VanDerMeyde   Norway. Dec 14 2016 23:29. Posts 5121
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:46
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 15 2016 11:06. Posts 9634
I mean the US is a country which expansive politics has wrecked the whole planet the last 80 years, they passively finance the terrorist organizations they go and fight afterwards. They sell guns to countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel and i could probably go on and write a list of 100 other things that would make China look like the most innocent country to ever exist compared to the US.
Ofc that they're supporting NK, thats how you put pressure on the region. Get real honestly, politics are not ran on moral values. I get your misunderstandings, but thats the sad truth, nobody gives a fuck about making the world better there, they only care about control. When it comes to external politics, then yes its a bad thing Trump is not a president yet, cause it seems like he wants to at least restrict this madness to some level.
Also yep uICk i feel the same way, if I had adequate knowledge of that I d probably be trading on the market and be a multimillionaire so..
Last edit: 15/12/2016 11:09
lostaccount   Canada. Dec 15 2016 18:01. Posts 6298
On December 15 2016 10:06 Spitfiree wrote:
I mean the US is a country which expansive politics has wrecked the whole planet the last 80 years, they passively finance the terrorist organizations they go and fight afterwards. They sell guns to countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel and i could probably go on and write a list of 100 other things that would make China look like the most innocent country to ever exist compared to the US.
Ofc that they're supporting NK, thats how you put pressure on the region. Get real honestly, politics are not ran on moral values. I get your misunderstandings, but thats the sad truth, nobody gives a fuck about making the world better there, they only care about control. When it comes to external politics, then yes its a bad thing Trump is not a president yet, cause it seems like he wants to at least restrict this madness to some level.
Also yep uICk i feel the same way, if I had adequate knowledge of that I d probably be trading on the market and be a multimillionaire so..
Yes I agree, I understand China is bad suppressive country but America can be just as worst with their propaganda media and actions. What we have in the west seems like an illusion of freedom by the mainstream media. They are a bunch of crooks with an agenda. Lets get back our true freedom, Syria government liberalizing Aleppo is good for this world?
vancouver la belle vie mid life
Last edit: 15/12/2016 18:03
Mortensen8   Chad. Dec 15 2016 22:42. Posts 1845
Post your political compasses
Rear naked woke
nolan   Ireland. Dec 15 2016 23:45. Posts 6205
On December 14 2016 22:29 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Norwegian media is actually presenting it as something negative that Donald Trump is not yet another american president sucking up to China and taking all their shit. I mean, this is a country supporting North Korea.... A country that has concentration camps. Quote "We were worse than the SS" (Former north korean concentration camp guard).
The "mainstream media" in my country has gone completly insane. Their coverage of the war in Syria is bullshit. They are covering it as if what is needed is western intervention like that in Libya.
If the average westerner had even a slight clue what the 'protestors' and 'rebels' in Syria were all about there would be daily protests in the street to reinstall Assad.
It's actually insane how uniform media from numerous different countries are in pretending they aren't jihadis trying to establish a Sunni Arab theocracy.
"Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave" is their slogan. This isn't just a case of lazy journalism, it's a coordinated effort to somehow paint them as some kind of positive group.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Not biggest fan of most the questions, since there are so many " depending on" moments, probably could use a more thorough " on a scale of 1 to X " type.
Still, probably represents me sort of accurately.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 16/12/2016 00:59
lostaccount   Canada. Dec 16 2016 02:33. Posts 6298
On December 15 2016 23:57 uiCk wrote:
Not biggest fan of most the questions, since there are so many " depending on" moments, probably could use a more thorough " on a scale of 1 to X " type.
Still, probably represents me sort of accurately.
Not biggest fan of most the questions, since there are so many " depending on" moments, probably could use a more thorough " on a scale of 1 to X " type.
Still, probably represents me sort of accurately.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
lostaccount   Canada. Dec 16 2016 03:37. Posts 6298
vancouver la belle vie mid life
Last edit: 16/12/2016 03:54
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 16 2016 07:04. Posts 34270
I dont get why im not lower in the libertarian axis since I am an anarchist but whatev
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 16 2016 08:46. Posts 34270
On December 10 2016 17:35 uiCk wrote:
Also @ Baal , explain pic? Don't recognize the flag on his shoes.
It is the syndicalist flag, what the image is trying to represent is that the left became authoritarian (communist, socialism syndicalistm etc) and tried to squash the right that in defense also became authoritarian (nationalists, fascists etc).
This is pretty much what happened since the Obama administration the left won the cultural war and they became authoritarian and tried to squash dissidents and still try to do, thats why anything that questioned their ideology was bigotry alienating the center aligning people to the right and the right people turning in to authoritarians which are almost as bad as left authoritarians.
Damn, that's alot of paranoid nonsense.
it's not that absurd really. State universities are boycotting and protesting speakers like Ben Shapiro and Condaleeza Rice so fervently that it's actually resulting in cancellations. I'm not convinced that would have been the case 10 years ago, and those two in particular are certainly not nearly as controversial as some others.
Extremely negligible. The extremist politics seen everywhere is directly correlated to changing economic landscapes (globalisation and automation) making the human labour of manufacturing and agriculture useless, thus neglecting what used to be a well living class.
Political climate is the result of, not the other way around.
Economy good = centrist politics/ideologies
Economy bad = extremist politics/ideologies
On individual or state level.
Absolutely agree and its obvious that a healthy economy wont seek change, and poor economy will breed extreme political views, but Obama was reelected after the market collapse, and while its not the best economy in the US it also isnt as terrible where its just ripe for demagoges.
Do you think Merkels policies on migration have no effect on the polls? I am not somebody who would ever underplay the economic factor however its blind to deny any social factors.
Of course Ben Shapiro being bullied by colleges is negligible when it comes to election, but do you think a movement like Black Lives Matter doesn't alienate people in the center of the political spectrum in the right?, the left dominated the cultural war and they control most of the media and the incessant rhetoric of you are with us or you are a bigot pushed people to the right.
Even if you believe that is all economy based, both political sides have extremes, cultural behavior is what dictates which of extremes of the sides takes power, and right now its the right.
Merkel's migration 'coup' most definitely had an impact on her polls. She knew from the start her decision to open the 'floodgates' was going to be a negative impact, political wise (hate for migrants in Europe has been around longer then LP existence). The reason she did, was mostly economic, and partially a 'power' move (as in similar fashion US sends aid to poor as fuck countries )
She miscalculated in many things in that regard, and could be debated now with some hindsight as to reasons and it's (short term) result, but applying empty political paranoia that there is some conspiracy for motive that includes voluntarily imploding once culture/state is ridiculous, and propagated by individuals who seek power through political ideologies that are "relevant" to the current state.
Little anecdote about US manufacturing:
I live in Montreal, and anyone who knows/lives here know about "les quartiers des ouvriers" (localities where blue collar workers lived in the past, not including public sector blue collars ) are built of small housing. Which is in line with expectations of doing simple (but hard) jobs that require little education.
I went to the US about a month ago, and visited some old manufacturing city, Utica NY, where they lost something like half the population in recent times. The houses they lived in where HUGE, colonial style. Just insane beautiful housing everywhere. Now they are mostly abandoned / bad shape. This was people who basically made forks, and stuff like that. No wonder there was a feel of comfort, a culture of not needing to "improve" to fetch higher paying jobs, no need to educate ones children (why would you send and pay up the ass to educate your child when he can just work right away, and buy himself a nice colonial 5 bedroom house and two cars in no time?)
There was an American dream, it's just never been sustainable. Now you have a bunch of 20-40 year olds who live on their parents dreams, searching for opportunity anywhere possible, and clinging on any hope that's given to them. Extreme times require extreme measures, and they feel connected to political speech that is extreme (build wall! , Bring back coal jobs, bring back steel jobs! Punish China, it's their fault! All bunch of empty and illogical rethoric)
I hate Politics for simple reason that it's overused, and has the majority of the time through history, benefited the few, and divided the many, blocking the many from reaping (more of) the rewards of societies growth over time.
Not say I don't think there is an important role of politics and political science in general, and not say that there hasn't been advancement in both the science and wealth distribution (looking through a larger sample then 50 years ofc.)
But hearing people so divided over ideas, that ultimately don't belong to them, and are just indoctrinated, makes me sad and angry nonetheless.
Edit: city was Utica NY, not Cooperstown (which is a nice little village)
I think you misunderstand me because I agree with every word you said, economy dictates the Y axis of the political quadrant while culture dictates the X.
For example latin america who is also in bad economical shape is usually ripe for authoritarians from the left, Venezuela the most obvious case, but also Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina etc, this is because of many factors, migration is low so there isnt a xenophobic appeal and also anti-wealth sentiment is strong on the region, so our society is more vulnerable to demagoges from the left, than the right, the cultural landscape of the 1st world now shifted from left to right because the left was so dominant that the aligned to the center were pushed to the right.
Particularly in the US and its bipartisanship has created this effect where the left/right gets power and it simply pushes its ideology further and further until it alienates the center and the opposing ideology is placed and does the same and this seesaw has been just widening the gap between the two and thats why the first world is so divided with identity politics.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Chewits   United Kingdom. Dec 16 2016 10:24. Posts 2539
The point made that Trump ignores his own intelligence is worrying.
I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice.
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 16 2016 14:26. Posts 9634
Some of the questions are kinda lul
BBC uses flash player? Guess I'm not watching the video. The only way anyone should ever trust a CIA-like organization is when they present the most solid evidence ever to exist on the planet which cannot be argued upon from any perspective. There is literally zero reason for the public to trust the CIA.
Last edit: 16/12/2016 14:33
lebowski   Greece. Dec 16 2016 14:59. Posts 9205
I wish I could answer "I don't know" to some of these lol
some questions are too vague
new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man...
Last edit: 16/12/2016 15:02
nolan   Ireland. Dec 16 2016 15:49. Posts 6205
The point made that Trump ignores his own intelligence is worrying.
I'm skeptical of how accurate the reporting is on this. From other things I've read the president accepting daily intelligence briefings in person is relatively new (started with Clinton iirc), prior to that it was once every 3 days and a lot of presidents opted to have the intelligence briefings filtered through a 3rd party for whatever the reason (something like tell my assistant with full clearance, then I'll have him give me the bullet notes).
People with biases probably get the impression that the CIA is telling Trump the next 9/11 is gonna happen in a few weeks and he's telling them to fuck off but that doesn't really seem likely.
On a related note did anyone catch this video:
It had 50k+ 'dislikes', then youtube hid the like/dislike total. It was also kept on the front page as 'trending' for almost the entire day. Seems really bizarre and blatant propaganda. What I can't figure out is why Youtube would engineer it to stay on the front page of youtube and go as far as to hide the like/dislike total (which I assume must be done manually).
Between stuff like this and 'fake news' becoming a thing only after Hillary lost it looks like the U.S. is actually putting out legit state propaganda in a more heavy handed way than I've personally ever noticed.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Last edit: 16/12/2016 15:52
lostaccount   Canada. Dec 16 2016 16:55. Posts 6298
The point made that Trump ignores his own intelligence is worrying.
I'm skeptical of how accurate the reporting is on this. From other things I've read the president accepting daily intelligence briefings in person is relatively new (started with Clinton iirc), prior to that it was once every 3 days and a lot of presidents opted to have the intelligence briefings filtered through a 3rd party for whatever the reason (something like tell my assistant with full clearance, then I'll have him give me the bullet notes).
People with biases probably get the impression that the CIA is telling Trump the next 9/11 is gonna happen in a few weeks and he's telling them to fuck off but that doesn't really seem likely.
On a related note did anyone catch this video:
It had 50k+ 'dislikes', then youtube hid the like/dislike total. It was also kept on the front page as 'trending' for almost the entire day. Seems really bizarre and blatant propaganda. What I can't figure out is why Youtube would engineer it to stay on the front page of youtube and go as far as to hide the like/dislike total (which I assume must be done manually).
Between stuff like this and 'fake news' becoming a thing only after Hillary lost it looks like the U.S. is actually putting out legit state propaganda in a more heavy handed way than I've personally ever noticed.
WOW That is so mess up, FUCKING Scums of the world. Obvious youtube/google is control by the elites and want to stay in power and suppress freedom. While they can keep trying but word is getting out that they are all frauds with an agenda to fuck over the world.
vancouver la belle vie mid life
Last edit: 16/12/2016 16:59
nolan   Ireland. Dec 16 2016 17:22. Posts 6205
that's not really what i'm saying, it's just objectively interesting that they'd manually keep a video such as that trending, no need to be a prick mate.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 16 2016 17:45. Posts 9634
I mean if the elites dont like Trump that much ... just assasinate him like they did previously wow...
lostaccount   Canada. Dec 16 2016 17:55. Posts 6298
On December 16 2016 16:22 nolan wrote:
that's not really what i'm saying, it's just objectively interesting that they'd manually keep a video such as that trending, no need to be a prick mate.
sorry didn't mean to be condescending.
vancouver la belle vie mid life
sniderstyle   United States. Dec 16 2016 17:57. Posts 2046
I think it's amazing that the media is now blaming Russian Hackers for the DNC hack and the Podesta Emails. There is no evidence, 'unnamed sources 17 intelligence agencies' make the claim but it's just not verifiable.
A year later, The Interview was hacked and the top executive at Sony's emails were revealed. The FBI blamed in on North Korea publically and almost every cyber security expert didn't think that was likely at all.
These people have no problems throwing accusations out like that, and then the Media Whores use those accusations to drive their agenda whether or not it really is true. This is such a reckless way to deal with Foreign Countries. Get them out
Genginho: lose today 100 dollar only because of fishs they called and had luck on river