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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 172

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Loco   Canada. Oct 21 2019 21:50. Posts 20975

In the Libertarian Republic, no one is excluded from paying rent either!

"but but but, SJWs yelled at a right-wing old lady and prevented her to cross the street, we all know the real dystopia is the one you anarchists want to unleash on us!"

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 22 2019 02:17. Posts 34270

  On October 21 2019 07:01 Loco wrote:
Is there any substance whatsoever to that sentence? I have talked about re-education camps where? Or is this just a blanket sort of accusation that suggests that you are on some kind of moral high ground versus anarchists with your right-wing fetish for disciplinarism?

Loco: When have I talkeld about reeducation camps?

Also Loco: proceeds to support reeducation camps

Yes you've talked about reeducation camps before, also corrective violence lol, don't feel like digging it up in the thread since you are supporting the position in this post lol.

  Why don't you actually put some fucking substance in your posts once in a while? Tell us what is wrong with his position instead of assuming that everyone thinks exactly like you and will be offended in the same way you have been when you heard his perspective. Do you believe you should always be entitled to be anti-social and harm others without consequences?

I think everyone in this forum besides you, even lefties like Drone, knows perfectly well what is wrong with reeducation camps.

  Secondly, tell us what the alternative is.What happens to anti-social people in that "Libertarian Republic" of yours? Really curious to hear your program. What he's describing in that video which you (hilariously) think is incriminating in some way is exactly how the Kurds have approached ISIS prisoners. So, if that's wrong, what's the more humane alternative?

Nobody is imprisoned for wrongthink or being "antisocial" as you call it, if somebody commits a crime, he goes to a prison focused on low re-incidence like scandinavian prisons rather than punishment like american ones.

You can speak and organize freely in any political ideollogy, hipppy communes won't be forced into reeducation camps because they are "anti revolutionaries" lol.


Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 22 2019 02:20. Posts 34270

  On October 21 2019 20:17 Loco wrote:
My turn!!

the police force that baal wants

I want cops doing coke? lol so random.

All those millions of Chileans fleeing the country for better opportunities in Venezuela.... oh wait, its the other way around!.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Oct 22 2019 03:54. Posts 20975

  On October 22 2019 01:17 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Loco: When have I talkeld about reeducation camps?

Also Loco: proceeds to support reeducation camps

Yes, would you believe, there is this thing called time! You brought up a subject I have never spoken about before, as if you knew my exact views on it, because, what, someone with a libertarian socialist flag in the background of his video has his own opinion?

I took the opportunity to share some thoughts on it, that doesn't mean you were in any way justified in your initial attack from a place of ignorance.

  Yes you've talked about reeducation camps before, also corrective violence lol, don't feel like digging it up in the thread since you are supporting the position in this post lol.

Burden of proof is on you. I've done a Google-wide search and didn't find anything. Don't bait and switch and bring up corrective violence. It's especially dumb since you believe in corrective violence in the first place; as long it comes from an inherently corrupt police force or someone who is protecting "his right" to oppress people.

  I think everyone in this forum besides you, even lefties like Drone, knows perfectly well what is wrong with reeducation camps.

I think everyone on here knows that right-wing libertarians are wrong about pretty much everything they talk about. See how easy that was?

  Nobody is imprisoned for wrongthink or being "antisocial" as you call it, if somebody commits a crime, he goes to a prison focused on low re-incidence like scandinavian prisons rather than punishment like american ones.

"Focused on low re-incidence" means almost the exact same thing as "re-education" in the context that it was used by me. Rehabilitation, re-education; same thing. It's just that the context is different. A capitalist society will "rehabilitate" you to become a functional part of its own dysfunctional whole bent on self-destruction. What you'll learn is to not make any more trouble, to stay in line, to work and consume. A proper education within an horizontal society, by contrast, would be more expansive; instead of teaching the values of obedience and conformity above all, it would teach to free people from dogma, superstition and subservience so that they can live a more enriching life -- a life in which their action isn't aggressively anti-social and doesn't go against the finality of a community/society that seeks to maintain itself in a sustainable way.

Lol @ "wrongthink". The proper Orwellian term is 'thoughtcrime'. Orwell was a radical leftist and in the full video from the clip he is quoted at length just a few minutes after. Orwell would spit in your face, you don't get to hijack his ideas for your shitty ideology.

  You can speak and organize freely in any political ideollogy, hipppy communes won't be forced into reeducation camps because they are "anti revolutionaries" lol.

Not when you care about living in a functional democracy, you can't. Because as soon as enough people are against the idea of living in a democracy and have the means to destroy it, they will. If you want to let ISIS freely organize, you can kindly go fuck yourself. (And yes, that's what would happen in an anarchist society: people would laugh you off and tell you to go fuck yourself; they wouldn't send you to prison because you merely believe in tolerating deadly intolerant people.)

Edit: Instead of assuming what NonCompete meant in his video, why don't we let him talk for himself? This is a comment he made 21 hours ago:

"The kinds of people I'm talking about in that clip aren't just "people who disagree with anarchism." If somebody simply disagrees with anarchism I see no reason why they can't live peacefully within our society or feel free to leave and live elsewhere. I categorically am not referring to non-violent people who just have a different worldview when I say "capitalists and reactionaries." I am specifically talking about VIOLENT reactionaries, fascists, and counter-revolutionaries who seek to terroristically seize power for themselves or enact genocide through violence. As an example, think the "werewolves," post-WWII Nazi terrorists who committed acts of violence in Germany.

So my point with that segment is that we should treat violent offenders with compassion and humanity. I favor restorative justice and I don't think punitive "justice" serves anyone. If anyone has better ideas for any of this, as I said in the video, I invite feedback or discussion. This whole series is all about how anarchism MIGHT work, it's intended to spark discussion and imagination, so I welcome different ideas on how we might be able to deal with predatory/violent individuals such as terrorists, serial killers, etc. as humanely and anarchistically as possible."

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 22/10/2019 04:28

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 22 2019 05:06. Posts 34270

  On October 22 2019 02:54 Loco wrote:
Yes, would you believe, there is this thing called time! You brought up a subject I have never spoken about before, as if you knew my exact views on it, because, what, someone with a libertarian socialist flag in the background of his video has his own opinion?

I took the opportunity to share some thoughts on it, that doesn't mean you were in any way justified in your initial attack from a place of ignorance.

Loco: how dare you guess my position in this subject

Also Loco: my position in this subject is exactly the one you guessed.

and for the 2nd time, you've talked about reeducation camps before.

Don't bait and switch and bring up corrective violence. It's especially dumb since you believe in corrective violence in the first place; as long it comes from an inherently corrupt police force or someone who is protecting "his right" to oppress people.

You called corrective violence Andy Ngo bieng punched by a mob, I don't belileve in that corrective violence, if you call corrective violence imprisonment after commiting a crime then I do, but that is not what I'm talking about.

I think everyone on here knows that right-wing libertarians are wrong about pretty much everything they talk about. See how easy that was?

Would you feel inclined to explain a real fascist why concentration camps are wrong? or would you be more like "how is it not self evident you maniac?"

Well thats how I feel when you ask me to explain whats wrong with gulags to you.

A proper education within an horizontal society, by contrast, would be more expansive; instead of teaching the values of obedience and conformity above all, it would teach to free people from dogma, superstition and subservience so that they can live a more enriching life -- a life in which their action isn't aggressively anti-social and doesn't go against the finality of a community/society that seeks to maintain itself in a sustainable way.

holy fucking shit... You can taste the dystopic language from 1,000 miles, you are a pardoy without even knowing it.

  Lol @ "wrongthink". The proper Orwellian term is 'thoughtcrime'. Orwell was a radical leftist and in the full video from the clip he is quoted at length just a few minutes after. Orwell would spit in your face, you don't get to hijack his ideas for your shitty ideology.

Baal: people shouldnt go to prison for political ideas

Loco: Orwell was a leftist that would spit in your face, how dare you steal his ideas!

Not when you care about living in a functional democracy, you can't. Because as soon as enough people are against the idea of living in a democracy and have the means to destroy it, they will. If you want to let ISIS freely organize, you can kindly go fuck yourself.

"The kinds of people I'm talking about in that clip aren't just "people who disagree with anarchism." If somebody simply disagrees with anarchism I see no reason why they can't live peacefully within our society or feel free to leave and live elsewhere. I categorically am not referring to non-violent people who just have a different worldview when I say "capitalists and reactionaries." I am specifically talking about VIOLENT reactionaries, fascists, and counter-revolutionaries who seek to terroristically seize power for themselves or enact genocide through violence.[/quote]

Loco: you can't allow antisocial political lideas because when enough people believe that they will destroy society

Also Loco: but non-violent people wouldn't go to camps, they would be vanished

Also Loco before: words can be violence and treated legally as such.

  so I welcome different ideas on how we might be able to deal with predatory/violent individuals such as terrorists, serial killers, etc. as humanely and anarchistically as possible."

No we aren't talking what to do with serial killers and criminals, if we were nobody would bat an eye about "reeducation camps", we are talking about gulags you disingenious tankie.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Oct 22 2019 05:53. Posts 20975

he literally says in the clip you posted "rather than send them to inhumane gulags..." halfway through and describes the exact opposite of gulags. he describes what prisons would eventually look like around the same principle of rehabilitation that exists now but in a more evolved society.

even a 50 seconds clip is too long for your attention span.

Let's resume: you took a clip you didn't listen to and didn't understand, to come to conclusions about me that you never heard me express before I could express them, and even when I gave my own views (and provided a clarification of his that absolves him), you wasted no time becoming even more entrenched in your initial straw man position.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 22/10/2019 06:06

Loco   Canada. Oct 22 2019 05:56. Posts 20975

going to make a separate post for this sentence since it will help you with your attention span.

  Loco: you can't allow antisocial political lideas because when enough people believe that they will destroy society

you used the word "organize". do you know the difference between expressing an idea and organizing around it?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 22/10/2019 05:58

Loco   Canada. Oct 22 2019 06:32. Posts 20975

  On October 22 2019 01:20 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

I want cops doing coke? lol so random.

All those millions of Chileans fleeing the country for better opportunities in Venezuela.... oh wait, its the other way around!.

I can think of no greater symbol of right-wing Libertarianism than a bunch of coked up cops beating on poor people.

It's funny that you would bring up Venezuela. Both the crisis in Venezuela in 1989 (Caracazo) where your favorite people (cops) killed hundreds if not thousands of people and the current one in Chile that has already killed 11+ were sparked by a transit fare hike that ended up being the "last drop" after years of suffering from the same mass privatization/austerity policies that you advocate for.

Your post is thinly-veiled military dictatorship apologia. You might as well openly say that Pinochet and this Pinochet 2.0 are heroes, it makes no real difference at this point. "Chile is good enough; the people there have relatively good opportunities thanks to the reign of their dictators and the violence that they have imposed" is another way to say it. And no, no one who is struggling significantly in Venezuela is looking to move to Chile right now, despite the embargo that was imposed on them and which you openly sadistically supported, you delusional prick. No one in Venezuela risks being shot dead for protesting social inequality (or anything else for that matter).

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 22/10/2019 06:56

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 22 2019 07:46. Posts 34270

Cops my favourite people? I dont think I've ever speaked highly of them actually I've said that a Mexico without cops would be a better country, and the last thing you want to see at night in Mexico is a cop... but ok bud, keep arguing with some imaginary person... or perhaps you are discussin with too many people at once and you confalte Gotunk, Santafairy and others with me?

You accuse me of "thinly-veiled military dictatorship apologia" yet you openly support Chavez, Maduro and Castro, you the king of hypocrites

Oh, so they aren't Gulags because the old Gulags were inhumane, these instead are just political detention reeducation and rehabilitation centers for the new evolved society, totally not Gulags, carry on people nothing to see here lol.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 22 2019 07:50. Posts 34270

FYI Venezuela has massive negative migration while Chile recieved 2 million migrants in 2017.

Also apparently Bolivia is in riots because ya boy Evo Moralez just became another militarist dictator, also your other boy the Mexican president who you described as the best president in the world ordered the release of El Chapo's son the biggest free criminal in the world just a few hours after his capture, but I'll curbstomp you on that subject another day I'm going to bed.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Oct 22 2019 08:38. Posts 20975

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Oct 22 2019 09:52. Posts 20975

  On October 22 2019 06:46 Baalim wrote:
Cops my favourite people? I dont think I've ever speaked highly of them actually I've said that a Mexico without cops would be a better country, and the last thing you want to see at night in Mexico is a cop... but ok bud, keep arguing with some imaginary person...

Irony levels off the charts... you've been attacking the same strawman repeatedly and calling me a tankie. I know that cops aren't literally your favorite people dude. Your favorite people are "successful" capitalists. The MMA fighters and Joe Rogans of this world. Cops are only your #2 favorite people, because they are the glue that holds the dysfunction together and allows those #1 people to "flourish". You don't need to openly fawn about them for anyone to know that you love them. You love the world that they create for people like you every day. As a propertarian, it goes without saying, you are a boot licker.

