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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 123

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RiKD    United States. May 12 2019 05:37. Posts 9146

  On May 12 2019 00:36 Baalim wrote:
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Sweden the rape capital of Europe wouldn't have an issue in a genderless prision... sure thing bud.

Germany has almost 90 million habitants do you honestly belief there is no issue when a 190cm 130kg rapist psychopath choses to be in the women's prison?

I also dont like football, american or normal and their fanbase are brutish but Tai Chi would be even worse, I rather live among neanderthals than new age charlatans.

Congratulations you are on the reasonable side of that one, obviously destroyingn women sports for the sake of inclusion is dangerously dogmatic.

I am saying the trans person should choose which prison. Why not? And, whoever it is would fare a lot better in Sweden or Germany than the U.S.A.

Thai Chi has been around for 700+ years even possibly 1,500 years. You should try it. There was a nurse in the psych ward that taught me how to do it. It's pretty nice movement and flow. There is a place 10 min. from my house but I haven't given that a go yet. Funnily, it's in a strip mall by a Walmart and McDonald's. But, it's like the Thai restaurant in these same strip malls opened by the Thai family. FIRE bro. Taoism has been around for 2,500 years. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu is a legitimate and beautiful philosophical work. If you are going to lump it into "New Age" in a derogatory fashion that's fucking bullshit rhetoric and you belong with the Neanderthals. It's not binary by the way. We will never get rid of the Neanderthals and we will never get rid of the New Age people and they are also not opposites. The world would be a better place if we got rid of most Neanderthal and New Age thought.

Baalim   Mexico. May 12 2019 06:36. Posts 34270

  On May 12 2019 04:37 RiKD wrote:

I am saying the trans person should choose which prison. Why not? And, whoever it is would fare a lot better in Sweden or Germany than the U.S.A.

Depends what you define as transgender, if its constituted by just me claiming I am X gender, then its a bad idea because everyone will claim to be a woman and be in the women's prision, wouldn't you? I would.

If you define transgender as a legal status, it would require rigorous rules like certain years of taking certain amounts of hormones, perhaps surgeries (what is required is obv up to discussion), then you BECOME certain gender in the eyes of the law, therefore you must go to prison according to your NEW gender, you dont get to choose, that would be a massive legal privilege over the regular population.

Thai Chi has been around for 700+ years even possibly 1,500 years. You should try it. There was a nurse in the psych ward that taught me how to do it. It's pretty nice movement and flow. There is a place 10 min. from my house but I haven't given that a go yet. Funnily, it's in a strip mall by a Walmart and McDonald's. But, it's like the Thai restaurant in these same strip malls opened by the Thai family. FIRE bro. Taoism has been around for 2,500 years. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu is a legitimate and beautiful philosophical work. If you are going to lump it into "New Age" in a derogatory fashion that's fucking bullshit rhetoric and you belong with the Neanderthals. It's not binary by the way. We will never get rid of the Neanderthals and we will never get rid of the New Age people and they are also not opposites. The world would be a better place if we got rid of most Neanderthal and New Age thought.

And astrology has bee around for much longer and it doesnt make it any less stupid, how is it the lenght of time of something being done relevant?

Tai Chi is kalistenics for old people, it has little value as an excersize and is just is filled with charlatanry, energies and new age bullshit, no different than your californian soccer mom greeting people with "namaste" in their fucking yoga-lates class at noon

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 12 2019 11:31. Posts 9634

His whole idea is that the prison system should be built in such a way that it shouldn't matter, which assumes the system won't allow for others to abuse you regardless of who you are.

Sweden is the rape capital of the planet, but that's not what happens in prisons afaik and it has only become that in the past decade because of weak politicians.

Do agree that things on legal level look a lot differently, that's why I thought Loco saying "I don't care about beauracrats" to be funny, cause it doesn't matter. You have to deal with them whether you like it or not

Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 12 2019 12:26. Posts 3096

are you guys unironically saying that sweden is the rape capital or whats up with that?

lol POKER 

Baalim   Mexico. May 12 2019 22:31. Posts 34270

  On May 12 2019 11:26 Liquid`Drone wrote:
are you guys unironically saying that sweden is the rape capital or whats up with that?

It has the highest rape % in all of europe.

Sure that stat is skewed because of more reporting and definition of rape, but its not like its relevant to the discussion unless you believe there is no problem if prisons have no gender.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 12 2019 22:50. Posts 34270

FYI Loco, the reason why I ask about trans in sports and trans in jails is because they are somewhat litmus tests.

