Baalim   Mexico. Jun 14 2020 02:55. Posts 34270
CHAZ Update:
The cardboard garden has been taken over by a random hobo challenging people to a fight:
At least he doesnt have a knee on his neck:
Also apparently a pro-trump group of biker is going to CHAZ in a couple of days, shit is about to get real.
And I fwiw I dont want this thing to be stomped by the militlary at all, as I said, I fucking love this, hopefully it provides entretainment for a long time and it doesnt fizzle into some drug-selling slum like Christiana.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Big_Rob_isback   United States. Jun 14 2020 08:01. Posts 211
just playing live poker for fun
Last edit: 14/06/2020 08:03
Baalim   Mexico. Jun 14 2020 09:50. Posts 34270
I want the jury to notice that Loco has dodged multiple times when I asked if men should get a favorable handicap in universities since we do much worse than women education wise.
He seems the body-slam coming so he decides to ignore it, just like he did with the scandinavian gender paradox... come on, I mean at least make an intellectually dishonest attempt of an argument bro.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Jun 14 2020 09:59. Posts 34270
On June 13 2020 09:04 Loco wrote:
The best part is how all of these experts "know" that it's going to get crushed by the military within the next few days, or how "Anarchy doesn't work because there are people with guns who will oppress all of you".
What would I do without lefties? go back and cringe to Fox news boomers? no... no!.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
hiems   United States. Jun 14 2020 13:48. Posts 2979
On June 13 2020 00:13 Stroggoz wrote:
Holywood is possibly the biggest propaganda agency in the world, just out of sheer quantity, imo. Almost everyone in every country watches holywood movies.
I don't consider holywood left-wing though, there's a book called 'national security cinema', which studies how film/tv are created in holywood when it touches on subjects like war. Essentially holywood directors/writers will go get consultation at the department of defense office, or CIA, for things like accuracy on military subjects. And the military will revise a script and give it back to them. That movie zero dark thirty that covers the assassination of Bin Laden had quite a lot of lies in it. For example the main character is showed distant from the torture scenes, in real life her nickname was "the queen of torture". The torture scenes were also linked towards gathering info on bin laden, when that didn't happen. That's the CIA's way of telling us that torture is justified. There's quite a few other cases studies in the book. It's not a very rigorous study but it's informative.
America's foreign policy towards asia has been based on extreme racism, The bombing of Japan, Tokyo and nuclear. And then wars in indochina, the coup in Indonesia, bombing korea, and supporting dictators in all of these countries, and ofc the invasion of phillipines 120 years ago, where im not quite sure they knew phillipino's were humans or not. Probably the worst i ever read was their nuclear war policy though. The cold war nuclear plan in the 1960's was to bomb all the major cities in China in the event of a russian attack. Note how weak of a country China was back then, it was not a threat in anyway. One admiral explained the logic behind this to daniel ellsberg when he was interviewing him, "It doesn't make sense to not attack china in the case of nuclear war, why let a communist country go free with that opportunity'. By RAND corporation estimates, 300million chinese would die in the attack.
Re Baal: I'm not refering to 'mexican culture', that's too broad. I don't really like using terms such as 'western culture', or 'X culture' where X is a nation. There are always competing interests and many cultures in every country ofc. I don't really know the history behind Cortez well so i can't really comment on that. Look at privitization of the media around the world, that's one way people have lost control of cultural production, and those that own the media get to write history for them. So when i say 'taking control over ones culture', i necessarily mean people having a role in deciding which statues to put up, ect.
Your basically just like Chomsky in that video I posted on Discord where he sits down with the Asian-American to discuss stuff about race. He is talking to an Asian American guy and then he randomly starts talking about geopolitical events with Asian countries, lol. They barely talk about how Asians fit into American society.
