'progressive' lefties are bound to fail, the most valuable thing in the Western countries is profit, considering the average consumer is a 'white person' in literally all of those countries there is literally zero chance of 'progressives' to succeed with unreasonable ideas
every argument ever had supporters that we ultra-radical, that doesn't mean the argument is false
P.S. that same account is tweeting all sort of shit, assuming people follow him to laugh at his stupidity and that tweet u put here is already deleted so it's not like twitter is ignoring such posts
On April 11 2021 14:05 Spitfiree wrote:
'progressive' lefties are bound to fail, the most valuable thing in the Western countries is profit, considering the average consumer is a 'white person' in literally all of those countries there is literally zero chance of 'progressives' to succeed with unreasonable ideas
every argument ever had supporters that we ultra-radical, that doesn't mean the argument is false
P.S. that same account is tweeting all sort of shit, assuming people follow him to laugh at his stupidity and that tweet u put here is already deleted so it's not like twitter is ignoring such posts
You have your head in the sand, the vast majority of corps strongly opposed Trump and favor progressive movements and they are not playing some 4D societal engineering game, they simply know where the wind is blowing and they adapt for a short term customer adquisition strat which migth demolish them in their collective nearsightedness.
What argument are you talking about?
I can post you hundreds of tweets like that calling for direct violence towards whites, they are rarely banned, but if you are so certain lets put money on the line, we create accounts and you post violent threats towards black people, and I type the same exact words but I say white instead, and whoever gets banned first pays up, I know you won't take the bet because you are not an idiot, the beauty about bets is that shows what people truly know but play dumb.
How does that go against what I'm saying? They'll obviously adapt to short-term customers and then end up ditching them when incentivized to do so. The real 'issue' would be if they back up the legislature to go in that direction, and while corporations do strategy adjustments to gain short term conversions the legislatures they support rarely support short-term solutions
blackjacki2   United States. Apr 13 2021 17:52. Posts 2582
The hilarious thing about that tweet is that he calls whites a species which is basically the same argument of every racist throughout history - that all humans aren't equal and that blacks belong to an inferior species. Yikes
blackjacki2   United States. Apr 13 2021 19:35. Posts 2582
2020 just highlighted the irrationality of humans and showcased how easily we can be manipulated. I have friends that are adult minorities that post about how they fear for their life when they are pulled over by the police. Really? Look at the people that are often showcased as black people being murdered by police. Almost all of them are either resisting, fighting, fleeing, high on drugs, breaking the law, etc. The ones that are just completely doing absolutely nothing wrong are exceptionally rare. Philando Castille is one or that black guy that was inside his own house eating ice cream when that white cop walked in thinking it was her own apartment and shot him thinking he was an intruder. It's like 1 in a million that an ordinary black person gets killed by police. Yet every black parent in America is taught that they have to worry that their child is not going to come home at night because the police might murder them for no reason. Shouldn't they also be worried their child won't come home from being struck by lightning?
Same thing with covid. I know a ton of young healthy adults that are afraid of dying of COVID. If you look at the statistics the chance of a young adult without comorbidities dying of covid is extremely rare.
The problem with this kind of irrational thinking is it leads people to be easily manipulated. Just like how it's unbelievably rare to die from terrorism yet we got the country to support the wars in the Middle East so that "we can fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here" or some bullshit.
If people were rational they would fear the things that really have a chance at killing them like car accidents and heart disease. Imagine if the media start covering the deaths from those things the same way they cover the deaths from police shootings. Probably not going to happen as long as all the commercial ad spots are bought by Ford, PepsiCo, Nabisco, etc
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Apr 14 2021 08:54. Posts 5345
On April 13 2021 18:35 blackjacki2 wrote:
If people were rational they would fear the things that really have a chance at killing them like car accidents and heart disease. Imagine if the media start covering the deaths from those things the same way they cover the deaths from police shootings. Probably not going to happen as long as all the commercial ad spots are bought by Ford, PepsiCo, Nabisco, etc
That phenomenon is quite heavily studied, it's one of the reasons that famine has been to a large extent eradicated, but endemic hunger and the easily preventable diseases persist into the 21st century. Corporate media just doesn't stand to gain anything from reporting on endemic hunger, whereas there is much more political pressure behind a famine. Capitalist societies basically don't have famines anymore, but there is persistent endemic hunger. India is a very good case of this since ww2. Covid and Climate Change is another comparison, one is very immediate but far less deadly than the other one.
yeah, heart disease is one of the things rich countries could cut down on a ton, it's quite crazy how bad the obesity epidemic has become. 2.8 million die every year from obesity apparently! (I just googled that). And 38 million children under 5 are overweight or obese!?, which basically means a lot of people are being conditioned into sugar addiction from birth, it seems.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
Imagine being born into an ultra-rich family and instead of being a spoiled brat like normal people, you end up being one of the biggest tools in the history of TV by choice. Every time I hear of Carlson I think of the interview they didn't air with the dutch historian that shat on him
Last edit: 27/04/2021 09:14
hiems   United States. Apr 27 2021 14:37. Posts 2979
I'm not sure how many very conservative or trad-con type ppl there are on here that would agree with TC's take there.
I myself am pretty neutral on masks and now that I've gotten my first vaccine shot it's annoying wearing one but will follow the rules for the most part.
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img]
hiems   United States. Apr 28 2021 11:16. Posts 2979
I really want to make a "The Dark Loco Rises" meme series to try and motivate Loco to climb out of the rut he is in after his humiliating defeat to Baal but it is too much work lol.
Loco, come back. We need you!!!
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img]
Last edit: 28/04/2021 11:30
Santafairy   Korea (South). Apr 28 2021 22:05. Posts 2235
On April 27 2021 13:37 hiems wrote:
I'm not sure how many very conservative or trad-con type ppl there are on here that would agree with TC's take there.
I myself am pretty neutral on masks and now that I've gotten my first vaccine shot it's annoying wearing one but will follow the rules for the most part.
We have Santafairy and other ppl, I was curious to see what they thought of that argument that you should confront people wearing masks and that having a child wear one is the equivalent of physically beating them.