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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 120

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Baalim   Mexico. May 08 2019 00:29. Posts 34272

  On May 03 2019 12:23 Loco wrote:

First we had the brilliant equivalence between punching Richard Spencer and Slavoj Zizek and now we have the comparison between a voluntary pro-government march of citizens on May Day (of all days) and the military parades of a military dictatorship.

Punching anybody for their ideas is wrong, it doesnt matter if its a communist, a fascist or anything else.

I wasn't talking about any military parade, millions of NorthKoreans support King Jong-Un voluntarely does that make him a great leader? Every leader & political figure that presides over many millions of people will be able to form large crowds.

Six million people voted for Maduro in the last election (67.8 % of the total vote) and you can't just handwave that number away screaming corruption when there were international observers.

The Carter institute doesn't observe Venezuelan elections since 04, in fact they have established that it is deeply corrupt in these last elections, what international obsevers are you talking about ?

  That's like if I raped your sister and when you confronted me with the fact, I never brought up the harm that I did and simply said "I just wasn't nice to her" and "I have no obligations to be nice to people I don't like."

Could you be any more pathetic?

  That, as a die-hard capitalist, you cannot overcome the deeply held conviction that you were indoctrinated with and which paints life in a socially Darwinistic "might makes right" light. Capitalism being meritocratic in your view, and the US being globally dominant, they have "earned" the right to bully other countries and strangle them economically -- as long as they are demonic socialists.

Except that I've been strongly against the US foreing polilcy of interventionism, when you were an apolitical emo kid, long before you turned your edginess into stupid communism I was in this very forum talking against the US invasion of Iraq, Aghanistan, Siria, Lybia etc, I talked about the hypocricy of the nuclear-deal with Iran and how they should pursue nuclear weapons, and I've also stated many times that I oppose military intervention in Venezuela.

Nice "truth" you discovered though.

Your consent for this economic war has been entirely manufactured, just like your irrational hatred of alternative economic systems. .

Irrational... nah its actually based on the results of the trials in the XX century causing dozens of millions to starve to death.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 08 2019 00:47. Posts 34272

I find it funny that blaming sanctions for the economic collapse is admitting that communism is not sustainable unless its suckling from the capitalist machine they hate so much.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 08/05/2019 09:00

RiKD    United States. May 08 2019 01:33. Posts 9151

  On May 07 2019 22:38 Loco wrote:
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The Zapatistas did not transform a society into a stateless one, they have coexisted in a constant struggle with the state in the same kind of horizontal society they have always lived in. I'm using "coexist" lightly here. Their isolation and strategic use of the terrain/mountains, and the public support for them, is what made it possible to resist against the near constant aggression they have faced.

AOC and Bernie are shit on foreign policy. Tulsi Gabbard is the only one speaking out and not holding back. Yang also spoke out once that I know of, but it hasn't been a big part of his campaign. I don't know what Tulsi Gabbard "retard mode" means.

Anarchy can only exist where there are enough ideologically-liberated individuals who want to live in a functional society that maximizes personal freedom. It doesn't ultimately matter what the system is that came before, the precondition is the same. It's just that arguably, a society that provided a free education of quality to all its citizens would have more chances to have citizens who would want that.

"Tulsi Gabbard retard mode" means that I basically devote my life to supporting Tulsi Gabbard for President. From what I've seen so far she is pretty awesome but I had a friend that devoted her life to Bernie's campaign and it wasn't pretty. I think I could handle the whole situation better than she did or others but I am like starving for some cause at this point. I don't want to turn into a full politard. I'll have to take a look at Andrew Yang. I didn't know he existed.

I was going to bring up as well that I see a country like Finland much closer to Anarchy than many. I don't know that much about Finland actually but the bureaucracy of corporations and the rich getting benefits and not the poor and how difficult it is to overturn that is the basis for why the USA is not a great place to live for a person like me and farrrrr from Anarchy.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 08 2019 08:39. Posts 9634

  On May 07 2019 23:47 Baalim wrote:
I find it funny that blaming sanctions for the economic collapse is admitting that the communist is not sustainable unless its suckling from the capitalist machine they hate so much.

