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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 220

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Syllogism   New Zealand. Jun 02 2020 21:32. Posts 214


Anyone who disagrees with your social, political and economic view is a far right nazi, right?

I would take any edited video or news report from CNN with a grain of salt, after they were caught lying multiple times, and losing several defamation lawsuits.

 Last edit: 02/06/2020 23:43

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 02 2020 22:31. Posts 9634

It's a pretty known event at the time it happened, there is no other context to it other than Trump mocking a disabled journalist. It literally takes less time to google it than write the sentence about CNN

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 02 2020 23:22. Posts 34270

  On June 02 2020 14:29 Spitfiree wrote:
And they were laughing at him for saying Mexico will pay for the wall... they might as well start building it themselves :D


Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 02/06/2020 23:41

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 02 2020 23:35. Posts 34270

but going back to the subject, the reason cops are untouchable and get re-hired in other precincts is because of police unions.

So now the left are the union busters lol, I guess libertarians were right all along.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jun 02 2020 23:55. Posts 20975

  On June 02 2020 20:32 Syllogism wrote:

Anyone who disagrees with your social, political and economic view is a far right nazi, right?

I would take any edited video or news report from CNN with a grain of salt, after they were caught lying multiple times, and losing several defamation lawsuits.

No? Literally no one on this website agrees with my views. Unless you've seen me call everyone a Nazi you should shut the fuck up.

I called it out as it is. Where do you think CurbStomp is on the political spectrum in order to advocate for a loosely defined group of political dissenters to be thrown in Guantanamo Bay for extreme torture? Does he sound like a social democrat to you?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

hiems   United States. Jun 03 2020 01:01. Posts 2979

^Technically you are right you didnt literally call everyone a nazi that disagrees with your views.

But I think the point is that you are not a very objective person when it comes to politics/social stuff.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 03 2020 01:41. Posts 34270

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jun 03 2020 01:50. Posts 20975

  On June 03 2020 00:01 hiems wrote:
^Technically you are right you didnt literally call everyone a nazi that disagrees with your views.

But I think the point is that you are not a very objective person when it comes to politics/social stuff.

You said that about nearly everyone on LP discord at least once (along with everyone being a dumbfuck) so forgive me if it's a little hard to take your claim seriously. Meanwhile you've shown no ability to do even basic research into important topics and you have been proven wrong on numerous issues, like debunked racial science, or when you were trying to use your poor understanding of law and psychology to abuse RiKD and PoorUser who studies these topics came in to correct you and validate what I was saying. Sounds to me like you're projecting.

It should be telling to anyone who is actually interested in being fair and objective that no one of you has rebuked CurbStomp for wanting to send people he doesn't like to torture chambers and instead you both focused on me saying something absolutely uncontroversial.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 03/06/2020 01:57

Loco   Canada. Jun 03 2020 02:05. Posts 20975

  On June 03 2020 00:41 Baalim wrote:

That's a funny clip. Why does the meme show a libertarian socialist flag? These guys look like frat boys who were playing beer pong, not anarchists.

Also, I clicked on the Twitter link you posted and there were a number of neo-fascists in the posts below. (Fuentes, Goldy, Molyneux, etc.) How does that work? Is it like an algorithm with the recommended YouTube videos? It's weird (but not totally surprising) that the first link I get from you is something that sends me down a Twitter fascist rabbit hole.

There was also Michael Mallice in there, a complete and utter moron who thinks he is an anarchist, with the worst take ever: "Lets be honest, none of this would be happening if George Floyd just obeyed the law". facepalm.jpg

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 03/06/2020 02:26

Loco   Canada. Jun 03 2020 02:30. Posts 20975

Oh, after looking into that account a bit more, it looks to be what is clearly a far-right agitator. He posted this:

A fake antifa account instigating violence that was shutdown by Twitter when they found out it was run by the Neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa.

Nice job Baal, keep up your usual standards. In b4 the usual spiel "it's just a video, it doesn't matter where I got it from" lol

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 03 2020 03:12. Posts 34270

Loco: I dont call everyone a Nazi

Also Loco:

  I clicked on the Twitter link you posted and there were a number of neo-fascists in the posts below.

  after looking into that account a bit more, it looks to be what is clearly a far-right agitator.

  was shutdown by Twitter when they found out it was run by the Neo-Nazi group

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Jun 03 2020 03:42. Posts 9146

What is happening here?

Loco is calling spades spades. There is a legitimate question here Baalim. Why are you entrenched in all these spaces? You may or may not be a neo-nazi but you certainly are something of an accomplice at the least. There is probably a better word to pinpoint it more clearly.

And we have all these accounts coming out of the word works with asinine right wing vibes. What the fuck is going on?

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 03 2020 03:54. Posts 34270

  On June 03 2020 01:05 Loco wrote:

That's a funny clip. Why does the meme show a libertarian socialist flag? These guys look like frat boys who were playing beer pong, not anarchists.

"Frat boys are not allies, but I am" he yelled as a brick flew directly to his face.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 03 2020 04:07. Posts 34270

  On June 03 2020 02:42 RiKD wrote:
You may or may not be a neo-nazi but you certainly are something of an accomplice at the least.

- Said the white american born in wealth to the Mexican that doesn't like SJW virtue signaling bullshit and believe in free markets and personal responsibility.

You two are exactly as clueless as the beer-pong idiots and dont realize it, your heads would be the first to roll in the revolution and if you are lucky enough to keep your head guess what would be state-assigned job? making pizzas motherfucker.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 03/06/2020 04:19

Loco   Canada. Jun 03 2020 04:49. Posts 20975

Sorry, I don't hang around neo fascist online content at all lately, so I honestly don't understand what is the conspiracy du jour that you are promoting? Something about most black people wanting to hurt white people? White people being naively pushing for an agenda that will hurt them? So confusing.

I posted factual information, I didn't call you a Nazi. Quit being so dishonest because you are rattled. If you actually cared about personal responsibility you'd admit when you fuck up instead of doubling down.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 03/06/2020 04:50

Loco   Canada. Jun 03 2020 05:36. Posts 20975

Imagine falling for this stuff and taking Trump and the far right's words as gospel. Even worse: thinking you are anti authoritarian and anti violence.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 03/06/2020 08:01

RiKD    United States. Jun 03 2020 05:38. Posts 9146

  On June 03 2020 03:07 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

- Said the white american born in wealth to the Mexican that doesn't like SJW virtue signaling bullshit and believe in free markets and personal responsibility.

You two are exactly as clueless as the beer-pong idiots and dont realize it, your heads would be the first to roll in the revolution and if you are lucky enough to keep your head guess what would be state-assigned job? making pizzas motherfucker.

I'm trying to follow your arguments but you just deflect and go off on another tangent.

I was born into a middle class family. Now, I am just a step above destitute. You on the other hand it sounds like came from a middle to upper class family and now are a presumably successful poker player and factory owner. You are also a light-skinned Mexican. So, you don't like SJWs, believe in free markets, and personal responsibility and what else are you leaving out? Why are all your sources far right wing sources?

Our heads would be the first to roll in "the" revolution? I couldn't figure out what you were trying to say but I got it. Of course it goes back to "communism" and the "100 million" dead and blazeh blazeh blah. We've already been through that plenty of times. But if people organized over injustice continually and continually the world might end up looking better after a while. I would happily clean toilets for 4 hours a week or make pizzas for 20 hours a week under non Amazon conditions if it meant that we did it. That we had gotten to an anarcho-communist situation. But you want to talk about gulags and the state. In my dreams there is no state. How do we get there? No Justice, No Peace. I may be a hypocrite because I would happily have student debt forgiveness, free education, medicare for all, and a $2k check coming in every month. I am desperate. That doesn't mean I love the state. And of course I don't love how entwined large corporations and the state are. It's a disaster. Current destructive capitalism is a disaster. Green capitalism is a disaster. Any form of capitalism is a disaster. The environment is on the verge of collapse and people are getting very sick. Something has to give. What is it going to be?

Baalim   Mexico. Jun 03 2020 07:49. Posts 34270

  On June 03 2020 04:38 RiKD wrote:
I'm trying to follow your arguments but you just deflect and go off on another tangent.

I was born into a middle class family. Now, I am just a step above destitute. You on the other hand it sounds like came from a middle to upper class family and now are a presumably successful poker player and factory owner. You are also a light-skinned Mexican. So, you don't like SJWs, believe in free markets, and personal responsibility and what else are you leaving out? Why are all your sources far right wing sources?

American middle class is in no way comparable to 3rd world middle class, thats like loco comparing some white trash junkie poverty to mexican poverty, you two are clueless, my dad makes like 30k a year as a factory owner.

Also that 30k is after being an employee for years and risking his life savings starting a business, and he was able to do so because my grandfather was an orphan who was a railroad worker, turns out this is a multi-generational game and now you want generations of hard work to support your ass because you are too depressed to flip some fucking pizzas? fuck off... I'm sorry you are squandering your advantages and I'm sorry for your mental health, but don't blame the world and demand to be supported by others people work.

PS: my "sources" come from twitter, i follow accounts that post lefty cringe, they are endless sources of entertainment, what do you think I'm leaving out in regards to my beliefs? i left out that I think a race that I dont even belong to is superior to all and that the other races should be gassed hail the reich... yeah you got me RikD, for fucks sake you guys have your percetion of reality so warped that you think you live in Berlin 1945.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jun 03 2020 08:06. Posts 20975

I don't know why you try to play that card with RiKD when you know full well that you are materially better off than him. You have more autonomy than him and more money (he's in debt due to medical bills while you have a small fortune in bitcoins). You can't conflate him and his parents, it doesn't work like that, he's not a teenager. Maybe you have this false perception that American families are tight-knit and share everything together, maybe closer to the average Mexican family? That's not the case at all and you should be aware of this at this point in time.

We also know how you justify being better off: because you worked hard, you are smarter and you were responsible. Why not just repeat that same right-wing clap trap instead of trying to gaslight the guy with the whole "Americans are always better off than Mexicans" shit? I don't understand what makes you switch gears between victim-blaming and country-shaming like that, it is truly bizarre. And how the hell do you think this kind of gaslighting is going to work when all the evidence is in the open?

It sounds like you're basically saying that he should be dying in the streets now -- that having a roof over his head and food coming from the people who brought him into this world is not something he deserves if he is not currently employed. Is that correct?

  PS: my "sources" come from twitter, i follow accounts that post lefty cringe, they are endless sources of entertainment

Ah yes, the "it's just cringe" line. I remember CringeAnarchy had the same philosophy. What happened to them? They became infested with crypto-fascists and overt Neo-Nazis who have no doubt influenced tens of thousands of people to become (more) hateful and prejudiced against minorities until they were banned:

"r/CringeAnarchy was a subreddit themed around "cringe" and "edgy", politically incorrect content, featuring far-right content. Originally an uncensored (hence "anarchy" spinoff of r/cringe,[36] it later shifted to the far-right, with anti-transgender and anti-"SJW" content taking over.[37][38][39] The subreddit was quarantined in September 2018, at which point it had over 400,000 subscribers.[40][41][42]

Following the Christchurch mosque shootings (15 March 2019), more anti-Muslim posts were made on the subreddit.[43] The subreddit was banned on 25 April 2019 for violating Reddit's content policy regarding violent content."

So you're basically following these guys on Twitter now instead eh

  i left out that I think a race that I dont even belong to is superior to all and that the other races should be gassed hail the reich... yeah you got me RikD, for fucks sake you guys have your percetion of reality so warped that you think you live in Berlin 1945.

That's like thinking that the way a cult is grown is by having a cult leader approach you telling you that they are recruiting for a cult, that they have a Messiah complex, that all of your holes will be violated, that you will be beaten when they feel like it, and that you will be brainwashed into committing mass suicide with your fellow cult members in order to go to Heaven at some point of their choosing. You are one gullible motherfucker. Yeah, no shit, fascist propaganda has to appeal to people who are not already fascists, so it disguises itself into "cringe" and "edgy" shit. Fucking DUH.

Come to think of it, you have experience being brainwashed by a cult leader (Stefan Molyneux) already, and still haven't come to that realization yet, so it's no wonder you are confused about this.

You know, a reasonable person understands that where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Similarly, if the stuff you promote usually ends up coming from fascists, it should be of concern to you if you are actually serious about just being interested in "cringe" anti-SJW shit. When you start pushing a narrative that helps fascists like "Anti-fascists are responsible for the violence and looting" and "moving the status quo left is a really bad idea for white people", it really doesn't help your case in trying to distance yourself from them.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 03/06/2020 09:09

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 03 2020 09:51. Posts 9634

I have to say this thread begins to look more and more like Loco being a kindergarten teacher stopping the children in the yard from hurting themselves


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