although I think I have moved on to the idea of dosing the totalitarian rulers with shrooms, lsd, dmt rather than poisoning them. If that does not work than maybe we start to think about poisoning them.
"The best way to scare a torie is to read and get rich...
I know nothing I am just sitting here looking at pretty colors...
Mother Fucker"
I think psychodelics would have way less effect than you'd expect, they can sure be windows of insight and might help but once the ego is built psychodelics can't break it, people who have true life changing experiences with them are already open, there are many cynics "wolf of wallstreet types" that go on hayaguasca trips and it only changes them confined with their mindframe.
It might be a different story if they are tried while young when the self is still being constructed.
This is absolutely the case. The purported benefits of psychedelics for adults are vastly overstated by people who are very naive. Everyone that I know who has done high doses of psychedelics lead a pretty fucked up life and are still struggling with drug addiction. There's no substance that has the power to take someone from their environment, then put them back in it in a state that is radically altered over the medium to long term. That environment has structured and determined the psyche and will keep doing so with very little freedom to be other than what we have been.
Even if people had an ego death experience, it is not something that transforms their life. The next day, they still have to go to work. They have to embody that same previous self, more or less. There's not going to be a major shift in values. Also Westerners don't experience those plant medicines in their traditional context. Ayahuasca wasn't even drunk by people other than the shamans; the shamans used it to go into a trance which they would then carry on into the music they were playing which would entrance the people there. But all Westerners want to drink it. And these rich dudes do it in the context of self-optimization rather than as a spiritual aid.
There really is no shortcut to losing some of your ego/pride. It's long work of introspection and mindfulness meditation that can really help long-term. Same reason why there is no substance that can turn you from a couch potato into a marathon runner overnight.
Agreed, even with an ego death more often than not changes very few things usually only things directly connected to the causes of that ego death, same with psychodelic ephipahies, they might make you see something you were seeing clearly before but you dont make a 180 turn on who you are, we aren't built to change quickly.
About the ayahuasca theres a tribe in Perú where e verybody even the children do it, although I don't know how ancient this practice is but yeah historically it was mostly reserved for shamans and I also dont think psychodelics are for everyone, it can be really bad for people very prone to anxiety.
Trust me, I know. My ex-girlfriend had a psychotic episode on a high dose of mushrooms and I thought she was going to kill me. I also had a near death experience at the same time - I was convinced it was the end for me and my body was shutting down completely (it is in fact what triggered her episode - she could not accept that I was dying and the responsibility she had in it). We were also isolated in a cabin high in the mountains late at night so I knew help would not come in time. Craziest story of my life. Psychedelics suck when they are not taken in the perfect environment and even then it's possible that it will kick-start some severe mental issues that can become prolonged (in some cases years) if you are one of the unlucky ones.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 03/07/2021 17:06
hiems   United States. Jul 04 2021 00:22. Posts 2979
Loco what is your take on the trans person competing in weightlifting in the olympics.
I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]
Big_Rob_isback   United States. Jul 04 2021 04:46. Posts 211
I gave my friend salvia, and days later he developed severe bipolar
On July 03 2021 15:22 Loco wrote:
Trust me, I know. My ex-girlfriend had a psychotic episode on a high dose of mushrooms and I thought she was going to kill me. I also had a near death experience at the same time - I was convinced it was the end for me and my body was shutting down completely (it is in fact what triggered her episode - she could not accept that I was dying and the responsibility she had in it). We were also isolated in a cabin high in the mountains late at night so I knew help would not come in time. Craziest story of my life. Psychedelics suck when they are not taken in the perfect environment and even then it's possible that it will kick-start some severe mental issues that can become prolonged (in some cases years) if you are one of the unlucky ones.
Trust me I know first hand been battling mental health issues for 8 year + . Went full crazy when neilly came to Vancouver n I was smoking too much weed with him. Took me so long to recover and still not 100%. We were fighting
vancouver la belle vie mid life
Last edit: 06/07/2021 06:44
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 06 2021 23:04. Posts 2582
Target announced they are closing their stores in San Francisco at 6pm to deal with rising retail theft.
An official at the incompetent DA's office said fears over the crime surge are linked to racism
On July 03 2021 15:22 Loco wrote:
Trust me, I know. My ex-girlfriend had a psychotic episode on a high dose of mushrooms and I thought she was going to kill me. I also had a near death experience at the same time - I was convinced it was the end for me and my body was shutting down completely (it is in fact what triggered her episode - she could not accept that I was dying and the responsibility she had in it). We were also isolated in a cabin high in the mountains late at night so I knew help would not come in time. Craziest story of my life. Psychedelics suck when they are not taken in the perfect environment and even then it's possible that it will kick-start some severe mental issues that can become prolonged (in some cases years) if you are one of the unlucky ones.