If you say that trans can't shouldn't compete in women's pro sports and that legal gender dictates what prison you go then fine, you pass the test as a reasonable human being, and the topic can be discussed, otherwise you are simply deep in a dogma.

It is the equivalent if you asked a conservative if he thought that trans should be sent to jail or metal institutions, its simply a litmus test, if he says yes, then he clearly is a bigot deep in dogmatic views.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 12 2019 22:52. Posts 34270

not guilty because they are punching up/nazis lol

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. May 12 2019 22:55. Posts 34270

So Loco were pushing Santafairy to admit Turning point was fascist

Will he acknowledge the American Civil Liberties Union as anti-cientific dogmatic quacks?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 13/05/2019 03:59

RiKD    United States. May 13 2019 04:21. Posts 9146

Jails aren't equivalent to sports. It's pretty obvious that a biological male who is highly trained is going to have an advantage over a female who is highly trained or at least similarly trained. It's actually something I don't understand fully. What if I call Bruce Jenner in the context of Bruce Jenner in his prime competing against women. It would be ridiculous. He wasn't Caitlin Jenner then. Is his claim that he really was Caitlin Jenner then? Wouldn't it be different for each case or many cases? Imagine Michael I mean Michelle Jordan in the WNBA? But, even moderate male athletes converting to female would compete and win. My buddies and I used to beat up on women's b-ball players in college in pick up games. I mean we were pretty good but these are Division 1 athletes.

For better or for worse competition drives people. There is nothing quite like the flow state in high level competition. I have sort of lost my drive for competition in place of say maybe reverence for community, comrades, the collective. I don't know if I really believe in things such as "turn the other cheek" or "the meek shall inherit the earth." If I was in a firefight or if I was in a position to potentially be in firefights you are damn sure I would be working to be the best at whatever weapon is most applicable. But, nowadays you can find me on the beach playing Bocce and not caring too much what the outcome is. That's the extent of my competitiveness. I must acknowledge that there is competition with other men in attracting mates. My market of potential women is smaller than that of some frat star, or x, y, z high status person but I am ok with that.

About the jails: That rape number doesn't matter. I mean your example is 1 in 90 million is some giant thug who will rape people. Maybe that is true but it's not a strong argument. That number is such a small percentage. I have never been to jail but I have been to psych wards. In the psych wards I've been to they were genderless and the chance or rape was so incredibly low. I'm sure it's happened before. Like some big giant goes psychotic and rapes someone but it's really not that likely. I wilded out in the psych ward and almost immediately there was a group of people hitting me with shots and sedatives and shit. It's not even really possible to kill oneself in there and that's a place full of suicidal people. In some good Swedish prison it's not like a group of Sharia law fucks can crowd around some woman and rape them. If I am a woman in Sweden I am staying away from any groups of the 13-28 year old Sharia law fucks. Actually, just any Sharia law fuck in general.

Baalim   Mexico. May 14 2019 03:31. Posts 34270

  On May 13 2019 03:21 RiKD wrote:
Jails aren't equivalent to sports. It's pretty obvious that a biological male who is highly trained is going to have an advantage over a female who is highly trained or at least similarly trained. It's actually something I don't understand fully. What if I call Bruce Jenner in the context of Bruce Jenner in his prime competing against women. It would be ridiculous. He wasn't Caitlin Jenner then. Is his claim that he really was Caitlin Jenner then? Wouldn't it be different for each case or many cases? Imagine Michael I mean Michelle Jordan in the WNBA? But, even moderate male athletes converting to female would compete and win. My buddies and I used to beat up on women's b-ball players in college in pick up games. I mean we were pretty good but these are Division 1 athletes.

I agree, but the majority of intersectional feminist and the radical left do not, and would call you a TERF

  About the jails: That rape number doesn't matter. I mean your example is 1 in 90 million is some giant thug who will rape people. Maybe that is true but it's not a strong argument.

I'm saying in the scenario where anybody can switch gender on the spot by just saying you do, so there is not a big barrier to be considered legally a woman/man.

Do you have a remote idea of how often male inmates are raped? and you want to insert women into that envornment with the same men and you dont expect them to get raped even more?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. May 14 2019 04:14. Posts 9146

  On May 14 2019 02:31 Baalim wrote:
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I agree, but the majority of intersectional feminist and the radical left do not, and would call you a TERF

  About the jails: That rape number doesn't matter. I mean your example is 1 in 90 million is some giant thug who will rape people. Maybe that is true but it's not a strong argument.

I'm saying in the scenario where anybody can switch gender on the spot by just saying you do, so there is not a big barrier to be considered legally a woman/man.

Do you have a remote idea of how often male inmates are raped? and you want to insert women into that envornment with the same men and you dont expect them to get raped even more?

I don't have a remote idea of how often male inmates get raped. I watched a documentary on the German prison system and I would be surprised if the rape numbers were high. As I said my only experience is with Psych Wards and I was thinking more about it is almost impossible for someone to get raped. I just imagine the Scandinavian and German prison systems similar to the very good Psych Ward that I was locked up in. That's what they sounded like from the documentary and articles I've read.

Quickly looking it up it seems like a good number for rape in prisons in the USA is 7% with it being as low as 2% and reported as high as 21%. That's pretty bad. I think I would have issue with a trans female who still has a "male" penis to be allowed into a women's prison. That's just my inclination. A trans female with a "female" penis I don't see it being a problem as long as she doesn't stop taking her hormones. A trans male... I know a lot less about trans males than females.

I don't even know what intersectional feminism means or what the radical left is. Somedays I think about taking a crack at it but I don't know. Who cares. I have never been one to like labels. I waste a lot of time but I don't have the time to get involved with unreasonable feminists. I would consider myself an ally of transgendered people. I have only been close to one trans woman but it was quite illuminating. I don't mean to deadname Bruce Jenner either but that's what his name was then and I don't completely understand how it works. Was he a female in a male body then? I really don't know. It just seems to me that not every case is the same.

There was one night in Buenos Aires I got so drunk that I am not sure if I had sex with a trans female escort. She had all the right parts. Health insurance covers surgeries down there and they are quite good. Who knows? I remember being kind of tortured by it at the time and through out the years but I honestly don't give a shit either way now. I would like to hang out with ContraPoints. I would even date ContraPoints but maybe unfairly or not I don't think I could have a sexual relationship with her. That's just the truth. If someone wants to call me a TERF I think it would be a belligerence on their part. Is TERF a slur? I mean yeah but not really.

I think one of the biggest problems is that I think in a lot of cases there is going to be confusion surrounding conversions. A trans female is female but if they aren't resolute in taking hormones and becoming female what does that mean? It's a rape in prison problem not a transgendered problem but are there going to be cases in which a "trans female" who isn't taking hormones decides they want to rape a hetero female? In women prisons I am sure there is sexual assault. And, the prison system is a structural system. It's based on everything. It's complicated. My one biggest claim that I can't substantiate at this moment or maybe ever is that there would be less rape in prisons in a rehabilitation model rather than a punishment model.

The sports space: It doesn't seem fair to deny trans females the ability to compete in women's sports but it is much less fair to biological women who compete. I mean, it's one space. People calling people TERFs over this dispute seems silly and the thing is I think when a lot of people are throwing around the term TERF they are using it as a slur and with an air of superiority both moral and intellectual. It's not a good look is what I'm saying. All of this is very complicated and while we are likely not going to educate the KEK, white supremacist, fascist, etc. there is a chance at educating Others. I tell you, with all the pain and suffering that my trans female friend was experiencing on a day to day basis we should really be doing everything we can to reasonably help out.

 Last edit: 14/05/2019 06:55

VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 14 2019 05:11. Posts 5121

I miss the days where i didnt give a fuck about politics. When i got home from school i just logged on wgtour and starcraft. Did not even read the news or anything. Happier days


Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 14 2019 18:36. Posts 3096

  On May 12 2019 21:31 Baalim wrote:
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It has the highest rape % in all of europe.

Sure that stat is skewed because of more reporting and definition of rape, but its not like its relevant to the discussion unless you believe there is no problem if prisons have no gender.

It's just that it's kinda weird calling it the rape capital because it's the place that takes rape most seriously. More reporting and a different definition (and stuff like how one person sexually abusing his wife/gf over one year might register as 250 rapes in sweden and 1 rape in many other countries) is why they have those high numbers. I remember doing the calculations some years back at some other forum and iirc the entire difference between Sweden and say, Belgium, would be possible to explain by 10-15 abusive relationships happening in the entire country. Which obviously isn't a big number at all. It's basically just a right wing anti-muslim talking point where it's claimed that 'this statistic is what happens when you get enough muslim immigrants'.

Essentially its a complete nonsensical statistic, akin to using prevalence of cross country skis to indicate how in shape a country is or whatever.

