Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 275 |
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Sikkert et vanlig uttrykk, men jeg tror ikke folk tenker over betydningen eller implikasjonene av det. Jeg personlig mener at samfunnet i dag er mye bedre enn det var for 50 år siden, og at samfunnet for 50 år siden var mye bedre enn for 100 år siden, og at det for 100 år siden var bedre enn for 200 år siden, og at det for 200 år siden var bedre enn for 1000 år siden. Det at folk er 'tøffe' og 'hardføre' er en naturlig konsekvens av et samfunn som ikke tar vare på folk - jeg synes det er veldig bra at vi har utviklet et bedre samfunn, Så får det enn være at vi tar mer hensyn til folks følelser enn det noen av oss synes er bra. |
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hiems   United States. Dec 06 2020 21:52. Posts 2979 | | |
My Norwegian is not great but here goes:
Jeg tror problemet her er at LiquidDrone er en jentete mann, så han kan ikke forholde seg til hvorfor det å være viking er en god ting! |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 06 2020 23:22. Posts 9634 | | |
| On December 06 2020 07:08 Santafairy wrote:
Show nested quote +
On December 05 2020 22:34 Spitfiree wrote:
Imagine doing a comedy show in the 21st century that requires blackface for it to be funny |
I think you didn't even find the name of the show or actor before you typed this thoughtless bullshit
I didn't and it doesn't matter.
I think comedy should have no boundaries and they should go to every extent to push on things that people find offensive simply because it allows society to "move forward" with a given subject. It's just quite curious to me that something as old as "blackface" which without any reasonable doubt is quite a racist symbol considering when and why it came up ... is still being used. I guess it makes sense cause of too much SJW going on that blackface is also something that brings traffic to shows.
| On December 06 2020 14:55 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Gotta admit I don't understand why you think it's a negative that we are less vikingy than we used to be. It's basically like a German complaining about Germany no longer being into invading other countries and committing genocide. I mean, the vikings comprised a very small portion of Norwegian society 1000 years ago (mostly it was just farmers and fishermen), but their claim to fame is basically raping, murdering, pillaging and enslaving other people. Those aren't good traits. |
Everyone was like that. Literally the history of every country that exists today is of people murdering others and pillaging their property while raping their wives and daughters otherwise the countries wouldn't exist. Yet there are still idiotic nationalists everywhere thinking their country is the best shit. The vikings are praised because of mainstream media and the fact that they managed to pillage all of Western Europe, Russia and were the ones to discover America, which compared to what everyone else was doing at the time was quite an astonishing accomplishment.... you can't judge them by the same standards we judge people today. |
| Last edit: 06/12/2020 23:26 |
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Google translate is actually pretty good for Norwegian-English. I teach HS English atm and it's kinda annoying because simply writing stuff in decent Norwegian and pressing 'translate' is good enough to get a pretty good grade even if you don't actually have the slightest clue. |
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| On December 06 2020 22:22 Spitfiree wrote:
Show nested quote +
On December 06 2020 07:08 Santafairy wrote:
| On December 05 2020 22:34 Spitfiree wrote:
Imagine doing a comedy show in the 21st century that requires blackface for it to be funny |
I think you didn't even find the name of the show or actor before you typed this thoughtless bullshit
I didn't and it doesn't matter.
I think comedy should have no boundaries and they should go to every extent to push on things that people find offensive simply because it allows society to "move forward" with a given subject. It's just quite curious to me that something as old as "blackface" which without any reasonable doubt is quite a racist symbol considering when and why it came up ... is still being used. I guess it makes sense cause of too much SJW going on that blackface is also something that brings traffic to shows.
| On December 06 2020 14:55 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Gotta admit I don't understand why you think it's a negative that we are less vikingy than we used to be. It's basically like a German complaining about Germany no longer being into invading other countries and committing genocide. I mean, the vikings comprised a very small portion of Norwegian society 1000 years ago (mostly it was just farmers and fishermen), but their claim to fame is basically raping, murdering, pillaging and enslaving other people. Those aren't good traits. |
Everyone was like that. Literally the history of every country that exists today is of people murdering others and pillaging their property while raping their wives and daughters otherwise the countries wouldn't exist. Yet there are still idiotic nationalists everywhere thinking their country is the best shit. The vikings are praised because of mainstream media and the fact that they managed to pillage all of Western Europe, Russia and were the ones to discover America, which compared to what everyone else was doing at the time was quite an astonishing accomplishment.... you can't judge them by the same standards we judge people today. |
I'm totally fine with giving the vikings some brownie points for having been brave explorers or for hunting whales with spears and rowboats. That doesn't mean I want people today to be more like how the vikings were. People saying 'it sucks that we're so soft nowadays, we used to be vikings', they're longing for something not worth longing for.
Also the blackface used in this show wasn't really meant as shock value or anything like that. Norway isn't the US, the debate about what really constitutes racist behavior is pretty new (mostly sparked by the internet making us all more interconnected). I've heard 60 year olds that I absolutely do not at all believe are racist use 'negro' casually, and I genuinely don't think the comedian in question realized that his character was offensive, even though it was just 9 years ago. There wasn't a big campaign in Norway to cancel the rerun of this show or whatever - but after they did it, I've seen a lot of black Norwegians state their support of cancelling it, and some white people saying they wish they hadn't. And the people responsible for making the decision wrote a pretty good explanation for why they did what they did. It's not a blatantly racist show or character that 'obviously' should never have been conceived, but it's a 'this could go either way'- type of thing. Right now I only teach English, but if I were teaching sociology too, I imagine I'd have us debate just this issue in the coming week, as it's one of those fair to go either way-type of things. |
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hiems   United States. Dec 06 2020 23:59. Posts 2979 | | |
| On December 06 2020 22:26 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Google translate is actually pretty good for Norwegian-English. I teach HS English atm and it's kinda annoying because simply writing stuff in decent Norwegian and pressing 'translate' is good enough to get a pretty good grade even if you don't actually have the slightest clue. |
Jeg brukte ikke google translate. Også, hvorfor er du neseborene så jævla store?!?! |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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blackjacki2   United States. Dec 07 2020 03:51. Posts 2582 | | |
Cancel culture going after shit that happened in the past that wasn't a controversy at the time is one of the dumber aspects of our society. It's just common sense that as society changes you shouldn't punish the stuff from the past that happened before the changes. It's why ex post facto laws aren't a thing. Nobody cared about blackface 10-20 years ago before everyone decided it was offensive. |
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VanDerMeyde   Norway. Dec 07 2020 20:51. Posts 5121 | | |
I honestly think that Eriador just disagrees with me out of old habit I dont really believe he wants classical norwegian comedy programs to be shut down because of someone's irrational hurt feelings.
Its really cool that he is a teacher in high school now, I wonder if his students know about his starcraft powers. |
:D | Last edit: 07/12/2020 21:03 |
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My opinion on the cancellation is that I don't care. To me, it's not one of those oh my god this is so stupid things, it's a 'oh well I don't care' thing. I give about as much weight to the people offended by the show, as I give to the people offended by the cancellation of the show.  |
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Stroggoz   New Zealand. Dec 08 2020 23:22. Posts 5345 | | |
| On December 06 2020 14:55 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Gotta admit I don't understand why you think it's a negative that we are less vikingy than we used to be. It's basically like a German complaining about Germany no longer being into invading other countries and committing genocide. I mean, the vikings comprised a very small portion of Norwegian society 1000 years ago (mostly it was just farmers and fishermen), but their claim to fame is basically raping, murdering, pillaging and enslaving other people. Those aren't good traits. |
There'd be far more people longing for the return of nazi germany if they wern't so demonised in our culture (in particular liberal culture).
I also don't get the complaint as well though, almost anyone is free to murder and pillage in our society, just join the navy seals, SAS or whatever special forces equivilent they have. There exist plenty of opportunities to be a barbarian in today's society...nothing is stopping those that complain. |
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | Last edit: 08/12/2020 23:41 |
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hiems   United States. Dec 09 2020 09:31. Posts 2979 | | |
People don't admire Vikings for their "raping, murdering, and pillaging" aspects and people don't become navy seals because of those things either lol.
Vikings had a lot of great characteristics. They were excellent sea navigators and sailors and warriors. So characteristics like being adventurous, intelligent, courageous, warriors etc all apply. These are all characteristics that should be encouraged in youth and specifically young men but I suspect feminist influence wants to continue to undermine these things which is why Drone is on this side.
Same thing with Seals. The two kids I grew up with that did special forces were really into football and the other cross country. They wanted the teamwork, brotherhood, high performance, hardcore aspect of special forces they didn't go into it to murder ppl lol wtf.
This is really obvious stuff.
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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If you think vikings are more known for their intelligence than for their brutality then I have no idea where you got that idea from.
I think being a great warrior can be a good quality - if you are defending against an invading force. I think it's a terrible quality when you are the invading force. Vikings were raiders and invaders. This is what they are primarily known for. I mean, sure, they were explorers, too. But even then, Leiv Eriksson, guy who found newfoundland, was the son of a guy named 'Eric Bloodaxe' - a name he most likely earned because he murdered several of his siblings. And sure, they were traders, and sure, you gotta be somewhat of a badass to hunt walrus from small rowboats. But aside from walrus ivory and furs, they were also slave traders - which is a downright evil profession.
As a parallel, I honestly don't really care much about whether the US keeps celebrating Columbus day or about removing statues venerating him or whatever. But if you look at the totality of his being and conclude that he was a good, admirable man, you're completely fucked up. |
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hiems   United States. Dec 09 2020 21:21. Posts 2979 | | |
| On December 09 2020 20:00 Liquid`Drone wrote:
If you think vikings are more known for their intelligence than for their brutality then I have no idea where you got that idea from.
I think being a great warrior can be a good quality - if you are defending against an invading force. I think it's a terrible quality when you are the invading force. Vikings were raiders and invaders. This is what they are primarily known for. I mean, sure, they were explorers, too. But even then, Leiv Eriksson, guy who found newfoundland, was the son of a guy named 'Eric Bloodaxe' - a name he most likely earned because he murdered several of his siblings. And sure, they were traders, and sure, you gotta be somewhat of a badass to hunt walrus from small rowboats. But aside from walrus ivory and furs, they were also slave traders - which is a downright evil profession.
As a parallel, I honestly don't really care much about whether the US keeps celebrating Columbus day or about removing statues venerating him or whatever. But if you look at the totality of his being and conclude that he was a good, admirable man, you're completely fucked up. |
Because you are such a feminist/girly man and only focus on the "brutality" and "warrior" part you seem to totally ignore everything I said about being a sailor which indeed requires a tremendous amount of intelligence, bravery, etc. These people built some ship that allowed them to invade England over 1000 years ago. 99% of people today in 2020 would not know how to do this, let alone have the balls to decide Hey I'm going to go far as fuck into the sea and then successfully navigate and invade some country.
Same concept as just because some dude does not have a college degree but instead decided to join the merchant marines or get his sailor certification or something to eventually try and become a captain instead of wasting $80k on some liberal arts degree. The dude that does is totally a smart guy, not just in terms of life decisions but in terms of being a highly competent individual. Your liberal mind is conditioned to ignore such people which is why you are unable to recognize why people from Norway are proud to have Viking heritage, and they absolutely have the right to hold on to that tradition.
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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hiems   United States. Dec 09 2020 21:27. Posts 2979 | | |
You keep talking about "evil professions" and "How bad columbus, vikings, etc" were but those were the god damn rules of the game back in those times.
If the British had the opportunity to take all of the Vikings' possessions and lands, there is a high likelihood they would have done so. The Romans were just as "Brutal" so was Alexander the Great, the Mongols, etc. |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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Obviously people today aren't gonna have skills that are completely useless today. The fuck am I gonna build a longboat for? |
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And yeah, I don't think Ghengis Khan was a great person either. The guy raped a 5 digit number of women. That's not being great, that's being terrible. |
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hiems   United States. Dec 09 2020 21:43. Posts 2979 | | |
| On December 09 2020 20:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Obviously people today aren't gonna have skills that are completely useless today. The fuck am I gonna build a longboat for? |
Being an excellent sailor is not a useless skill. Again, you are in your liberal bubble so you are unable to see what is outside of it where "real people" with more life experience than you understand. |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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hiems   United States. Dec 09 2020 21:48. Posts 2979 | | |
| On December 09 2020 20:40 Liquid`Drone wrote:
And yeah, I don't think Ghengis Khan was a great person either. The guy raped a 5 digit number of women. That's not being great, that's being terrible. |
Have you met many Mongolian people? They are pretty rare to meet in the first world as they are a pretty poor country these days but I had a chance to meet 2 Mongolian dudes while I was in Vegas and they are definitely proud of their history/heritage.
There is nothing wrong with that. Mongolia doesn't have a whole lot going on in 2020, what the hell is wrong with being proud of their heritage. Nobody is perfect in history, but that does not mean you cannot hang on to aspects of the past that are worthy of being proud of. |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
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