On March 06 2020 15:06 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Go Biden
Hell yeah, go Biden! A guy who confuses his sister and his wife is guaranteed to make a tremendous president.
I think thats what they call a honest mistake. He looked at the audience while saying it.
He gets confused, muddles entire speech segments nonsensically etc. Really looks similar to my old relatives where dementia's starting to set in, you have good normal days with off days and moments mixed in
But it takes years to worsen, sometimes it's all okay okay and then the person has a really bad drop down....
Btw he's the youngest runner now :D
93% Sure!
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 08 2020 23:55. Posts 9634
When you wonder why the new generation completely despises politics, but the status quo keeps pushing their bullshit with the youngest person running for president is 77
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 09 2020 04:12. Posts 5345
i went searching for a compliation of the media attacks on bernie and found this. MSNBC was the worst it seems, with multiple comparisons to hitler, and nazi's in general. Despite all of this, he almost made it. AOC will be eligible for presidency in 2024 heh.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
Last edit: 09/03/2020 04:19
NMcNasty   United States. Mar 09 2020 16:00. Posts 2041
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 09 2020 16:47. Posts 5121
"Btw he's the youngest runner now :D"
Yeah, thats not so good.
Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 09 2020 17:39. Posts 2235
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
RiKD   United States. Mar 09 2020 18:47. Posts 9146
On March 08 2020 19:11 RiKD wrote:
Part II:
This was ok. Some interesting parts. Kind of reminded me of a Loco vs Baal debate.
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 09 2020 23:36. Posts 9634
On March 09 2020 16:39 Santafairy wrote:
or you know, we can just laugh at how stupid his statement is and not assume other things that have nothing to do with his tweet
stocks dump
oil dumps
market dumps again
must be so good for everyone ye? everything is so cheap hehe consumer prices so low, lets buy stuff yeee
Last edit: 09/03/2020 23:39
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 10 2020 00:42. Posts 15163
The stock market was in a bubble anyways
Now Trump has something to blame the correction on
93% Sure!
Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 10 2020 04:10. Posts 2235
Appropriate statements by president I hate:
-The economy is collapsing! We're all doomed! Stock up on toilet paper and SAVE YOURSELVES THESE ARE THE END TIMES!
Inappropriate statements by fear-mongering racist clown who hates America and her people:
-Low gas prices are good for you
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 10 2020 08:40. Posts 15163
A legit question - isn't dismantling of a big global cartel a good thing in the long run in the big picture?
Only bad thing I can think of is the impact on the environment in case of a price war keeps going after Corona clears
And people just flying more as tickets will be even cheaper... But This will also likely collapse the US oil private production companies, smaller ones especially as they have radically higher costs per barrel than other countries and opec has been keeping them afloat
- Wouldn't that make investment and lobby for renewable energy a lot stronger within the US?
- And big oil's power way weaker - I assume that's what almost all environmental groups were calling for
- Trump could be an asshole everyone expects him to be and shell out subsidies and start protectionist policies for domestic oil producers
- Isn't that tweet a great sign against that? He obviously just sits on toilet and posts random shit, but it could be him starting PR moves to justify local oil go under
93% Sure!
Last edit: 10/03/2020 09:05
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 10 2020 08:48. Posts 15163
Apparently it's a big deal and the US legislature had a bill in process that'd allow opec to be sued recently anyways
- You seem to disagree though Spitfire?
93% Sure!
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 10 2020 23:49. Posts 9634
Yes Trump tweeted some dumbshit statement, yet the deals between US government and Saudi Arabia are continuing, OPEC is so done after his tweet though
Trump is probably the biggest lapdog of oil companies since Bush Jr.
OPEC is also planning to increase their production even though the prices dropped? SHeesh yeah with the virus panic and obvious stagnation of demand, increasing the supply definitely makes sense. Russia got so scared of that shiit they actually said they ll start talks with OPEC, oil crashes and Russia is literally fucked beyond measure
Last edit: 10/03/2020 23:55
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 11 2020 06:49. Posts 34270
im back, I've been absent because my dad was 1 month in the ICU and pulled a 2 outer and survived and in a few days he'll be back home, yay.
I'm sure Loco missed me in the kind of way batman misses the joker, I'm sure he has posted a lot of ridiculous crap as usual and that I'll happily refute soon, I already saw him posting on the MMA threads... didn't you used to mock me for liking violent MMA and you felt superior because you liked non-violent Taekwondo? lol hipocrite... awww yiss i missed this.
BTW how is there not a fucking Coronavirus thread yet?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 11 2020 06:57. Posts 34270
btw.. Bernie lost again yeeeeeeeeeeeessss!!!
He couldn't beat a bumbling senile Biden while also outspending him and without any super-delegate sheneniggans like last time, now progressives are hoping for AOC in the next 4 years but that ain happening for few decades, the US doesn't have to worry about socialits for a while, now we rest gentlemen.
Trump has been an absolute clown, he recieved a gift from god in the coronavirus problem, he could have told us how he was right about breaking dependancy of china and his isolationist rethoric would be strong but no... he had to fumble the easiest touchdown ever and the moron went on about how good the market looked when it was obviously gonna crash.
So given his dismal performance I thinkn I prefer Biden (he sucks too obv), but his mental health worries me and I have to say, watching the left go mental if Trump is reelected is very appealing, tough choice.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 11 2020 08:42. Posts 15163
On March 10 2020 22:49 Spitfiree wrote:
Yes Trump tweeted some dumbshit statement, yet the deals between US government and Saudi Arabia are continuing, OPEC is so done after his tweet though
Trump is probably the biggest lapdog of oil companies since Bush Jr.
OPEC is also planning to increase their production even though the prices dropped? SHeesh yeah with the virus panic and obvious stagnation of demand, increasing the supply definitely makes sense. Russia got so scared of that shiit they actually said they ll start talks with OPEC, oil crashes and Russia is literally fucked beyond measure
You seem offended for some reason?
93% Sure!
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 11 2020 08:48. Posts 15163
Interesting stuff
Russia isn't in OPEC but looser opec+ they left now
And there's a lot going on behind the scenes
- It's in part retaliation to US sanctions against Russian gas companies, and blocking of a pipeline Russia is trying to build
- Fracking already weakened OPEC, that's why prices were low in the last decade
- Quatar straight up left in 2019
And things like this definitely weaken the power of the cartel and their bargaining power for years to come even if Russia rejoins opec+? Because you won't be able to trust the lobby as much when they seem unstable
Spitfire doesn't seem to know or want to think about this too hard
Again what do you guys think, isn't a weakened global cartel a good thing in the long run?
93% Sure!
Last edit: 11/03/2020 08:50
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 11 2020 09:33. Posts 9634
The US is trying to block Russia from building a pipeline there since forever, yet the one with Turkey still got up, they practically won the war in Syria and will most likely end up building it in the longrun, mostly because Trump abandoned the Kurds and can't do shit about it in the region
Russia also obviously isn't OPEC for the same reason they are not in NATO, the fact that you have to even mention that is pretty telling, yet their economy is still heavily based on energy selling and the US can't do shit about it since Europe is dependant on Russia (mostly by choice)
Qatar left OPEC for reasons much different than you'd expect, pointing the fact like this thinking its a statement in favor of your argument is pretty weak, considering it's not. Almost every country in the organization is a pet of the USA or they have it in total control via other means.
Obviously a weakened global cartel is the best thing that can happen for humanity, why is this even a discussion. I just don't understand your point at all. It's like you're trying to push a 'being kind is good' type of agenda... well no shit. OPEC will inevitably crash at some point, simply because oil will run out and we'll be forced to use something else
Also @ Baal, I'd say Corona is actually not a good thing for Trump, depending on how fast it spreads it might push Sanders to the win. Trump was quite safe before the corona happening, since Dems are practically fucking themselves (again), corona spreading fast could change the mind of people of how important universal healthcare is
Last edit: 11/03/2020 09:35
LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 11 2020 10:07. Posts 15163
Why did Quatar leave OPEC?
And Russia was in OPEC+
93% Sure!
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 11 2020 18:35. Posts 5345
welcome back baal. a recent study at MIT discredited allegations (made by the OAS), of election fraud in the bolivian election
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings