On July 22 2020 09:20 Loco wrote:
So you're just going to dismiss my blatantly exposing your faulty logic with the weakest imaginable "wow you made my point" retort? All right then.
Yes, you see, that's precisely what I was talking about. You didn't know the details, and then you assumed that the cops must be given the benefit of the doubt. And you reminded us that the black man was "an aggressor" who "punched an officer" (two factually wrong statements, designed to mislead us about the situation in order to preserve your prejudices). I assume the opposite, you're quite correct in that: the cops should not be given the benefit of the doubt. I have every reason to make that assumption, and I have a lot of evidence to justify it, while you cannot be assed to give a single reason for why you believe what you believe, so you go with empty rhetoric like "wow you couldn't have made my point better". Are you so afraid to be shown that your liberal conditioning is wrong that you won't even engage in an argument? Seems to be the case.
"That's the difference between me and you. I'm capable of looking at things on a case by case basis, using critical thinking, looking at details, evidence, context, and forming my own opinion."
Oh please. The guy who gave us the "born out of wedlock" statistic to justify why black people are in prison is trying to school me about proper use of context and evidence. What's more, if that were true, you couldn't listen to the Joe Rogan podcast without sneering every couple minutes and you couldn't stand to have a look at Tim Pool's stuff, yet you like them both. Instead of listening to these people you would be educating yourself. You are the cliché that you imagine that I am, ranting on about tribalism, totally blind to your own emotional responses while not being educated on even the basics of the things you are talking about. You exist in a false space of neutrality on the internet which basically has the habit of siding with oppressors and anti-intellectualism. That's also 'tribalism', it is its own echo chamber. Unlike you I pay attention to the whole political spectrum and I consume media from all sources.
What's left to say? You're out here implying it's okay to hit police in the face and citing domestic violence statistics as justification. How is anyone supposed to respond to such nonsense?
Also there's not much else to say about the video. If you saw police attacking a black man and smashing his wheelchair then I'm afraid our perceptions of reality are so different that we are never going to see eye to eye. You're freeze framing videos to show it was a slap instead of a punch like that matters to anyone outside of your bubble. They both carry the exact same charge - battery on a peace officer. Do you think a defense attorney would be high fiving themselves over that argument the same way you are?
no, I did not cite that as justification, I cited it as an extra piece of information to show you that you were committing a false equivalence fallacy.
"peace officer" lol, what a fucking bootlicker. you have a nice night.
Now I don't know if you've never heard of the term peace officer before or if you just think citing California penal code also makes someone a "bootlicker." Again just proving my point that you can't think rationally due to your hatred of the police
Now I don't know if you've never heard of the term peace officer before or if you just think citing California penal code also makes someone a "bootlicker." Again just proving my point that you can't think rationally due to your hatred of the police
You're choosing to use the term "peace officer" when you can clearly see in the video that they are attacking the peaceful protesters with fucking batons. One of the guys which we haven't talked about from the video, this 17 year old kid Sanchez, can be seen convulsing on the ground. He claims the police has hit him with a baton in the throat and chest, and it triggered an asthma attack and a seizure. So even if you want to keep denying that they used excessive force on Wilson, you're obviously factually wrong about their methods during this interaction serving the purpose of bringing the peace.
You're also factually wrong about your previous post quoted below. He was not arrested on battery charge. Like I said in my long post which you conveniently completely ignored because it made you look foolish - he was not targetted and arrested by the cops for the slap. They did not care about it. He was left alone after it. It's a piece of info that mostly distracts from the fact that they actually arrested him on suspicion of being a felon with a firearm, not battery. They had no reason to do that, he hadn't said he had a firearm or tried to reach for it. It was a post-hoc justification and you just swallowed up the distraction, and you made every single assumption you could that served to benefit the cops involved, and refused to believe your own eyes when excessive force was used, because you are so deeply conditioned to view cops as the good guys, and let's be perfectly honest here, you don't like protesters. You probably never protested a single time in your life and it annoys you to see people protesting for what they believe in. Notice also that they have never released the names of the two women they arrested so that we could verify their "mental health crisis" story, and the two women don't appear to be in crisis in the LAPD video.