  Oh, so they aren't Gulags because the old Gulags were inhumane, these instead are just political detention reeducation and rehabilitation centers for the new evolved society, totally not Gulags, carry on people nothing to see here lol.

Your mind just latches onto a word or a sentence with its preconceived ideas and then it lets the mental shortcuts run amuck and leads you to the strangest places. Once that's done, you will put zero effort to understand what is being said to you. It's really sad. Especially since you've complained so much in the past that I focus on words and their definition to the detriment of communication. Yet this entire fake outrage has been sparked by this guy's use of the word "reeducation" instead of "rehabilitation" or whatever word you prefer to use. The system he's describing as a whole is basically the same progressive one you claim to want, except it's set in an hypothetical already-existing horizontal society.

He has clarified the type of crime that would be acted against by anarchists and it's the same type of crime that you would put people in prison for, but you just "don't believe him". So basically your whole contention from the beginning is that anarcho-communists in fact don't really exist, they are just state communists who believe in vanguard parties who will want to repress the bourgeoisie and "wrongthink". This is simply a stupid argument coming from a person who has never read any anarchist theory in his entire life and who has no knowledge of the history between anarchists and state communists. For an anarchist there is literally no difference between a tankie and Nazi. None. I mean, this has been the top ranked meme in the most frequented anarchist meme subreddit for over 4 fucking days:

+ Show Spoiler +

It's also pathetic that you are trying to psychologize me and the person in the video by seemingly projecting your own power fantasies onto us. And if it's not projection, then you're just a very paranoid dude. I don't care to try to convince you of it, but I genuinely do not want to hold power over other people. I find it thoroughly disgusting. It creates discord in me that I can't rationalize away. I couldn't even own a factory like you do. That's the whole point of anarchism, you don't believe in it unless you are aversive towards holding power over others. So the idea that you think that you are reading my "true motives" -- that I want to throw people in gulags so that they "think like me" -- is stupendously hilarious to me. But yeah dude, you've totally exposed me and my dystopian and subversive newspeak *rollseyes*.

As for NonCompete, in that series he is making theory videos, and anarchist theory is fluid. It is constantly evolving and open to criticism. He isn't presenting the "great science" of scientific socialism or some other fixed garbage idea like some of your evo psych just-so stories and saying "it must be so". He isn't pretending like he has a blueprint. As far as I can tell he's just a dude trying to figure shit out like most of us out there who have some humility in the face of the unknown and the immense complexity involved with building a better society.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 22/10/2019 10:34

GoTuNk   Chile. Oct 22 2019 19:08. Posts 2860

  On October 22 2019 05:32 Loco wrote:
Show nested quote +

I can think of no greater symbol of right-wing Libertarianism than a bunch of coked up cops beating on poor people.

It's funny that you would bring up Venezuela. Both the crisis in Venezuela in 1989 (Caracazo) where your favorite people (cops) killed hundreds if not thousands of people and the current one in Chile that has already killed 11+ were sparked by a transit fare hike that ended up being the "last drop" after years of suffering from the same mass privatization/austerity policies that you advocate for.

Your post is thinly-veiled military dictatorship apologia. You might as well openly say that Pinochet and this Pinochet 2.0 are heroes, it makes no real difference at this point. "Chile is good enough; the people there have relatively good opportunities thanks to the reign of their dictators and the violence that they have imposed" is another way to say it. And no, no one who is struggling significantly in Venezuela is looking to move to Chile right now, despite the embargo that was imposed on them and which you openly sadistically supported, you delusional prick. No one in Venezuela risks being shot dead for protesting social inequality (or anything else for that matter).

Keep your chavist propaganda out of here my country is on fire.

The cops are not "snorting cocaine" you fucking idiot, that's the bullshit leftist propaganda running around, they are taking a product to reduce the effect of tear gas on themselves which is a standard procedure on riot control. Cops are mostly employed for day protests while the military is used to patrol the country at night.

This is not "Pinochet 2.0" that is just more propaganda, of the 16 currently dead 11 died BURN ALIVE in riots, other types of accident I can't recall and it seems only 1 person has been shot by the army on tbd circumstances (remember they are doing night patrol vs looting)

The country is massively split which is by far the worse, cops+military have both wide spread support AND hate among population but they are not the main issue.
Most of the support comes from victims and/or people at risk of looting and government supporters. Hate comes mostly from students, criminals (obviously) and most left wing groups. There are also rumors of leftist/anarquist, even from abroad, military working to destroy key infrastructure. All subway stations were targeted simultaneously, and over 100 walmarts where not only looted but many burnt the same following night.

I will remind you Sebastian Piñera is the democratically elected president from 2 years ago, and trying to overthrow him is a coup attempt.

 Last edit: 22/10/2019 20:32

GoTuNk   Chile. Oct 22 2019 21:07. Posts 2860

Took the time to upload some videos for you:

People from poor areas celebrating military prescense and organizing to work with them (Santiago)
+ Show Spoiler +

Protesters atacking military, who show incredible restraint.
+ Show Spoiler +

Valparaiso city after "peaceful" protests
+ Show Spoiler +

Military personnel deploying yesterday, 5 min from home, after a barricade was ignited (you can see it at the top)
+ Show Spoiler +

Not sure how to embed them, admin feel free to edit my post.

 Last edit: 22/10/2019 21:08

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 22 2019 23:48. Posts 34270

Gini coefficients:

Chile 46.6
Venezuela 46.9
Bolivia: 44

Pretty much the same, except that Chile has the best economy in all of latinamerica where other the other two are extremely poor.

Guess which one is the champaign tankie bitching about?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Oct 23 2019 00:13. Posts 20975

A number of people in your right-wing billionaire President's cabinet have expressed support for and been part of the Pinochet dictatorship. Two of them were known for being "supporters and defenders of the secretive German enclave Colonia Dignidad, which was established by the fugitive Nazi officer and paedophile Paul Schäfer in the early 60s". (Wikipedia.)

The first response that Pinera had instead of reverting the transit fee hike was blaming the students for being vandals and mock them. Then when more people joined in the protests he declared war on his own people and did a media black out of the insanely violent repression that followed. Only when it got out of control did he revert the transit fee hike, and it was obviously not going to be enough, the working class' anger had to be capitalized upon. He's a dictator and the military serves him. Your first video is like collective Stockholm syndrome.

Here's some great restraint shown by the cops, I have dozens more if you are interested:

Anyway.. in other news... Putin also signed away the Kurds' territory after a 6 hour long talk with Erdogan. Hurray for more brutality and fascism in the world.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 23/10/2019 00:49

RiKD    United States. Oct 23 2019 00:33. Posts 9146

 Last edit: 23/10/2019 00:34

Loco   Canada. Oct 23 2019 01:18. Posts 20975

  On October 22 2019 23:33 RiKD wrote:
+ Show Spoiler +

Fun fact: the incredibly big-brained Jordan Peterson fans who saw that picture on their subreddit thought that Steinbeck was making a anti-socialism argument and they upvoted the hell out of it, lol. These people are so easy to troll. Steinbeck never actually said this, and he was a socialist who was profiled by the FBI for most of his life.

Mikhaila Peterson is also capitalizing on her dad's gullible fan base right now. She is charging people $600 for "exclusive access" to her "special club" where she tells them that they will heal all of their health issues if they just eat meat. No I'm not kidding. She edited her site to make it look less scammy, but there's still footage of the initial version up on this channel (starts at around 30 mins and it's way too long sadly). It's one of the cringest and most exploitative things I have seen in a long time.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 23/10/2019 01:39

Loco   Canada. Oct 23 2019 01:48. Posts 20975

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

RiKD    United States. Oct 23 2019 03:07. Posts 9146

  On October 23 2019 00:18 Loco wrote:
Show nested quote +

Fun fact: the incredibly big-brained Jordan Peterson fans who saw that picture on their subreddit thought that Steinbeck was making a anti-socialism argument and they upvoted the hell out of it, lol. These people are so easy to troll. Steinbeck never actually said this, and he was a socialist who was profiled by the FBI for most of his life.

Mikhaila Peterson is also capitalizing on her dad's gullible fan base right now. She is charging people $600 for "exclusive access" to her "special club" where she tells them that they will heal all of their health issues if they just eat meat. No I'm not kidding. She edited her site to make it look less scammy, but there's still footage of the initial version up on this channel (starts at around 30 mins and it's way too long sadly). It's one of the cringest and most exploitative things I have seen in a long time.

+ Show Spoiler +

I was confused why that meme was coming from the Jordan Peterson sub-reddit. I thought maybe Mr. Peterson had had a change of heart in rehab or something.

That site reminds me of PUA sites. drone666 would probably suggest that diet for me to improve my testosterone levels........

This world is so fucked up.

 Last edit: 23/10/2019 03:07


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