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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 153

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Stroggoz   New Zealand. Aug 06 2019 23:20. Posts 5345

he has easy access to a weapon because of the NRA lobby though, so the problem is actually capitalism-or at least concentrated private capital and it's ability to lobby. ideology always matters, look back in history and it's easy to see this.

stochastic is a word used in mathematics in measuring probability. Imo Trumps rhetoric has increased the probability of mass shootings from the right. There are other factors as well. I dont have the evidence to back this up though.These mass shootings fit the state's definition of terrorism so long if they are motivated for 'political, ideological, or religious' reasons.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 06/08/2019 23:24

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Aug 06 2019 23:44. Posts 3096

utøya wasn't rich kids and I don't think many of them had politician parents. (I mean if you mean politician as in 'unpaid position in the community council' then yea prolly quite some had parents engaged in that - but again, that's unpaid and not likely to coincide with overall wealth. )

unless you mean all norwegians are rich, true on a global scale I guess.

lol POKER 

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 00:28. Posts 20975

  On August 06 2019 20:45 Baalim wrote:
If a leftist mass murders innocents or working class people, his murdering wasn't political so he isn't a leftist terrorist.

If a leftists targets evil people like ICE agents or cops, then he also isn't a leftist terrorist, he is just a fed-up resistence fighter.

so leftist terrirst can't exist... got it.

Literally just said the guy was a left-wing terrorist dude. Learn to read. He was left-wing. He was also a terrorist. His murderous spree wasn't related to his left-wing politics though. He also wasn't a leftist. He wasn't involved in any anti-capitalist or antifa action. Simple. He was a sociopath who from a very young age wanted to hurt people irrespective of their politics. No one radicalized him into committing political violence as you wish that it had happened (and as you falsely claimed that it did). We all feel your pain when you realized this guy wasn't some antifa maniac and you can't use this on LiquidPoker to validate the false equivalence that you have been so desperate to validate for the past year. We empathize with your pain in such difficult times. Now it's time to own up or shut up.

Van Spronsen didn't target cops or ICE agents. He targeted infrastructure used by them while they weren't using them. Antifa death count = still 0. Same number that was put into your "ability for logic" and "personal integrity" categories during your character creation it would seem.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/08/2019 00:38

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 07 2019 00:38. Posts 34270

  On August 06 2019 22:20 Stroggoz wrote:
he has easy access to a weapon because of the NRA lobby though, so the problem is actually capitalism-or at least concentrated private capital and it's ability to lobby. ideology always matters, look back in history and it's easy to see this.

the NRA's lobbying capital is surprisingly small as discussed in this thread months ago, their members are very politically active ergo influential, a bit like the SJW crowd, its also a voting pivotal point like abortion so having the "wrong" opinion in regards to your voting base is political suicide so I think the inaction is more of a demoracy being a popularity contest itself rather than a lobbying one in this specific case.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 07 2019 00:41. Posts 34270

  On August 06 2019 22:44 Liquid`Drone wrote:
utøya wasn't rich kids and I don't think many of them had politician parents. (I mean if you mean politician as in 'unpaid position in the community council' then yea prolly quite some had parents engaged in that - but again, that's unpaid and not likely to coincide with overall wealth. )

unless you mean all norwegians are rich, true on a global scale I guess.

really? I took that from the movie which made it seem like it was a rich-kid summer thing to get back at norewian politicians for allowing immigration, why did he kill those kids then?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 07/08/2019 00:44

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 00:44. Posts 20975

  On August 06 2019 17:31 VanDerMeyde wrote:
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Are you a member of Antifa ?

No, because for the sake of me I cannot find where their headquarters are, or on what website I can register to be a part of this wonderful organization! Can you help me find a way to get my membership?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 07 2019 00:55. Posts 34270

So nobody is antifa since its decentralized, but at the same time, if you dont like fascist you are anti-fascist, so virtually everybody is antifa.

flawless intellectual ingtegrity, congratulations.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Aug 07 2019 01:33. Posts 3096

  On August 06 2019 23:41 Baalim wrote:
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really? I took that from the movie which made it seem like it was a rich-kid summer thing to get back at norewian politicians for allowing immigration, why did he kill those kids then?

they might have looked like rich kids (especially in the movie) but they were completely normal kids. They were members of the Norwegian Labor party's youth division - but this has nothing to do with them being rich or having parents in politics, it just means they themselves are interested in politics, which at that age is virtually never some type of 'building future powerful connections' or whatever, it's either idealism or 'my friend is into it and the camp sounded like it was gonna be fun'. All the political parties in Norway have youth parties and all the youth parties have summer camps. If any generalization works, kids who go there tend to be smart, good kids, boyscout types.

Like going to summer camp isn't a rich kid activity in Norway.. Holiday abroad isn't either.

lol POKER 

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 03:00. Posts 20975

  On August 06 2019 23:55 Baalim wrote:
So nobody is antifa since its decentralized, but at the same time, if you dont like fascist you are anti-fascist, so virtually everybody is antifa.

flawless intellectual ingtegrity, congratulations.

He used the word member. The joke is based on that.

Antifa is not something people are unless it is what they do, in however small or significant way. It is absolutely meaningless to say "I am against X" or to say "I don't like X" if it doesn't translate to any sort of behavior that opposes X. Liberals don't like fascism but they don't oppose it, so they aren't anti-fascists. Saying "I'm opposed to X" and doing nothing at all about it is exactly the kind of virtue signaling that I agree with right-wing folks should be laughed at.

It's funny that you would bring this up though because I was just reading that Tucker Carlson said "The dangerous domestic terrorists Antifa are socialists and socialists have slaughtered millions, however, unlike socialists Antifa is malnourished and live in their parent’s’ basement and can’t even slaughter millions lol”. So basically, just like Umberto Eco wrote about in "Ur-Fascism": "The Enemy always needs to be shown as both incredibly powerful and terribly weak at the same time." Once you see that, you can't unsee it. That's one hundred percent consistent with your bullshit too.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. THEY'RE OUT THERE RIGHT NOW, PLANNING THEIR NEXT MOVE. THE COMMUNISTS. ANTIFA. THEY'RE COMING. OH MY GOD. THEY'RE COMING. But I'm not worried about Antifa, I can kick their asses. Buncha fucking soyboys and blue-haired feminists who get triggered over gendered language. But oh my god they're out there and they're violent and oh my god they're going to bash people's head in on the pavement until they're unidentifiable. I'm so FUCKING terrified but I'm also brave as hell and my dick is huge.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/08/2019 03:09

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 03:14. Posts 20975

Ahh, the beauty of liberal democracy.

Is that GoTunk at 0:43?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/08/2019 03:16

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 03:26. Posts 20975

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/08/2019 03:31

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 03:47. Posts 20975

  On August 06 2019 23:38 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

the NRA's lobbying capital is surprisingly small as discussed in this thread months ago, their members are very politically active ergo influential, a bit like the SJW crowd, its also a voting pivotal point like abortion so having the "wrong" opinion in regards to your voting base is political suicide so I think the inaction is more of a demoracy being a popularity contest itself rather than a lobbying one in this specific case.

The NRA are the greatest single contributor to Trump...

And of course the problem is capitalism. Fascism is a natural outgrowth of a collapsing capitalist society, of which Trump is simply a symptom. But he's one hell of a symptom and he's openly fueling massacres that are only going to get more frequent and deadly. The massive influence that he has over his fanbase who have no ability to think critically and who believe in conspiracy theories like Cultural Marxism and The Great Replacement should remind us of the dangers of highly influential cult leaders.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Aug 07 2019 07:53. Posts 5345

From chomsky interview on truthout i read a while back.

" There is an interesting history to that, very well studied. There’s a recent book by Pamela Haag called The Gunning of America: Business and the Making of American Gun Culture. It’s a very interesting analysis. What she shows is that after the Civil War, the gun manufacturers didn’t really have much of a market. The U.S. government market had declined, of course, and foreign governments weren’t much of a market. It was then an agricultural society, the late 19th century. Farmers had guns, but they were like tools, nothing special. You had a nice old-fashioned gun. It was enough to chase away wolves. They didn’t want the fancy guns that the gun manufacturers were producing.

So, what happened was, the first major, huge advertising campaign that was a kind of a model for others later. An enormous campaign was carried out to try to create a gun culture. They invented a Wild West, which never existed, with the bold sheriff drawing the pistol faster than anyone else and all this nonsense that you get in the cowboy movies. It was all concocted. None of it ever happened. Cowboys were sort of the dregs of society, people who couldn’t get a job anywhere else. You hired them to push some cows around. But this image of the Wild West and the great heroes was developed. Along with it came the ads, saying something like, ‘If your son doesn’t have a Winchester rifle, he’s not a real man, If your daughter doesn’t have a little pink pistol, she’ll never be happy.’


One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 07/08/2019 07:53

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Aug 07 2019 07:58. Posts 5345

Imo it seems like most capitalists do not want there to be widespread sales of arms in america, this is why you see criticism of the NRA in the liberal media. But the fact of the matter is the capitalist class is a team, the gun manufacturers are one small part of that team. I've never seen any study on the opinions of the capitalist elite on this matter though.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 07 2019 08:02. Posts 34270

  On August 07 2019 02:47 Loco wrote:

The NRA are the greatest single contributor to Trump...

what the fuck are you talking about....Source?

The NRA spends under 5 million dollars per year in lobbying, which is penuts.

  On August 07 2019 02:00 Loco wrote:

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. THEY'RE OUT THERE RIGHT NOW, PLANNING THEIR NEXT MOVE. THE COMMUNISTS. ANTIFA. THEY'RE COMING. OH MY GOD. THEY'RE COMING. But I'm not worried about Antifa, I can kick their asses. Buncha fucking soyboys and blue-haired feminists who get triggered over gendered language. But oh my god they're out there and they're violent and oh my god they're going to bash people's head in on the pavement until they're unidentifiable. I'm so FUCKING terrified but I'm also brave as hell and my dick is huge.

Why do you double down like a moron on these points when they have been clearly explained many times?

Things baal finds scary:

[ ] Loud pink haired lesbians
[ ] Violent political groups that don't even exist in my country and I wont see face-to-face in my life
[X] The very real probability (I'd estimate between 30 to 50%) that our president will try to overrule the constitution to re-elect himself and become another corrupt leftist dictator so I would have liquidate all I have and flee the country to never come back only to see the people I care about suffer the collapse of the country exactly like the Venezuelan friends so that 15 year later clueless french-canadian vegans communists can cheer and sanitize the crimes of the dictator in a random forum.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Aug 07 2019 09:32. Posts 9634

  On August 06 2019 22:20 Stroggoz wrote:
stochastic is a word used in mathematics in measuring probability. Imo Trumps rhetoric has increased the probability of mass shootings from the right. There are other factors as well. I dont have the evidence to back this up though.These mass shootings fit the state's definition of terrorism so long if they are motivated for 'political, ideological, or religious' reasons.

yep, its still a measurement

Also, he might have increased the probability but would you want to insinuate that without evidence? How loosely would we use that term? Even hinting at that without evidence is as bad as using terms like 'micro aggression' which the SJW use.... I doubt Trump has had most shootings during his presidency and even if he does it would probably be statistically irrelevant (tried to look for the data but politicians are not dumb enough to release something like that and cant really find a 3rd party source that bothered keeping track of it)

 Last edit: 07/08/2019 09:33

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Aug 07 2019 10:27. Posts 5345

It's well documented actually, and mass shootings are highest under trump, but they have been steadily rising over time. Liberal academics love studying this stuff, for the reason i came up with before. Capitalists disagree on gun violence which means academics and the media are allowed to think for themselves on this topic. The government doesn't have a monopoloy on the information related to shootings, they are all reported in the media.

Like i said before it has more to do with things like the arms manufacturers push for gun culture over the last 160 or so years, and imo social atomization. And mass shootings are actually a small fraction of gun related violence, which is actually the bigger issue here. The evidence would be finding manifesto's that appeal to trump, from shooters. and seeing how many do this-but it is not at the level of scientific argument. You can't make strong arguments when it comes to this.

The equivilency with micro aggressions makes no sense to me. if your going to offer opinions and have no studies backing them up it's a lot better to say you have no evidence for them, than to say you have strong evidence when you don't, so people know to view your opinions with serious skepticism.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 07/08/2019 10:31

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 13:48. Posts 20975

  On August 07 2019 07:02 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

what the fuck are you talking about....Source?

The NRA spends under 5 million dollars per year in lobbying, which is penuts.

  Why do you double down like a moron on these points when they have been clearly explained many times?

Dude, I know. I've said it many times: these struggles and the dangers white supremacy poses mean nothing to you, you are a disaffected internet shitlord who is just bored with his life. The extent to which you care is the extent to which you are entertained, because that's what capitalism has done to you and others like you, you've been reduced to the status of an alienated, asocial consumer who is always starved for stimulation/entertainment. But you've still internalized the American culture war and you fight for your side of it on the internet. You use the tactics of disinformation of the far-right on here. It is obvious that you have pushed that narrative that Antifa is both weak and dangerous at the same time around here, even if they are not a threat to you specifically. You have attempted from the beginning to blow their activity out of proportion and downplay the activities of fascists.

Also, even putting antifa aside, you've drawn an equivalent between the dangers of a Slavoj Zizek and Richard Spencer/Neo-Nazis before, so LOL, my quote is perfectly adequate to demonstrate your idiotic paranoia fitting of the worst internet conspiracy theorist types such as your mentor Molyneux or another stochastic terrorist in Alex Jones.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/08/2019 14:11

Loco   Canada. Aug 07 2019 15:16. Posts 20975

57 people have died and more than 18,000 have sought hospital treatment in Japan in the last week alone due to the unrelenting heatwave. It's another form of blatant terrorism when you are the most powerful man in the world and you deny that there is such a thing as AGW.

Some stats on the July European heat wave:

Good thing capitalism has produced the solution to anthropogenic global warming in the form of AC! Once our philantropist overlords charitably give us all central AC, the problem will be permanently solved. Imagine where we would be without them and capitalism...

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/08/2019 15:33

Santafairy   Korea (South). Aug 07 2019 15:34. Posts 2235

God Trump pisses me off. And I think we all know where he gets his inspiration for murdering Japanese people, his personal favorite president's name also started with Trum...

Despicable terrorist

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 


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