I also never claimed that they "smashed" his wheelchair -- that came from the Twitter account from which I got the video. I even specified that the wheelchair might not be broken if it's the quick release wheels type, but they clearly handled it with excessive force and could have broken it. If you want to claim to be rational you should try not getting so many facts wrong and making wrong assumptions about the cops and misrepresenting what I've been said.
Also there's not much else to say about the video. If you saw police attacking a black man and smashing his wheelchair then I'm afraid our perceptions of reality are so different that we are never going to see eye to eye. You're freeze framing videos to show it was a slap instead of a punch like that matters to anyone outside of your bubble. They both carry the exact same charge - battery on a peace officer. Do you think a defense attorney would be high fiving themselves over that argument the same way you are?
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
You have no idea what you are talking about, you imagine that communism and capitalism could co-exist on this planet, which is.... wow.
The only community of people who don't have to deal with capitalism are 6 feet into the ground dude. If what you mean is a more egalitarian society, then sure, I'd love to live in the most egalitarian society alive today, but are all indigenous communities, and you don't get to live in an indigenous community like it's a fucking airbnb you idiot. But let's just say that I had the connections and could do it, I would also need to not have a preexisting chronic illness that requires modern medicine, which I do, and which you know that I do because I told you the last time you asked me about Rojava, so no, I don't think that "deep down" you are right, because you're obviously not. Thanks for the 2 cent "in reality you actually like capitalism" airmchair analysis.
coexist on the planet? absolutely, the soviets and many other countries did it, obviously they require borders, inside the same borders its get much more difficult. What I said is that if communist grows organically and renders capitalism obsolete I'm fine with it, it proved to be the better system, through political democratic process and through starting non-hierarchical means of productions where the profits are split evenly, but if you don't think your ideas can prevail on their own merits, that force must be used, a gun put to people's foreheads and take what they've built and subdue them into obedience of your system then i'll fight that and theres nothing authoritarian about that.
But according to Cuba they have the best medical system in the world, that was pointed out years ago by yourself so you should be pretty confident they can handle any chronic disease you have, so what other excuse do you have to not move there?
On July 22 2020 08:42 Stroggoz wrote:
These anecdotal video arguments are not even interesting.
They are not that interesting if you are only looking at the aspect of individual acts of violence in the videos in a vacuum. They become interesting once you look at them from a systemic perspective -- you look at the systems behind them. For example, I posted two videos, and only one of them received attention. Both involved disabled individuals who have been mistreated by police. Only one of them received attention and justifications were offered on the side of the police, and there is a systemic reason for that. The video of the white US navy guy getting his arm destroyed by the BORTAC unit was a lot more outrageous than the first one, yet, predictably (and that is the reason why I posted those) it received no comments.
If you look beyond the individual acts, you notice, most importantly, the common thread in all of these police brutality videos: law enforcement officers act as a unit. The narrative of "peace officers," "protect and serve" and "there are some bad apples," falls apart as a result. The reason why no one commented on the other video is because it would destroy their illusions if they were able to process it cognitively and put it into its correct broader context. There is no justification for why this disabled vet was hit and pepper sprayed like that, blackjacki2 will tell me (if I push him to comment on it) but he will not say, there is no justification for why his squad supported him doing it. Because he knows one thing: he doesn't want to think about that. He was taught that state law enforcement serves a vital function and this, as a result, can only be "lesser evilism", but he doesn't want to actually have to admit that, because it opens up a whole can of worms and will force him to justify his stance on why a better world is not possible. Because -- make no mistake about this -- beneath all of this, liberalism/centrism/right-wing politics is a crisis of the imagination: the result of a world so drab and miserable that no one feels like things can change meaningfully, and so it manifests in this lack of interest in having coherent politics grounded in historical/material reality.
