Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 10 2021 18:11. Posts 9634 | | |
We can go on and on about corporate power. I'm all for having corporations regulated. Stores are also privately held so in theory Google and Apple can do whatever the fuck they want there. If anything Apple vs Epic battle shows that best
If anything silencing Trump is a win-win for the average person cause it silences an imbecile that provokes violence and brings attention to the issue. An issue that is already publicly debated on how to be handled coupled with the fact that there is now an employee union at Google it's a good time to go against big techs. |
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 10 2021 20:34. Posts 2235 | | |
I like your parenthetical because I read this and was going to say you're much too smart to believe or need a TDS schizo like this analysis of a speech you can watch yourself
At 30th point I was like okay so this is about over
And it goes to 200
Don't need to translate someone who speaks at a 4th grade level. This is just a guy seeing what he wants to
Big tech IS going crazy
The election very well could have been stolen
Why is fundraising scamming
5 dead includes one victim of police brutality in any liberal context plus 3 dangerous obese and geriatric insurrectionists who died of medical emergencies |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | Last edit: 10/01/2021 20:38 |
Baalim   Mexico. Jan 11 2021 00:08. Posts 34270 | | |
| On January 10 2021 17:11 Spitfiree wrote:
We can go on and on about corporate power. I'm all for having corporations regulated. |
But the state regulates to hinder competiton and free market creating monopolies while it should be the other way around.
| If anything silencing Trump is a win-win for the average person cause it silences an imbecile that provokes violence and brings attention to the issue. |
Trump not riling people up about election fraud is deiniftelly a positive for the US and the world.
Social media corps being able to silence the US president is a negative much more greater for the world.
How many times do I have to explain free speech in here, this is like the 20th time.
| An issue that is already publicly debated on how to be handled coupled with the fact that there is now an employee union at Google it's a good time to go against big techs. |
Unions are shit, and also they have nothing to do with free speech or anti-trust regulations, they deal exclusively with worker issues. |
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online | |
hiems   United States. Jan 11 2021 01:42. Posts 2979 | | |
Somewhat politics related rant,
Idk how to interact with trans ppl in my real life. I've been kinda living in a box for awhile so didn't really have to deal with this, but it's more and more inevitable even for me.
I'm kind of torn on the subject. I don't really care what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. I do think they have a mental disorder, and don't think they are in fact women but I don't think I'd have a problem referring to them as "her" or whatever at least in theory. I don't make fun of them for no reason or whatever though.
The problem for me with the whole trans thing, is that I don't really view it in a vacuum of only the trans community...I view it in context of w0ke politics overall. To me I think I'd have way less problem with trans ppl if modern feminists weren't so crazy and society wern't so anti-male. With this being factored in, that is when I start to sort of have problems with addressing trans ppl as "her" or whatever and am hesitant to engage with them. The overall picture just doesn't really sit well with me, idk. What do you guys think? |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | Last edit: 11/01/2021 03:30 |
RiKD   United States. Jan 11 2021 01:53. Posts 9146 | | |
Jack has said that Twitter tends to be more interested with UN Law or more specifically German Law.
The German Constitution allows for censorship of material that is deemed "dangerous to the State."
What does dangerous to the State mean?
Who gets to arbitrate that?
What is Twitter exactly?
Should it be a free public utility under the Law of the US Constitution? But it is a global corporation?
What is the future? |
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 11 2021 11:20. Posts 9634 | | |
Baalim   Mexico. Jan 12 2021 01:25. Posts 34270 | | |
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online | |
hiems   United States. Jan 12 2021 04:33. Posts 2979 | | |
I'm tempted to make a bet/dollar cost in through the season on Luka Doncic MVP futures, but aside from the vig I'm worried that the voting panel will penalize him for being white, lol. |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
Baalim   Mexico. Jan 12 2021 08:36. Posts 34270 | | |
Appanrelty the rioters were put in a no-fly list and are being arrested at the airport while they whine about it, as they tackled one he said "you are treating me like a black person" ffs.
These idiots need to pay consequences for what they did, hopefully Trump but it has to be in a point in time where it doesnt further galvanizne the US.
On another news Biden called for race-based business reliefs... so this might continue the see-sawing of increasingly more radical left to right to left leaders until the emipre collapses. |
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online | |
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 12 2021 15:05. Posts 9634 | | |
Are there any bets going on on how many countries the USA will collapse into? |
RiKD   United States. Jan 12 2021 15:24. Posts 9146 | | |
Biden's cabinet is horrendous. A precedent was set in 2008 when Citigroup more or less hand picked Obama's cabinet for him (Wikileaks). Obama's top donors in 2008 were Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase. That fact and the handling of the 2008 financial crisis led to Cornell West aptly nicknaming Obama "Wall Street's Black Mascot." The libs eat it up and absorb the hopium straight to the blood stream. It turns out Obama was good cover for massive drone strikes that killed 90% civilians by 2015 in the Middle East, good cover for putting brown kids in cages, good cover for the atrocities of the CIA and Guantanamo Bay, and countless other Neo-liberal Dark Arts.
I have yet to examine whether the 2008 debacle was worse than the handling of the pandemic. I think the CARES Act was the single biggest transfer of wealth upwards in the history of the Milky Way Galaxy. Yet, 2008 allowed guys like Steve Mnuchin and other conglomerates of ticks and leeches to kick people out of their homes, buy up all the real estate at bottom, buy back stocks, take big bonuses, buy fleets of yachts and basically laugh their way to the bank (that they own).
2020 is a little different in that the Democratic Party experiments with WOMEN of color. Soon it will be black women in wheelchairs but probably not dark skinned black women with schizophrenia. Biden's Hedge Fund pals, consumer commodity friends, and the credit card elite along with the DNC have combined together to form a marketing committees to build a New Super Cabinet. The perfect mix of demographic cover to shield the evil neo-liberal motives underneath it all. I don't know how subtle they actually are though. Let's put a Strong Black Man in there as Secretary of Defense THAT IS STILL A SITTING BOARD MEMBER AT RAYTHEON! I don't see anyway we get out of this with out dropping some bombs somewhere.
Then there are the new prototype Republicans: Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, Ben Shapiro, et al. I don't think any of them have the Demagogue Persuasion Powers of Donald J. Trump. I think the first three are more or less capable of anything though and could potentially be more dangerous than Trump ever was if they can win over his cult.
Then there is the other option in 2024. Red Brown Woman vs. Blue Brown Woman. The probabilistic chances of a Nikki Haley versus Kamala Harris 2024 U.S. Presidential Race are much, much higher than most people think.
The USA is pretty fucked.
If there is not improved development of excellent CO^2 Scrubbers, Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Fusion Power, or something I currently cannot imagine we are just about drawing dead anyways so...
Elon Musk says we can go to Mars in 2024!
The Superbowl! Sitcoms! Epic Violent Movies!
Give me all the Hopium in the world. Just stick it right into my veins and let it flow into my brain. I think my biggest fear at this point is ending up in some USA or other outsourced encampment in which I spend my days in solitary confinement under constant duress, interrogation, and torture. That or just ending up in a situation where I slowly starve to death. |
RiKD   United States. Jan 12 2021 16:47. Posts 9146 | | |
Also, I am not philosophically against reparations. I just can not personally imagine how it can be done fairly. Especially if a bunch of puppets in suits with haircuts are the ones arbitrating. "Class" needs to be considered probably first then we can try to figure out the Oppression Olympics. |
RiKD   United States. Jan 12 2021 19:41. Posts 9146 | | |
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 12 2021 20:12. Posts 2235 | | |
oh fuck the democratic party isn't accountable to anything fuck fuck fuck maybe we should have taken 4 years to consider a political agenda or message other than muh drumpf |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
NMcNasty   United States. Jan 12 2021 23:31. Posts 2041 | | |
| On January 12 2021 14:24 RiKD wrote:
Biden's cabinet is horrendous. |
Seems fine tbh. I'm just reading bios and mostly not seeing corporate backgrounds, just oldish center-lefters. Anyway its infinitely better than the Trump cabinet which was pure shills, but at least most of them mustered the decency to recognize what a POS Trump is and resign. |
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jan 13 2021 00:55. Posts 5345 | | |
Biden's cabinet is not as bad as Obama, who put larry summers and timothy geithner in charge on economics, they were the architechts of the 2008 crisis. Larry Summers also helped delay the economic recovery, and screwed over third world nations when he was at the world bank.
Biden's climate plan is only 1.7trillion$ over 10 years, this is well below what is necessary to avoid civilizational collapse. What is necessary is about 2-3% of gdp spent per year on a GND by every rich nation, something like 500billion$ a year could be enough. The only hope is to force biden into a postion that adopts a sane economic/environmental policy. It may well be that Trump has already pushed climate change towards irreversible tipping points as scientists overall have underestimated climate change, particularly the melting of ice caps. |
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | Last edit: 13/01/2021 01:03 |
hiems   United States. Jan 13 2021 01:18. Posts 2979 | | |
| On January 12 2021 22:31 NMcNasty wrote:
Seems fine tbh. I'm just reading bios and mostly not seeing corporate backgrounds, just oldish center-lefters. Anyway its infinitely better than the Trump cabinet which was pure shills, but at least most of them mustered the decency to recognize what a POS Trump is and resign.
I sense high levels of virtue signaling with this one... |
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img] | |
RiKD   United States. Jan 13 2021 01:32. Posts 9146 | | |
The feedback loops are terrifying.
Why do you think $5 trillion over 10 years is some magic number?
What do you think of AOC's GND?
What do you think about the logistics/sustainability of lithium/cobalt mining as we progress into the future? |
RiKD   United States. Jan 13 2021 01:32. Posts 9146 | | |
I don't know if we have ever been over this one but what do you think of Andrew Yang? |