obama and the US letting the UN take the moral lead.
Lybia, Russia invading Ukraine and teaming up with Assad using chem weapons in the Syrian civil war, China building islands, ISIS expanding from a group of thugs to the largest terror group known to man, Iran ensured of Nukes, North Korea becoming more aggro - and now your worried about Trump because?
The last thing we need is more Utopian-driven Europeon Merkelian style leadership - and by we I mean the world.
Academics worry the US will act. Informed civilians who have a grasp of reality want the US leading and acting (not intervening unnecessarily). Name 1 thing that has gotten better as the US has taken a back seat.
Last edit: 04/12/2016 21:54
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 04 2016 21:51. Posts 9634
On December 04 2016 20:23 Mortensen8 wrote:
Brzezinski author of the grand chessboard? I'm genuinely puzzled by leftists at this point.
yeah because things are that simple
soberstone pls I bet all of that makes a cool chat with people that are clueless, but please dont.
Last edit: 04/12/2016 21:53
MezmerizePLZ   United States. Dec 04 2016 21:53. Posts 2598
I hope trump doesn't fuck with states rights about the marijuana legalization, he seems pretty anti-drugs and also Jeff Sessions hates pot, the potential attorney general. Also really hope he doesn't go bat shit with tariffs/trade wars. Studys show that this sort of protectionism although it may help the industry being protected comes at a great cost to consumers/other parts of the economy. For example Obama's tire tariffs against china while "saving" 1200 jobs, came at the average cost of 900k per job saved Free trade is one of the most important things IMO
I am also for lowering corporate taxes, but plugging loopholes (not sure the ideal way to do this). Way too many u.s. corporations that do business overseas are just sitting with piles of cash instead of bringing it back into the u.s. to be distributed to shareholders and/or invested in the u.s.
Hope trump doesn't go fuck the economy for some ego driven purpose like sticking it to china.
soberstone   United States. Dec 04 2016 21:55. Posts 2662
On December 04 2016 20:53 MezmerizePLZ wrote:
I hope trump doesn't fuck with states rights about the marijuana legalization, he seems pretty anti-drugs and also Jeff Sessions hates pot, the potential attorney general. Also really hope he doesn't go bat shit with tariffs/trade wars. Studys show that this sort of protectionism although it may help the industry being protected comes at a great cost to consumers/other parts of the economy. For example Obama's tire tariffs against china while "saving" 1200 jobs, came at the average cost of 900k per job saved Free trade is one of the most important things IMO
I am also for lowering corporate taxes, but plugging loopholes (not sure the ideal way to do this). Way too many u.s. corporations that do business overseas are just sitting with piles of cash instead of bringing it back into the u.s. to be distributed to shareholders and/or invested in the u.s.
Hope trump doesn't go fuck the economy for some ego driven purpose like sticking it to china.
I agree on the tariffs - but I believe its all for political popularity and geopolitical leverage (hopefully).
The tax and regulation cuts are a good thing, that's all we need - not protectionism.
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
America is great again.
you are what they call a useful idiot.
You actually read and quote tabloids, you are what they call an idiot.
I do? Can you perhaps demonstrate one instance of that and I'll gladly call myself and idiot.
Muslims are dying to get to America, and you feel bad for them? Because of some media-driven ghost of Islamophobia? Yah, k bud.
Phobia implies irrational fear. My fear of a religion in which over half of it's adherents on the planet believe in Sharia Law and many of those Jihad is quite rational. You worry about Islamaphobia when hate crimes on Muslims is negligible.
How can you blame me of reading tabloids when you sound like a CNN puppet.
Let me guess in 4 years Jim Crow will be re-imposed and Trump is just in it for money and deporting Mexicans.
Indoctrination at its finest - you are in deep.
I don't watch CNN, I read mostly raw news feeds, and multitude of opinionated pieces to get a spectrum of opinions. Most my news is economic oriented and avoid most political oriented news.
Fact still remains your an actual idiot for not being able to tell you are reading/quoting a tabloid.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
soberstone   United States. Dec 04 2016 22:12. Posts 2662
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
America is great again.
you are what they call a useful idiot.
You actually read and quote tabloids, you are what they call an idiot.
I do? Can you perhaps demonstrate one instance of that and I'll gladly call myself and idiot.
Muslims are dying to get to America, and you feel bad for them? Because of some media-driven ghost of Islamophobia? Yah, k bud.
Phobia implies irrational fear. My fear of a religion in which over half of it's adherents on the planet believe in Sharia Law and many of those Jihad is quite rational. You worry about Islamaphobia when hate crimes on Muslims is negligible.
How can you blame me of reading tabloids when you sound like a CNN puppet.
Let me guess in 4 years Jim Crow will be re-imposed and Trump is just in it for money and deporting Mexicans.
Indoctrination at its finest - you are in deep.
I don't watch CNN, I read mostly raw news feeds, and multitude of opinionated pieces to get a spectrum of opinions. Most my news is economic oriented and avoid most political oriented news.
Fact still remains your an actual idiot for not being able to tell you are reading/quoting a tabloid.
Yah you've done an amazing job at establishing that "fact". "Useful idiot" is a term we use to describe well-intentioned morons who make the world a worse place while attempting to do good. I believe it originated from Marx's "Rules for Radicals" but could be wrong.
No clue where you got the whole tabloid idea, but now a days I probably take the Inquirer over the main stream media.
