NMcNasty   United States. Sep 12 2019 15:46. Posts 2041
On September 12 2019 03:58 Baalim wrote:
I'm not giving him credit at all, I"m just hopeful that his 2nd term will be.
You seem displeased that Trump wasn't an anti-interventionalist but you have consitently supported wars for many years of discussions now, so which is it?
Trump isn't really an "ist" of any kind since he doesn't possess enough base morality to adhere to a political ideology. And that I've "consistently supported wars" is just straight trolling, I've explicitly come out against Iraq and Vietnam, and only explicitly supported US involvement in Syria.
All that talk about Trump being a Putin puppet and they had a guy sitting right next to Putin on a daily basis giving info to the US lmao
There's some behind the curtain play going on, we arrested a bunch of Russian affiliated people here and banned Reshetnikov for 10 years of entering the country. The USA is going at them hard, good actions to pressure Putin
On September 12 2019 14:46 NMcNasty wrote:
Trump isn't really an "ist" of any kind since he doesn't possess enough base morality to adhere to a political ideology. And that I've "consistently supported wars" is just straight trolling, I've explicitly come out against Iraq and Vietnam, and only explicitly supported US involvement in Syria.
Trump is the most stubborn and disagreeable president since Nixon or perhaps ever, to imply that he adjusts his sails to the winds especially talking in context of politicians is as crazy of a characterization as saying that he has great hair lol, I mean these claims like he has no morality so he doesn't have any form of political ideology are in Alex Jone's range of calling Hillary a literal blood sucking demon, childish obtuse reductionism.
Oh, you oppose Iraq and Vietnam... a war waged before you were even born, I stand corrected, you sir are the reincarnation of Ghandi LOL.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
NMcNasty   United States. Sep 13 2019 04:24. Posts 2041
On September 12 2019 22:27 Baalim wrote:
Trump is the most stubborn and disagreeable president since Nixon or perhaps ever, to imply that he adjusts his sails to the winds
How the fuck is calling someone lazy and having no morality implying they 'adjust their sails to the winds'???
Oh, you oppose Iraq and Vietnam... a war waged before you were even born, I stand corrected, you sir are the reincarnation of Ghandi LOL.
Yang with the youtube
That shit was hilarious
93% Sure!
Last edit: 13/09/2019 08:45
NMcNasty   United States. Sep 13 2019 18:30. Posts 2041
OK gonna share some thoughts on the candidates and the race so far for my 2000th post and will try to steer clear of trump-bashing, admittedly "known idiot does something idiotic" is not constructive or fulfilling.
At the moment the polling is all over the place but mainly the gist is that Biden is the front-runner (mid-20s) with Sanders and Warren both trailing in the teens. Yang, Beto, Buttigeig, and Kamala Harris are all kind of in the hunts at around 2-5%, but then there's a huge drop-off and you have literally around 20 generic candidates at 0-1% who are going nowhere. The media generally portrays this as a sign the public just supports Biden and his policies but IMO its more just a function that the progressive vote is very clearly split. Warren and Sanders don't differ significantly on major issues, and don't seem to want to fight each other (I guess due to mutual respect) so I have no idea how this issue gets resolved.
Predict it on the other hand surprisingly has Warren with a significantly lead over both Biden and Bernie. ($.34 Warren, $.27 Biden, $.16 Sanders at time of posting (the numbers roughly representing probabilities)).
This is cause for optimism, as I do consider Warren to be the strongest candidate. Medicare for all is a superior healthcare system and she has a solidly progressive voting record with realistic plans. Bernie is much too vague and rambly by comparison ("break up banks", "tax speculation" and just going all out "cancel student debt" without getting into specifics. I respect Bernie for honesty and being an OG of sorts, having a lifelong dedication to progressive causes, I just don't see his approach as something that translates into legislation that actually passes (or at least not nearly as well as Warren's would).
Other candidates:
Biden - To say he's trying to ride the coattails of Obama would be a huge understatement. There really aren't any significant policy proposals, even if there were you could just ask "why not under Obama"?. He's Hillaryesque in the sense that he's right of Obama, has name recognition, but was never particularly liked. Some of the attacks on Bernie are just laughably disingenuous ("for a socialist he sure does love corporations!" and the "how are you going to pay for it" attacks on Medicare for All that many center-right democrats make. The entire purpose of M4A is to eliminate insurance companies taking a massive cut on the industry and therefore reduce costs. You have center-right dems and republicans acting like putting these companies out of business is an overlooked side-effect and also acting like M4A is science fiction despite that its implemented in many other countries with better healthcare.
Buttigieg - While Biden is Hillaresque, Buttigeig is Obamaesque but that it isn't an insult in this case. In terms of speaking ability, both in the physical aspect and relevancy, IMO he's the most presidential out of all the candidates. Has detailed realistic plans (generally left of Obama, but right of Warren/Sanders). He might actually be too polished for many democratic voters. The mood is such that people prefer Sanders-style fire-breathing to eloquent speeches. I'll also just say right here I don't think its ideal for candidates to be introducing themselves to the public at large when they start to run for president. You should build your image, have record, be a household name, and establish trust to the point where you can run. Also being mayor of a smallish city isn't quite enough experience. That said, there is something to be said for younger candidates simply having more energy. From paying attention to esports, poker, and chess it seems like people hit their primes in their late 20s or early thirties. I don't think its that much different for presidential abilities, and watching the debates last night it seemed like Sanders and Biden might actually be physically too old for the job. Overall Buttigieg is my second choice atm, and regardless of what happens this election he'll have a long and positive political career.
Harris - Concentrating on sex/race too hard, was a former prosecutor trying to position herself as a progressive. Her "medicare for all but with insurance companies" plan misses the point. She seems to go after Trump the hardest but not really in a way that ties into her abilities/history as a prosecutor its more just the standard racism/sexism stuff which isn't wrong, its just preaching to the choir.
Beto - Like Buttigieg, not really a lot of name recognition and not really a ton of experience, but just much worse as a speaker and policy maker and doesn't actually have a particularly progressive record. Kinda just a tall good-looking guy who almost (but didn't) win a Texas senate seat. Gaining a lot of somewhat deserved popularity for cursing a lot and taking a very hard pro-gun-control stance after the El Paso shooting.
Yang - Poker players love this dude (especially Negreanu), and I can kind of see of why. Might be the only candidate with mostly positive messaging (most candidates are either Trump or corporation bashing despite what they may say though I'm not saying that's wrong). Seems to be the only candidate aggressively pursuing non-liberals, which has a ton of potential since non-voters are almost as large as republicans and democrats combined. UBI is interesting, but in generally I don't see how far you can go with gimmicky ideas. Didn't really provide a lot of substance or friction in the debates. I don't see him winning the nomination because generally democrats do put policy through the microscope, but again there's just a ton of untapped potential in the gamer/youtube crowd Yang is maybe just one viral meme away from contention.
Biden suffers the more exposure he gets. From the debates he just clearly doesn't look sharp enough anymore, he fumbles his words and the delivery. Warren looks like a solid candidate all around - and unlike Biden, she looks better the more she speaks and elaborates on an issue. Additionally, the whole fake native american thing has already blown over and nobody cares about it anymore. :D
Biden seems like an out of place grandpa
I'd go with bookies seems pretty good
Pretty sure it's gonna be Warren Bernie Harris Yang in the end
Warren is a big favourite because DNC is willing to push her.
Biden will keep dropping
even the corrupt shits from DNC and CNN can't push him through the way he seems in public - can seriously anyone imagine him going up against trump, let alone be in the high pressure job for 4-8 years?
Harris lost momentum she had at one point
On September 13 2019 17:49 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Biden suffers the more exposure he gets. From the debates he just clearly doesn't look sharp enough anymore, he fumbles his words and the delivery. Warren looks like a solid candidate all around - and unlike Biden, she looks better the more she speaks and elaborates on an issue. Additionally, the whole fake native american thing has already blown over and nobody cares about it anymore. :D
She's an establishment candidate the DNC will push right? They seem to favor Biden over her for now, I guess Harris would be acceptable for them also.
