On April 02 2020 10:22 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
I don't think there's a way to separate states in the US surely
every EU country has their own armed forces, border patrol and state + city police forces
Shouldn't be enforceable in the US without deploying entire army +reserves as there's so many borders between states
It doesn't have to be absolute or no separation at all, there are independence in many varying degrees and you can take away power from the federal government in many ways.
yeah but close borders? every country here has remnants of pre-shengen borders that have been kept for tens of years ++
The states are still standalone entities with only key roads between them than can be blocked off and controls with thermometers set on all of them
And many are geographically separated by terrain
US states are more or less just arbitrary lines with way more access points no?
It's incredibly easy to close off a city with modern infrastructure, it's actually kind of scary. I mean you can still get out on foot, but where are you going to go?
On April 02 2020 10:22 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
I don't think there's a way to separate states in the US surely
every EU country has their own armed forces, border patrol and state + city police forces
Shouldn't be enforceable in the US without deploying entire army +reserves as there's so many borders between states
It doesn't have to be absolute or no separation at all, there are independence in many varying degrees and you can take away power from the federal government in many ways.
yeah but close borders? every country here has remnants of pre-shengen borders that have been kept for tens of years ++
The states are still standalone entities with only key roads between them than can be blocked off and controls with thermometers set on all of them
And many are geographically separated by terrain
US states are more or less just arbitrary lines with way more access points no?
Its not that hard to close a state, they are mostly connected by inter-state roads that can be easily closed by roadblocks, it makes a lot of sense if states have different contagion rates, for example California had an early shutdown, it would be crazy to expose themselves to re-infection after opeing quarentine, closing the state to non-essential or commercial traffic sounds like a good idea.
after this is over the whole globalization dream becomes a terrible idea lol
China leveraging key supply chains to get an edge over some pending deals. I expect countries to start focusing on self reliance as much as they can which should've been the case ever since. Your money means nothing when people go hungry and politicians feel the pressure to actually do some fucking public service.
Sorry but this is caveman thinking, our species have been working for globalization the past 15,000 years and this is not the first, nor the closest to being the deadliest pandemic we've experienced.
I imagine there will be serious international punishment for China, forcing them to shut down these game markets for good. That wouldn't solve the issue of pandemic risks, since there's still plenty of other opportunities for infection e.g. from hunters but it will diminish it.
Living in same place and forming communities => deaths from pandemics, just natural
There were no pandemics in hunter gatherer era
it's a conscious choice of humanity to let people die periodically in exchange for comfort and connectedness
RiKD   United States. Apr 18 2020 17:43. Posts 9145
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Apr 18 2020 21:38. Posts 5345
Not at all suprising to see einstein was a socialist, he was friends with many other socialists like bertrand russell and probably picked up views from them. A lot of socialists/communists worked on making the atomic bomb. Intellectual Culture in the early 20th century was strong, many genius's came from hungary, germany, france, and you had the cambridge apostles in Britain. It was very strong amoung working class. Activities like 'reading' and 'classical music', were popular back then. John Stuart Mill's economics textbook was standard in the economics curriculum until about 1900~ when alfred marshall's neoclassical economics took over. John Stuart Mill advocated economic democracy. Thanks to nazism, stalinism, and the corporate mass media, economic democracy is an idea that is no longer mainstream. The two most popular public philosophers Bertrand Russell and John Dewey both advocated economic democracy.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
On April 19 2020 03:16 Loco wrote:
Imagine posting a Paul Joseph Watson video unironically
imagine defending jazz hands unironincally lol
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
RiKD   United States. Apr 22 2020 07:17. Posts 9145
Pretty bleak but a must watch
Last edit: 22/04/2020 07:19
RiKD   United States. Apr 24 2020 04:32. Posts 9145
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The guy who is advising the Biden campaign on economic recovery <a href="https://t.co/vxat1TqYrO">pic.twitter.com/vxat1TqYrO</a></p>— Kate Willett (@katewillett) <a href="
Moronic bureaocrats passed caps on delivery fees so now Ubereats isnt delivery to some parts where its not profitable and the idiots who caused this mess are losing their shit.
socialists and their moronic rent controls.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
RiKD   United States. May 07 2020 20:16. Posts 9145
Quite a bit to discuss here:
blackjacki2   United States. May 07 2020 20:59. Posts 2582
On April 25 2020 00:57 Baalim wrote:
Moronic bureaocrats passed caps on delivery fees so now Ubereats isnt delivery to some parts where its not profitable and the idiots who caused this mess are losing their shit.
socialists and their moronic rent controls.
Lol that's actually hilarious. He is even complaining that "Uber is worth billions!" even though as far as I know Uber isn't even profitable yet
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 07 2020 23:15. Posts 9634
I mean just because it doesn't turn profit, doesn't mean its not worth billions, the two things are not tied to each other. Worth on the market is more related to how people feel the value of the commodity/corporation/whatever is. Profitability is something entirely different, but yeah this guy is an idiot
blackjacki2   United States. May 08 2020 10:43. Posts 2582
On May 07 2020 22:15 Spitfiree wrote:
I mean just because it doesn't turn profit, doesn't mean its not worth billions, the two things are not tied to each other. Worth on the market is more related to how people feel the value of the commodity/corporation/whatever is. Profitability is something entirely different, but yeah this guy is an idiot
Yep, it just makes it sounds more ridiculous to suggest that Uber should just eat the loss when they are already losing money
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 09 2020 01:49. Posts 9634
Went out and found the tweet
its quite funny - they re all shitting on him in the replies
Whats the point of passing a cap? So that companies won't abuse the situation for profit? They could've just capped it per km distance or like not allow increasement of service price by more than X % compared to the previous 18 months or something like that, why would they pass a hard cap how fucking stupid are they lol