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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 297

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hiems   United States. Jul 23 2021 19:15. Posts 2979

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

RiKD    United States. Jul 24 2021 13:20. Posts 9146

rofl... smh...

The baseball team were named after some statues by a bridge that coincidentally no one I knew from Cleveland including myself had any idea what it was about. After looking it up I still don't.

I would totally rock a hat with a hiems guardian on it though.

RiKD    United States. Jul 24 2021 13:21. Posts 9146

Get some merch going hiems but make sure it is dece enough quality. I like dad hats not fitted baseball caps.

hiems   United States. Jul 24 2021 19:10. Posts 2979

Lol ur free to make it yourself / share with your brother or something. Don't think I can legally profit off of that.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

hiems   United States. Jul 26 2021 22:49. Posts 2979

Baal what's ur opinion on Mario Vargas Llosa I'm looking for a book to read in spanish.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

blackjacki2   United States. Jul 26 2021 23:27. Posts 2582

East Oakland residents oppose Walgreens’ decision to close store

Bay Area residents are protesting Walgreen's decision to close a store because of rampant shoplifting. Now vulnerable people won't be able to get their prescriptions filled. Defeund the police, don't prosecute shoplifters, and then whine when stores don't want to put up with it anymore. Has there ever been a more appropriate use of that meme where the guy puts a stick in the spokes of his bicycle tires and knocks himself over and then blames someone else?

RiKD    United States. Jul 28 2021 04:20. Posts 9146

I'm going to hitch a train out to San Fran with a tent and garments without zippers and buttons and shit on as many sidewalks as I can. Then, when I have shit on a sufficient number of sidewalks I will hitch a train to Portland and do the same. Then, Vancouver. Summer 2021! Let's go!

RiKD    United States. Jul 29 2021 02:34. Posts 9146

Forgot Seattle. Prolly do a 3 week tour of each and stay wherever is the crustiest and the crunchiest.

RiKD    United States. Jul 31 2021 04:03. Posts 9146

By the way, I think I have been broken. I think I have realized that I need to co-exist with capitalism if I don't want to be miserable. Ugggghhhh, it pisses me off so much but it's true. I have always believed that to a certain degree that joy is a choice. It is also seriously difficult to live any sort of good life with severe money problems. Fuuuucccckkkk! The biggest mistake I have been making is finding and staying at terrible jobs where input = output. There has got to be a way to find jobs where input = 2x output, 3x output, etc. On this path I have realized I am anti-identity. I am more suspicious of politicians than ever and fuck corporate totalitarian rulers that have too much power for their own good and the good of the Earth and its citizens. I have been broken which is sad. I must play the game which is sad. Ok, ok. I realize this is not a blog post. The fact is I don't want to be a long haired crust punk shitting on the street in San Fran. That is a sad fucking thing too. Fuck the world. Un-fuck the world. I am tired, and stressed, and broken. Peace.

RiKD    United States. Jul 31 2021 05:55. Posts 9146

Many leftists don't give CEOs any credit. CEOs have the trust and respect from many people. If one guy has the right judgement 90% of the time versus someone who has the right judgement 80% of the time that could mean a lot to a company. I feel like these are pro-capitalist talking points but I also feel that there is a lot of truth there. It still does not mean there aren't a bunch of psychopaths running around causing harm to people and the planet.

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 01 2021 03:26. Posts 34270

  On July 26 2021 21:49 hiems wrote:
Baal what's ur opinion on Mario Vargas Llosa I'm looking for a book to read in spanish.

I've never read his novels.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 01 2021 03:48. Posts 34270

  On July 31 2021 04:55 RiKD wrote:
Many leftists don't give CEOs any credit. CEOs have the trust and respect from many people. If one guy has the right judgement 90% of the time versus someone who has the right judgement 80% of the time that could mean a lot to a company. I feel like these are pro-capitalist talking points but I also feel that there is a lot of truth there. It still does not mean there aren't a bunch of psychopaths running around causing harm to people and the planet.

Well if you get that then you are better off than a big chunk of the left that has built a cynicas fantasy world where CEOs are nothing but cronies or evil, a world were the Cybertruk's window breaking is proof that Musk is actually an idiot only there because his parents exploited people in mines, leave that for edgy teenagers that don't grasp the complexity of the world.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 01 2021 03:49. Posts 34270

  On July 31 2021 03:03 RiKD wrote:
By the way, I think I have been broken. I think I have realized that I need to co-exist with capitalism if I don't want to be miserable. Ugggghhhh, it pisses me off so much but it's true. I have always believed that to a certain degree that joy is a choice. It is also seriously difficult to live any sort of good life with severe money problems. Fuuuucccckkkk! The biggest mistake I have been making is finding and staying at terrible jobs where input = output. There has got to be a way to find jobs where input = 2x output, 3x output, etc. On this path I have realized I am anti-identity. I am more suspicious of politicians than ever and fuck corporate totalitarian rulers that have too much power for their own good and the good of the Earth and its citizens. I have been broken which is sad. I must play the game which is sad. Ok, ok. I realize this is not a blog post. The fact is I don't want to be a long haired crust punk shitting on the street in San Fran. That is a sad fucking thing too. Fuck the world. Un-fuck the world. I am tired, and stressed, and broken. Peace.

Make you room bucko

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 01 2021 04:10. Posts 34270

In another news, the Mexican president wen't to el Chapo's town again with the excuse of some road being built, he gave a conference where he said that now kids are doing fentanyl, artificial drugs not produced in México, so what are communities growing marihuana and poppy seeds (heroin) going to do? what are they going to do for a living now?

LOL play the smallest violin for the drug cartels being taken out by Fentanyl

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Aug 01 2021 04:35. Posts 9146

  On August 01 2021 02:48 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Well if you get that then you are better off than a big chunk of the left that has built a cynicas fantasy world where CEOs are nothing but cronies or evil, a world were the Cybertruk's window breaking is proof that Musk is actually an idiot only there because his parents exploited people in mines, leave that for edgy teenagers that don't grasp the complexity of the world.

It's a lot of grey area. What I know most about is the corporation I worked for the CEO was incredibly sharp. Sharpest guy I came across at the company. So sharp he managed to cash out like $20 million in stocks after a merger. I knew all of this and came back to work like a week later and got a "raise in-line with inflation" which was actually a small pay-cut. I was one of the most profitable sales guys in NAFTA that year so also got a bonus somewhat inline which means not inline to the CASH I brought the company but that is how LARGE (15,000+) corporations work. Do I trust the CEO more for making a sharp play for himself and the company or less? In a way it only matters so much. If the board trusts the CEO, and his peers and near subordinates trust the CEO it is more of do the riff raff want to follow this person. I was always pissed that 15,000 people companies are shit. A lot of people in midwest USA did not like the CEO because he was French and arrogant but would never leave their shit jobs anyway. It's amazing how many shitty jobs there must be in the USA and World. Most people just re-signed themselves to this CEO makes the company profitable and secures my job security so I don't care if he takes $20milly for himself and gives me raises less than inflation. The company was a global leader in environment and safety and basically just produced technology for steel/materials mills. It's silly for me to have a resentment about that CEO.

One thing about Musk is that his first company was funded by his dad and his dad's mines. It is clearly not the only factor to his success. I think one of Musk's biggest problems is that he has asperger's allegedly. Maybe he does not quite understand that bullying everyone and saying "we will coup whoever we want" and these sorts of things are going to be taken badly. I actually don't know much about asperger's but it probably has some strengths to it as well. Idiots don't get Physics degrees from U Penn or captain not only 1 but 2 ships that are doing some remarkable things but the fact that they were getting all sorts of STEM rockstars to be bullied and work like 100 hours a week and make $50k is a big part of Tesla and SpaceX success as well.

I don't honestly know the benefits of SpaceX and he could just be spending mind-boggling amounts just sort of meddling around.

Tesla technology is amazing and I love it.

The thing is too clearly Exxon's CEO is probably not a great person but I bet he goes home to his wife and kids and is great.

It's like Walter White in Breaking Bad. Anything done for family is ok type of rationalization.

RiKD    United States. Aug 01 2021 04:39. Posts 9146

  On August 01 2021 02:49 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Make you room bucko

RiKD    United States. Aug 01 2021 04:46. Posts 9146

Another great rationalization is that someone else would be doing it if I wasn't.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Aug 01 2021 09:47. Posts 5345

  On August 01 2021 03:46 RiKD wrote:
Another great rationalization is that someone else would be doing it if I wasn't.

That's often a justifiable rationalization imo. It really doesn't make much sense to stop doing something if it literally changes nothing. I wouldn't blame a gas chamber operator if they told themselves that, since it is pretty obvious that they would just be replaced if they left that job, it would change nothing. In fact i've always thought that mid-tier nazi's had much better excuses than people like us do today, since they can get tortured for not following the party line-there is far more risk involved in them trying to make the world better off.

The difference CEOs can make to the world is to stop evading taxes and put their money into public services that would literally save lives. There has to be some rationalization behind not doing that. Elon in particular has the kind of wealth that could save many lives if he chose to. Because he has not done this, he is a violent person and is responsible for the deaths of a lot of people. Society can decide for themselves whether this kind of violence is morally good or bad.

The rules behind wealth creation are obviously unjustified and absurd.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 01/08/2021 09:50

RiKD    United States. Aug 01 2021 19:25. Posts 9146

There will always be loopholes and people that game the system. Society has already decided that they don't care about Elon Musk evading taxes and not contributing anything to public services. That is why he does it so freely. It's morally bad but what is the alternative? How much does he give each year and to where? Remember most of the world is convinced that these bad ass CEOs know more than anyone in any field.

A lot of these venture capitalists like to talk about how much good they are doing for the world with tenuously "good" enterprises like Uber, RobinHood, Twitter, etc. They don't like to talk about how much labor gets exploited. It is more about the "art" of it. No, these companies are not a Van Gogh. Some half-baked podcast I make with my friends with the rationalization that we made it for the sake of making it is probably not art. Being good at investing is not art. My blog on LP is certainly not art but is actually probably closer to it than what a lot of these capitalists are talking about.

So, we get Whole Foods. A "conscious capitalist" company. Nope. Not even close. It's all bullshit and the CEO is full of it.

On the flip side capitalism gives people what they need or think they need or didn't even know they needed but they need now. Is this a good thing? Especially with the train flying off the rails sooner and sooner?

Dopamine pumps aren't always a good thing but they are seemingly always a good thing for capitalism.

Look at what happened to Rojava. There is no free place. That magical island in Interreflection is doomed because they did not have a standing army.

I think it comes down to my dream would be to be some shadowy coder figure that some how eludes all of this bullshit. The reality is I am hoping to maybe find $40,000/yr at a small company with a boss that does not suck.

I know I always seem to make these posts about me but sometimes it is really fucking hard to see alternatives to capitalism. It almost seems like it is "if you can't beat them, join them" at this point which is really sad and probably a bad principle for peace and happiness into the future. I can not be happy or at peace until some sever money problems are solved though. I have had to learn this the hard way.

 Last edit: 01/08/2021 21:31

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Aug 02 2021 00:14. Posts 5345

  On August 01 2021 18:25 RiKD wrote:
There will always be loopholes and people that game the system. Society has already decided that they don't care about Elon Musk evading taxes and not contributing anything to public services. That is why he does it so freely. It's morally bad but what is the alternative? How much does he give each year and to where? Remember most of the world is convinced that these bad ass CEOs know more than anyone in any field.

On the flip side capitalism gives people what they need or think they need or didn't even know they needed but they need now. Is this a good thing?

I know I always seem to make these posts about me but sometimes it is really fucking hard to see alternatives to capitalism.

Why are you asking what the alternative is, there have been plenty of alternative suggestions which you've seen. One is economic democracy. There could be lots of basic changes like instead of having tax evasion you could have rich people paying taxes, and then we could restructure the tax system in accordance with democratic will from there. Capitalism doesn't give people what they want, I and pretty much everyone else want an eco-system. Polls indicate that people do want something that's quite a bit different to what we have now so I don't think most of the world agrees-and if they did I don't think there would have been so much consistent resistance to capitalism over the world for the past 250 years.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 


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