It's almost comical how Bernie and Yang are pushed to the side by media coverage, you just know this is on purpose and will happen with super delegates also why they have very little chance actually getting the nom momentum or not
I think on domestic policy bernie and warren are very similar, but bernie is prolly anti-imperialist in a way we haven't seen from an american president in more than a century. Which might well be a reason why the DNC establishment would favor her over him. But I also think it's just that she has many of the same political positions while being a more coherent messenger, with far better ability to really explain the technicalities of how to achieve x. While I think she's entirely uncharismatic, which is a big deal when going up against Trump, whose charisma with large segments of the population is undeniable, I think Warren along with Buttigieg is the smartest and most competent person up there. (Would love for them to make up the ticket, tbh. )
I also think Yang has gotten about as much coverage as he could hope from his polling, I mean I know there were issues in the first debate but aside from that.. guy hasn't ever been above 5% in any poll and averages around 2%? Getting people to talk about UBI and getting to be known as 'the originator' if that becomes a popular political solution in the future is the best he can hope for in this election cycle. Basically like how nobody questions Sanders' ingenuity regarding all the policies that can be put under the social democracy umbrella - he publicly held the position before it was popular in the rest of the population - Yang can be that guy in 4-8-12 years. (I think a federal UBI is not gonna be on the table next election either tbh, but I don't wanna try to predict 8 years into the future lol. )
On September 12 2019 22:27 Baalim wrote:
Trump is the most stubborn and disagreeable president since Nixon or perhaps ever, to imply that he adjusts his sails to the winds
How the fuck is calling someone lazy and having no morality implying they 'adjust their sails to the winds'???
Oh, you oppose Iraq and Vietnam... a war waged before you were even born, I stand corrected, you sir are the reincarnation of Ghandi LOL.
Your gotchas are just the worst.
Here, its implied":
he doesn't possess enough base morality to adhere to a political ideology
My gotchas are bad? how bad is you saying that you didn't like Vietnam as proof of not being pro-war LOLOLOL.
I don't agree wih the Persian invasion in the battle of the thermapolae, how dare you call me pro-war sir! I am insulted!.
On September 13 2019 17:49 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Warren looks like a solid candidate all around - and unlike Biden, she looks better the more she speaks and elaborates on an issue. Additionally, the whole fake native american thing has already blown over and nobody cares about it anymore. :D
She tweeted that the very first thing she will do when in office is signing a executive order banning all frackling and halting any new offshore oil drilling, (and she also wants to dismantle nuclear plants), so basically tanking the US ecónomy while Russia and Saudi Arabia salivate at just the thought of this happening.
Warren is either an blithering idiot or a calculated machiavellian cynic perhaps in the pockets of big energy players like the Saudis, frankly I dont know which is scarier, but I take Hanlon's razorHanlon's razer here and I think she is the former.
Yang seems like the best option but he has a couple of absolutely horrible ideas but still he would be my choice if he polished his ideas a bit more.
Cancel fracking AND dismantle nuclear plants? Are they gonna use wind mills for energy? :D
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 14 2019 03:13. Posts 5345
Yang is not so great. Things like the green new deal are far more suited to rebuilding the economy than a ubi. A full employment policy would add at least $2.4trillion to the economy for example. I don't think yang has read much of the economics on these various economic policies. These comments on A.I taking people's jobs are unfounded, there are plenty of other jobs that can be made with this technological transition. Joblessness is overwhelming the result of policy, not technology. I also prefer the candidates that have had a real history in activism, unlike yang.
Baal so you think Warren is 'ruining the economy' for stopping the one thing that is significantly harming the global economy. You actually think stopping fracking and offshore drilling makes someone a 'blithering idiot' or a 'machaevellion'? really? Ok...
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
Santafairy   Korea (South). Sep 14 2019 07:44. Posts 2235
On September 10 2019 23:54 Baalim wrote: TRUMP JUST FIRED JOHN BOLTON!
He also made it clear he doesn't want a regime change in Iran and was going to meet with the Taliban, is this the pre-election anti-interventionism Trump that was promised? lets fucking hope so.
IMO you don't get credit for being an anti-interventionist because you fired someone you should never have hired and would rather tweet and play golf than engage in foreign policy.
yeah Sanders (unfortunately) and Biden (fortunately) are too old so they aren't physically viable to be president anymore but of course good to have around
Harris always sounds to me, her voice, like she's on the edge of a breakdown because she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing and slept her way to where she is
Beto is insufferable, Williamson a meme
Gabbard and Yang and so on are good but too green to be viable so looks like Warren or Booker with a slight chance of Delaney
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
On September 13 2019 22:26 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I also think Yang has gotten about as much coverage as he could hope from his polling, I mean I know there were issues in the first debate but aside from that.. guy hasn't ever been above 5% in any poll and averages around 2%? Getting people to talk about UBI and getting to be known as 'the originator' if that becomes a popular political solution in the future is the best he can hope for in this election cycle. Basically like how nobody questions Sanders' ingenuity regarding all the policies that can be put under the social democracy umbrella - he publicly held the position before it was popular in the rest of the population - Yang can be that guy in 4-8-12 years. (I think a federal UBI is not gonna be on the table next election either tbh, but I don't wanna try to predict 8 years into the future lol. )
He was polling 5th for a while
But was 13-14th in media coverage, often left out on purpose from charts etc.
Btw people don't get Yang really
He wants everyone to focus on UBI
But it's about the UBI+VAT combo
The VAT part being more important really - he will cuit the freedom of everyone in lieu for equality
You will tax corporations to a massively higher degree, so much money will get siphoned out from re-investment and capital into VAT that's way harder to dodge than tax on profits etc. and everyone else's taxes will be much higher also
Government will decide what the VAT rates are for different types of goods....
And only then the UBI comes in where you give the money back from the bottom up
I think probably his entire first term would be about the implementation of VAT because it'd change entire tax system
And only then he'd be able to implement UBI
Even at teh end of 8 years he'd be lucky to get it partially done even with DNC support .
I think they mentioned VAT ONCE in the debate when they asked him
and he almost never brings it up himself (for obvious reasons).
I'd assume everyone on the left the way the party is now would be for the VAT+UBI Combo btw
you seem to favour equality and involvement of state over freedom
And this certainly is a big equalizer for the bottom population and consumer industries
And a big hit for luxury goods and big corporations and pretty much every single industry people won't tend to pour the $1k into
I like how he singles out Amazon btw
Always says how it pays ZERO IN TAXES
But Amazon itself might paradoxically actually be a beneficiary of the VAT+UBI combo because it's direct to consumer e-commerce business of small items will get a good chunk of the UBI that might outweigh the VAT.
And companies that will suffer the most are Exxon etc.
just look at this man, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo...st_polls/democratic_nomination_polls/
there's a singular poll where he's at 5% and in 5th place. every single other one has him at 3% at most, some 1%. He's far behind all the ones with an actual shot, consistently below buttigieg, and on average behind booker and o rourke too. He has insane appeal with a small demographic, but his ideas aren't nearly matured enough (especially with the population at large) for it to be a central point of this election.
I don't have anything against him, guy seems swell, it's not my preferred solution (wants to maintain a consumption focused economy, which I think climate dictates we need to abandon), but my gripe is with the notion that he'd be a frontrunner if the media gave him a legit shot. Like if you look at https://www.npr.org/2019/09/11/759574...overall-are-lukewarm-on-democrats-tru , you can see that while it is true that Yang has very high 'unsure/never heard' numbers, his favorable to unfavorable rating just isn't that good either.. (36 favorable 17 unfavorable with democrats and democratic leaning independents, warren 75-11, buttigieg 52-11, sanders 66-27, biden 71-22).