I used the term "Asian" but clearly the examples I used were of Korean-Americans in the LA Riots and of examples of racism to Asian Americans in American films, yet you randomly started talking about the Bombing of Japan, Invasion of the Phillipines, and some Cold war plot to bomb China. Seriously shows how clueless/ignorant you are. I mean really I start talking about domestic cultural issues and you somehow divert the conversation to geopolitics and used the phrase "America's Foreign Policy towards Asia has been about Extreme Racism" then ignore what actually was the topic which was how Asian-Americans are accepted culturally within America. So all Asians are foreigners to you? You realize I think in English right? I am more culturally American than Korean. What about if I have kids? They are forever foreigners because they are Asian? Obviously the various Asian nations are completely different, but do you understand that culturally, Asian-Americans, Asians Living in Asia, and Asian-Latin Americans (these exist) are different? (didn't include Asians in Europe as they are somewhat more similar to Asians in America, also there are Asians in Russia, and various other countries).
Here is an example of Korean diaspora across Latin America and the unique perspectives they have. They are few in population but it is not like they do not exist. Are they not important as individuals//as a group? They are just "Asians" to you? Their day-to-day issues have to do with "Foreign Policy towards Asia?"
What if you were talking to some African-American guy and he was bringing up issues of racism in America, about the George Floyd incident, income inequality, then you start telling him well...we had xyz economic policy with Nigeria, and assisted in xyz country ousting this warlord! I mean? What? Obviously culturally some guy in Detroit is way different from a Nigerian guy or an Ethipoian guy/Somalian guy. The one black guy I know from Minnesota hates the Somalians there lol, but this is essentially what you are telling me.
Thank you for proving my point in how ignorant you are. I called you out on your apathy of racism/oppression towards Asian-Americans, and you completely ignored any of what I said and started talking about something completely irrelevant to avoid the issue. Please get a clue.
I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]
On June 14 2020 08:50 Baalim wrote:
I want the jury to notice that Loco has dodged multiple times when I asked if men should get a favorable handicap in universities since we do much worse than women education wise.
He seems the body-slam coming so he decides to ignore it, just like he did with the scandinavian gender paradox... come on, I mean at least make an intellectually dishonest attempt of an argument bro.
The answer is no. I don't think this point is the "gotcha" that you think it is. We are arguing two different things. But feel free to explain the perceived hypocrisy.
I didn't ignore the Scandinavian gender stuff either. You're rewriting history. I spent plenty of time explaining my views and questioning yours and explicitly quoting from the study in question, showing that the authors didn't agree with your interpretation of the results. You're not trained in sociology. If you were you couldn't be a right-libertarian. You were just spoonfed a just-so story by daddy Peterson and still proud of it two years later while the complexities of this topic are well beyond you.
It's funny you can cringe at Fox News, meanwhile you parrot so much of their talking points and you share the same attitude as people like Tucker Carlson. The false narrative and jabs you're taking on the Chaz is straight up coming from them, transformed into Twitter posts, and fed to your ignorant ass, and you just lap it up, like all the Antifa misinformation you've consistently posted that was also big Fox Fake News. CRINGE.
The latest tweets from the conspiracy theorist that you are retweeting. This is what he thinks resembles Chaz the most. LOL, CRINGE.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 14/06/2020 16:22
CurbStomp   Finland. Jun 14 2020 16:43. Posts 100
Das right! It may seem that women go in traditionally feminine fields regardless, but in reality this is very complex issue beyond Ball's comprehension, and, uh, he's not even trained in sociology.
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Jun 14 2020 18:36. Posts 3096
I mean, from what I saw a big reason for the statistics utilized to make the 'gender paradox point' is that it didn't include women who are housewives. Scandinavian countries have fewer of those. So it's like, Sweden Norway Finland Denmark have a higher % of women who work, and then a higher % of those work in traditional jobs, whereas other countries have bigger % of women who stay at home, but out of the ones who work, more are into STEM or whatever.
I don't care enough to really go into it or go digging for stats or articles right now, so those who don't consider my word worth much can feel free to ignore this, but I remember seeing some good critique indicating that the 'gender paradox' is based around some fairly cherry-picked statistics. As well as trying to make a point about biology that wouldn't necessarily be grounded even if the statistics were fully on point.
hiems   United States. Jun 14 2020 20:03. Posts 2979
I used the Avengers poster just as an example for "example of Hollywood that Kids all watch//would most identify with", which is true I think. That you ran with it and found some Token Asian Character as some evidence that somehow you once again "debunked" my argument is pretty laughable.
Why are you ignoring all of the blatant other examples of hatred towards Asians that I have given you and are now only trying to focus on something that diverts attention away from that? I called you out, and gave you examples of why xyz is wrong. And you suddenly have become the expert on Asians in Film and want to focus on "Nono Hollywood is OK look at this New Avengers Movie!!" when clearly sweeping all of what I said under the rug conveniently fits your political agenda. I mean, you haven't even seen the movie since it's not even out yet. Jesus. Someone that is clearly more knowledgeable than you and someone that clearly has better judgement in being able to discern what is "Token representation//Harmful Representation" versus "Good/Acceptable representation" of Asian-Americans comes out and lets you know okay xyz is going on and all you want to do is give me some pedantic ass lecture "First of all" "Second of all"...Same old dumbfuck loco style and tell me how you are once again the world's #1 expert on this fucking shit because The Great Mind of Loco did a god damn google search! How do you know this character is a good representation for us? How do you know this is not some sort of agenda financed by the Chinese Communist Party // or seeking to please the CCP? Do you think an Asian in America named Joe Lee or Michael Nguyen will be able to relate with "Shang Chi"? What?
You do not have the level of skepticism of Hollywood when you look at Asian representation as I do. Hollywood has been forced in their hand -- they are forced to make movies promoting minorities but this is merely a ruse to keep the masses happy in what would be an untenable political position had they done nothing. It is all a giant scam as it stands currently. While Crazy-Rich-Asians has been praised as an example of how "Hollywood has changed", it is one giant lie. As I mentioned earlier the predominant oppression method of Hollywood is decided Anti-Asian, but more specifically Anti-Asian MALE. Crazy-Rich-Asians is ultimately a film about Asian-Female strength, Asian-Female Individuality. I think the director or producer literally said on a podcast that he "Just found the male Actor off of instagram" or something like that. As I mentioned before, generally leftist oppressors are more than happy to include Asian Females in their society. Again, Hollywood has been forced in their hand. If they do not make a Token Asian Avengers movie, it is clearly an untenable position. They merely want to keep us at bay while the bulk of the propaganda continues to undermine us.
The co-optation of identity politics by capitalist interests is a liberal, i.e. centrist position in 2020. It is not done for moral reasons; it is done for financial reasons.
So you're telling me that the opening credits of Hitch I linked you has to do with "Financial Reasons"? I don't really understand what you mean. So they have a black-black couple. A white-white couple. And then having a White dude with the Asian woman in the opening credits that really somehow helps with the financial success of the movie? What? I don't understand any reason for such a racist move other than wanting to absolutely fuck us over. Add that, "let's get some Asian actor to play the newstand vendor that probably makes like $10 an hour to represent that we want them part of the servant class!" "After that let's show a scene showing woke-black people wearing fancy yoga clothing returning from their fancy yoga class with a very modestly dressed Asian guy in a wife-beater that may or may not be employed! We can all get along in America!
The scene I described above is not some sort of "Whoopsie!" accident. It is not harmful to Asians as a result of omission or lack of representation. Instead, it is clearly a purposeful smear job aimed at the destruction of Asian-American Identity. Would you trust the Hollywood machine if you saw something like that? What is the message here? We are coming for your women AND your status in society. We are going to make you the new lower-class people! You are going to work newspaper stands now! You are the new urban male that is unemployed!
Second part of that is, which other identity group isn't represented in that poster you linked? You focus on Asian Americans, but there are no trans people, no gay people, no disabled people in there either. But you don't give a fuck about them. In fact, you actively discriminate against them. You photoshop me on the pink power ranger because "it's gay" and on someone in a wheelchair because it makes me look weak and pathetic in your brainwashed mind; you constantly dehumanized RiKD because of his psychological health problems, etc.
The Xavier thing and the Pink Ranger I posted because they are hilarious.
The reason I focus on Asian-Americans is because I have a decent amount of expertise with the issue. I am able to judge whether a portrayal of an Asian in film or lack of portrayal or whatever else because I have the requisite life experience to make proper judgements about what is going on. As I mentioned earlier, there is 0 percent chance you have the level of skepticism as I do when watching Asian-American portrayal in film. That is because you have no where near the life experience in this area. This can potentially be a slippery slope as is the case of the BLM people who say "You don't understand because you are not black or whatever," but clearly this is what is going on here.
For example when it comes to Muslim-Americans, whatever research I do I try to tie it into my personal experiences for example of Muslim childhood friends I grew up with then suddenly stopped talking to me after 9/11 for no reason despite me trying to be friendly towards them whenever I saw them, etc. Despite these things I can only go so far with it as it is a complex issue so I just understand that I am not an expert on the issue and keep my ears open. Same thing as far as Israel/Palestine, Gay people, etc.
This is the direct opposite of you, who thinks that you are the expert in just about every subject. I feel like you truly feel that you are suddenly more of an expert on Asian Representation in Hollywood than I am. I'm sorry you just aren't. I have told you many times how important life experience is yet you refuse to listen to me.
The main reason why you even have the pretense of an interest in oppression is because of your failed romantic life. And the main reason why it has been that way is not because women treat you unfairly due to Hollywood brainwashing.
I'd appreciate it if you'd stop with this blatantly racist smear campaign towards me. This is not the first time you've said something somewhat racist/overtly racist towards me. I'm not going to entertain this any further with you.
I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]
Last edit: 14/06/2020 20:36
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 14 2020 20:55. Posts 9634
How has no one given the sexual harassment statistics for Sweden yet, Scandinavian countries are a pretty bad example for what women choose and how they're treated.
CurbStomp   Finland. Jun 14 2020 21:17. Posts 100
On June 14 2020 19:55 Spitfiree wrote:
How has no one given the sexual harassment statistics for Sweden yet, Scandinavian countries are a pretty bad example for what women choose and how they're treated.
Yeah what has gotten into Olle and Sven.
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Jun 14 2020 21:27. Posts 3096
On June 14 2020 19:55 Spitfiree wrote:
How has no one given the sexual harassment statistics for Sweden yet, Scandinavian countries are a pretty bad example for what women choose and how they're treated.
we had pretty lengthy discussions about those before. Honestly doubt anybody here is equipped to shed light on to what degree sexual harassment and rape statistics in sweden are influenced by a) laws (sweden will count an abusive domestic relationship where a guy rapes his wife 4 times per week as 200 rapes over a year, other countries don't do this), b) swedish women being more likely to report sexual harassment (my own experience with women from different countries does lead me to believe that swedish women are more likely to speak up about this than women from any other country I've interacted with. not the biggest sample size, of course, but the astrid lindgren upbringing being influential shouldn't be a big surprise to anybody), and c) immigrants.
What points towards c) being a bad indicator despite what someone like curbstomp alludes to, is that Sweden has 4x the amount of reported rape as say, France, despite having a similar (or lower) amount of immigrants.
Last edit: 14/06/2020 21:33
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 14 2020 22:21. Posts 9634
Ignoring point a) - since when you look at % of women to have reported sexual harassment that doesn't matter(possible skewing of absolute values) and taking b) into consideration you're basically saying that every place has it at least as bad as in Sweden, if not worse. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense that women there would stick to 'women type of work' since they'd feel safer and they wouldn't have to deal with constant bullshit.
I'm being nice and giving Baal a chance by posting this but most likely he will just hang himself further anyway because right-wing libs don't read lol
The gender-equality paradox most commonly refers to the findings of a 2018 study by Gijsbert Stoet and David C. Geary[1][2][3] that, counter-intuitively, suggests that countries with a higher level of gender equality tend to have less gender balance in fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), than less equal countries. This research originally claimed that within the study's sample, more gender equality in a country is linked with a lower proportion of women studying STEM fields. The study and its results received significant coverage in non-academic media outlets.[4][5][6][7] However, separate Harvard researchers were unable to recreate the data reported in the study, and in December 2019, a correction was issued to the original paper.[8][9][10] The correction outlined that the authors had created an previously undisclosed and unvalidated method to measure "propensity" of women and men to attain a higher degree in STEM, as opposed to the originally claimed measurement of "women’s share of STEM degrees".[9][8][11] However, even incorporating the newly disclosed method, the investigating researchers could not recreate all the results presented.[12][13] A follow-up paper by the researchers who discovered the discrepancy found conceptual and empirical problems with the gender-equality paradox in STEM hypothesis.[14][12]
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Varoufakis has a talk with Assange (albeit a very brief one) and clues him in about the coronavirus situation, and we get a prediction by Assange:
"Julian thought about this for a moment and asked me: “How important is consumption to capitalism? What percentage of GDP is at stake if consumption does not recover? Do the corporations need workers or customers?” I answered that it was high enough to make this conundrum real. Yes, Central Banks and robots can keep the corporations going without customers or workers. But, robots cannot buy the stuff they produce. So, this is not a stable equilibrium. The losses in people’s incomes will accelerate, thus generating pivotal discontent.
Julian then said something along the lines of: That will benefit Trump who knows how to feed off the anger of the multitudes toward the educated, upper middle-class elites. I agreed, saying that DiEM25 has been warning since 2016 that socialism for the oligarchy and austerity for the many, in the end, feeds the racist ultra-right. That we are experiencing again what happened in the 1920s in Italy with the rise of Mussolini.
Julian agreed entirely and said: Yes, like then, there is an alliance forming between rich people and the discontented working class. He then added that most of the prisoners and the prison officers in Belmarsh support… Trump. At that point the connection was cut off."
Funny how I am painted like a lunatic who sees fascism everywhere by Baal for years but then his hero agrees with me.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 15/06/2020 02:57
hiems   United States. Jun 15 2020 03:23. Posts 2979
On June 15 2020 01:57 Loco wrote:
Varoufakis has a talk with Assange (albeit a very brief one) and clues him in about the coronavirus situation, and we get a prediction by Assange:
"Julian thought about this for a moment and asked me: “How important is consumption to capitalism? What percentage of GDP is at stake if consumption does not recover? Do the corporations need workers or customers?” I answered that it was high enough to make this conundrum real. Yes, Central Banks and robots can keep the corporations going without customers or workers. But, robots cannot buy the stuff they produce. So, this is not a stable equilibrium. The losses in people’s incomes will accelerate, thus generating pivotal discontent.
Julian then said something along the lines of: That will benefit Trump who knows how to feed off the anger of the multitudes toward the educated, upper middle-class elites. I agreed, saying that DiEM25 has been warning since 2016 that socialism for the oligarchy and austerity for the many, in the end, feeds the racist ultra-right. That we are experiencing again what happened in the 1920s in Italy with the rise of Mussolini.
Julian agreed entirely and said: Yes, like then, there is an alliance forming between rich people and the discontented working class. He then added that most of the prisoners and the prison officers in Belmarsh support… Trump. At that point the connection was cut off."
On June 13 2020 00:13 Stroggoz wrote:
Holywood is possibly the biggest propaganda agency in the world, just out of sheer quantity, imo. Almost everyone in every country watches holywood movies.
I don't consider holywood left-wing though, there's a book called 'national security cinema', which studies how film/tv are created in holywood when it touches on subjects like war. Essentially holywood directors/writers will go get consultation at the department of defense office, or CIA, for things like accuracy on military subjects. And the military will revise a script and give it back to them. That movie zero dark thirty that covers the assassination of Bin Laden had quite a lot of lies in it. For example the main character is showed distant from the torture scenes, in real life her nickname was "the queen of torture". The torture scenes were also linked towards gathering info on bin laden, when that didn't happen. That's the CIA's way of telling us that torture is justified. There's quite a few other cases studies in the book. It's not a very rigorous study but it's informative.
America's foreign policy towards asia has been based on extreme racism, The bombing of Japan, Tokyo and nuclear. And then wars in indochina, the coup in Indonesia, bombing korea, and supporting dictators in all of these countries, and ofc the invasion of phillipines 120 years ago, where im not quite sure they knew phillipino's were humans or not. Probably the worst i ever read was their nuclear war policy though. The cold war nuclear plan in the 1960's was to bomb all the major cities in China in the event of a russian attack. Note how weak of a country China was back then, it was not a threat in anyway. One admiral explained the logic behind this to daniel ellsberg when he was interviewing him, "It doesn't make sense to not attack china in the case of nuclear war, why let a communist country go free with that opportunity'. By RAND corporation estimates, 300million chinese would die in the attack.
Re Baal: I'm not refering to 'mexican culture', that's too broad. I don't really like using terms such as 'western culture', or 'X culture' where X is a nation. There are always competing interests and many cultures in every country ofc. I don't really know the history behind Cortez well so i can't really comment on that. Look at privitization of the media around the world, that's one way people have lost control of cultural production, and those that own the media get to write history for them. So when i say 'taking control over ones culture', i necessarily mean people having a role in deciding which statues to put up, ect.
Your basically just like Chomsky in that video I posted on Discord where he sits down with the Asian-American to discuss stuff about race. He is talking to an Asian American guy and then he randomly starts talking about geopolitical events with Asian countries, lol. They barely talk about how Asians fit into American society.
I used the term "Asian" but clearly the examples I used were of Korean-Americans in the LA Riots and of examples of racism to Asian Americans in American films, yet you randomly started talking about the Bombing of Japan, Invasion of the Phillipines, and some Cold war plot to bomb China. Seriously shows how clueless/ignorant you are. I mean really I start talking about domestic cultural issues and you somehow divert the conversation to geopolitics and used the phrase "America's Foreign Policy towards Asia has been about Extreme Racism" then ignore what actually was the topic which was how Asian-Americans are accepted culturally within America. So all Asians are foreigners to you? You realize I think in English right? I am more culturally American than Korean. What about if I have kids? They are forever foreigners because they are Asian? Obviously the various Asian nations are completely different, but do you understand that culturally, Asian-Americans, Asians Living in Asia, and Asian-Latin Americans (these exist) are different? (didn't include Asians in Europe as they are somewhat more similar to Asians in America, also there are Asians in Russia, and various other countries).
Here is an example of Korean diaspora across Latin America and the unique perspectives they have. They are few in population but it is not like they do not exist. Are they not important as individuals//as a group? They are just "Asians" to you? Their day-to-day issues have to do with "Foreign Policy towards Asia?"
What if you were talking to some African-American guy and he was bringing up issues of racism in America, about the George Floyd incident, income inequality, then you start telling him well...we had xyz economic policy with Nigeria, and assisted in xyz country ousting this warlord! I mean? What? Obviously culturally some guy in Detroit is way different from a Nigerian guy or an Ethipoian guy/Somalian guy. The one black guy I know from Minnesota hates the Somalians there lol, but this is essentially what you are telling me.
Thank you for proving my point in how ignorant you are. I called you out on your apathy of racism/oppression towards Asian-Americans, and you completely ignored any of what I said and started talking about something completely irrelevant to avoid the issue. Please get a clue.
I guess you could perhaps grow up and see that the world has bigger problems than your own ones. Racism against asian american's is very low priority for me, as it should be. And so is BLM. Part of why a lot of leftist activism has failed is because of narcaccistic focus on their own problems, and no one respects that. You're case of narcicissm seems worse because you also call anyone that disagree's with you a 'dumbfuck' and you lie about them. Just about anyone who has any life experience knows that this isn't the way to get people to care about your problems.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
CurbStomp   Finland. Jun 15 2020 11:51. Posts 100
In Finland immigrants commit 38% of all rapes when they are 5% of population. God bless diversity.
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 15 2020 20:16. Posts 9634
Yet the crime rate has somehow fallen by 60% in the past 30 years while immigration population went from 1% to 5% of the total
This thread really makes me think you guys are just not even trying at using statistics in any decent way. You can't be that stupid.
Baalim   Mexico. Jun 15 2020 22:50. Posts 34270
On June 14 2020 17:36 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I mean, from what I saw a big reason for the statistics utilized to make the 'gender paradox point' is that it didn't include women who are housewives. Scandinavian countries have fewer of those. So it's like, Sweden Norway Finland Denmark have a higher % of women who work, and then a higher % of those work in traditional jobs, whereas other countries have bigger % of women who stay at home, but out of the ones who work, more are into STEM or whatever.
I don't care enough to really go into it or go digging for stats or articles right now, so those who don't consider my word worth much can feel free to ignore this, but I remember seeing some good critique indicating that the 'gender paradox' is based around some fairly cherry-picked statistics. As well as trying to make a point about biology that wouldn't necessarily be grounded even if the statistics were fully on point.
We could go into the details of that statistic, but why do you say that even if the statistic would be correct it wouldn't support the point of preference based on biological differences?