If you can't imagine an alternative to the status quo, it's because politics today is just a performance, there is no commitment, nor vision. True politics must offer alternatives, otherwise it’s no different from a dictatorship. And that's what neoliberalism is, and it fools people into thinking that it's still democratic.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
You have no idea what you are talking about, you imagine that communism and capitalism could co-exist on this planet, which is.... wow.
The only community of people who don't have to deal with capitalism are 6 feet into the ground dude. If what you mean is a more egalitarian society, then sure, I'd love to live in the most egalitarian society alive today, but are all indigenous communities, and you don't get to live in an indigenous community like it's a fucking airbnb you idiot. But let's just say that I had the connections and could do it, I would also need to not have a preexisting chronic illness that requires modern medicine, which I do, and which you know that I do because I told you the last time you asked me about Rojava, so no, I don't think that "deep down" you are right, because you're obviously not. Thanks for the 2 cent "in reality you actually like capitalism" airmchair analysis.
coexist on the planet? absolutely, the soviets and many other countries did it, obviously they require borders, inside the same borders its get much more difficult. What I said is that if communist grows organically and renders capitalism obsolete I'm fine with it, it proved to be the better system, through political democratic process and through starting non-hierarchical means of productions where the profits are split evenly, but if you don't think your ideas can prevail on their own merits, that force must be used, a gun put to people's foreheads and take what they've built and subdue them into obedience of your system then i'll fight that and theres nothing authoritarian about that.
But according to Cuba they have the best medical system in the world, that was pointed out years ago by yourself so you should be pretty confident they can handle any chronic disease you have, so what other excuse do you have to not move there?
There was no communism in the USSR, there was an attempted transition, which was guaranteed to fail, because it was not international. I'm not interested in transitions and nationalism, so when you talk to me about living under communism, we're not talking about the same thing, but you never manage to learn this very simple distinction.
I've never made that claim, and I can verify that they don't have the medication that I need. You are moving the goalpost. I mentioned the most egalitarian society. Cuba is not the most egalitarian society, and anarchists have always been persecuted there. If I renounced any intention of doing activism for some reason and I could move there, I would no doubt be happier living there than here, but it's not an option for me, and I don't owe you the details of that.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 23 2020 01:29 Loco wrote:
There was no communism in the USSR, there was an attempted transition, which was guaranteed to fail, because it was not international. I'm not interested in transitions and nationalism, so when you talk to me about living under communism, we're not talking about the same thing, but you never manage to learn this very simple distinction.
So the reason the USSR co-existed with capitalism is that it wasnt real communis, so what you are saying is that if the USSR did became true communism it would fail because it cannot co-exist on the earth while there are other capitalist nations? so the only option is for the entire planet to become communist because any capitalist nation will bring the system down. Your ideas get more deranged as time goes on.
I've never made that claim, and I can verify that they don't have the medication that I need. You are moving the goalpost. I mentioned the most egalitarian society. Cuba is not the most egalitarian society, and anarchists have always been persecuted there. If I renounced any intention of doing activism for some reason and I could move there, I would no doubt be happier living there than here, but it's not an option for me, and I don't owe you the details of that.
I now Cuba isn't your ideal place, but it certainly is way more egalitarian the Canada isn't it?. What is this mistery medicine that you can't arrange to get it supplied anywehre else?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 23 2020 05:58. Posts 2582
Now I don't know if you've never heard of the term peace officer before or if you just think citing California penal code also makes someone a "bootlicker." Again just proving my point that you can't think rationally due to your hatred of the police
You're choosing to use the term "peace officer" when you can clearly see in the video that they are attacking the peaceful protesters with fucking batons. One of the guys which we haven't talked about from the video, this 17 year old kid Sanchez, can be seen convulsing on the ground. He claims the police has hit him with a baton in the throat and chest, and it triggered an asthma attack and a seizure. So even if you want to keep denying that they used excessive force on Wilson, you're obviously factually wrong about their methods during this interaction serving the purpose of bringing the peace.
You're also factually wrong about your previous post quoted below. He was not arrested on battery charge. Like I said in my long post which you conveniently completely ignored because it made you look foolish - he was not targetted and arrested by the cops for the slap. They did not care about it. He was left alone after it. It's a piece of info that mostly distracts from the fact that they actually arrested him on suspicion of being a felon with a firearm, not battery. They had no reason to do that, he hadn't said he had a firearm or tried to reach for it. It was a post-hoc justification and you just swallowed up the distraction, and you made every single assumption you could that served to benefit the cops involved, and refused to believe your own eyes when excessive force was used, because you are so deeply conditioned to view cops as the good guys, and let's be perfectly honest here, you don't like protesters. You probably never protested a single time in your life and it annoys you to see people protesting for what they believe in. Notice also that they have never released the names of the two women they arrested so that we could verify their "mental health crisis" story, and the two women don't appear to be in crisis in the LAPD video.
I also never claimed that they "smashed" his wheelchair -- that came from the Twitter account from which I got the video. I even specified that the wheelchair might not be broken if it's the quick release wheels type, but they clearly handled it with excessive force and could have broken it. If you want to claim to be rational you should try not getting so many facts wrong and making wrong assumptions about the cops and misrepresenting what I've been said.
Also there's not much else to say about the video. If you saw police attacking a black man and smashing his wheelchair then I'm afraid our perceptions of reality are so different that we are never going to see eye to eye. You're freeze framing videos to show it was a slap instead of a punch like that matters to anyone outside of your bubble. They both carry the exact same charge - battery on a peace officer. Do you think a defense attorney would be high fiving themselves over that argument the same way you are?
All you're doing is speculating wildly and believing your speculation to be the truth.
The clearly tried to detain him immediately after the slap but then were distracted by the chaos of the situation. The fact that he wasn't charged with battery might be because they don't give a shit about a misdemeanor battery charge once they found out they could get him on a felony firearm charge.
Your idea that they went after him because of the firearm is asinine. They only found the firearm after the fact so the logic of that only makes sense in a world with time machines.
Also you keep bringing up the two ladies they "arrested." There's no source I can find that says they arrested the two ladies. The LAPD statement said they were planning to take them to a hospital which seems very plausible.
I noticed you keep bringing up the 2 ladies but then repeatedly neglect to mention the 3rd guy they were detaining. This comes from the guy that was just lecturing me about what the details we omit reveals about us.
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 23 2020 06:05. Posts 2582
On July 22 2020 08:42 Stroggoz wrote:
These anecdotal video arguments are not even interesting.
They are not that interesting if you are only looking at the aspect of individual acts of violence in the videos in a vacuum. They become interesting once you look at them from a systemic perspective -- you look at the systems behind them. For example, I posted two videos, and only one of them received attention. Both involved disabled individuals who have been mistreated by police. Only one of them received attention and justifications were offered on the side of the police, and there is a systemic reason for that. The video of the white US navy guy getting his arm destroyed by the BORTAC unit was a lot more outrageous than the first one, yet, predictably (and that is the reason why I posted those) it received no comments.
If you look beyond the individual acts, you notice, most importantly, the common thread in all of these police brutality videos: law enforcement officers act as a unit. The narrative of "peace officers," "protect and serve" and "there are some bad apples," falls apart as a result. The reason why no one commented on the other video is because it would destroy their illusions if they were able to process it cognitively and put it into its correct broader context. There is no justification for why this disabled vet was hit and pepper sprayed like that, blackjacki2 will tell me (if I push him to comment on it) but he will not say, there is no justification for why his squad supported him doing it. Because he knows one thing: he doesn't want to think about that. He was taught that state law enforcement serves a vital function and this, as a result, can only be "lesser evilism", but he doesn't want to actually have to admit that, because it opens up a whole can of worms and will force him to justify his stance on why a better world is not possible. Because -- make no mistake about this -- beneath all of this, liberalism/centrism/right-wing politics is a crisis of the imagination, the result of a world so drab and miserable that no one feels like things can change meaningfully, and so it manifests in this lack of interest in having coherent politics grounded in historical/material reality.
Again, for the 3rd time now, I think there are countless examples of the police overstepping and trampling on our rights to peacefully assemble, the example above included.
Again Loco thinks he can lump me in with all the right wing loonies by extrapolating my (reasonable) opinion on a single video. Just more pathetic projecting by someone that is upset that the same extrapolation is true for himself and the other leftists.
On July 23 2020 01:29 Loco wrote:
There was no communism in the USSR, there was an attempted transition, which was guaranteed to fail, because it was not international. I'm not interested in transitions and nationalism, so when you talk to me about living under communism, we're not talking about the same thing, but you never manage to learn this very simple distinction.
So the reason the USSR co-existed with capitalism is that it wasnt real communis, so what you are saying is that if the USSR did became true communism it would fail because it cannot co-exist on the earth while there are other capitalist nations? so the only option is for the entire planet to become communist because any capitalist nation will bring the system down. Your ideas get more deranged as time goes on.
I've never made that claim, and I can verify that they don't have the medication that I need. You are moving the goalpost. I mentioned the most egalitarian society. Cuba is not the most egalitarian society, and anarchists have always been persecuted there. If I renounced any intention of doing activism for some reason and I could move there, I would no doubt be happier living there than here, but it's not an option for me, and I don't owe you the details of that.
I now Cuba isn't your ideal place, but it certainly is way more egalitarian the Canada isn't it?. What is this mistery medicine that you can't arrange to get it supplied anywehre else?
It has nothing to do with "real" versus "false" communism. There is no distinction like that in Communist theory. Communism is presented as a process of historical unfolding. There are two stages of communism for Marx: one is the lower stage, which is stateless, classless, and marketless, but it has labour vouchers. The other one, the higher stage, is all of those things as well, but it also has abolished money/labour vouchers. The point is that there was no Communism, there was a transition period that was attempted. I say attempted because the transition period -- the dictatorship of the proletariat -- was not achieved: it wasn't the workers that were in power.
According to early Marxist theory and all of the other authoritarian Marxist thinkers that followed (except one form of Maoism which does away with the vanguard party), state capitalism led by a vanguard party is necessary for the transitionary period. Once that process has succeeded and workers are in power, then it might be possible later on to usher in the first stage of a Communist program once the conditions are ripe (which has to be international -- you can't have an isolated classless/stateless society, for obvious reasons). Marx actually didn't believe this to be true in the end, he praised the revolutionary model of the Paris Commune which was decentralized and anarchistic, but all the Marxist-influenced governments ignore this and operate under the prior assumption, or at least they claim that they do even if they no longer believe it. They either still believe or pretend to believe that there can be a time that will be ripe in the future, but of course this is not possible. Yes, the only option is for capitalism to be supplanted as the dominant model. It has to be thoroughly delegitimised internationally, and it's not a matter of if, but of when, assuming that the human species can survive its downfall and consequences. This is not my ideas, it's the basics of Communist theory.
It's probably more egalitarian sexism and LGBTQ--wise in Canada, but racism is no doubt worse here in several parts of Canada. I already have socialized medicine here, why would I abandon my life here in order to get that there even if they had the medicine that I need? If I wanted to abandon my family including my sick mother who needs me it'd have to be for a lot more than that. But I did check and Cuba doesn't have it, and it's something that is refrigerated and has to come fast which makes it more complicated. Out of curiosity I checked on the CanadaPost website and it says it's not possible to send a parcel to Cuba (dunno why), and I can't find details regarding a refrigerated over-sized letter and how long that would take either. I'm guessing it would be weeks which wouldn't work.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 22 2020 08:42 Stroggoz wrote:
These anecdotal video arguments are not even interesting.
They are not that interesting if you are only looking at the aspect of individual acts of violence in the videos in a vacuum. They become interesting once you look at them from a systemic perspective -- you look at the systems behind them. For example, I posted two videos, and only one of them received attention. Both involved disabled individuals who have been mistreated by police. Only one of them received attention and justifications were offered on the side of the police, and there is a systemic reason for that. The video of the white US navy guy getting his arm destroyed by the BORTAC unit was a lot more outrageous than the first one, yet, predictably (and that is the reason why I posted those) it received no comments.
If you look beyond the individual acts, you notice, most importantly, the common thread in all of these police brutality videos: law enforcement officers act as a unit. The narrative of "peace officers," "protect and serve" and "there are some bad apples," falls apart as a result. The reason why no one commented on the other video is because it would destroy their illusions if they were able to process it cognitively and put it into its correct broader context. There is no justification for why this disabled vet was hit and pepper sprayed like that, blackjacki2 will tell me (if I push him to comment on it) but he will not say, there is no justification for why his squad supported him doing it. Because he knows one thing: he doesn't want to think about that. He was taught that state law enforcement serves a vital function and this, as a result, can only be "lesser evilism", but he doesn't want to actually have to admit that, because it opens up a whole can of worms and will force him to justify his stance on why a better world is not possible. Because -- make no mistake about this -- beneath all of this, liberalism/centrism/right-wing politics is a crisis of the imagination: the result of a world so drab and miserable that no one feels like things can change meaningfully, and so it manifests in this lack of interest in having coherent politics grounded in historical/material reality.
If you can't imagine an alternative to the status quo, it's because politics today is just a performance, there is no commitment, nor vision. True politics must offer alternatives, otherwise it’s no different from a dictatorship. And that's what neoliberalism is, and it fools people into thinking that it's still democratic.
"I was just standing there where terrorists tried to burn a federal building, I wanted to ask questions, I dindu nuffin." Fucking terrorist enabler, I'm glad his hand is busted.
On July 23 2020 08:04 Loco wrote:
It has nothing to do with "real" versus "false" communism. There is no distinction like that in Communist theory. Communism is presented as a process of historical unfolding. There are two stages of communism for Marx: one is the lower stage, which is stateless, classless, and marketless, but it has labour vouchers. The other one, the higher stage, is all of those things as well, but it also has abolished money/labour vouchers. The point is that there was no Communism, there was a transition period that was attempted. I say attempted because the transition period -- the dictatorship of the proletariat -- was not achieved: it wasn't the workers that were in power.
According to early Marxist theory and all of the other authoritarian Marxist thinkers that followed (except one form of Maoism which does away with the vanguard party), state capitalism led by a vanguard party is necessary for the transitionary period. Once that process has succeeded and workers are in power, then it might be possible later on to usher in the first stage of a Communist program once the conditions are ripe (which has to be international -- you can't have an isolated classless/stateless society, for obvious reasons). Marx actually didn't believe this to be true in the end, he praised the revolutionary model of the Paris Commune which was decentralized and anarchistic, but all the Marxist-influenced governments ignore this and operate under the prior assumption, or at least they claim that they do even if they no longer believe it. They either still believe or pretend to believe that there can be a time that will be ripe in the future, but of course this is not possible. Yes, the only option is for capitalism to be supplanted as the dominant model. It has to be thoroughly delegitimised internationally, and it's not a matter of if, but of when, assuming that the human species can survive its downfall and consequences. This is not my ideas, it's the basics of Communist theory.
It's probably more egalitarian sexism and LGBTQ--wise in Canada, but racism is no doubt worse here in several parts of Canada. I already have socialized medicine here, why would I abandon my life here in order to get that there even if they had the medicine that I need? If I wanted to abandon my family including my sick mother who needs me it'd have to be for a lot more than that. But I did check and Cuba doesn't have it, and it's something that is refrigerated and has to come fast which makes it more complicated. Out of curiosity I checked on the CanadaPost website and it says it's not possible to send a parcel to Cuba (dunno why), and I can't find details regarding a refrigerated over-sized letter and how long that would take either. I'm guessing it would be weeks which wouldn't work.
The explanation was not needed but thanks for it anyway, what I'm saying is that I'm not aware that the theory states that it cannot survive unless its implemented globally, why is that?
As I've said before indeed a collectivist system makes more sense in inverse proportion of scarcity, however stating things like "its when not if" its just narrosighted dogmatic rethoric, not that it's worth disucussing but it such certanty of distant futures just shows your mindset.
Because Cuba is the closest nation in the world to the system you want it would be good you experience it first hand, hell it could only be a couple of years, not need to abandon anybody. If its not obvious to you why you can't just send parcels to socialist dictatorships you know even less about them than I thought.
"Marxist philosophy held that because capitalism had become global (and thus capitalists could be expected to cooperate internationally to maintain dominance in class conflict), the proletariat would need to cooperate internationally as well via proletarian internationalism to avoid continued subjugation via divide and rule (thus the rallying cry of "Workers of the world, unite!''). In this view, after a period of international socialism the terminal stage of development of the (future) history of communism would be world communism. Such theory may treat world communism as a peaceful and prosperous end result, something almost anyone could endorse, but it is the transition to world communism that is contentious." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_communism
I don't buy the collectivist/individualist dichotomy because capitalism is always collectivist. It's just a different kind of collectivism, one which involves different forms of achieving conformity. Nowadays it's done through soft power and technologies of control that give people the illusion of freedom rather than mostly focused on disciplinary power.
You're misunderstanding me. I don't believe in dialectical materialism. I am not saying that "it's just a matter of time before communism wins". When I'm saying it's a matter of "when and not if", I am talking about the widespread delegitimisation of world capitalism. The widespread belief that it should stay the dominant model because it works well. That's obviously on a timer, it's factually wrong and persists on illusion, and because there is no stopping climate change under capitalism, it's necessarily a matter of time before the illusion bursts. But what post-globalized capitalism would look like isn't guaranteed to be world communism, sorry if I didn't make that clear enough.
If I can send an oversized letter with items in it, why couldn't I send a parcel with the same items? lol. Yes it would be a good experience. So would staying with the ELZN at the Oventic school for a couple weeks learning Spanish. I am not excluding the possibility of travelling there and seeing it for myself like this guy did. I also think that if I get a flare up I'd be in one of the best places to receive proper treatment.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Interesting listen. Famous far-right religious guy joins a BLM defund the police protest:
"Who is the greatest terrorist group? Who do the people fear most? Who loots upon the people's property more? Who destroys more windows and more doors in people's homes and properties and force their way in to terrorizes the people? Who kills more people and get away with it? Who takes more liberty than any other organization in the world? Who takes more of the fruits of the people's labor? Is it the people in Black Lives Matters or the Police? Let us end being played my friends. It's time to wake up. I do not align with the BLM organization but I do with the people and I don't care what race they are."
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 24/07/2020 12:04
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 24 2020 12:31. Posts 2235
Got a lot more videos of the far right for you now that I know you're open to listening to them
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
On July 24 2020 09:06 Loco wrote:
"Marxist philosophy held that because capitalism had become global (and thus capitalists could be expected to cooperate internationally to maintain dominance in class conflict), the proletariat would need to cooperate internationally as well via proletarian internationalism to avoid continued subjugation via divide and rule (thus the rallying cry of "Workers of the world, unite!''). In this view, after a period of international socialism the terminal stage of development of the (future) history of communism would be world communism. Such theory may treat world communism as a peaceful and prosperous end result, something almost anyone could endorse, but it is the transition to world communism that is contentious." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_communism
Then you don't mean they can't functionally co-exist in the same planet at the same time, you are just using it in a war-cry like Islamists do with their jihad, its not that it cannot co-exist but they simply believe all the world should live as them. I thought this was going to be a more interesting point but turns out it was just propaganda.
