Stroggoz   New Zealand. Dec 07 2022 23:15. Posts 5345
Ty for directing the topic back to the important issues blackjack.
-Identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, or intersex.
Hmm, I havn't identified as a gender for like 3-4 years now. I guess I could be gender nonconforming?
There's really no reason for anyone in the world to identify with particular genders, because there's no agreement on what the definitions are. Or at least i've never seen any. Give me $1200 pls.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
blackjacki2   United States. Dec 07 2022 23:42. Posts 2582
On December 07 2022 22:15 Stroggoz wrote:
Ty for directing the topic back to the important issues blackjack.
-Identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, or intersex.
Hmm, I havn't identified as a gender for like 3-4 years now. I guess I could be gender nonconforming?
There's really no reason for anyone in the world to identify with particular genders, because there's no agreement on what the definitions are. Or at least i've never seen any. Give me $1200 pls.
Yes that sounds correct to me. Come to San Francisco and claim your $1200. I think I am trans as well because I identify as a cis-gendered man with he/him pronouns even though I'm actually a woman that happened to be born with a penis.
I don't think the government should be paying for this. It should come out of Tim Pool's pocket directly.
Not identifying with a gender is being non-binary or queer, by the way. Trans is specifically about identifying with a gender...
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2022 00:36. Posts 34270
You found my response to your post but not your own post? wtf did you delete it to save face or something? because you made very specific bold claims about X number of years the world ending as we know it, but I guess you changed your mind now and consider what AOC and extintion rebellion does is bullshit, good for you.
FWIW I do believe in climate change the evidence is overwhelming, I just laught at fools making catastrophic predictions in complex systems they don't fully understand, even the great coral bareer reef bleaching that this year for unknown reasons grew new coral at unprecedented records, their ecosystem is very complex and we dont understand it, but obviously we should try to minimize our impact in the environment and we should take action to slow CO2 production but through reasonable well thought policies not hysterics.
Remember our old nuclear debate, are you still against it even after watching Germany burn coal like a 1850 train due to the failure to pivot into eolic/solar?.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2022 00:37. Posts 34270
On December 06 2022 10:00 Liquid`Drone wrote:
As an admin, can't you filter the thread by poster so you get only loco's posts? Or is that a only feature? xD
I can't find that post, but I do think you misremember / misunderstood / misrepresent it. It's not about when the world as we know it 'ends', it's about when the window for avoiding future irreversible change (of x magnitude) closes. That window closes a whole lot sooner than the actual change happens, and there seems to be a fairly strong consensus that 2030 is a year of significance.
bruh theres like 2000 posts from Loco in this thread alone
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Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2022 00:41. Posts 34270
On December 07 2022 07:55 Stroggoz wrote:
and relatives of politicians are smoking crack?
You mean the DNC illegally conspiring with social media to supress a story that might damage Biden's chances in the election?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2022 00:43. Posts 34270
FYI ya boy Pedro Castillo from Peru attempted to dissolve congress to become a dictator like std LATAM leftists and apprently the military didn't supported him and he is now arrested lol.
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Stroggoz   New Zealand. Dec 08 2022 01:26. Posts 5345
On December 07 2022 23:02 Loco wrote:
I don't think the government should be paying for this. It should come out of Tim Pool's pocket directly.
Not identifying with a gender is being non-binary or queer, by the way. Trans is specifically about identifying with a gender...
I guess i'm non binary then. Seems like a pretty confusing label tho. I'd rather be called gender agnostic or something.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Dec 08 2022 01:39. Posts 5345
On December 07 2022 23:36 Baalim wrote:
You found my response to your post but not your own post? wtf did you delete it to save face or something? because you made very specific bold claims about X number of years the world ending as we know it, but I guess you changed your mind now and consider what AOC and extintion rebellion does is bullshit, good for you.
FWIW I do believe in climate change the evidence is overwhelming, I just laught at fools making catastrophic predictions in complex systems they don't fully understand, even the great coral bareer reef bleaching that this year for unknown reasons grew new coral at unprecedented records, their ecosystem is very complex and we dont understand it, but obviously we should try to minimize our impact in the environment and we should take action to slow CO2 production but through reasonable well thought policies not hysterics.
Remember our old nuclear debate, are you still against it even after watching Germany burn coal like a 1850 train due to the failure to pivot into eolic/solar?.
I don't have the ability to delete posts, only edit them, and you can view previous versions of edited posts. And no, I don't remember editing some specific year claim that does not make reference to feedback loops. You have my in-detail response quoted which is a lot more valuable than whatever one sentence you're looking for - what are you complaining about? It's like you're specifically saying you want to quote mine in order to make me look stupid instead of trying to arrive at the actual views I held. You have my post, it's from two years ago, you can find the other posts that precede it and find your quote if it's so important to you.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 08/12/2022 02:39
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2022 08:59. Posts 34270
You didn't talk about feedback loops you literally said end of the world and later changed to "as we know it" anyway can't find it or you edited it, I was just wondering if we already hit the date you set but it appears theres still a lot of years to go, so nevermind.
