Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 13 2019 02:06. Posts 5345
Iraq and this situation are completely different. It was not obvious to me that something like ISIS would completely take over Iraq if troops in america withdrew. Sure, maybe you could argue for a longer stay; but with far different conditions. They were the aggressors, and an illegal occupying force. You could argue a moral justification for them staying in Iraq for the reasons of stability if the military decided to take their orders from a democratic iraq government, issued apoligies and surrended bush+cheney and top generals for war crimes tribunal. (all of this would never happen, of course).
Here it is straight up obvious what will happen and it always has been since Turkey has been murdering kurdish people for many years now. As for giving defenses to a country, America did a lot for israel and made them untouchable by other nations essentially. Here america doesn't need to do nearly as much. All they need is a small military presence in the country to deter any invasion, from what i can tell. What's naive about this? Seems very straight forward to me.
edit: I don't really understand Trumps reasons here. His stated justifcations are completely ridiculous. I mean his statement on kurds not helping america in ww2 is so ridiculous on many levels; the kurds helped america during the iran iraq war and got backstabbed for it, and paid a lot of blood for this.
If i was a cold hearted imperialist trying to control the world, letting turkey invade rojava would be an easy decision for me, since it crushes the hope that people can live in a world that isn't capitalist. This was often a pretty standard goal for interventions during the cold war. Not saying this would be trumps reasons obviously.
If your interested in setting a precedent for isolationist behavior, america does have close to a thousand military bases around the world. They could withdraw from the ones in africa for example before withdrawing from rojava. Or from the ones in asia, or the pacific.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
If your interested in setting a precedent for isolationist behavior, america does have close to a thousand military bases around the world. They could withdraw from the ones in africa for example before withdrawing from rojava. Or from the ones in asia, or the pacific.
I'm sorry Stroggoz, but you can't do this. I can't do this. There are limits to pointing out the obvious. We can't spend our time writing "2+2=4" to someone who knows that 2+2 =5. The very act of doing it is legitimizing in their mind that "there are two sides the "2+2 debate".
On the very page where Baal calls me naive, I have posted a recent video of Trump that begins, in the very first seconds, with him saying that he's sending more troops to Saudi Arabia. We all know, if we care to look at the evidence, that Trump isn't progressively removing troops from some principled stance or with some kind of plan to keep doing so; we all know that the situation is different than the one in Iraq; we all know that Baal is wrong and too dogmatic and narcissistic to ever know that he is wrong. Let the blind be blind, do not expect them to see.
Trump has openly said that "the days of socialism are numbered, not just in Venezuela, but everywhere else" a few months ago. It isn't some wild theory that he'd be happy that the working socialist experiment in Rojava would come to a stop sooner than later. I think it will backfire though, more and more people now want to learn about Rojava and what they have accomplished.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 13/10/2019 03:30
Baalim   Mexico. Oct 13 2019 03:12. Posts 34270
On October 13 2019 01:06 Stroggoz wrote:
If your interested in setting a precedent for isolationist behavior, america does have close to a thousand military bases around the world. They could withdraw from the ones in africa for example before withdrawing from rojava. Or from the ones in asia, or the pacific.
And I would be absolutely delighted about that, as I said, this is legalizing heroin, shitty in a vaccum but I can't oppose it on the bigger picture.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
RiKD   United States. Oct 13 2019 03:20. Posts 9146
They legalized heroin in Portugal with amazing results.
How is genocide and a resurgence in ISIS anyway similar? How can genocide and a resurgence in ISIS be defended in anyway?
Baalim   Mexico. Oct 13 2019 04:34. Posts 34270
On October 13 2019 02:20 RiKD wrote:
They legalized heroin in Portugal with amazing results.
How is genocide and a resurgence in ISIS anyway similar? How can genocide and a resurgence in ISIS be defended in anyway?
They decriminalized the possesion of heroin thats it, you can't grow opium, process it and sell it in needles at the drug store, I support not just the decriminalization but legalization yet I wish heroin didn't exist.
I dont see it as the resurgence of ISIS but the contrary, I believe ISIS among other extremist groups are fed in great part through the US intervention drone a wedding and create thousands of militants, and I don't know if this will lead to genocide or not, what I know is that it isn't the US place to set up ethnostates in conflict areas again, we should learn a lesson from Israel.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
RiKD   United States. Oct 14 2019 04:01. Posts 9146
I too support the legalization of heroin yet I also wish it didn't exist. When I was more connected in recovery circles and living in a bad area friends, acquaintances, people I knew were dropping like flies. Especially when Fentanyl gets involved it's really bad news. Although I think most of the time it's someone clean who has a suicide wish or someone really deep in it who has a suicide wish but with the Fentanyl especially it's not like it's regulated and it's easy to overdose. People always say the people that get clean don't understand their tolerance but that is bullshit. Drug addicts understand there drugs better than anyone. I've been known to drink 8 bottles of wine in a night just because why not? If I were to drink again I realize if I drank a bottle quick I'd probably be pretty drunk. If I drank 2 bottles quick I might throw up or be hungover the next day. But alcohol is different than heroin. I've gotten really drunk and almost killed myself a few times. Same when I was in withdrawal and feeling extra shitty but it's really difficult to overdose on alcohol. I almost did that a few times but it's more likely to drink and die crashing a car than overdosing imo or freak accidents like choking on vomit. Heroin is fucking intense and I know A LOT of people that attempted to kill themselves with overdosing. For many people it is a near death experience that actually gets them to get clean but for many they never wake up. But I digress.
The US is massacring weddings with drones?
Is Rojava an ethno-state though?
RiKD   United States. Oct 14 2019 18:11. Posts 9146
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Oct 14 2019 20:40. Posts 5121
I would like western leaders to deliever the following message to mr Erdrogan : "if you bomb the kurds we will bomb Turkey".
Last edit: 14/10/2019 20:41
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 14 2019 20:53. Posts 15163
not sure why people keep mentioning Trump
This shit is on US in the EU!
all it's done is stop arms export to
93% Sure!
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 14 2019 20:54. Posts 15163
On October 14 2019 19:40 VanDerMeyde wrote:
I would like western leaders to deliever the following message to mr Erdrogan : "if you bomb the kurds we will bomb Turkey".
Why bomb him... Turkey needs EU for economy
We are just fucking pussies because Turkey helps holding the refugee waves
besides being ineffective bureaucracy
93% Sure!
Last edit: 14/10/2019 20:54
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Oct 14 2019 21:39. Posts 9634
On October 14 2019 19:40 VanDerMeyde wrote:
I would like western leaders to deliever the following message to mr Erdrogan : "if you bomb the kurds we will bomb Turkey".
Erdogan managed to go so as far as getting germans in trouble for publicly trashing him, thats not gonna happen
As Lemon said Turkey s keeping the EU hostage with refugees since decades, then again EU is to blame cause we supported all the Mid-East wars which caused the refugees to begin with.
Also EU countries are pretty weak military-wise so we can't even defend our borders and no one is actually investing in the military. Even if i personally believe the military is a pretty shitty thing to have to invest to, in reality, it's a MUST if you want to have any leverage whatsoever regardless of your economy.
@Baal I like how you literally quoted the only part of Stroggoz's post and came up with a "comeback" when he s literally pointing out that this is not "a first step" to stopping interventionism but just a hypocritical move by the US..
@Stroggoz the only reasonable explanation to US's move here would be too far stretched for Trump to be able to think about imo... e.g. strike a deal with everyone - Russia/Iran are fine that Assad keeps Syria, Assad is happy, Erdogan is happy cause it reestablishes him internally. Trump pushes sanctions on Erdogan, which reenforces him even more internally by pointing out how the big bad imperialists are ruining him, but now he even has a reason to re-declare martial law.EU is kept at bay due to fear of new big refugee waves.. and the Kurds as it has been for decades are the victims, which the media will cover for a while and people will forget in a few weeks. Trump gets to keep his promise of withdrawing Syrian troops and use it as part of his campaign, on top of showing that he's ruining Turkey's economy cause they didn't follow his orders ===> All political leaders win, and Kurds go through a genocide
What I hope will happen in reality is that this is not 2001. People get their information much faster and will actually react to this and fucking screw all of them starting with Erdogan and Trump
So, in case it wasn't clear enough already, Trump wasn't pulling troops with some intention of removing US presence in Syria, he was sending them down to the Tanf Garrison in Damascus, Southeast Syria. See the second to last paragraph of today's statement linked below. He was merely allowing them to step aside to allow for this invasion to occur. Then he sent thousands of soldiers to Saudi Arabia.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 15/10/2019 02:03
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 15 2019 09:49. Posts 15163
I mean that makes sense to me
Leave special forces etc. in in case ISIS comes out of the woodwork
And pressure a formal government with sanctions
The thing is most of Turkey's exports are to the EU+UK, not US and EU needs to act
or at least convince Erdogan in CAN which it doesn't look like now
There is also the Blizzard situation and the actual protests in Hong Kong as well.
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Oct 15 2019 23:07. Posts 9634
Blizzard defused the situation, lowered Blitzchung's ban and gave him his money, which is fine IMO. He was more than aware that there should be no talk about politics in an esports tournament, its blizzard's tournament and he signs to their rules. They don't want to get involved in that shit and its understandable, they are expanding into the Chinese market too so. End of the day even though there was a massive trend against Blizzard in twitter, their shares didnt even drop... The funny part is Activision's CEO is possibly linked to Jeffrey Epstein though
Generally speaking, businesses should stay out of politics (and vice versa), except the entire political system in the USA for the past decades has been built on money from businesses so that's not really applicable there. So Lebron should shut the fuck up.
China has nothing to gain from invading HK though, so thats out of the question. They just wanted to push their agenda to have de-facto control of the state, without having it in papers. Doesn't matter how long people in HK will protest, there's noone that will actually help them apart from sending their "hopes and prayers" and Western countries "voicing concerns" and 'expressing support'- all of that shit means nothing. The whole thing has been going on since.. March? If the EU and US wanted to actually pressure China the could've already done it.
Last edit: 15/10/2019 23:15
RiKD   United States. Oct 16 2019 03:11. Posts 9146
On October 15 2019 19:20 Loco wrote:
And they still know it....
ISIS will be coming back in a big way.
The military industrial complex is a piece of work.
RiKD   United States. Oct 16 2019 04:42. Posts 9146