I don't buy the collectivist/individualist dichotomy because capitalism is always collectivist. It's just a different kind of collectivism, one which involves different forms of achieving conformity.
What a waste of 10 minutes, he doesnt make a single good point, if something isn't perfect individualism does not mean its collectivism and if something isn't perfectly collectivist it doesn mean its individualism, also opening schools isnt' sacrificing the individual for the collective its the contrary, people sacrifice their freedom of movement to help the collective and them doing so is a good thing, which is a thing the video does get right, something isn't inherently good or bad if its individualist or collectivist.
You're misunderstanding me. I don't believe in dialectical materialism. I am not saying that "it's just a matter of time before communism wins". When I'm saying it's a matter of "when and not if", I am talking about the widespread delegitimisation of world capitalism. The widespread belief that it should stay the dominant model because it works well. That's obviously on a timer, it's factually wrong and persists on illusion, and because there is no stopping climate change under capitalism, it's necessarily a matter of time before the illusion bursts. But what post-globalized capitalism would look like isn't guaranteed to be world communism, sorry if I didn't make that clear enough.
Well we've been through many forms of socioeconomic systems through the ages, it would be unlikely that this is it and that it wont evolve, but I wouldn't be able to say when and to what it will evolve, the system that it evolves its also on a timer, everything is. Also there is absolutely a way to stop climate change with capitalism, and your assumption that it will be the detonator of some massive social change is more wishful thinking than anything else.
If I can send an oversized letter with items in it, why couldn't I send a parcel with the same items? lol. Yes it would be a good experience. So would staying with the ELZN at the Oventic school for a couple weeks learning Spanish. I am not excluding the possibility of travelling there and seeing it for myself like this guy did. I also think that if I get a flare up I'd be in one of the best places to receive proper treatment.
shipping stuff, especially things like medicine to socialist countries is a big no-no, you will rot in jail for contraband if they catch you.
Many foreigners have joined the EZLN, european anarchist come and stir up shit but it probably requires commitmen and doesn't seem like an option, you could go to Cheran but you would find out its just like one of the thousands of towns in México and you wouldn't experience anything beyond mild poverty, Cuba is perfect, don't go for a week like that guy who wrote that shit saying dogs don't bite people (WTF LOL), go there and live there for months, not in the tourist area, but where the citizens live, it will be eye opening.
It's not a "propaganda point"... just because there is a rallying cry involved which could find itself on a poster or in a song does not mean there isn't a legitimate theory behind it. It's not propaganda in the sense of populistic manipulation. It's a crucial point. You don't understand that countries have to have alliances and a shared project in order to survive? There is a drive to expand and dominate in a capitalist/imperialistic world, every nook and crany has potential to be exploited for profit. In that environment you can't build something radically different in isolation, you will be crushed and assimilated by the ruling order rapidly. See the Spanish revolution. See all of the dictatorships that the US has installed across the world when their brand of capitalism wasn't something other countries wanted.
You cannot challenge US hegemony without serious consequences. Even when you are super useful to the US, like the people in Rojava were, it was shown that it was a greater threat to US interests that there was an alternative system functioning well than the threat of the most dangerous international terrorist group being released and allowed to strengthen itself again. And it makes sense, because capitalism thrives on chaos and disasters now. That's a defining trait of neoliberalism. Naomi Klein has written on this extensively.
Lots of instances of dogs attacking/disfiguring people in the news in North America so I'm guessing he's referring to that.
I am not aware of any way to join the EZLN. Even though I couldn't with my medical condition, can you point me to info about that? As far as I know they are not interested in bringing outsiders in except maybe if you have a very specific skill they require.
"Also there is absolutely a way to stop climate change with capitalism"
There really isn't. 0%. I wish I could believe in that fantasy world for a day though, lucky you.
"your assumption that it will be the detonator of some massive social change is more wishful thinking than anything else."
It will bring radical change and accelerate all of the crises that are already present which can always lead to a tipping point. I'm not wishfully thinking, because I'm not saying it will change for the better. Most likely it will not.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount