Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 02 2017 13:52. Posts 9634
Seems like Syrian rebels are about to lose all of their territory as they only now hold 13% of the country after massive losses incl last Sunday. Meaning the USA will have to find a new conflict in the Mid East or provoke one, to sell its weapons somewhere
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 02 2017 14:35. Posts 1845
Chimp out at berkeley
Rear naked woke
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 02 2017 19:22. Posts 1845
A win-win: Companies can grab headlines with news of even considering bringing production to the U.S., and the Trump White House benefits from the ability to take credit. These moves may not add up to significant job growth, but it's hard to beat the PR.
Actual quote from the 2 parapgrah article Trump linked himself on his tweet.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Baalim   Mexico. Feb 03 2017 06:16. Posts 34270
On February 02 2017 13:35 Mortensen8 wrote:
Chimp out at berkeley
Lauren Southern is now calling for republicans to defend themselves... It will take no time before one or more republicans shows up in these MILO events waiting for an excuse to shoot some violent protesters... this is going to get nasty.
And when its right wing idiots against regresive liberals killing each other all I can think is:
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VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 03 2017 13:27. Posts 5121
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:55
lebowski   Greece. Feb 03 2017 14:17. Posts 9205
new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man...
NMcNasty   United States. Feb 03 2017 21:27. Posts 2041
On February 03 2017 05:16 Baalim wrote:
It will take no time before one or more republicans shows up in these MILO events waiting for an excuse to shoot some violent protesters... this is going to get nasty.
That already happened. But yeah, shitty situation all around that won't get better any time soon.
LikeASet   United States. Feb 03 2017 21:55. Posts 2113
As a U.S. citizen that lives in northern California, I am constantly tilted and cringing when there's stupid shit like these Berkeley riots. I with they could take federal funding away from all the non STEM fields at that school. As a university graduate, I've experienced teachers that literally teach kids to hate capitalism, blame white people for everything, there's no such thing as gender, etc.
Can we have a hero cop one time taze these kids who are throwing sucker punches at Trump supporters, destroying private property, blocking innocent bystanders from going where they have to go, and so on?
jfound888   Canada. Feb 04 2017 01:27. Posts 32
newaccount here
Yea this stuff is getting wreck, People need to start becoming more positive, the world will be a better place. Too much negativity in this world
nolan   Ireland. Feb 04 2017 05:22. Posts 6205
Fairly prominent Irish magazine. Insane.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Baalim   Mexico. Feb 04 2017 05:55. Posts 34270
On February 03 2017 12:27 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Why are they fighting each other ?
I really dont get that
Milo who is a conservative is on a campus tour to talk about things like political correctness, transexuals etc, liberals have been trying to stop him from talking escalating the violence each event, wearing masks and now assaulting attendees with pipes and setting buildings on fire.
Basically conservatives havent fought back at all, but now some of their figures like Lauren Southern are calling them to defend themselves and while I understand the point it feels like shit watching women being beat up with pipes by cowards, it might trigger some conservative maniac who decides to defend himself with an AR15 actually I predict it wont take long.
Ironically I think the least conservatives defend themselves the better for their ideals, they should take a page out of the book of the left and learn the power of victimhood, the world is now starting to see the true colors of liberals and their pacifism was nothing but a facade, they are just as vicious as conservatives when things dont go their way.
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VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 04 2017 12:42. Posts 5121
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:55
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 04 2017 18:13. Posts 9634
The thing is... those are not liberals, those are idiots. Neither movement would tolerate such actions, but imbeciles gon imbecile
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 04 2017 18:16. Posts 3096
I honestly think 'anarchists' is a 'less incorrect' word to describe those rioters than 'liberals'.
Yep. Even Trump of all people is able to make the distinction.
(Not that his tweet makes much sense, but he did make the distinction, which is surprising to say the least)
Living in a city that had riots with similar "anarchists" (shit disturbers, black bloc as they call them) am all to aware of the "right" easy labeling all protesters as violent thugs discrediting the much needed right to protest.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 04 2017 18:35. Posts 5121
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:55
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 04 2017 19:10. Posts 3096
Der Spiegel's is totally cool with me, but that village cover is an abomination. Political assassinations is one of those 'you're bound to become worse than what you are fighting against' kind of things.
'To be fair', the village article is actually about 'why you should not wish for the assassination of Trump' or something thereabouts, but it's still far out of line.