That's a weak argument and you know it. Sanctions from the USA doesn't limit a country to not trade with the USA alone, it "bans" them from trading with anyone, even China and Russia stopped buying their oil cause they want the sanctions extended to them. Regardless of the political system, it would be dumb to claim that a country could have a decent standard of life and be self-sustainable at the same time.

It's an embargo, regardless of what they call it....

 Last edit: 08/05/2019 08:41

Baalim   Mexico. May 08 2019 09:20. Posts 34272

You vastly overestimate the influence the US has when it comes to other countries potentially saving hundreds of billions.

But ok, lets rephrase that, I find it funny that the communist paradise cannot survive without vast sales of oil, most countries in the planet dont have a single drop of oil but Venezuela just gets hiccups in its sales and it goes into a 10,000,000% inflation, does that sound like a functioning economy ?

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GoTuNk   Chile. May 09 2019 01:42. Posts 2860

  On May 08 2019 08:20 Baalim wrote:
You vastly overestimate the influence the US has when it comes to other countries potentially saving hundreds of billions.

But ok, lets rephrase that, I find it funny that the communist paradise cannot survive without vast sales of oil, most countries in the planet dont have a single drop of oil but Venezuela just gets hiccups in its sales and it goes into a 10,000,000% inflation, does that sound like a functioning economy ?

I get it when people say they want somewhere between some and full blown government healthcare or education.

But defending Venezuela/saying it wasn't real socialism/claiming the country collapsed only or majorly because the US did something, requires such a high level of mental gymnastics I'm shocked they can do any basic work or more, win money at poker.

 Last edit: 09/05/2019 01:42

Baalim   Mexico. May 09 2019 03:56. Posts 34272

Colorado shooters kill 1 and injure 8 people, one of them was a transgender that tweeted about hating christians and Trump.

But lets punch nazis right? you moron

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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 09 2019 08:39. Posts 9634

Oh I'm not claiming it was a functioning economy, there isn't a socialistic country with a functional economy.... I don't see Scandinavian country as socialistic either, they have social programs, which is quite another thing, and I don't understand why they are given as an example of "socialism" working ( I mean, I do, just expect people to not fall for that on this forum)

I don't really overestimate anything either, China was backing Maduro until now cause thats the only way they'd get their loans back, now they cut the loans. They also stopped buying oil from them

There're millions of barrels stuck at the Venezualian ports cause there're no buyers. Pretty sure the USA is the only significant buyer atm which is kind hilarious

 Last edit: 09/05/2019 08:43

Baalim   Mexico. May 09 2019 09:17. Posts 34272

You do, you overestimate the US influence in relation to other countries buying or not oil, the sales are extremely price sensitive but PDVSA is shit and already operates at much worse margins than the middle eastern OPEC countries. Also Venezuela has a few tankers parked because they dont have many vessels capable of delivering to asia

The venezuelan oil industry isn't ruined because of lower demand, read up a bit on how criminally mishandled PDVSA has been since Chavez times and you will see that most of its problem comes from the production side.

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VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 09 2019 13:47. Posts 5122

Time to bomb the Iranian regime


Baalim   Mexico. May 10 2019 04:05. Posts 34272

  On May 09 2019 02:56 Baalim wrote:

Colorado shooters kill 1 and injure 8 people, one of them was a transgender that tweeted about hating christians and Trump.

But lets punch nazis right? you moron

I just read that this female to male trans used the "him" pronoun, but now that jail is imminent and the court is using male pronouns now she is reverting her pronouns back to she/her... convinient lol.

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Obannon112   Finland. May 10 2019 06:58. Posts 43

I hope it goes to male prison and ends up being sex slave for AB.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 10 2019 08:09. Posts 9634

Pronouns don't matter, just put them in their biological sex prison. Would be pretty retarded to put a woman in a man's jail cause she refers to herself as a "he", just as it is retarded to allow men to compete in women sports events.

 Last edit: 10/05/2019 08:28

Santafairy   Korea (South). May 10 2019 08:33. Posts 2235

need a trans prison honestly

put mtf in male prison and it's instant gangrape

put mtf in female prison and it's instant rape


It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Loco   Canada. May 10 2019 18:23. Posts 20975

  On May 10 2019 03:05 Baalim wrote:
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I just read that this female to male trans used the "him" pronoun, but now that jail is imminent and the court is using male pronouns now she is reverting her pronouns back to she/her... convinient lol.

Source? Could not find any mention of this on all the standard reactionary/far-right websites. This is not tabloid nonsense at all; good thing we have you around to inform us on such important matters. None of us could imagine that a 16 year old person with mental health issues and gender dysphoria could be confused...

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 10/05/2019 18:26

Baalim   Mexico. May 10 2019 23:21. Posts 34272

  On May 10 2019 17:23 Loco wrote:
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Source? Could not find any mention of this on all the standard reactionary/far-right websites. This is not tabloid nonsense at all; good thing we have you around to inform us on such important matters. None of us could imagine that a 16 year old person with mental health issues and gender dysphoria could be confused...

I just saw some tweets going on about it didnt lookn into sources, not like the veracity of the claim is important, its about the subject itself of the inclusion of transgenderism into society.

Trans in jail and in sports is kind of the hot topic where its very obvious that the biological distinction between male and female is a neccesity in certain scenarios otherwise mayhem ensues.

FWIW i disagree that people should be sent to prison according to chromosomes, I think people should go to where its gender's legal status dictates, but changing gender legally should require a hefty amount of requirements like many years on hormones and perhaps even sex change operation (not quite sure on this one, its complicated), also obvioiusly MTF tran's should be banned from any serious gender-segregated sports competition.

So what are your thoughts about this Loco? (I'm a sad panda because you used "gender dysphoria" which is usually a sin in the SJW cliques so this is probably going to be a reasonble and not so fun discussion lol)

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Loco   Canada. May 10 2019 23:51. Posts 20975

Literally the only reason I can think why someone would bring that up other than some bullshit bureaucratic stuff is because they are dealing with transphobic feelings and they feel like trans people can fuck with them by deciding to change their pronouns whenever they want ("why should i address people properly if they can say they're this gender and change their mind about it later?!!?'') . It serves no purpose but to distract from the real problems these people face every day and discuss whatever policies should be put in place to make their lives better. It could be excused if there was some kind of trend where people are actually doing this, and so that's why it matters not to just spread this around without anything to back it up.

Dysphoria is a medical term and it's not taboo in "SJW circles" as far as I know, and it's likely to be much more powerful in teenage years when your identity has just begun developing for most. Gender is not a simple binary and there are no doubt some people who do end up detransitioning but that doesn't mean you would have done them a favor by not respecting their choice at the time and assuming they are simply afflicted with a mental illness and they don't know their own gender. I'm pretty sure the main reason for detransitioning has to do with not being able to "pass" in society, and so facing too much discrimination and making social relationships too difficult, but the person retains the same gender identity regardless.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 10/05/2019 23:57

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 11 2019 00:51. Posts 9634

What do you mean biological distinction is a necessity in certain scenarios. Anything that is legally bound based on biological sex should stay that way, any other scenario is out of the question. That said, before Loco mentions marriages, I don't think the government should be a part of that and biological sex there shouldn't really matter.

There are some real problems with people having "no-gender" underaged kids Loco, what about that? If you wanna build a better society for trans community you need to cut out all ridiculous edge cases or good luck pushing any improvement for them. That also includes bureaucratic stuff. You know why? Cause your entire society runs on "bureaucratic" stuff whether you like it or not.

Loco   Canada. May 11 2019 00:52. Posts 20975

when edgelordism fails

full interview with discussion by panel after the ragequit:

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 11/05/2019 03:08

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 11 2019 00:56. Posts 9634

You know he s retarded when he goes for the "noone has heard of you" card

full interview:

He claims that "science" says life occurs at conceiving. What a guy, he solved a philosophical dilemma in 3seconds

He also ignores the opinion of 99% of the doctors that life occurs @ 3rd month (14th week if I recall correctly) ...

So used to pushing false claims into interviews he has no idea how to respond when someone calls him on his bullshit. It's sad cause all the youtube "famous" right-wing people react the same way when someone challenges them, they act like little kids that have their toy taken away

 Last edit: 11/05/2019 01:26


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