Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 02 2020 18:36. Posts 2235 | | |
how can we have 4000 replies but this post is #4004? deleted shit? |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 02 2020 22:06. Posts 9634 | | |
| On February 02 2020 12:01 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
They really did an oopsie with the Impeachment
Trump now biggest favourite ever to win
I really hope it's Bernie or Yang or the election will be a blowout |
I still stand by the position that Bloomberg is the only 'democrat' that stands a chance |
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 03 2020 14:37. Posts 15163 | | |
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 03 2020 17:07. Posts 2235 | | |
because for spit it just feels right having an old white billionaire win. Look at previous presidents for example all white men. It just makes sense |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 03 2020 22:51. Posts 9634 | | |
nope because he s been a republican his whole life, so he'd get a good portion of the republican vote on top of the democrat one
Democrats mostly don't stand a chance cause people are fed up with their shit and would rather choose some mongo like Trump rather than a democrat purely out of spite and I cant even blame them
I still don't think people understand that Trump got elected president after he:
- was shown on record saying that he could do whatever he wants to women and that you should grab them by the pussy
- made fun of a journalist's disability on his rally
- was caught cheating on his wife with a pornstar and paying her (which is illegal btw)
- was being racist on a daily basis
- got accused by at least 20 different women that had nothing to do with each other of sexual misconduct
- ran a scam called 'Trump University'
and he still got elected.
Even a fraction of those deeds done by any public figure would result in them losing absolutely everything they've built in their entire life. That is how fucking fed up people are from democrats |
| Last edit: 04/02/2020 00:04 |
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 04 2020 04:48. Posts 2235 | | |
lol if only there were some rich and famous billionaire who could appeal to the crossover vote
imagine in 2020 still having this obnoxious mental virus
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 04 2020 09:04. Posts 15163 | | |
What the hell does that stuff have to do with anything Spitfire
people don't care
and they shouldn't
President is and should be mainly about policy and policies he stands for |
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 04 2020 09:10. Posts 15163 | | |
And don't get me started on the grab them by the pussy thing
That they were sitting on for YEARS and face up strategically released it prior to debates - it was so face up even normal people noticed
They attacked him for what everyone knew was in line with hos persona, giving him BILLIONS worth of free advertising, interviews etc.
Almost never even bothering with what matters - dismantling his actual policies
Now they do the same thing - they know historically an incumbent with a good economy is really hard to beat, so they moved 100% of discussion away from policy to impeachment , mistakes he makes and what he says. |
93% Sure! | Last edit: 04/02/2020 09:12 |
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pretty ridiculous to not care about a guy bragging about sexually assaulting women tbh. The grab them by the pussy tape is by itself disqualifying for any job that involves being a role model. And the president is supposed to be that, it's not a purely political position.
I mean I'm kinda fine with the idea of people going 'I don't care about character just policy and Trump is gonna promote the conservative agenda (or something like protectionism or 'anti-globalism' or whatever) for decades through putting conservatives in courts, even if he himself is a piece of shit', but there is significant overlap between people attacking Hillary for her character (which is fine) and also defending Trump's character, and that's just flat out retarded.
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 04 2020 11:52. Posts 2235 | | |
sexual assault
"they let you do it"
the tape is disqualifying
lesson 1:don't get taped
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
| |
I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
he's a harvey weinstein by his own admission. Honest opinion is that if you listen to the tape or read that transcript and don't think there's anything wrong with it, there's something wrong with you. |
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 04 2020 18:24. Posts 2235 | | |
I think you protest too much
I doubt Harvey Weinstein did much of anything either
I see the righteous indignation at work
Imagine latching on to something like that
Trump may be arrogant but at least HE knows it
There's a real hubris into thinking you should be allowed to fire your boss. Now when it's the boss of a totally different country and the charge is he said something a speck racy in private 20years ago when you're on the sexually liberal and progressive side of the aisle that conveniently demonizes male sexuality if the target is muh old right wing white male, and you think your caring should convince anyone else to care.
I don't know what the word for that is but suffice too say maybe it's time to try a different angle |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 04 2020 18:40. Posts 2235 | | |
It always has to be there's actually something wrong with you personally with you assholes doesn't it
Can't just be disagreeing
But this thing from 5 10 20 years ago
Yeah still waiting to hear your point
But the point is... YOU'RE A BAD PERSON! Check and mate
Baal can't just think liberals do stupid things. He has to be a secret Nazi
How do you have space in your head for such trite outdated talking points except you let the media drill them into your head every day
Do you also find it this impossible to let go of stuff in your personal life
Like oh god someone called me a fag on Bnet 20 years ago
Or can I get over that yet
Oh right unless he wants to be president then he's not allowed totally normal human behavior anymore because muh role model
Sorry Mr president
I know you're busy with the whole nuclear war and terrorism and economy and immigration things
Must be stressful
But we got feedback from some European civilians
They said you used a bad word
Try and be more careful next time okay sir? We want the kids to watch you instead of sesame street and Mr Rogers
Be more like your senile opponent that we like that we'd never broadcast any dirt on who thinks black kids are idiots please thx |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
Loco   Canada. Feb 04 2020 23:31. Posts 20975 | | |
^ Three things in passing:
(1) Baal is a liberal. Libertarianism is a form of liberalism (laissez-faire liberalism or ultra-liberalism). There are a number of different liberal ideologies. Using the word 'liberal' just to mean people who you think are on the left on the insane US spectrum is completely meaningless and ahistorical. He was also never called a Nazi on here, he was only called out for sharing/posting the content and talking points of actual, out-in-the-open fascists and their social media propagandists. Also, Baal believes that capitalism is the only viable form of socially organizing an economy, so he believes that no matter how bad it gets, it has to be preserved and reformed, which means that when push comes to shove he would sooner side with fascists who want to preserve capitalism than with the left who want to overcome it. (And part of why he would ally with the fascists is because he doesn't believe the left actually wants to do that, they just want more for themselves, just like the fascists, but the fascists are less dangerous in his mind.)
(2) You're misusing the sentence "I think you protest too much." You use that line when you believe there is good reason to believe that someone is opposing something that they are themselves guilty of, because their strong opposition is meant to drive suspicions away from them. There is no reason to believe that Drone is into sexual assault, so you are misusing it. It's not far from the concept of projection.
(3) Which brings me to your projection. The "people are good or bad" dichotomy is the right-wing view of the world. It has nothing to do with leftism. Leftists believe that the structures and processes that people are embedded in shape who they are, and therefore their behaviors (especially as they are unconscious of them). They don't believe in simplistic dichotomies and fixed natures or "essences". Leftists will tell you things like "capitalist relations make people more competitive and selfish" or "patriarchy makes the men who are unconscious of it think that sexual assault is laudable." Right-wingers on the other hand have a more fixed view of human behavior outside of the influence of anything structural. They have a strong set of in-group, out-group beliefs. Like, "this person is good because they're white and rich and they provide for their family, and this person is bad because they come from a shithole country and they're taking our jobs." Or, "these gays are ruining the sacred institution of marriage." This is pretty simple stuff that you should know about if you have any real interest in politics beyond the mass media spectacle.
Oh and I almost forgot... here's another example of the simplistic and thoughtless in-group out-group right-wing worldview: burning dogs and cats alive for pleasure is morally acceptable, because human supremacy. Ring a bell? This is the argument that you made openly just a couple months ago, Santafairy. Yet here you are, defending yourself once again as the oppressor who is out in the open, this time on the subject of sexual assault (it's just a natural part of masculinity, bro!) claiming to only be casually disagreeing about minor things, and giving us moral lessons about how we should be more kind and considerate when we're talking about people who promote violent and oppressive acts based on no logic other than that of personal entitlement and essentialist "that's just how life is" pseudo-philosophy.
| Imagine latching on to something like that |
Imagine spending your time defending tyrants who only care about their image and their bank account. Somehow though you still manage to get reactions on here by people who should know better. It's quite sad. |
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount | Last edit: 04/02/2020 23:59 |
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 04 2020 23:42. Posts 5119 | | |
High stakes poker is back ! Enough with politics guys |
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 04 2020 23:57. Posts 9634 | | |
| On February 04 2020 08:04 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
What the hell does that stuff have to do with anything Spitfire
people don't care
and they shouldn't
President is and should be mainly about policy and policies he stands for |
You must be joking
I expect Santa's responses but yours ...
| On February 04 2020 17:24 Santafairy wrote:
conveniently demonizes male sexuality |
Is your statement true when it comes to the West & especially the USA? Yes
Does it apply to Trump's case? It hilarious that this is even considered
Loco's post perfectly explains why you believe that I actually like someone like Bloomberg and its somehow impossible for you to think that I think he's the only democrat that stands a chance, but still wouldn't back him up. The USA has probably never been as polarized in peaceful times (in-house) as it is now. The mongo already won and served his entire mandate even after being honest about being a complete idiot that's proud of being the way he is. Only chance Democrats have is to retrieve some part of the republican vote in a few states that weighted the entire election last time. That is not going to happen with someone like Sanders or Biden |
| Last edit: 05/02/2020 00:10 |
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 05 2020 00:41. Posts 15163 | | |
He's a leader of a nation
Hiring hookers, trying to look like a big shot and using power to date women should be utterly insignificant to actual policies that shape the world.
Racist he obviously isn't by the way, he's using selectively racist statements rationally as a strategy for his base.
Take Bill clinton -he's done WAY worse things than trump when it comes to dealing with women, proven, according to some studies has high psychopathic tendencies and consensus is that he is a sexual predator.
Would I still vote for him if I knew this back in the day? Yes, because global policies and getting things done mattered way more for the greater good. |
93% Sure! | Last edit: 05/02/2020 00:48 |
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 05 2020 00:48. Posts 15163 | | |
See look at this
He OPENLY said that there is a bubble in a debate with Hillary
Instead of adding slow austerity measures and coordinating with fed to raise interest rates
He face-up fucks everyone over in the long run, cuts taxes for his friends, interest rates are low and fuels the bubble that HE HIMSELF said is there to no end.
For political and personal gain.
Now Dems have been in a pickle because
a) People are short-sighted don't think in the long run
b) Their own candidates have policies that oppose austerity, in fact boost spending and add taxes
They can't win on policy, that's why they focus on the non-policy issues you mentioned and Impeaching for minor cockups he was always bound to make because he has no experience. (They said on his inauguration day "the impeachment begins now"
And they try to beat a lifetime reality star that deals with short term drama through stirring up short term drama, in conjunction with media they influence. Who have been more than happy to oblige as it's been bringing them ratings and money. |
93% Sure! | Last edit: 05/02/2020 00:50 |
Loco   Canada. Feb 05 2020 06:06. Posts 20975 | | |
| On February 04 2020 23:41 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
He's a leader of a nation
Hiring hookers, trying to look like a big shot and using power to date women should be utterly insignificant to actual policies that shape the world.
Racist he obviously isn't by the way, he's using selectively racist statements rationally as a strategy for his base.
Take Bill clinton -he's done WAY worse things than trump when it comes to dealing with women, proven, according to some studies has high psychopathic tendencies and consensus is that he is a sexual predator.
Would I still vote for him if I knew this back in the day? Yes, because global policies and getting things done mattered way more for the greater good. |
1) The United States isn't a nation
2) You don't understand the basic definition of racism. Let me quote Wikipedia for you:
"Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance, and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity."
See that part in bold? Racism isn't just a belief you hold individually, it's also something that you can do. Which he does. He discriminates against and antagonizes people of different races, ergo, he is a racist. Whatever mental gymnastics you want to play about him just being a sociopath who would say anything to get what he wants, and that he doesn't really believe in what he says, is completely bogus. Being a sociopath does not in any way disqualify him from being a racist as well. He is both. He fuels it consistently in his discourse and supports it with his policies even when he doesn't need to "appeal to his base" (see his newest extension of the muslim travel ban). That's also why you yourself say that the racists are his base, rather than that "he is just appealing to the racists." Even you are aware that his base is racist because his racism appeals to them. Which brings me to my last point.
3) Trump was elected in a leadership role, but he isn't a leader. He is vastly incompetent, and he doesn't represent the interests of the people that he is supposed to be representing. That is what the leader of a nation or country should be doing. Yet Trump only serves Trump. And this is why all of the stuff that you say doesn't matter does matter. All this unethical stuff he has done throughout his life and which he keeps doing is evidence of his incompetence and social dysfunction. It's not about nit-picking this or that, it's about looking at the whole picture. When you look at the picture it becomes clear that this is a person who only cares about himself and how much money he can accumulate before he becomes worm food; and such a person has nothing good to bring to the world for as long as they are this way, contrary to what you might say with your weird boner for this idea of the "social usefulness of sociopaths".
I am all for this idea of a rational and unashamed egoism underpinning social relationships in a Stirnerian sense but this isn't it. Your ideological commitment to this idea isn't rational. There is not a single rational reason why a person with narcissistic personality disorder/a pathological liar should be in a position of life-or-death power over others, let alone have access to fucking nukes that could end everything and everyone you've ever cared about in the blink of an eye.
Also, on the subject of the whole picture, it's worth remembering that Trump campaigned as an anti-establishment guy, and this was proven to be a total sham. So this idea that he's been consistent where it matters the most and that therefore his "personal mishaps" are insignificant as a result is doubly absurd. |
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount | Last edit: 05/02/2020 11:19 |
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Feb 05 2020 12:11. Posts 15163 | | |
So hard to read Loco really, you take this combative stance don't ask any questions I'm sorry but won't waste my time |