And also prison rape really isn't a thing over here. It's absurd how that happens in any country pretending to be civilized, tbh. And yea it would not be a thing in Norway regardless of whether mtf ended up in male or female prisons.

lol POKER 

Obannon112   Finland. May 14 2019 19:07. Posts 43

  On May 14 2019 17:36 Liquid`Drone wrote:
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It's just that it's kinda weird calling it the rape capital because it's the place that takes rape most seriously. More reporting and a different definition (and stuff like how one person sexually abusing his wife/gf over one year might register as 250 rapes in sweden and 1 rape in many other countries) is why they have those high numbers. I remember doing the calculations some years back at some other forum and iirc the entire difference between Sweden and say, Belgium, would be possible to explain by 10-15 abusive relationships happening in the entire country. Which obviously isn't a big number at all. It's basically just a right wing anti-muslim talking point where it's claimed that 'this statistic is what happens when you get enough muslim immigrants'.

Essentially its a complete nonsensical statistic, akin to using prevalence of cross country skis to indicate how in shape a country is or whatever.

And also prison rape really isn't a thing over here. It's absurd how that happens in any country pretending to be civilized, tbh. And yea it would not be a thing in Norway regardless of whether mtf ended up in male or female prisons.

Feel free to google the rape statistics by ethnicity in Sweden...

RiKD    United States. May 14 2019 19:11. Posts 9146

Last I checked it's like 40%. Muslim population in Sweden is 6-8%. I am not blanket anti-Muslim. I am anti-Sharia law. Look it up. It's pretty heinous and it's clear that the laws lead to a disrespect and dehumanizing of women.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 14 2019 19:51. Posts 5345

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 14/05/2019 21:47

Obannon112   Finland. May 14 2019 20:13. Posts 43

  On May 14 2019 18:11 RiKD wrote:
Last I checked it's like 40%. Muslim population in Sweden is 6-8%. I am not blanket anti-Muslim. I am anti-Sharia law. Look it up. It's pretty heinous and it's clear that the laws lead to a disrespect and dehumanizing of women.

Are you under the impression that there are some group of Muslims who are against Sharia law?

RiKD    United States. May 14 2019 21:34. Posts 9146

  On May 14 2019 19:13 Obannon112 wrote:
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Are you under the impression that there are some group of Muslims who are against Sharia law?

Yes. It's so bad they can't all believe it. If so, call me a full blown Islamophobe.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 14 2019 23:03. Posts 9634

Its true that most Muslims believe the Sharia law, except its almost as retarded to think of them believing that Sharia law's application should be that which takes the rights away from women for example, as you'd believe that Christians believe in the 10 commandments. They mostly want modern applications, which are practically moral values. Obviously, there are hardcore Muslims that believe it should be applied to its full extent, but there's a good portion of Muslims still living in mud huts, so what do you expect?

At the end of the day, its another pointless topic, which the media swings to its benefit to fill up the time of people that are either too busy to think for themselves or too stupid.

1) Explain in-depth the very basic, barbaric idea to the public
2) Continue repeating it for months
3) Ask Muslims if it should be applied based on that definition (as viewed by the public) , which is nowhere close to their definition
5) Profit

Fuckin hell, can you please stop discussing mainstream media topics here, its a waste of internet space, which usually doesn't happen in this thread

Also Sweden had severe REPORTED issues with sexual harrassment prior to refugee invasion, with a good amount of cases supposedly not reported. Thats why the whole definition has been changed and it has been much "safer" for women to report such behaviour nowadays.

I remember reading the Millenium series, whose first book was published 15 years ago and seeing horrifying statistics of women being sexual harrasment victims, thinking there is no fucking way it is possible that something like that happens in an European country. Check it myself and it turned out it was spot on.

 Last edit: 14/05/2019 23:13

RiKD    United States. May 15 2019 00:42. Posts 9146

I don't know many Christians that are for abortions, same sex marriage, trans rights, etc. I don't have many Christian or Catholic friends and the ones I do have are more into like an Anarcho-Christian Tolstoy type of deal. Remember, more than anything Christ was an ally to the marginalized groups. I am not one to just go around cancelling people willy nilly. It's more like I just don't really associate myself with them. I have known some hardcore Christians that were good people despite some of their misguidance. I have only known two muslims. One was a TA in college who was pretty awesome on the surface. The other was always fucked up on pills because he wasn't allowed to drink alcohol.

But, when I read this I don't want these people in my community:

• Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
• A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
• A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see "Islamophobia".
• A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
• Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab (see Taharrush).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal."
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.


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