I do watch CNN, and read plenty of leftist media, just to see what propaganda is being put out there so I can de-bunk it with legitimate sources and rationale.
Spitfire: Please don't what, I can't read minds. If you are going to speak from on high, try making an actual point and/or coherent argument.
Last edit: 04/12/2016 22:15
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Dec 04 2016 23:19. Posts 5114
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:45
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 05 2016 05:23. Posts 34262
On December 04 2016 20:53 MezmerizePLZ wrote:
I hope trump doesn't fuck with states rights about the marijuana legalization, he seems pretty anti-drugs and also Jeff Sessions hates pot, the potential attorney general. Also really hope he doesn't go bat shit with tariffs/trade wars. Studys show that this sort of protectionism although it may help the industry being protected comes at a great cost to consumers/other parts of the economy. For example Obama's tire tariffs against china while "saving" 1200 jobs, came at the average cost of 900k per job saved Free trade is one of the most important things IMO
I am also for lowering corporate taxes, but plugging loopholes (not sure the ideal way to do this). Way too many u.s. corporations that do business overseas are just sitting with piles of cash instead of bringing it back into the u.s. to be distributed to shareholders and/or invested in the u.s.
Hope trump doesn't go fuck the economy for some ego driven purpose like sticking it to china.
Trump has more experience running business (poorly or not) than any other candidate, I think he is pretty aware of the effects of corporate taxes and the reasons why usually companies manufacture in asia, I am also for a big cut in corporate tax but this is extremely unpopular, people resent corporations thats why these measures rarely happen besides when the politician in charge was bought with lobbying, so hopefully it will be one of the good things Trump will do.
About opposing marijuana it wasn't even a part of his platform and I feel that train left the station a few years ago and its unstoppable now, so even if he is against drugs it would be like charging against a windmill, hopefully he does do that.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 05 2016 05:31. Posts 34262
On December 04 2016 22:19 VanDerMeyde wrote:
I've seen that video of Hillary saying she would obliterate Iran but the way its edited is dishonest, she says that if Iran were to use nuclear weapons against Israel, if she was president she would obliterate Iran in retaliation, and that it was important that they knew that so that they didn't use nuclear weapons.
She has been stupidly bellicose in her political career and she actually has pursed war with Iran before, but lying to put her even in a worse light doesn't help.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 05 2016 05:43. Posts 34262
On December 04 2016 20:47 soberstone wrote:
Academics worry the US will act. Informed civilians who have a grasp of reality want the US leading and acting (not intervening unnecessarily). Name 1 thing that has gotten better as the US has taken a back seat.
Wait so you think the american military interventions in the last decades have been a good?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 05 2016 09:04. Posts 9634
soberstone there s no point in arguing with you
You are giving examples that make me think, that you think that Russia is gaining global power and the USA is staying inactive, which sure its true, except Russia is so far away from dictating anything globally other than the eastern european region, that its pointless to mention them atm.
You are even including North Korea in your example. This is simply hilarious.
Yeah I'm worried about Trump, cause each of his predecessors reigned hell which has led to the current situation, which means this is probably the trickiest time globally since the Cold War on many different levels.
How can you blame me of reading tabloids when you sound like a CNN puppet.
This has to be one of the stupidest arguments I've ever seen on the internet. You are basically saying ... oh fck it why do I even bother, if you havent understood whats wrong with that yourself by now, then its useless.
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 05 2016 11:12. Posts 34262
On December 05 2016 08:04 Spitfiree wrote:
Yeah I'm worried about Trump, cause each of his predecessors reigned hell which has led to the current situation, which means this is probably the trickiest time globally since the Cold War on many different levels.
If you worry about the exterior policy from the US in the last decades then shouldn't you be in favor of Trump? There is no doubt that Hillary was going to continue the current, path, in fact she was pretty much the one behind the recent actions taken in Syria, so with Hillary you were guaranteed the same imperialist war mongering in the region, with Trump at least you get a flip.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 05 2016 15:40. Posts 9634
I'm neither against or for Trump. With Hilary we all knew she would've continued with aggressive politics yes, the only positive thing about her would've been having experience with crisis situations.
With Trump, we don't even know if he has the basic capabilities to do anything at all. The problem with that is that inactivity might be just as bad as being aggressive at this point. Between the two choices, I really don't know which ones is the worst, since neither is a good one, that's for sure.
His views did seem much saner and morally right, but can he back that shit up with actions is the real question. However tearing up the nuclear deal the USA did with Iran is a potentially a crisis provocative action.
On December 03 2016 21:34 YoMeR wrote:
I feel really bad for the muslims in this country. They were already getting shit on but now it's become mainstream and ok to express extreme Islamophobia.
America is great again.
you are what they call a useful idiot.
You actually read and quote tabloids, you are what they call an idiot.
I do? Can you perhaps demonstrate one instance of that and I'll gladly call myself and idiot.
I didn't actually realize you didn't understand that:
The Daily Mail is a Tabloid,
The Daily Mail is a British daily conservative, middle-market[2][3] tabloid newspaper owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust.[4]
Source: the internet.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
On December 03 2016 22:56 uiCk wrote:
who gives a fuck about one thing, his interest and the interest of his buddies or buddies to be.
And you think Hillary Clinton gives a fuck about anyone else besides her and her buddies? lol
Human nature my friend.
Why exactly would I think that Clinton gives a fuck about anyone?
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson