Ah yes, they just magically extract those thoughts out of their minds and lock them up in a cupboard at home every day before they go to work and proceed to do a fantastic job of caring for these people humanely. Not only is this perfectly logical, but the evidence we have clearly shows that this is the case!
Just crawl back to your hole before I ask you what your thoughts are on the Chilean coup of 1973 which will make you so uncomfortable like last time that you'll disappear for a few months again.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 01 2019 23:24 Loco wrote:
Ah yes, they just magically extract those thoughts out of their minds and lock them up in a cupboard at home every day before they go to work and proceed to do a fantastic job of caring for these people humanely. Not only is this perfectly logical, but the evidence we have clearly shows that this is the case!
Just crawl back to your hole before I ask you what your thoughts are on the Chilean coup of 1973 which will make you so uncomfortable like last time that you'll disappear for a few months again.
"This guy is bringing up my current support of violence and terrorist groups, I'll ask what he thinks about something that happened 25 years before he was born."
I don't mind giving my opinion, but I do get tired of talking with violent idiots. That's why I just mock you, if another poster asked me I'd be happy to answer.
Oof. The projection is wild. First, I've already denounced the violence against Ngo and showed that in the other case it was the old man who was the aggressor first. Secondly, you exalt the merits of the biggest criminal gang in the entire world, the one that is responsible for creating ISIS and Al-Qaeda. The US government sponsors and creates terrorists all the time, that is what it does, but you sleep to that. When a fear-mongering racist gets punched, that's real terrorism though. Antifa, the "organization" that only shows up when fascists organize and which killed exactly 0 people is the world's greatest terrorist threat.
Yes, you're not violent. You just support a system that systematically oppresses and kills people. To you children being killed in concentration camps from negligence and abuse isn't violence, nor is the majority of people living on a poverty wage in the world's richest country. It just doesn't suit the narrative. Violence is what you decide it is because the authorities you listen to say that's what it is. Nice change of topic by the way. I guess you don't want to die on that 'thought crime' hill. Can't blame you, it was a really bad post.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 01 2019 23:24 Loco wrote:
Ah yes, they just magically extract those thoughts out of their minds and lock them up in a cupboard at home every day before they go to work and proceed to do a fantastic job of caring for these people humanely. Not only is this perfectly logical, but the evidence we have clearly shows that this is the case!
Just crawl back to your hole before I ask you what your thoughts are on the Chilean coup of 1973 which will make you so uncomfortable like last time that you'll disappear for a few months again.
In chile in 1973 a group of people thought that it was time for corrective violence to stop a heinous political ideology
Given those tweets you posted its even more clear (if it wasn't already clear enough) that you see the world in a dichotomy, if we hate Antifa we must support the proud boys or whatever other retarded identatarian group but we don't, we find both groups disgusting.
Why waste your time with the cement-shake, you didn't care if there was cement, you didn't say "oh cement shakes are not ok, these people have gone too far", so if they used cement or not its irrelevant to you, so stop pretending.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 02 2019 04:59. Posts 2235
On July 01 2019 17:32 Loco wrote:
"that's really homophobic Loco, I hate identity politics but let me remind you that this man is ASIAN and GAY. by the way here's what this unfunny transphobe thinks about milkshakes"
There is no evidence of "quick-dry cement" in that picture, you fucking goof. Even the photographer who took that picture said so on Twitter. The alt-right is losing again, every one of their rallies is smaller and they are so desperate to scare antifascists off with this dumb shit because they don't know what to do anymore. Relying on lies and rumors for a public backlash and betting on a campaign of harassment against people involved is the easiest thing to do.
You guys spread their propaganda like it's your job. Even days after the rumour started and there is still no evidence for it, you have no issue accepting it as a fact. Shows how invested you are in your prejudices. "The police said they received one phone call warning them about cement milkshakes, so it must be true!". The same police that was found working with fascists.
yes I don't care for identity politics, however I think it's
1) hypocritical and small-minded for you to post that about an assault victim who is gay. of all the philosophy you read I hope you can grasp basic things like this
2) weird to call people fake journalists and support violence against them if you complain about the white house disagreeing with adversarial journalists
3) honestly because he's Asian I think you subconsciously believe it's more okay to beat the shit out of him because he's extra privileged
there is
-picture of making cement "milkshakes"
-journalist in hospital
what victory are you going for here? sure antifa makes cement milkshakes but not this time, this time it was innocent milk and ice cream, and they hospitalized him purely by beating him up. checkmate civilized people!
what's really revealing is you say normally you'd support beating him up, but in this case no. and not because he's gay or asian or a journalist, or because he got hurt and you regret, but because you think he wanted it to begin with. you think the backlash against this is because of the fact that HE wanted to be martyred, and not because of the actions of thugs who assaulted and hospitalized someone
maybe if he weren't a journalist or didn't have a twitter following or public influence you could beat him up quietly, and nobody would know about it, and nobody would come together to help him out financially after what happened. psychopath
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Clearly, free speech is a difficult concept for you. People on this forum have been banned for 'saying things' before. I'll let you think about that for a minute; you don't own this website. In the real world, your principles collapse. If I posted ISIS propaganda videos of murders and rapes supporting them and saying I want to take part in it, you'd be obliged to take them down and ban me.
I didn't condone it, and if Andy Ngo is a journalist, then you are a philosopher, and phrenology is a legitimate science.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 02 2019 03:26 Baalim wrote:
Given those tweets you posted its even more clear (if it wasn't already clear enough) that you see the world in a dichotomy, if we hate Antifa we must support the proud boys or whatever other retarded identatarian group but we don't, we find both groups disgusting.
Why waste your time with the cement-shake, you didn't care if there was cement, you didn't say "oh cement shakes are not ok, these people have gone too far", so if they used cement or not its irrelevant to you, so stop pretending.
That's hilarious. Remember the time you told me "I hope you lose the culture war you fucking idiot" while you were arguing your side of it? You're not some detached third party who is analyzing the situation objectively, as I have just conclusively shown: you are posting deliberately misleading clips and ideas/rumors that exist on the internet in their current state for the benefits of extreme-right wing groups. Everything you posted traces back to them directly or people working for them. It does not matter that you don't see or wish to recognize that, it is still what is currently happening, OBJECTIVELY.
The fact is that there is a culture war and you are very invested in it, your emotional investment is obvious and this fake "enlightened centrism" can only fool the most politically ignorant out there, including yourself. There is a radicalization process happening as a result of the culture war and you are not immune from it. In fact, you openly say that "antifa creates fascists" -- but what you actually mean to say is that the version of alternative facts and out of context clips that you present creates fascists. WHICH IS TRUE! So you see, we actually agree: if I put myself into your shoes, knowing how ignorant you are about antifa, with this absurd one-sided view of things, I would have to agree that it is creating fascists, because the things you post about antifa, and the lies by omission,are specifically distorted to create fascists or enable them to gain more power.
Suffices to see who you get your Tweets from and the alt-lite shit you read (Quilette) and the fact that you were radicalized by a literal neo-fascist and still share his propaganda and talking points, while omitting everything that goes counter to it. And of course, at the core of his propaganda is a binary worldview you share: there are "communists" (bad; like antifa, LOL) and there are "capitalists" (good) and nothing else is conceivable other than these two. And obviously, no amount of evidence can ever convince you that capitalism isn't actually good, because you can always retreat to your imaginary world where it is actually good, and where it is more real.
You've listened to more Joe Rogan and Alex Jones than anyone else on this planet, is it so surprising that you cannot think critically and you deceive yourself in the process of trying to deceive others? I don't think so. We are what we consume, and you have consumed a diet of fast food for the mind forever. You are an intellectual couch potato who has to rely on other people to do the thinking (and the fighting) for him. At least you get to live out your violent impulses in these mini-battles with me and vicariously through the people who are paid to beat the hell out of each other.
Why waste my time exposing your utter stupidity and inability to filter out information on the internet before you disseminate it? Right, I should have instead taken your absolutely ludicrous conspiracy theory seriously and validated it by saying the most absurd thing in existence: "I do not support throwing cement shakes!!". The fact that I wasn't uncritical enough to believe in it is apparently proof that I don't care about people . . . okay, you got me. Yes, the crime of 'not caring'. Something you can't even do for people dying in concentration camps at this very moment and which directly ties to all of this mess. Complete silence. As usual, you chuds are definitely known for your high levels of empathy. Like some of those gems you gave us, "homeless kids in Canada don't know what real poverty is like" and "the homeless in downtown vancouver have nike shoes, they don't know real misery". It's only when someone resembles you that you give a fuck that they get hurt.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
This dichotomy argument is more projection from you. Astounding really. You're the one who believes in the false dichotomy that everyone who is antifa encourages excessive violence, even when its basic knowledge that there is a lot of non-violent antifa action, in fact its the bulk of it, and some antifa dont ever use violence. This has been brought up several times and you don't acknowledge it, because you have a irrational fear and hatred of what you think leftism is.
You're like those far right people who say "liberalism is a mental illness." There is no space for a rational and nuanced discussion with you people, your minds are already made up. It's all or nothing, which is a logical continuation of your communism and capitalism dichotomy. It's called Manicheanism and it always becomes worse in periods of regression.
Every single time you see violent activists you fall prey to the outlier bias and you get extremely upset that I don't. It bothers you that I take a global perspective on things and you can't sway me with these lazy emotional appeals that serve the far right. Antifa will always be more than a few people who get out of line or who hurt people that you think didn't call for it (despite the evidence that they did). Nothing you can post will change that history and your deep and wilful gnorance is not going to change that history either.
If every antifascist became zombified tomorrow and were turned into passive consumers or internet shitlords like you, the world would be an objectively worse place. When people stop resisting, other people take and they impose far worse things than anything an antifascist has ever done.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 02/07/2019 10:33
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 02 2019 10:28. Posts 2235
poor Baal you got radicalized by far alt-right wing conservatards into believing you shouldn't beat up political opponents. so you have skin in this game. you're not just a neutral third party. if you were really neutral you'd support and join antifa, the real centrists.
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
"the right-wing libertarians are actually deep authoritarians, whatever they believe, they are calling for the worst kind of tyrannies". A quick reminder of who Baal actually is, if the facts laid out here aren't sufficient for you. In his world, real oppression is being punched in the face twice for being a far-right propagandist and receiving $200,000+ for it, but concentration camps and enslavement/indentured servitude are not a moral issue but 'part of the natural order'.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 02/07/2019 20:12
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 03 2019 14:53. Posts 2235
oh Baal why didn't you tell me you liked concentration camps? we can start a lampshade factory with stefan molyneux, tucker carlson, andy ngo, and the good jews of breitbart news
it's amazing all this philosophy has failed to imbue you with any basic wisdom at all about the living world
"Quilette is fake news so it's okay to punch anyone who published there." - Immanuel Kant
"Use corrective violence against anyone taking photos of Antifa." - Marcus Aurelius
"Beating people up and giving them brain hemorrhages for their political beliefs is not oppression." - Descartes
"Wear a mask to hide your face and attack anyone who doesn't fervently support your just cause as long as you're in a group and they're vulnerable and alone" - Nietzsche
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
On July 02 2019 07:12 Loco wrote:
Clearly, free speech is a difficult concept for you. People on this forum have been banned for 'saying things' before. I'll let you think about that for a minute; you don't own this website. In the real world, your principles collapse. If I posted ISIS propaganda videos of murders and rapes supporting them and saying I want to take part in it, you'd be obliged to take them down and ban me.
I didn't condone it, and if Andy Ngo is a journalist, then you are a philosopher, and phrenology is a legitimate science.
Why is it so difficult for you to undestand that free speech is regarding ideas, I dont recall anybody ever being banned for politial ideas, I wouldn't allow you to speak about jihad and the caliphate in an appropiate thread, but I wouldn't allow gore videos, spam or trolling... why do I have to explain these things as if you were a 10yo?
You did condone it, when it was posted you kept saying how he shouldn't have been there since he was warned, and how he has posted islamophibic articles and now that he isn't a journalist, you are condoning the violence. Also you dont get to decide who is and who isn't a journalist based on wether you like their work or not.
On July 02 2019 07:22 Loco wrote:
That's hilarious. Remember the time you told me "I hope you lose the culture war you fucking idiot" while you were arguing your side of it? You're not some detached third party who is analyzing the situation objectively, as I have just conclusively shown: you are posting deliberately misleading clips and ideas/rumors that exist on the internet in their current state for the benefits of extreme-right wing groups. Everything you posted traces back to them directly or people working for them. It does not matter that you don't see or wish to recognize that, it is still what is currently happening, OBJECTIVELY.
I do hope extreme left wing ideologues lose, that doesn't imply I want right wing ideologues lose, that doesn't mean I'm dettached or that, I am not posting videos in the benefit of extreme-right winges, I'm posting them in detriment to extre-left wingers.
Suffices to see who you get your Tweets from and the alt-lite shit you read (Quilette) and the fact that you were radicalized by a literal neo-fascist and still share his propaganda and talking points, while omitting everything that goes counter to it. And of course, at the core of his propaganda is a binary worldview you share: there are "communists" (bad; like antifa, LOL) and there are "capitalists" (good) and nothing else is conceivable other than these two. And obviously, no amount of evidence can ever convince you that capitalism isn't actually good, because you can always retreat to your imaginary world where it is actually good, and where it is more real.
Baal: You and Antifa see the world in a false dichotomy where everybody is either with you or a nazi, nazi collaborator like Andy or nazi enabler like myself.
Loco: No you
You've listened to more Joe Rogan and Alex Jones than anyone else on this planet, is it so surprising that you cannot think critically and you deceive yourself in the process of trying to deceive others? I don't think so. We are what we consume, and you have consumed a diet of fast food for the mind forever. You are an intellectual couch potato who has to rely on other people to do the thinking (and the fighting) for him. At least you get to live out your violent impulses in these mini-battles with me and vicariously through the people who are paid to beat the hell out of each other.
Alex Jones? again showing how you see the world as a dichotomy and you don't have no clue who you are talking with, I've never watched Alex Jone's show in my life, not once, I've seen the meme-rants like we all have and that is it, he is obviously mentally ill.
I watch Rogan's podcats when he invites scientits and people like Elon Musks, which is like once every couple of months
Why waste my time exposing your utter stupidity and inability to filter out information on the internet before you disseminate it? Right, I should have instead taken your absolutely ludicrous conspiracy theory seriously and validated it by saying the most absurd thing in existence: "I do not support throwing cement shakes!!". The fact that I wasn't uncritical enough to believe in it is apparently proof that I don't care about people . . . okay, you got me. Yes, the crime of 'not caring'. Something you can't even do for people dying in concentration camps at this very moment and which directly ties to all of this mess. Complete silence. As usual, you chuds are definitely known for your high levels of empathy. Like some of those gems you gave us, "homeless kids in Canada don't know what real poverty is like" and "the homeless in downtown vancouver have nike shoes, they don't know real misery". It's only when someone resembles you that you give a fuck that they get hurt.
But you do condone escalation of violence, or do you denounce the guy punching and kicking Andy? or the one throwin a rock at him?
Concentration camps... let me guess what is happening here, the guy who denies living in a nazi dichotomy just compared the US migrant detention centers to Auschwitz LOL