You didn't say anything about Castillo btw
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 10 2022 04:34. Posts 34270
well for anyone not following Pedro Castillo, the recently elected socialist Peruvian president attempted to become a dictator by dissolving congress, thankfully the military didn't play along so he was arrested.
His lawyer claims someone gave him a spiked drink and gave him the script, and that he can't remember attempting a coup LOL, Loco's heroes are funny :D
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Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 10 2022 19:21. Posts 2235
On December 07 2022 07:55 Stroggoz wrote:
Let me ask you something Loco. Why would you care about billions of people suffering from global warming, when there are people that are raiding stores for hundreds of dollars, and relatives of politicians are smoking crack?
Billions of people are not suffering from global warming. They are suffering from a feedback loop of poverty and overpopulation that perpetuates hunger, economic insecurity, political instability -> war, and disease. In short, they need more industrialization and economic liberation, not less.
Furthermore, it's obvious hubris to any non-radical to think you can personally affect or blame others for the suffering of billions.
What kind of society is more like to solve the problems that you are fearmongering about and/or the problems that actually exist? A functioning one or a collapsing one? What is the gutting of the retail economy by unchecked crime enabled by communist DAs a symptom of - functioning or collapsing?
Do you have the ability to suck out millions of tons of CO2?
Do you have the ability to vote for people who uphold justice and the law, and use your God-given brain to figure out maybe the ones that produce crack-smoking whore-addicted narcissist children who get involved in foreign deals solely by virtue of being the son of a connected politician and then leave explicit records of giving KICKBACKS from those dealsTO said politician even after being contacted about their abandoned laptop multiple times - that maybe those ones are not the ones you want to elect and give unfettered power?
Maybe worry less about the first and more about the second since it's the one that's in your power to affect
And grow up one day pal
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Last edit: 10/12/2022 19:34
blackjacki2   United States. Dec 10 2022 22:41. Posts 2582
But Baal why should we care about a coup attempt in Peru when billions of people are suffering from global warming?
blackjacki2   United States. Dec 10 2022 22:56. Posts 2582
San Francisco police announced they aren't going to intervene in dangerous car sideshows if someone there has a gun.
Another fantastic message for the police to be sending: If you're going to break the law make sure to bring guns because then we won't stop you because it's too dangerous for us to intervene. Everyday we get reminded in a new fun way how the people in charge of our cities here are too stupid to understand cause/effect.
Meanwhile in another SF Bay Area city a gas station clerk was shot and killed after defending his store during a robbery, but the killer won't be charged with murder because the DA declared it was self-defense. Apparently because the gunfight happened in the parking lot instead of inside the store the DA says the clerk was in the wrong for "chasing" the robber instead of just letting him go.
If you're a criminal and committing crimes with a gun police won't intervene because it's too dangerous. If instead you intervene on your own behalf and you end up being murdered their justice system will give your killer a slap on the wrist.
The overall message being that criminals should be left completely unfettered to commit their crimes and we should just tolerate being robbed over and over. The more they get to rob us without repercussions the more it encourages others to get into that game. A wonderful positive feedback loop of more and more crime until we finally say enough of this shit and elect people that will do something about it.
Baalim   Mexico. Dec 11 2022 09:55. Posts 34270
On December 10 2022 21:41 blackjacki2 wrote:
But Baal why should we care about a coup attempt in Peru when billions of people are suffering from global warming?
He won't even touch the subject, his posts about latinamerican socialism are one of the biggests Ls he has had in this forum, I bet his posts saying Maduro has an honest face and that Obrador is the best president in the world somehow misteriously dissapeared too lol
Just found out there was a study done in 2019 with multiple countries where they asked people if they believed that civilization as we know it would collapse in the coming years, and the answers were all a majority "yes" except for the Germans.
In agreement: 71% in Itality, 65% France, 56% UK, 52% US, 39% Germany
The majority polled believes it would be either in the next 10-20 years or 30-50 years.
Most people saying there will not be an immediate collapse but a slow and consistent degradation of quality of life over the years
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 05/01/2023 19:24
blackjacki2   United States. Jan 05 2023 21:48. Posts 2582
A lot of people also think the apocalypse will happen in their lifetime or that aliens will visit earth in their lifetime. Despite us being around for quite a few millennia everyone thinks there is some special importance to the several decades that they happened to be shat out of their mother's womb.
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jan 06 2023 03:16. Posts 5345
I wonder if polls would be similar if you interviewed people around the bronze age collapse.
civilizational collapse is quite a frequent occurance in human history. Though it depends what people mean by "civilization as we know it". We have been around for millennia but civilizations have been constantly wiped out during that time, and at an increasingly rapid rate.
I won't pretend to know what the world's going to look like in the year 2070 but there are clear threats like ecological collapse, nuclear war threats, that don't make it look optimistic. There are also various tech developments (Technology is neutral, it can be used for evil, or good. A very powerful technology can be used for extreme evil). Since post ww2 period human civilization entered the anthropocene era. We've shaped the world to such a degree and wiped out enough species that geologists think we now live in a different geological era, and for the worse.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
lostaccount   Canada. Jan 07 2023 01:36. Posts 6298