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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 264

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blackjacki2   United States. Aug 28 2020 10:22. Posts 2582

Having a feeling the 17 year old will get the same judgement as Bernie Goetz. Acquitted on the murder charges because of self-defense but convicted on some gun charge. In other words, I think the courts will find that he had a right to shoot to protect himself but he didn't have a right to have the gun he used to protect himself.

Santafairy   Korea (South). Aug 30 2020 18:07. Posts 2235

  On August 27 2020 22:26 Baalim wrote:

anyone can translate these primitive hieroglyphs?

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

CurbStomp   Finland. Aug 30 2020 19:12. Posts 100

Antifa murdered another Trump supporter.


Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 01 2020 13:52. Posts 9634

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 04 2020 07:35. Posts 34270

aaaand he is dead

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 04 2020 07:52. Posts 34270

Also apparently the "shoot me nigga" guy that was killed by the 17yo kid was a convicted pedophile that raped 5 boys ranging from ages 9 to 11.

I always found it funny that conservatives are so concerned about people fucking kiddy fiddlers but in the past few months I've come to realize how much the left is plagued by pedophiles, I know its the political party of the "deviants" but holy fuck, I never had an idea how bad it is.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 04 2020 16:45. Posts 9634

The point im trying to make is cases like these don't matter. There is trash in both camps. Especially in the USA where both camps are basically the same camp with different skins. An orchestrated circus for the masses to look and point at.

hiems   United States. Sep 04 2020 20:17. Posts 2979

  On September 04 2020 06:52 Baalim wrote:
Also apparently the "shoot me nigga" guy that was killed by the 17yo kid was a convicted pedophile that raped 5 boys ranging from ages 9 to 11.

I always found it funny that conservatives are so concerned about people fucking kiddy fiddlers but in the past few months I've come to realize how much the left is plagued by pedophiles, I know its the political party of the "deviants" but holy fuck, I never had an idea how bad it is.

I was talking to a Mexican girl and she told me pedophilia is pretty rare in Mexico cause only rich people are into it. Though she said there are alot of ppl that apparently kidnap children for organs. Curious how accurate this is.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

lebowski   Greece. Sep 04 2020 20:34. Posts 9205

  On September 04 2020 06:52 Baalim wrote:
in the past few months I've come to realize how much the left is plagued by pedophiles, I know its the political party of the &quot;deviants&quot; but holy fuck, I never had an idea how bad it is.

how bad is it then
did you do some sort of research on that?
It's like someone randomly saying that right wing people are full of oppressed closeted homosexuals, arguments go out of the window and it's all about making the other side a stereotype.
Like how Biden is suddenly a pedo if you're a Trump supporter

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

Loco   Canada. Sep 05 2020 00:21. Posts 20975

Of course he didn't do research. It's just baiting.

There is only one school of thought that literally advocated in defense of a pedo free market, and that is the libertarian/ancap school of thought that Baal has been subscribed to for over a decade. Rothbard claimed that parents own children like they own property and they have the right to do with them as they please, including selling them to the highest bidder. Taking these guys seriously would be like taking Kissinger seriously if he talked about war mongering on the left being a huge problem.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 05/09/2020 00:32

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 05 2020 08:26. Posts 34270

  On September 04 2020 19:34 lebowski wrote:
how bad is it then
did you do some sort of research on that?
It's like someone randomly saying that right wing people are full of oppressed closeted homosexuals, arguments go out of the window and it's all about making the other side a stereotype.
Like how Biden is suddenly a pedo if you're a Trump supporter

Of course I didnt do any research, there aren't studies being done about that, although if you, I'm simply surprised by the ammount of people on the left who have turned out to have had sexual relations with minors, I dont know if you know this but the right has this running meme about men who are SJWS and "women alies" turning out to be sexual predators, the meme is reseting the days since this happened and damn, it gets reset like daily, well they also keep this meme for pedos and you would also be surprised.

Regarding ideology It shouldn't be surprising if they gravitated towards the left since deviancy its one of their things, I dont see them gravitating towards traditional values tbh, also the postmodernist philosophers and gender critic theorists were notably into pedophilia, Foucault, Butler etc, I can go more into detail if you are interested.

Actually yes, I think a lot of conservative homophobes are closet homosexuals, a minority of course, but still very likely shocking numbers and the left could easily put the counter meme on them too.

How bad is it? Hard to quantify and its not relevant in the political discourse In fact I actually agree with the left that they should be treated with more compassion (unless they act upon it obv).

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 05/09/2020 08:29

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 05 2020 22:19. Posts 9634

Is it the left or the right that is highly religious

Wait who is the biggest pedophile chain in the world... oh right the Vatican

This is how your arguments go.

CurbStomp   Finland. Sep 05 2020 22:28. Posts 100

BLM has no political goal. None of it's supporters are a least bit interested in some positive change. They just wanna destroy things and harass people. Disgusting group.


CurbStomp   Finland. Sep 05 2020 22:40. Posts 100

Heroic police officers protect law abiding citizens from evil terrorists. They all deserve a medal.


Baalim   Mexico. Sep 06 2020 01:23. Posts 34270

  On September 05 2020 21:19 Spitfiree wrote:
This is how your arguments go.

sure thing buddy.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Sep 06 2020 07:13. Posts 2235

  On September 05 2020 21:19 Spitfiree wrote:
Is it the left or the right that is highly religious

Wait who is the biggest pedophile chain in the world... oh right the Vatican

This is how your arguments go.

would that be the Vatican of the pope who kissed refugee foot or a different one

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus HansenLast edit: 06/09/2020 08:38

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 06 2020 10:13. Posts 9634

That would be the Vatican since the beginning of its existence but nice try. I don't get why you try to strawman ... obviously know it won't pass unnoticed

And you're strawmanning my strawman, which makes it even worse. I wasn't even trying to make a solid argument, was just trying to ridicule Baal's way of argument.

 Last edit: 06/09/2020 10:15

Santafairy   Korea (South). Sep 06 2020 17:31. Posts 2235

so glossing over the fact that you don't know what a strawman argument is i'll use that word to refer to my post for not wanting to confuse you

supporting refugees one of the biggest issues in europe today would seem to be a liberal stance

so my strawman showing that you can't even win at the strawman competition is beyond the pale but yours was a laudable example of ridiculing baal within the bounds of reasonable satire

vatican is a big organization, that doesn't mean the pedophile part of it is the biggest pedophile ring, in the world, tallest man could be from poland it doesn't mean sweden isn't taller on average

don't say something stupid if it doesn't even hold up to stupid rebuttal, what the fuck are you doing complaining

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 06 2020 22:10. Posts 9634

Trying to use Taleb's measurement ways in such a wrong manner is a joke of itself

And yeah, you re right the organization that has been known to only apprentice little boys for over 1900 years is probably not the biggest pedophile ring, its the left in the USA

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 07 2020 01:56. Posts 34270

  On September 06 2020 21:10 Spitfiree wrote:
Trying to use Taleb's measurement ways in such a wrong manner is a joke of itself

And yeah, you re right the organization that has been known to only apprentice little boys for over 1900 years is probably not the biggest pedophile ring, its the left in the USA


Well yes absolutely there is also an alarming amount of sick fucks among priests, that something I already knew, what I didnt know until recently is that this phenomenon also happens among radical leftists.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 07/09/2020 04:02


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