On July 15 2022 01:17 blackjacki2 wrote:
A bigger hypocrite you could not be.
Ignore that calling her autistic and dumb... but to say she looks like shit in person hahaha that shit was wild.
In my experience most woke leftists are just shitty people deriving their self image as good people through fighting for the cause, as we were mentioning a few posts ago how mobster see themselves as not evil because they protect their own and care for their children, leftists do the same, "how can I be bad if I'm fighting this evil system?" I suppouse religious conservatives do the same, how can I be bad if I follow god?.
And I dont feel that way with other leftits like Eri or Stroggoz and you can see he recognized he was that meme and didn't randomly called Liv ugly lol.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 15 2022 06:49. Posts 2582
On July 15 2022 01:17 blackjacki2 wrote:
A bigger hypocrite you could not be.
Ignore that calling her autistic and dumb... but to say she looks like shit in person hahaha that shit was wild.
In my experience most woke leftists are just shitty people deriving their self image as good people through fighting for the cause, as we were mentioning a few posts ago how mobster see themselves as not evil because they protect their own and care for their children, leftists do the same, "how can I be bad if I'm fighting this evil system?" I suppouse religious conservatives do the same, how can I be bad if I follow god?.
And I dont feel that way with other leftits like Eri or Stroggoz and you can see he recognized he was that meme and didn't randomly called Liv ugly lol.
Yeah like the studies that showed that white liberals dumb down their speech when talking to minorities while conservatives don't
On July 15 2022 01:17 blackjacki2 wrote:
A bigger hypocrite you could not be.
Ignore that calling her autistic and dumb... but to say she looks like shit in person hahaha that shit was wild.
In my experience most woke leftists are just shitty people deriving their self image as good people through fighting for the cause, as we were mentioning a few posts ago how mobster see themselves as not evil because they protect their own and care for their children, leftists do the same, "how can I be bad if I'm fighting this evil system?" I suppouse religious conservatives do the same, how can I be bad if I follow god?.
And I dont feel that way with other leftits like Eri or Stroggoz and you can see he recognized he was that meme and didn't randomly called Liv ugly lol.
On July 15 2022 01:17 blackjacki2 wrote:
A bigger hypocrite you could not be.
Ignore that calling her autistic and dumb... but to say she looks like shit in person hahaha that shit was wild.
In my experience most woke leftists are just shitty people deriving their self image as good people through fighting for the cause, as we were mentioning a few posts ago how mobster see themselves as not evil because they protect their own and care for their children, leftists do the same, "how can I be bad if I'm fighting this evil system?" I suppouse religious conservatives do the same, how can I be bad if I follow god?.
And I dont feel that way with other leftits like Eri or Stroggoz and you can see he recognized he was that meme and didn't randomly called Liv ugly lol.
Yeah like the studies that showed that white liberals dumb down their speech when talking to minorities while conservatives don't
To be fair I criticize people's intelligence and looks all the time, regardless of gender
yes of course you would have said that some dude looked like shit, totally not woman related, carry on gentlemen, nothing to see here.
Women ameliorate their features for media appearances/their social media accounts in more significant ways than men, so obviously it's more of a surprise when you see them with a face full of acne in a natural, unflattering environment after the stresses of long days of grinding poker when they've been neglecting themselves. She was like the woman equivalent of Lex, whom I also saw -- extremely pale and weak-looking. There are some people you can just look at and tell they aren't exactly living a balanced lifestyle, and they don't have to be crack whores. There's a reason she retired.
Yeah it's not her job to look attractive to random critical nerds, but she still does do that and you can bet 100% that she likes the attention, but she just failed at it that day (or at least wasn't trying that day).
On July 15 2022 01:17 blackjacki2 wrote:
A bigger hypocrite you could not be.
Ignore that calling her autistic and dumb... but to say she looks like shit in person hahaha that shit was wild.
In my experience most woke leftists are just shitty people deriving their self image as good people through fighting for the cause, as we were mentioning a few posts ago how mobster see themselves as not evil because they protect their own and care for their children, leftists do the same, "how can I be bad if I'm fighting this evil system?" I suppouse religious conservatives do the same, how can I be bad if I follow god?.
And I dont feel that way with other leftits like Eri or Stroggoz and you can see he recognized he was that meme and didn't randomly called Liv ugly lol.
Sure, I'm talking with one
Is Byung-Chul Han a leftist?
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 15 2022 06:25 Baalim wrote:
Stop doubling down and take the L bud.
Oh boy, I'm going to have fun with this one.
You posted a meme about how people who want systemic change are just rage-filled idiots unlike you and your giga-brain understanding of nuclear energy. Well, it turns out that your "libertarian" friendo Liv made this video in which she backs up the fears of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and encourages us to support them (at 7:58):
"With the ever-growing number of nuclear power plants and the demand for nuclear energy as a solution to climate change, the publication has focused a great deal on the costs and problems surrounding nuclear energy.[21] In 2015, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists unveiled the Nuclear Fuel Cost Calculator."
And here's a choice excerpt from one of the nuclear scientists from the Bulletin criticizing an article that was penned by the same guy who Liv was responding to on Twitter with the nuclear meme. This guy she tweeted in support of wrote a small, poorly-researched book called " Nuclear 2.0: Why a Green Future Needs Nuclear Power" in which he claims that we need to build 800 new nuclear plants to reverse climate change by 2030. The Bulletin's scientist's counter-article is titled "A false fix for climate change". He says of those claims (the claims that you believe in, Baal) the following:
"Sadly, these claims merely restate the original nuclear dream, the delusional just-so story that nuclear proponents—including almost all nuclear engineers—recite like religious mantras, assuring the world that nuclear power is safe, clean, and cheap." https://thebulletin.org/2013/09/a-false-fix-for-climate-change/
And that is basically what the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists believe. That you and your ilk are delusional fellas. And Liv supports them and wants us to support them too. Guess I like her more now!
On July 15 2022 07:17 Loco wrote:
Yeah like how leftists go to shows and punch each other in the face in mosh pits while conservatives don't. Who's the real threat to America?
Mosh pits? what the fuck are you talking about?
On July 15 2022 07:22 Loco wrote:
Women ameliorate their features for media appearances/their social media accounts in more significant ways than men, so obviously it's more of a surprise when you see them with a face full of acne in a natural, unflattering environment after the stresses of long days of grinding poker when they've been neglecting themselves. She was like the woman equivalent of Lex, whom I also saw -- extremely pale and weak-looking. There are some people you can just look at and tell they aren't exactly living a balanced lifestyle, and they don't have to be crack whores. There's a reason she retired.
Yeah it's not her job to look attractive to random critical nerds, but she still does do that and you can bet 100% that she likes the attention, but she just failed at it that day (or at least wasn't trying that day).
Yeah you got us... totally not incel vibe there bro... she failed at being attractive for you that day, damn.
I've never had guessed that Loco would turn into Floofy, the lack of self awareness haha, Liv is ugly, Lex who is a 1.97 kickboxing giant is weak and we are all autists, unlike him the sigma game tester LOL.
On July 15 2022 07:22 Loco wrote:
Is Byung-Chul Han a leftist?
You said that if the shitty-person-leftists was in the room and I said that yes, you are. What does that random guy have to do with it?
On July 15 2022 08:01 Loco wrote:
You posted a meme about how people who want systemic change are just rage-filled idiots
No, the meme says you are hypocrites who pretend to care about climate change when its just a tool to change the economic system, which is something I've said over and over about you, but unlike Stroggoz you don't even have the selfawareness to admit it.
it turns out that your "libertarian" friendo Liv made this video in which she backs up the fears of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and encourages us to support them (at 7:58)
Liv said to support a group who apparently she didn't know weren't pro nuclear, so whats the argument here? that she made a mistake and is a dum-dum? I think you already said before that you believe that, I guess we'll add it to her fault list along with acne.
Oh and here's another article of theirs that you and your libertarian friend might enjoy How bitcoin makes burning fossil fuels more profitable than ever
Another hypocritical stance of you, just like global warming, you are against BTC because it consumes energy, yet ETH and other PoS chains don't, but you still dont support them, you don't care about energy, you don't care about decentralized acces to finances for the world if it means capitalists use these things, so you were against nuclear and against crypto before you had the slightest idea about them, you had to later construct your ideas on how to oppose them because if it doesnt usher the left wing economic system, you won't support it, hypocrite.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
hiems   United States. Jul 15 2022 17:48. Posts 2979
Loco man pull urself 2gether
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img]
hiems   United States. Jul 15 2022 17:51. Posts 2979
Ball is just tryin 2 help u dude...
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img]
blackjacki2   United States. Jul 15 2022 19:42. Posts 2582
On July 15 2022 01:17 blackjacki2 wrote:
A bigger hypocrite you could not be.
Ignore that calling her autistic and dumb... but to say she looks like shit in person hahaha that shit was wild.
In my experience most woke leftists are just shitty people deriving their self image as good people through fighting for the cause, as we were mentioning a few posts ago how mobster see themselves as not evil because they protect their own and care for their children, leftists do the same, "how can I be bad if I'm fighting this evil system?" I suppouse religious conservatives do the same, how can I be bad if I follow god?.
And I dont feel that way with other leftits like Eri or Stroggoz and you can see he recognized he was that meme and didn't randomly called Liv ugly lol.
Yeah like the studies that showed that white liberals dumb down their speech when talking to minorities while conservatives don't
Yeah like how leftists go to shows and punch each other in the face in mosh pits while conservatives don't. Who's the real threat to America?
RiKD   United States. Jul 15 2022 20:47. Posts 9146
You guys really think some crust punk leftists moshing at a show is a threat to anyone?
Some punk in the midwest squatting and stealing food is not the cause for collapse. Really neo-liberals including conservatives will run the USA into collapse by 2030 easy if not sooner if we are not already experiencing it currently.
Last edit: 15/07/2022 20:54
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 15 2022 21:12. Posts 5345
The most supremely reliable resource that doesn't require you becoming a nuclear physicist is the world energy outlook. Which i've quoted here many times, it basically says it is too expensive to build new nuclear power plants but it is cheap enough to keep current ones existing. I wasn't admitting "not caring about climate change with that meme." the comic is obviously intended as propaganda. But you can interpret mr square head as being right or wrong depending on whether you listen to what the world energy agency says or not.
Bulletin is mostly reliable too, though what is said there often isn't science but thoughts from fairly rational scientists. Anyways, i checked out Liv's channel. Seems like she's doing good work. I'd say she is fairly conventionally attractive, especially for a British person. I remember someone on liquidpoker once said they'd drag their dick through a mile of glass to hear her fart through a walkie talkie.
Btw I did read that cnn article it appears I was mislead, (though i didn't read it on Salon). So thanks for pointing that out.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
I had to scroll back to see any mention of mosh pits before to try to understand wtf is going on... but nope, the commies are just going full retard.
That tendency to see life through the tiny lens of your current interest Loco is funny, before, it was Reddit and veganism, now its autism, physical fitness and for some reason political metal hahaha.
On July 15 2022 20:12 Stroggoz wrote:
The most supremely reliable resource that doesn't require you becoming a nuclear physicist is the world energy outlook. Which i've quoted here many times, it basically says it is too expensive to build new nuclear power plants but it is cheap enough to keep current ones existing. I wasn't admitting "not caring about climate change with that meme." the comic is obviously intended as propaganda. But you can interpret mr square head as being right or wrong depending on whether you listen to what the world energy agency says or not.
Bulletin is mostly reliable too, though what is said there often isn't science but thoughts from fairly rational scientists. Anyways, i checked out Liv's channel. Seems like she's doing good work. I'd say she is fairly conventionally attractive, especially for a British person. I remember someone on liquidpoker once said they'd drag their dick through a mile of glass to hear her fart through a walkie talkie.
You don't need to be a nuclear physicists to judge the economic viability of energy sources and that assesment about new plants is wrong the yield per dollar is much better than any other clearn source and most of its costs come from endless bureocracy and regulation that in no way improves safety, I could go into detail about this in Germany but what is the point when people already made up their minds based on other political ideas, its just a waste of time.
Could we stop talkinga bout Liv's looks? nobody gives a shit besides incel Loco.
apparently lex had been training for 2 years prior to this, which means he hadn't started or barely started when I saw him, so yeah, he did look weak, and he was weak, and he decided to start doing something about it. props to him.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 15 2022 09:45 Baalim wrote:
Mosh pits? what the fuck are you talking about?
I mean you guys are just silly. You bring up all of this flavor-of-the-week stuff that is supposedly insidious, "oh look, this and that reveals that leftists are in reality bad/violent/hypocritical because they do X thing that conservatives apparently don't do or do less of". Ad nauseam. So I'm taking an obvious example that you can use to further your cause here. Why look for all this insidious stuff when you can just look at how they enjoy their time at hardcore shows (notorious leftist shows)? They get into a mosh pit and throw kicks and punches around that often injure other people, obviously they are violent people. Why aren't you making this case? Isn't it strong enough evidence that leftists are deranged, violent people?
Also, you bring in mobster psychology "being similar to left-wingers lying to themselves about being good people" but you fail to mention the obvious: the mafia has notoriously been involved in unions and left-leaning political manipulation. How do you make the previous association yet miss such an obvious thing? I'm just saying there's better talking points if you get a boner from trying to drag "leftists" into the mud. It's right up your alley along with "Nazis were actual leftists, it's even in the name".
You said that if the shitty-person-leftists was in the room and I said that yes, you are. What does that random guy have to do with it?
Well, let's see. I've been talking about this "random guy" for like 3 years, obviously he's the most relevant contemporary philosopher to me, I've read like 15 of his books in the last couple years and agree with him on almost everything. Anyone with half some sense and an interest in objective reality would understand that if I am interested in the work of someone to that extent, it must be that we share very similar worldviews. But I can tell you explicitly that I do, especially his views on capitalism. So I am asking you if he's a leftist. It's a simple question to answer, why don't you?
To be honest, in your perspective of me, you are like Jordan Peterson when he was dealing with Zizek. He had this picture of "Zizek the communist" in his mind, and read the Communist Manifesto in preparation to debate him, and he got completely stumped that he wasn't facing the person he thought he was. You have no idea what you are dealing with, what my political inclinations are - what I believe, support, defend. You're way out of your depth. It doesn't help that you only think in binary terms, at least Peterson is capable of doing some nuanced thinking and that got him to re-evaluate Zizek afterwards.
No, the meme says you are hypocrites who pretend to care about climate change when its just a tool to change the economic system, which is something I've said over and over about you, but unlike Stroggoz you don't even have the selfawareness to admit it.
Speaking of doubling down, along with the "Nazis were actually leftists", this is the one point that you regurgitate constantly and everyone has told you it's a stupid point and it makes you sound stupid to repeat it, including the very polite Eri. You don't have the self-awareness to realize that people disagreeing with you about energy usage and socio-political reality doesn't make them not actually care. And you don't have the patience to actually research real issues. You just post propaganda. Unfortunately for Liv, she also happened to be doing the same thing. She doesn't have a good grasp of these issues, and that's why she promoted (and probably still promotes) the Bulletin. It's not that she's dumb. It's that it takes a lifetime or work and study to understand complex issues, and someone who's spent most of their time gambling or doing whatever isn't going to become an expert by using the internet. Especially when they put pressure on themselves to perform by releasing material for an audience. The time that goes into those preparations is time you can't put into truly digging deep into issues.
Another hypocritical stance of you, just like global warming, you are against BTC because it consumes energy, yet ETH and other PoS chains don't, but you still dont support them, you don't care about energy, you don't care about decentralized acces to finances for the world if it means capitalists use these things, so you were against nuclear and against crypto before you had the slightest idea about them, you had to later construct your ideas on how to oppose them because if it doesnt usher the left wing economic system, you won't support it, hypocrite.
I know enough about ETH to know that it's not a POS protocol, so I don't know why you would say that it is. The merge has been talked of forever but it wasn't accomplished and anyone who is serious about crypto and has intellectual integrity would not say that it is like it's been an established fact or that nothing can stand in its way. I've also explicitly said that I support the technology if it legitimately replace systems that consume more energy.
I have absolutely nothing against the technology itself, why would I? There's nothing intrinsically bad about it. But I do have something against the evangelists like you who love to put the cart before the horse. The way that I see crypto is like that Emma Goldman quote about voting. If it could truly change something fundamental about how society is organized, those in power would make it illegal or unprofitable. They can and they would. You live in fairytale land thinking that improving decentralisation technology by itself is liberatory. There's been an enormous increase in decentralization with neoliberalism and it sure as hell hasn't brought a great deal of economic and psychological freedom to most individuals. People work more than ever and are more depressed and isolated than ever. Bitcoin is a perfect example of "the devil's in the details". That article I linked shows just how destructive it is in the real world, and it is only beginning, and you're completely dodging the issue by diverting the attention to the future promises of POS blockchains.
"You are against bitcoin because it consumes energy!!!" "but POS don't!. hah, gotcha" just how stupidly black and white do you think these issues are.
I am not against bitcoin because it "consumes energy", but because I am forced to acknowledge empirical reality, and that reality shows me that bitcoin has not produced a fraction of positive outcomes versus the enormous amount of harm it has produced. The pros and cons are absolutely ridiculously weighted towards the negative. It is not a black and white issue of "consuming energy versus not consuming energy". POS blockchain would also consume energy, but far less, and that's a separate issue, which I'd be happy to evaluate once there is empirical evidence for it, but I'm not crossing bridges before I get to them.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On July 16 2022 00:39 Loco wrote:
I mean you guys are just silly. You bring up all of this flavor-of-the-week stuff that is supposedly insidious, "oh look, this and that reveals that leftists are in reality bad/violent/hypocritical because they do X thing that conservatives apparently don't do or do less of". Ad nauseam. So I'm taking an obvious example that you can use to further your cause here. Why look for all this insidious stuff when you can just look at how they enjoy their time at hardcore shows (notorious leftist shows)? They get into a mosh pit and throw kicks and punches around that often injure other people, obviously they are violent people. Why aren't you making this case? Isn't it strong enough evidence that leftists are deranged, violent people?
So when I say that leftists wash their personal uglyness away in their self perception of being good because they pursue the "ultimate good cause" just like religious zealots do is the same as some absolutely inane argument about moshpits?
Also, you bring in mobster psychology "being similar to left-wingers lying to themselves about being good people" but you fail to mention the obvious: the mafia has notoriously been involved in unions and left-leaning political manipulation. How do you make the previous association yet miss such an obvious thing?
Because I wan't connecting the mafia and leftists, I was making a totally different point but now that you mention it, indeed the concentration of power in these syndicates has always lead to corruption, one of the many reasons why unions are a bad idea.
Well, let's see. I've been talking about this "random guy" for like 3 years, obviously he's the most relevant contemporary philosopher to me, I've read like 15 of his books in the last couple years and agree with him on almost everything. Anyone with half some sense and an interest in objective reality would understand that if I am interested in the work of someone to that extent, it must be that we share very similar worldviews. But I can tell you explicitly that I do, especially his views on capitalism. So I am asking you if he's a leftist. It's a simple question to answer, why don't you?
How would I know if some obscure author you like is a leftist or not?, I have no idea who he is you dumbass.
To be honest, in your perspective of me, you are like Jordan Peterson when he was dealing with Zizek. He had this picture of "Zizek the communist" in his mind, and read the Communist Manifesto in preparation to debate him, and he got completely stumped that he wasn't facing the person he thought he was. You have no idea what you are dealing with, what my political inclinations are - what I believe, support, defend. You're way out of your depth. It doesn't help that you only think in binary terms, at least Peterson is capable of doing some nuanced thinking and that got him to re-evaluate Zizek afterwards.
Well I guess you are right, I never figured you for a blackpilled incel and that mosh-pit thing was certainly a "curve ball" haha
Speaking of doubling down, along with the "Nazis were actually leftists", this is the one point that you regurgitate constantly and everyone has told you it's a stupid point and it makes you sound stupid to repeat it, including the very polite Eri. You don't have the self-awareness to realize that people disagreeing with you about energy usage and socio-political reality doesn't make them not actually care. And you don't have the patience to actually research real issues. You just post propaganda. Unfortunately for Liv, she also happened to be doing the same thing. She doesn't have a good grasp of these issues, and that's why she promoted (and probably still promotes) the Bulletin. It's not that she's dumb. It's that it takes a lifetime or work and study to understand complex issues, and someone who's spent most of their time gambling or doing whatever isn't going to become an expert by using the internet. Especially when they put pressure on themselves to perform by releasing material for an audience. The time that goes into those preparations is time you can't put into truly digging deep into issues.
Let me triple down, Nazis were in fact economically left wing, planned economy collectivists, unionists (they centralized unions into the DAF that controlled all the worker/employer contracts) and did not support free market at all.
You were against nuclear before you had the slightest idea about it, now you've seeked information that confirm your bias, stop lying.
I know enough about ETH to know that it's not a POS protocol, so I don't know why you would say that it is. The merge has been talked of forever but it wasn't accomplished and anyone who is serious about crypto and has intellectual integrity would not say that it is like it's been an established fact or that nothing can stand in its way. I've also explicitly said that I support the technology if it legitimately replace systems that consume more energy ... you're completely dodging the issue by diverting the attention to the future promises of POS blockchains.
Ethereum will become PoS roughtly about november the testnet already works on PoS.
LOL PoS isn't a future promise, out of the top 20 smart chains guess how many run on PoS?... 19 haha, ETH is the only one who for now is PoW since PoS is much easier to make.
So I assume you must be thrilled about these chains aren't you? embarassing to trying to argue with such confidence about something so out of your depth.
The way that I see crypto is like that Emma Goldman quote about voting. If it could truly change something fundamental about how society is organized, those in power would make it illegal or unprofitable. They can and they would. You live in fairytale land thinking that improving decentralisation technology by itself is liberatory. There's been an enormous increase in decentralization with neoliberalism
So you dont support something potentially good because the evil ones wouldn't allow it to exist? pretty cynical especially for a leftists lol
Of course crypto poses a huge threat to the traditional finance sector, their lobbysts are trying to kill it, their younger staff are trying to capitalize on it and its an ongoing battle, Janet Yellen talked not long ago about the threat of stablecoins to the US since they offer higher yields than bonds, the EU parliament passed lelgislation about KYC, the US also has passed many legislations that try to hinder exchanges in particular since they are the ones easier to choke (like with UIEGA in poker it was easier to choke banks than offshore companies).
Thankfully as I always say, the government is 99% friction, the average age of a senator is like 67, these boomers don't understand it, their processes are too slow, and if social media flew over their heads you can imagine something like this is way beyond their grasp, so the rason you think there isn't a battle between the state, finance and crypto is simply that you are uninformed.
Neoliberalism is globalist in nature, hence centralizing which does have its advantages it can be very efficient but it has massive downsides, but you are dead wrong that neoliberalism is decentralizing, in fact you are the first person I've ever heard in my life to make that argument.
I am not against bitcoin because it "consumes energy", but because I am forced to acknowledge empirical reality, and that reality shows me that bitcoin has not produced a fraction of positive outcomes versus the enormous amount of harm it has produced. The pros and cons are absolutely ridiculously weighted towards the negative. It is not a black and white issue of "consuming energy versus not consuming energy". POS blockchain would also consume energy, but far less, and that's a separate issue, which I'd be happy to evaluate once there is empirical evidence for it, but I'm not crossing bridges before I get to them.
Lies, you don't support crypto because its capitalistic in nature, and you care more about the political X axis far more than the Y one, so taking power away from the state and financial freedom isn't something that matters to you as deeply as sticking it to the capitalists, the use of energy just like climate change are just the excuses you lie to yourself to peddle your bullshit ideology.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 16 2022 06:41. Posts 2235
only reason these pulchritudinous vixens are successful is their looks
if these were just random guys making science videos they'd have 1k subscribers
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
I have every reason to be cynical of grand talk of revolutionizing finance and bringing greater freedom to people. I have said that I don't believe in human progress many times, aside from technological progress (which is not a good in and of itself). Again, that doesn't mean that I "don't support a technology." It depends on the context and the type of power backing that technology. I don't even know what you mean by support. I have several thousands of dollars invested in ETH, does that count as support? In my mind it doesn't, but it also probably doesn't mean I don't support it. There is no "crypto club" where you vouch to support any actor. How do you support ETH? I don't know why you use centralized political terms like "support" to refer to a thing that you can buy and own and transact with privately. You seem to be convinced this is Star Wars with the crypto kiddies on one side and the establishment on the other.
For PoS vs PoW, there are obviously arguments for both, it's not a black and white issue of "oh yeah PoS, it's easier, it's cleaner, it's already here and ETH can't have any problems". Obviously if that were the case Ethereum would have transitioned a long time ago. And if Bitcoin was such a great thing it also would, but it never will due to its rigidity and concentration of power, right? So much for freedom. In the meanwhile, every ETH transaction consumes more energy than what, 9 days of consumption for the average US household? Bitcoin more than that. With more and more people buying coal farms to run these machines. That's far from trivial. In the current context I can confidently say it's not doing the world any good.
The lack of centralization and regulation can and will lead to serious problems, because there will never be perfect technology that deals perfectly with malicious behavior, and because humans are faulty creatures. If you transact with the wrong person, make a mistake or get scammed or get screwed over by one of those giant crypto lenders that go bankrupt, no one will be able to help you.
I don't see how you're taking power away from the state right now with crypto, or how anyone really is. I also don't see how blockchain technology is "capitalistic in nature"? I also don't see how you can possibly imagine that there is such a thing as "sticking it to the capitalists" in this world and how you can sincerely believe that that is some kind of deep motivator inside me. You have a very distorted perception of reality and my psychology. I work for Google, I actually don't hate my work, I purchase shit that enriches capitalist organizations every day, how am I sticking anything to "them"? I've even told you once something about how I'd keep buying from Amazon and use the Kindle if Jeff Bezos had personally murdered and raped my family lol. Just amazing how off the mark you can be.
How would I know if some obscure author you like is a leftist or not?, I have no idea who he is you dumbass.
Stop circling around the question. You can do research can't you? Is he a leftist or not? He's not obscure, he's one of the most widely read philosophers in the world today, and he's pretty big in Latin America.
If he's not a leftist but I am, why I am so interested in his books? If he's a leftist, what about him makes him a leftist? And what about someone like Foucault whom you've mentioned before, what makes him a leftist and how is he different from "the leftists" you continually winge about (which I'm supposedly a part of)?
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount