Just because your legs don't work doesn't mean you can get physical with a police officers. I really have to explain this shit to you?
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 19 2020 19:20. Posts 2235
He should not have been arrested over whatever argument they had and whatever leftist shit he might have said (apparently it was started with his group saying "defund the police''), but if you're going to antagonize white people at this point in time, you shouldn't imagine that it's going to be free of consequences. Probably 10 times better to just shut the fuck up and go home and write your stupid racist bullshit online, just like you are doing. It's kind of funny that you people on the far-left believe fascism is evil, but you don't apply this logic to your own in-group.
Every single time that an unarmed white man gets beaten by a black while pleading for his life, it's "well, he was a Proud Boy, he shouldn't have been racist". And that's definitely not you and your ant-white folks justifying it, oh no it's not! Meanwhile, when a black person does something stupid, it's "oh he was so precious. so innocent." In this case of course it has to be combined with "The news are covering up the real problem in America: white supremacy." And then the slippery slope that more and more left-wingers are slipping into: "Our institutions are being hijacked by radical right-wing fascists. They want to kill and oppress all minorities! Get your guns ready and prepare for the race war."
There is no justification for arresting the black guy, anyone in their right mind would say so on the right, but the fact is that it's going to keep happening for as long as you reinforce anti-white views and attempt to normalize saying things like "white fragility" and "white privilege" as completely harmless. It's quite the opposite of harmless, its sole purpose is to accelerate and intensify racial divisions, which is exactly what you want as a fascist, so don't play dumb. Accept that there will be casualties for your Bolshevist project; you can't have your cake and eat it too.
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
On July 19 2020 15:20 CurbStomp wrote:
Disabled guy attacked the police and they didn't "SMASH!!!" anything, yawn. Also the police are within their rights to use unmarked car and they didn't violate any rights. Educate yourself.
If you actually saw the video through an objective, non-racist, non-bootlicking filter, you'd see that they did seemingly break his wheelchair before the other guy tried to take it away from the cop: the wheel is already off and perpendicular to its usual position. It's possible that they're quick-release wheels and it's fine though, but still, it was handled way too roughly.
The police didn't have a valid reason to stop these peaceful protesters from holding their signs and chanting slogans, it doesn't matter that the black guy pushed them or held onto a baton, he's in a freaking wheelchair and they initiated force against him first. Nothing justifies that here.
Yes, we do know that the police are "within their rights" to do whatever they want under a fascist regime, including attack nonviolent protesters and waive your rights if you're wearing all black... that's what makes it fascism. Way to obfuscate.
They also tear gassed a bunch of protesting moms, one of which was pregnant. Strange how pro-lifers are so quiet when that happens.
"peaceful protesters", lol, must be nice when even the press spreads your terrorist lies.
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 20 2020 11:01. Posts 2582
That video is out of context so I won't make any judgements about it, but the lefties that are implying that anyone thats in a wheelchair is just a harmless cripple is exactly what I expected from them.
You can clearly see he is only defending himself, he s not trying to punch anyone, he first reaches for the officers stick then only tries to protect himself, at one point an officer tells him something which probably de-escalates the tension by a bit since he only tries to keep his balance afterward. Thats enough context for me to know the dude definitely wasn't out there to hurt cops.
Peaceful protesters shoplifting some bread so they won't go hungry.
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 20 2020 16:51. Posts 2582
On July 20 2020 11:53 Spitfiree wrote:
You can clearly see he is only defending himself, he s not trying to punch anyone, he first reaches for the officers stick then only tries to protect himself, at one point an officer tells him something which probably de-escalates the tension by a bit since he only tries to keep his balance afterward. Thats enough context for me to know the dude definitely wasn't out there to hurt cops.
LAPD released additional footage from body worn cameras that show him punching a cop in the face
The man in the wheelchair, identified as Joshua Wilson, punched an officer in the face, police say.
Officers say they later found a loaded firearm in Wilson's backpack, which was on his wheelchair.
Wilson was medically evaluated before he was booked for being a felon in possession of a firearm. https://abc7.com/downtown-la-protest-...t-use-of-force-investigation/6323828/
Im curious to see the entire situation, not just a black dude trying to slap a cop in the face. (throwing a punch and trying to slap someone is quite different)
Also lol at the firearm part, that is so rare in the US, only half of them have a firearm.... The only way this could've been relevant was if he actually pulled it out.
Either way in the major side of things this encounter doesn't mean much.
Yeah that was not a punch at all. Bootlickers gonna bootlick though. They claim they were there for some mental health issue related to girls and got physical with the black guy and other girls afterwards because they demanded that they be set free. Maybe that's kind of the whole point of defund the police, you know? So shit like that doesn't happen because the police doesn't belong there, they are not trained for this, they just end up making things worse.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 20/07/2020 23:37
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 20 2020 23:54. Posts 2582
Apparently you're a bootlicker if you don't support slapping the police in the face.
often times when we respond with a single decontextualized sentence that is supposed to defend the status quo it's the things we omit that end up saying a lot more about what we believe
should the police have been there to deal with a "mental health crisis"? no.
should the police have been getting physical with this man? no
did he hurt the police with his slap? no
Was he arrested because he slapped the guy? no, the cop barely even reacted to being touched and it took peripheral escalation for them to do what they did. If the cop had been hurt you can be sure as fuck he would have tackled that black guy immediately after being hit.
edit: here, I just screen capped from the LAPD footage, that is an extended hand, and it barely connected. he has every reason to be annoyed and do this if the police is fucking with him because he's in a wheelchair and can't easily move away.
notice how the police leave him alone for a while until they go back to him because he's trying to defend whoever it is that they are tackling and hitting with batons. if he had been responsible for hurting a police officer they would have never left him alone like that, he could have just left instead, so the arrest on the battery charge is bogus. when you've been brought up to respect authority and believe that cops serve the people you don't look for details like that, you just give them the benefit of the doubt, which is what you did. does that make you a terrible person? no, it just makes you biased and naive, which is just being human.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 21/07/2020 00:43
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 21 2020 00:46. Posts 2582
On July 20 2020 23:27 Loco wrote:
often times when we respond with a single decontextualized sentence that is supposed to defend the status quo it's the things we omit that end up saying a lot more about what we believe
should the police have been there to deal with a "mental health crisis"? no.
should the police have been getting physical with this man? no
did he hurt the police with his slap? no
Was he arrested because he slapped the guy? no, the cop barely even reacted to being touched and it took minutes escalation for them to do what they did. If the cop had been hurt you can be sure as fuck he would have tackled that black guy immediately after being hit.
Imagine how little self-awareness one has to have to introduce a video to this thread as "LAPD ATTACKS CRIPPLED BLACK MAN AND SMASH HIS WHEELCHAIR"
and then 10 seconds later that same person is trying to lecture you about context and omitting details. Wow
If there's a call for "mental health emergency" I think it's good to use police for this. Because to me that means the person is psychotic and could be dangerous/behave aggressively and the police is better equipped for that than the ambulance personnel. That mob didn't try to save those girls from being mistreated, they just tried to cause chaos. Also no surprise that all the joggers in this incident were felons lol.
I don't really believe there is no mental health situational training or whatever for police officers in US. I'm sure most aren't trained like that, but every precinct should have some police who are knowledgeable about these kind of things.
On July 20 2020 22:54 blackjacki2 wrote:
Apparently you're a bootlicker if you don't support slapping the police in the face.
Loco s going on the extreme, but its a fair point to speculate that the wheelchair dude was most likely only protecting himself or the people around him. Slapping a cop is obviously not the smartest choice, but from the context we've seen and the video that follows it seems unlikely that he was out there to hurt the cops. Then again I was wrong initially, so I might be wrong on this one too, except given the facts and what happened, if he wanted to cause damage he could've done much more.
1. He slaps the cop doesn't even try to punch him - you really don't slap people to cause damage, you slap them to aggressively ask 'what the fuck are you doing'
2. He had a gun which was only found cause he was arrested.
3. There s an interval where he is taken to the ground where a cop shouts something at him, the dude gets to the ground and is acting extremely passively and just tries to keep balance so he wouldn't hit the ground with his face. He could've easily acted aggressively towards the cops. This tells me that the cop told him something reasonable and the black dude responded positively to it.
With the given context I could easily conclude both sides handled this inadequately, except cops don't have that option.
I don't understand why you downplay that slap. Even if he just threatened them verbally, the use of force should be justified. Getting physical with police is crazy and they really went easy on him, probably because of the circumstances.