On January 26 2020 00:16 Spitfiree wrote:
Seems like the coronavirus could be the one to take us all out before climate change or social polarization
China canceled all celebrations for their new years, and apparently its been confirmed you could be a carrier, but not get sick of the virus, lovely
Not sure why put social polarization with climate change heh
Social polarization can lead to civil wars, nukes are unlikely to be used in them, the worst case far fetched scenario is a few billion die
Where climate change is an inevitable process that will threaten most of human kind sooner or later right?
I think climate change ends up killing a few billions as well before people learn and start hundreds of years reverse process setting us back in a modern dark age
other topic - Also probably cause people don't really like Joe Biden and he keeps making retarded statements
Last edit: 27/01/2020 01:20
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 27 2020 10:31. Posts 15163
That was the same for Biden for months yet he's holding steady
Ohh people switching from Buttigieg and Warren to Bernie
And bookies don't trust Biden gaining momentum because he's a doofus
So clear contender gonna be a favourite vs him whoever he/she is even when behind in polls
Like Harris and Warren were before
93% Sure!
Last edit: 27/01/2020 10:34
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 27 2020 12:41. Posts 15163
"Former Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he would not make a deal where he would testify at the impeachment trial in exchange for the testimonies of former and current top Trump officials.
"The reason why I would not make the deal, the bottom line is, I, this is a constitutional issue. And we're not going to turn it into a farce, into some kind of political theater," Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, said at an event in Osage, Iowa." https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/22/po...o-witness-swap-impeachment/index.html
hahahaha, and who says Joe can't be off the cuff hilarious?
neoliberal efficiency: cops beating up firefighters
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Jan 29 2020 03:23. Posts 3096
On January 28 2020 20:42 Loco wrote:
This was the most uneven debate I've ever seen on IntelligenceSquared lol (looking at the ending results). Debate starts at 25:25
real good debate, from both sides.
RiKD   United States. Jan 29 2020 05:37. Posts 9146
Why not build nuclear in the most slam dunk scenarios and renewables in the most slam dunk scenarios and then figure out if nuclear can deliver? If nuclear can't deliver it sounds like renewables can besides the scenarios they can't. I'm certainly taking anything that CEO says with a grain of salt. I wonder where that NGO lady gets her funding from?
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 29 2020 23:22. Posts 15163
Damn legends, apparently some these are pre-arranged fights - the French sure know how to protest, best in the world at it hands down
Reminds me of Polish football fans
They just hire an empty field and brawl it out before games
93% Sure!
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 29 2020 23:26. Posts 15163
Like holy shit they are good
There are French comedians making fun of other countries' riots - like set some tires on a bridge on fire at least for fucks sake like us french do
Like look - the protesters caused 11 deaths and they were all accidents
"11 people, including 3 yellow vests, were killed in traffic accidents caused by yellow vests roadblocks in Belgium and France, 2 yellow vests, both aged over 50, died during the demonstrations due to heart problems unrelated to the protests, 1 woman died of a surgical shock at the hospital after she had been injured in the margins of a demonstration"
93% Sure!
Last edit: 29/01/2020 23:27
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jan 31 2020 11:21. Posts 5345
is it me or is ronald raegan promoting marxist theory of history in this video, and socialism on top of that. he is essentially saying capitalism will be replaced by stakeholder's and equal share ownership in worker owned businesses, like mondragon in spain.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 02 2020 13:01. Posts 15163
They really did an oopsie with the Impeachment
Trump now biggest favourite ever to win
I really hope it's Bernie or Yang or the election will be a blowout
93% Sure!
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 02 2020 18:34. Posts 2235
mondragon is german dude
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen