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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 131

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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 16 2019 01:08. Posts 9634

  On June 15 2019 11:48 Stroggoz wrote:
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This statement is false, they are not run like corporations as corporations have to make short term profit. The state can take losses and therefore takes more risks and is open to long term investments. The book loco linked shows the difference in more detail.

Again im using this very broadly, guess I have to explain a bit.

The US military is obviously the main reason the USA is the world leader at the moment, gaining resources and spending them as they wish while abusing other nations. That allows their government to invest tons of money in them, however the military itself is the driver of capitalism e.g. getting oil for companies which get more profits.

Flow of things:
- be US military
- get geopolitical control
- get tons of resources which private corporations could then use and profit out of
- private corporations get the incentive of spending shit tons of money in lobbyism
- politicians have incentive to increase government spendure on US military to retain control, so that they get more money from lobbyism
- corporations and military profit
- the military gets practically infinite budget to spend on innovation

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 16 2019 01:44. Posts 5345

well, i was talking about technological development/innovation. Your's is a different topic entirely

I don't disconnect the military from the big picture wise role in those things that you mention. I was dealing with the mythological view that most innovation comes from capitalists, and the profit motive.

Baal talked about the weapons systems that come out of the military which i would agree with him is an insane amount of money. looking at DARPA, it's budget is only 3.5billion$ a year, and the NNI (nanotech research) budget is 1.9$billion a year as mentioned in the book loco linked. the US military is something like 500-1000billion$ a year. So most of the innovation has a relatively small budget compared to the rest of the military. There surely are massive innefiicencies in the state depending on where you look though.

The US military is not something that profits, it runs at a 500-1000billion$ loss.

The book loco linked 'entrepreniual state' is a very easy read and looks at other countries development like japan and russia, and compares them. I'd really recommend it. free pdf

Those F-35 jets baal mentioned, they are developed by the state, then once they can be put into production, are handed over to corporations like lockheed martin which sell them for a profit. Lockheed martins business model is to leech off the states military innovations, and produce/sell them once they are done. Then when the rest of the world has bought their jets, they advertise that it's a dangerous world out there and we need better jets to beat the jets we sold to the rest of the world. Then they get the new series of jets from the government and sell those.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 16/06/2019 02:07

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 16 2019 17:06. Posts 9634

Gonna find it in .mobi or .epub and read it, usually cant really keep up with Loco's book recommendations :D

RiKD    United States. Jun 16 2019 17:22. Posts 9146

Something he recommended me was to get a Good Reads account and just throw them all in the "Want to Read" section. It has been helpful.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 16 2019 17:40. Posts 9634

  On June 16 2019 16:22 RiKD wrote:
Something he recommended me was to get a Good Reads account and just throw them all in the "Want to Read" section. It has been helpful.

already have 40 in that section :D

Loco   Canada. Jun 16 2019 19:57. Posts 20975

reading pdfs in 2019 is tragic

use or and you can get pretty much any ebook in epub or mobi. the private torrent site myanonamouse is also easy to join and has an enormous library.

+ Show Spoiler +

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 16 2019 22:42. Posts 9634

  On June 16 2019 18:57 Loco wrote:
reading pdfs in 2019 is tragic

use or and you can get pretty much any ebook in epub or mobi. the private torrent site myanonamouse is also easy to join and has an enormous library.

+ Show Spoiler +

IRC .. thats something I havent heard of for a while

I've been looking for The Invention of Hugo Cabret for a few years and havent found it anywhere eventhough its a best seller and has a movie adaptation

 Last edit: 16/06/2019 22:51

Loco   Canada. Jun 17 2019 00:06. Posts 20975

It's on mobilism in audiobook format, but here's the retail ebook. You might have to convert it with calibre if you don't have a Kindle (azw3 can be transferred directly with the cable without conversion).

It has strange formatting for an ebook though. The pictures are too large for one page. It's the kind of thing that should ideally be in cbr/cbz like graphic novels or read as a paperback I think.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 17/06/2019 00:07

Loco   Canada. Jun 17 2019 00:29. Posts 20975

"you are not a journalist Jorge, you know this" 22:00 lmao

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 17/06/2019 00:30

Loco   Canada. Jun 17 2019 07:04. Posts 20975

Great video. But I'm always disappointed when these Foucault/Deleuze explorations don't end up being contrasted with Byung-Chul Han's vision of the burn out society. Maybe I should work on it myself; YouTube leftists have left that area untouched.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 17/06/2019 07:04

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 17 2019 13:19. Posts 15163

Ramos and Acosta are hilarious
Best thing is how they both keep up the charade that they are "objective journalists"

93% Sure!  

RiKD    United States. Jun 17 2019 17:26. Posts 9146

  On June 17 2019 06:04 Loco wrote:

Great video. But I'm always disappointed when these Foucault/Deleuze explorations don't end up being contrasted with Byung-Chul Han's vision of the burn out society. Maybe I should work on it myself; YouTube leftists have left that area untouched.

The people need a Loco YouTube Channel

That video was dying for some Byung-Chul Han.

RiKD    United States. Jun 17 2019 17:44. Posts 9146

As an extension of this video I think it's important to think about how to mitigate the control society has over us. Some obvious ones from the video:

- No social media
- minimize use of phone
- do not use credit cards
- no or whatever
- despite what most people tell you these days do not become an entrepreneur of the self
- minimize
- activism (is it too late?)


Is it too late?

 Last edit: 17/06/2019 17:44

Loco   Canada. Jun 18 2019 00:42. Posts 20975

Most places are not an Orwellian nightmare like China is. We're just globally moving towards it, but it's obviously more than just that. It's an Huxleyan/Bradburyian/Orwellian nightmare combined.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 18 2019 03:01. Posts 5345

orwells 1984 book was popular because it critiqued other socities and not our own, the society in it is like an exxagerated north korea or nazi germany and a bad prediction if it was of our own society. The survellience system we have now is tied up with capitalism and commerce and goes beyond the imagination of orwell, it's literally based on making money out of predictions of human behavior, and threatens to change our nature itself and it has already.

If i was an evil capitalist overlord i would have leaked the xkeyscore stuff on purpose, to the public. Because that means every activist knows they are being watched, 100% of the time on the internet, and the police can be more out in the open with their tactics of following suppressing protests before they happen.

To how much of an extent has this survellience had on activists and them knowing they are being survielled? Some, but not too much i think. Activists already knew there was a possibility that they were spied on before this happened. I havn't seen any of the major left intellectuals drop out of activism because they knew 100% of what they did on the internet was being survielled. imo the much bigger threat from it is simply the atomization of society, and the behavior modification. It's a new level of controlling people's thoughts as compared with the methods of thought control that were developed over the last century. This is the bigger threat to activism imo.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 18 2019 05:32. Posts 34270

  On June 16 2019 00:44 Stroggoz wrote:
well, i was talking about technological development/innovation. Your's is a different topic entirely

I don't disconnect the military from the big picture wise role in those things that you mention. I was dealing with the mythological view that most innovation comes from capitalists, and the profit motive.

Baal talked about the weapons systems that come out of the military which i would agree with him is an insane amount of money. looking at DARPA, it's budget is only 3.5billion$ a year, and the NNI (nanotech research) budget is 1.9$billion a year as mentioned in the book loco linked. the US military is something like 500-1000billion$ a year. So most of the innovation has a relatively small budget compared to the rest of the military. There surely are massive innefiicencies in the state depending on where you look though.

The US military is not something that profits, it runs at a 500-1000billion$ loss.

The book loco linked 'entrepreniual state' is a very easy read and looks at other countries development like japan and russia, and compares them. I'd really recommend it. free pdf

Those F-35 jets baal mentioned, they are developed by the state, then once they can be put into production, are handed over to corporations like lockheed martin which sell them for a profit. Lockheed martins business model is to leech off the states military innovations, and produce/sell them once they are done. Then when the rest of the world has bought their jets, they advertise that it's a dangerous world out there and we need better jets to beat the jets we sold to the rest of the world. Then they get the new series of jets from the government and sell those.

I was disputing the bold statement you made which isn't factually wrong but not taking into considerations the cost of development is just not a smart way to look at things, and naturally not all projects are as ridiculous as the F35 and there has been many goods and efficient projects funded by the state.

Its clear that profit-driven research has the issue of being narrowsighted, things like CERN are very difficult to fund, although they are also difficult to fund even with a state, remember the particle acelerator the US abandoned which costed billions, there are many alternate ways to fund purely-scientific research that isn't state funded, we can get into those specifics if that is a particular concern.

State funded research doesn't have that problem but its often riddled with the standard government bureacratic inefficiency, like for example how much time scientists spend in trying to secure funding () or the F35 example I gave.

You people think I'm taking just one example, the F35... didn't you read what I said? its a 1.5 trillion project!, that is the US government budget for medical research for 50 years, that is probably the most expensive tech project in history... but yeah they made the first TCP/IP connenction baal! they are super efficient! -_-

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 18 2019 05:36. Posts 34270

  On June 16 2019 23:29 Loco wrote:
"you are not a journalist Jorge, you know this" 22:00 lmao

The murderous dictator tells a biased US liberal journalist that he isn't a journalist, oh the hilarity!.

You must laugh your ass off when Trump tells the same people that they are fake news.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 18 2019 06:50. Posts 5345

Well, i personally think that technological innovation should be under public control; the public should have a say in what technology gets funded after scientists present their case to the public; except in extreme cases where infomation must be kept secret in the name of national security, but we know most militaries in the world don't have national security as their goal. So i'm not in favour of elites within the state deciding where funding should go, and im sure it would be more efficient if it was under public control, under a libertarian socialist type system.

I don't agree with the claims that government is more inneficient overall than private business. One has to look at studies one by one but just in the energy sector alone there are trillion$ externalities, finance has proven to be deeply corrupt and fruadulent under private control, and it's all monopolized, which is by definition inefficient, and is a standard tendency amoung capital in order to seek profits. And a large % of the population is devoted to guard labour, that is guarding the wealth of the rich-another inefficiency. Another area i've looked at is corporatization of universities, which have a higher administrators to staff ratio since being corporatized.

If you were looking at a dictatorship government then yeah i could agree but not governments in the west.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 18 2019 08:47. Posts 15163

  On June 18 2019 04:36 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

The murderous dictator tells a biased US liberal journalist that he isn't a journalist, oh the hilarity!.

You must laugh your ass off when Trump tells the same people that they are fake news.

Of course he does
Cnn is the same joke as Fox
they are the same joke as Ramos
what else can anyone do but laugh at them
and let be entertained

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 18 2019 08:51. Posts 15163

Like Doug Polk wants to comment on news on youtube
Thought there's space for a balanced view

I don't think there is actually
The obvious biased fake news that fuels people's bubbles is just too entertaining and what people want to watch
and you can get some sort of picture by watching both of them + combining them
while getting entertained

93% Sure!  


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