I had panic attacks after the days following a bad LSD trip (I had doen it many times before) so I had to take a anxiety pills for a few months, weed makes me anxious instead of relaxed and I havent touched a psychodelic since, not worth it.
Weed has always given me anxiety/fear of panic attacks. Somehow my girlfriend who has anxiety issues has always relied on weed to deal with her own anxiety.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
RiKD   United States. Jul 09 2021 01:07. Posts 9146
Weed could be like adderall for me without me losing sleep or not eating. Specifically, certain strands that would bring euphoria, enhance sensory pleasure, and I would forget about bad beats playing poker. Some good stuff in Vegas, Los Angeles, and Amsterdam I would put on say Coltrane and grind like 8,000 hands like it was nothing. Especially if I had a strong coffee or mixed a little tobacco in there. There were other strands for chilling the fuck out after poker. Dark chocolate and sea salt gelato and Planet Earth is a killer combo. I've seen all of the Cirque du Soleil. O is probably the best at Bellagio or Ka. Love at Mirage was the trippiest because I was way too high I got lost and then when I finally found the seat the speakers were in the seats. I was getting sensations through out my body the whole show. The action is not even that great and they are just playing Beatles songs but the body sensations were almost too much to stand at times. We had a large hot tub in LA just passin' around blunts filled with exceptional Cali weed. Malta was probably the craziest. I'd have some laughable sugary children cereal with a coffee and go HAM on a gravity bong and just play all day with coffee + gravity bong breaks and make like $25,000 then calmly go for a walk on the beach and come back home and get proper high and watch The Wire or Curb Your Enthusiasm until I crashed and did it all the next day. I clearly didn't win $25,000 every day but I was killing it back then. It's funny when I got to Malta I was considering quitting poker and was totally lost. My friend was telling me to do shrooms with him and we'll figure out what I should do next. I didn't do shrooms but I did switch to PLO and started killing and it felt like I had purpose in my life. Like crushing PLO is really some sort of purpose (LOL) but running good in especially PLO you can feel like a possessed god. Everyone probably knows the story now. I lost a ton and found myself more lost than ever. Maybe not. I started reading A LOT and traveling around experiencing what life has to offer... This started off as a comment on weed and got away from me a bit. Of course it did.
On July 03 2021 15:22 Loco wrote:
Trust me, I know. My ex-girlfriend had a psychotic episode on a high dose of mushrooms and I thought she was going to kill me. I also had a near death experience at the same time - I was convinced it was the end for me and my body was shutting down completely (it is in fact what triggered her episode - she could not accept that I was dying and the responsibility she had in it). We were also isolated in a cabin high in the mountains late at night so I knew help would not come in time. Craziest story of my life. Psychedelics suck when they are not taken in the perfect environment and even then it's possible that it will kick-start some severe mental issues that can become prolonged (in some cases years) if you are one of the unlucky ones.
I had panic attacks after the days following a bad LSD trip (I had doen it many times before) so I had to take a anxiety pills for a few months, weed makes me anxious instead of relaxed and I havent touched a psychodelic since, not worth it.
same here. i do have some very good experiences once i was taught how to ride these trips properly by a friend of mine. might also be helpful knowing what strain im getting as there are different effects for each (ive come to learn). sometimes i also feel it has a lot to do with current disposition and state of mind in life. i also feel more relaxed with it as i grew older but im nowhere near the user some people here are, i rarely smoke weed without some good company i trust
On July 11 2021 04:16 hiems wrote:
Anyone following the Peruvian election
I am, Peru is fucked, the most likely scenario by far is the court gives Castillo the victory and Perú gets an anti-democratic communist president who openly has said won't leave the seat when his term is over or the court overturns the election which will very likely unleash violence in the streets and a lot of terrorist attacks from the communists again and also get the daughter of a corrupt dictator as president lol.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
hiems   United States. Jul 13 2021 03:00. Posts 2979
I think every president I have read about from Peru had some sort of corruption scandal lol which seems high even for latin american standards.
I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]
RiKD   United States. Jul 13 2021 07:21. Posts 9146
On June 06 2021 12:04 RiKD wrote:
I see that it is on me to make a case for Obrador not being a leftist. It may come down to Toe-may-toe vs Toe-mah-toe semantically. I am sure he is left of Biden but that is an easy task. When I think of leftists I think of Bread-tube but that doesn't mean I am even the biggest fan of that. Certainly better than shit-lib, neo-lib, neo-con, neo-fash....
If you are up for it I would be interested in details of Obrador corruption.
I did not mean to insinuate that the CIA shot down the helicopter in this case just that they created the diabolical playbook in Latin America. It's up there with give brutal coups all the moniez and backing and then stick the everyday citizen with the bill as the dictators launder all of the fed fiat into off-shore accounts. I was shocked at the string of "accidents" in air travel for people the USA did not like in Latin America from say 1950s up until the USA realized there were better ways to do things in regards to expected value to Power disregarding any sort of fairness. Again, I am not saying the CIA blew up the helicopter just that Obrador is diabolical for using plays out of a diabolical (CIA) playbook. Blah blah blah, allegedly, blah blah blah. I would wager a lot that at some point there was implicit knowledge and agreement of the plan. I am picturing some run down empty restaurant off the beaten path with Obrador eating chilaquiles with A Guy. At some point the topic comes up and Obrador discreetly nods to affirm ending someone's life.... Although, I have been watching way too much Breaking Bad recently and am getting carried away.
Lol please go on explaining how he isn't a leftist.
Actually 2 days ago he said: The middle class is aspirationist, trying to triumph at all cost and egotistical and hypocrites because they go to church every sunday. He double down today, he said he will pull the lower class to the middle class but with different values than the current one, with fraternal values, he also rants about "Neoliberals" every single day (he talks for 3 hours on TV every fucking morning).
He is oldschool left, so that means no radfem queer intersectional bullshit, these positions arent popular to indigenous or low-class people in latinamerica as I've tried to explain to Loco before.
About his corruption:
- His brother has been caught on tape recieving bribes in his name twice, his brother also talksa about "the black book" where they record all these bribes to Obrador, no criminal prosecution or anything has happened about it.
- His right hand and a politician in his party close to him (Carlos Imas) were caugh on tape recieving literal bags of money, Imas was sentenced to 3 years, but the sentence was later changed to a fine of 5k dollars and banned from public service, the wife of this guy is Obrador's close ally in the same party and the current mayor of Mexico City.
- An aid of him was also caugh on tape recieving a bag of money for him, no case was opened and she is no a council-woman.
- Obrador current right hand, Manuel Bartlett is the mexican Dick Cheyney, corrupt as fuck and can't go to the US because of drug traffiquing charges, and he is the well known orchestrator of the biggest voting fraud in Mexico's city (If you have seen Narco's Mexico in Netflix, that fraud).
- He was caugh on tape walking to "El Chapo's" mother's car and shaking her hand telling her that he recieved her letter, when he was questioned about it, he said he can't deny shaking hands with an old lady.
- He attended Ovidio Guzman's birthday (Chapo's son and heir of the Cartel)
- The military captured Ovidio Guzman after a gruesome battle in Culiacán dozens of people dead, Obrador immediatly released him, no charges, no judge order, he just ordered his release, [b]this would be like the president of Colombia having dinner with Escobar's family and releasing him when captured and you want evidence of corruption lol'/b]
Here are some links for you to enjoy:
His brother's bribes:
Carlos Imas bribes:
War in Culiacan amidst Ovidio's capture:
Ovidio captured, calling his men to stop the attack on the city.
Obrador shaking el Chapo's mother hand telling her that he got her letter at Ovidio's birthday.
To call Obrador a "fucked up, old school, Latin American Left" is one thing versus calling him a "leftist." Leftists are trying to get rid of unfairness and injustice and fight for equality and egalitarianism.
"The middle class is aspirationist, trying to triumph at all cost and egotistical and hypocrites because they go to church every Sunday."
That quote is true besides the part about all are trying to triumph at all cost.
It is maybe slightly weird that he rants about neo-liberals 3 hours a day. No, that is just weird. That is the real boogie man that actually really exists for the poor and most people in Mexico and the Earth (cartels too obv)(neo-liberals are just a larger more subtle more powerful cartel). It's just weird that he can rant and rave for 3 hours a day about neo-liberals and then reach the level of corruption he has probably reached. There is a lot to un-pack here. I would even love to spend a lot of time on Obrador's perceived spirituality versus his hypocrisy on way higher levels than anyone in the middle class.
A lot of our disputes are over semantics. I am not willing to call Obrador a leftist but subtly I don't mind calling him a warped left-wing politician. I suppose I also don't mind calling him a warped leftist but I need a term liked warped in there to denote exactly that. It is left-wing politics in some ways but it is vastly fucked up left-wing politics that maybe could only happen in México.
I do appreciate you taking the time to post all of that. I don't even know where to begin to un-fuck that situation.
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 13 2021 08:23. Posts 5345
On June 06 2021 12:04 RiKD wrote:
I see that it is on me to make a case for Obrador not being a leftist. It may come down to Toe-may-toe vs Toe-mah-toe semantically. I am sure he is left of Biden but that is an easy task. When I think of leftists I think of Bread-tube but that doesn't mean I am even the biggest fan of that. Certainly better than shit-lib, neo-lib, neo-con, neo-fash....
If you are up for it I would be interested in details of Obrador corruption.
I did not mean to insinuate that the CIA shot down the helicopter in this case just that they created the diabolical playbook in Latin America. It's up there with give brutal coups all the moniez and backing and then stick the everyday citizen with the bill as the dictators launder all of the fed fiat into off-shore accounts. I was shocked at the string of "accidents" in air travel for people the USA did not like in Latin America from say 1950s up until the USA realized there were better ways to do things in regards to expected value to Power disregarding any sort of fairness. Again, I am not saying the CIA blew up the helicopter just that Obrador is diabolical for using plays out of a diabolical (CIA) playbook. Blah blah blah, allegedly, blah blah blah. I would wager a lot that at some point there was implicit knowledge and agreement of the plan. I am picturing some run down empty restaurant off the beaten path with Obrador eating chilaquiles with A Guy. At some point the topic comes up and Obrador discreetly nods to affirm ending someone's life.... Although, I have been watching way too much Breaking Bad recently and am getting carried away.
Lol please go on explaining how he isn't a leftist.
Actually 2 days ago he said: The middle class is aspirationist, trying to triumph at all cost and egotistical and hypocrites because they go to church every sunday. He double down today, he said he will pull the lower class to the middle class but with different values than the current one, with fraternal values, he also rants about "Neoliberals" every single day (he talks for 3 hours on TV every fucking morning).
He is oldschool left, so that means no radfem queer intersectional bullshit, these positions arent popular to indigenous or low-class people in latinamerica as I've tried to explain to Loco before.
About his corruption:
- His brother has been caught on tape recieving bribes in his name twice, his brother also talksa about "the black book" where they record all these bribes to Obrador, no criminal prosecution or anything has happened about it.
- His right hand and a politician in his party close to him (Carlos Imas) were caugh on tape recieving literal bags of money, Imas was sentenced to 3 years, but the sentence was later changed to a fine of 5k dollars and banned from public service, the wife of this guy is Obrador's close ally in the same party and the current mayor of Mexico City.
- An aid of him was also caugh on tape recieving a bag of money for him, no case was opened and she is no a council-woman.
- Obrador current right hand, Manuel Bartlett is the mexican Dick Cheyney, corrupt as fuck and can't go to the US because of drug traffiquing charges, and he is the well known orchestrator of the biggest voting fraud in Mexico's city (If you have seen Narco's Mexico in Netflix, that fraud).
- He was caugh on tape walking to "El Chapo's" mother's car and shaking her hand telling her that he recieved her letter, when he was questioned about it, he said he can't deny shaking hands with an old lady.
- He attended Ovidio Guzman's birthday (Chapo's son and heir of the Cartel)
- The military captured Ovidio Guzman after a gruesome battle in Culiacán dozens of people dead, Obrador immediatly released him, no charges, no judge order, he just ordered his release, [b]this would be like the president of Colombia having dinner with Escobar's family and releasing him when captured and you want evidence of corruption lol'/b]
Here are some links for you to enjoy:
His brother's bribes:
Carlos Imas bribes:
War in Culiacan amidst Ovidio's capture:
Ovidio captured, calling his men to stop the attack on the city.
Obrador shaking el Chapo's mother hand telling her that he got her letter at Ovidio's birthday.
It's just weird that he can rant and rave for 3 hours a day about neo-liberals and then reach the level of corruption he has probably reached. There is a lot to un-pack here.
There's really nothing weird about it, and not much to unpack. it's completely standard for any government to blame anyone but themselves, and any propagandist would recognize that there is a lot of truth towards neoliberalism being at fault for a lot of problems and use that to shift all responsibility towards it. Apply this principle to every government. Pretty much every government in the world does it. Is North Korea wrong when they blame the American Imperialists? Well, America did atrocious things in the Korean war, so the government is partially right, and that's what makes it good propaganda. It's not hard to recognize this and a grade schooler can understand geopolitics at this level.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings